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Title: Towards #2 is out Date: 2008-06-25 13:20 Author: Pierre Tags: Works, Inkscape, Printing + Publishing, SVG Slug: towards-2-is-out Status: published [![]({filename}/images/uploads/towards2cov.jpg "Towards #2 cover"){: .alignnone .size-full .wp-image-546 }]({filename}/images/uploads/towards2cov.jpg) [Towards]( is a cartographic project close to OSP and the second publication is [finally out and available]( after a long 9 months of preparation. Following our informations, it's the last one that will be produced using proprietary software ;)... But the timeline present on the cover and backcover, made from all the posts written since the beginning of the Toward’s website, is already manufactured with an open smile. It has been generated programmatically : a php script has pulled all the information from the database and produced an svg file. A shell script has spidered all the images attached to the posts. All these elements have been glued together using inkscape. The positioning of the blocks have been finalized by hand and with the help of the inkscape connectors. More info and download the code on [](