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#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2014 OSP (Stéphanie Vilayphiou) and Christoph Haag. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import sys import subprocess, shlex import fontforge font_file = sys.argv[1] convert = sys.argv[2] tmp_dir = "tmp" # Gets list of wanted glyphs f = open("glyphs.test.txt", "r") glyphs = f.close() # Gets fontname out of font file font = fontname = font.familyname print fontname Yshift = 35 def makeSVG(fontname, Yshift, tmp_dir, glyph): f = open("%s/%s.svg" % (tmp_dir, glyph), "w") svg = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <svg width="4000" height="4500" id="svg" version="1.1" xmlns:inkscape="" > <g inkscape:label="letter" inkscape:groupmode="layer" id="X"> <flowRoot xml:space="preserve" id="flowRoot" style="font-size:4000px; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; font-stretch:normal; text-align:center; line-height:100%%; letter-spacing:0px; word-spacing:0px; writing-mode:lr-tb; text-anchor:middle; fill:#000000; fill-opacity:1; stroke:none; font-family: %s; -inkscape-font-specification: %s" > <flowRegion id="flowRegion"> <rect id="rect" width="4000" height="4500" x="0" y="-%d" /> </flowRegion><flowPara id="flowPara">%s</flowPara></flowRoot> </g> </svg> """ % (fontname, fontname, Yshift, glyph) f.write(svg) f.close() for glyph in glyphs: basename = "%s/%s" % (tmp_dir, glyph) makeSVG(fontname, Yshift, tmp_dir, glyph) print "Export SVG into PNG" format = "png" inkscape = "inkscape --export-png=%s.png --export-background=#ffffff --export-width=4000 %s.svg" % (basename, basename) p = # This is only for Steph's machine which fails on autotracing png, but it makes the script super slow if convert == "convert": print "Convert PNG to GIF" imagemagick = "convert %s.png %s.gif" % (basename, basename) p = format = "gif" print "Vectorize bitmap with stroke" autotrace = "autotrace -centerline -color-count=2 -background-color=ffffff -output-file=%s.svg %s.%s" % (basename, basename, format) p = # Setting "stroke" to "none" forces stroke import in Fontforge style = "style=\"stroke:none;fill:none;\"" # Apply stroke style sed = "sed -i 's/style=\"[^\"]*\"/%s/g' %s.svg" % (style, basename) p = print "Launching svg2ufo" svg2ufo = "python %s" % fontname p = print "Attempt to open closed paths" ufoclean = "python %s-stroke.ufo" % fontname p =