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## Setting up Git + collaborative writing local respository ### Get git 1. check if Git has already been installed in your computer ``` git --version ``` 2. If not, then download git here: ### Create a work local directory and setting up the remote directory 1. Create a working folder - find/create a directory - In the terminal, navigate to the folder. Then: ``` git init ``` 2. Setting up the account ``` git config --global "YOUR_USERNAME" ``` ``` git config --global "" ``` ### Download the latest respository 1. Download/Pull the specific respository ``` //if you are using your own git, please check your path git pull ``` ### Updated files and Push to git respository 1. add all modified files to staging ``` git add . ``` OR ``` git add * ``` ``` git add SPECIFIC FILE //e.g git add ``` 2. Confirm by committing the launch ``` git commit -m "Your own description" ``` 3. Upload/Push the files to the right respository ``` //if you are using your own git, please check your path git push --set-upstream master ``` ### Other useful commmands 1. Check the local and remote difference (cmd+z exit) ``` git diff ``` 2. check status ``` git status ``` 3. Escape from terminal via pull + merge ESC button > type ``` :wq ```