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%prologues:=3; % This is needed to produce eps outputtemplate := "%j-%c.svg"; % To produce svg instead of eps outputformat := "svg"; % To produce svg instead of eps chasse := 250; hauteur := 500; deviate := uniformdeviate 90 - 45; rright := 0 + deviate; rup := 90 + deviate; rleft := 180 + deviate; rdown := 270 + deviate; beginfig(128); x1 := 0; x3 := chasse; x2 = .5[x1, x3]; x4 = .5[x1, x3]; y4 := 0; y2 = hauteur; y1 = .5[y4, y2]; y3 = .5[y4, y2]; fill (0 - 100, 0 - 100)--(0 - 100, hauteur + 100)--(chasse + 100, hauteur + 100)--(chasse + 100, 0 - 100)--cycle withcolor white; pickup pencircle scaled 20; draw z1..z2..z3..z4..cycle; pickup pencircle scaled 24; draw z1..z2..{dir rdown}z3..z4..cycle withcolor white; pickup pencircle scaled 20; draw z1..z2..{dir rdown}z3..z4..cycle withcolor blue; deviate := uniformdeviate 90 - 45; rdown := 270 + deviate; pickup pencircle scaled 24; draw z1..z2..{dir rdown}z3..z4..cycle withcolor white; pickup pencircle scaled 20; draw z1..z2..{dir rdown}z3..z4..cycle withcolor red; for i=1 upto 4:[i]); endfor; endfig; end;