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#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import glob import sys import fontforge from xml.dom.minidom import parse as parseXml # svg2ufo v0.4 # Copyleft 2014 Christoph Haag and Stéphanie Vilayphiou # # BASED ON: # svg2ttf v0.1 # Copyleft 2008-2009 Ricardo Lafuente # generates a .ufo file from a set of .svg files autotraced in its centerlines # # it then imports the glyph inside the original font file BASE_FONT # # you might also want to edit the metadata (title, license, etc.) before # saving it, or just edit the .ufo file afterwards # # finally, change the LETTERS_DIR value to the folder where your .svg # files are; they ought to be named according to their unicode value LETTERS_DIR = "./tmp" FONT_NAME = "%s" % sys.argv[1] BLANK_FONT = "./utils/blank_unicode.sfd" #BASE_FONT = "./base_font/%s.sfd" % FONT_NAME STROKE_FONT = "%s-stroke.ufo" % FONT_NAME files = glob.glob("%s/*.svg" % LETTERS_DIR) #original = font = def importGlyph(f, letter, char): # make new glyph font.createMappedChar(letter) font.createChar(char) # Import outline file font[char].importOutlines(f) # Set bearings to 0 font[char].left_side_bearing = 0 font[char].right_side_bearing = 0 for f in files: letter = f.split("/")[-1].replace(".svg", "") char = fontforge.unicodeFromName(letter) if char == -1: char = letter.replace("&#", "").replace(";", "") letter = fontforge.nameFromUnicode(int(char)) print "letter: %s" % letter print "char: %s" % char importGlyph(f, letter, int(char)) # create the output ufo file font.generate(STROKE_FONT)