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Title: In the pipeline Date: 2008-04-16 12:22 Author: OSP Tags: Works, Inkscape, Scribus Slug: in-the-pipeline Status: published [![]({filename}/images/uploads/cover_bam_5_quadripdf.png "cover_bam_5_quadripdf"){: .float }]({filename}/images/uploads/cover_bam_5_quadripdf.png) [![]({filename}/images/uploads/identiteit.jpg "cover_bam_5_quadripdf"){: .float }]({filename}/images/uploads/identiteit.jpg) With \* new \* OSP [Yi Jiang]( we are currently working on typography and lay-out for *CROSS-over: Kunst, Media en Design in Vlaanderen*, a publication edited by Liesbeth Huybrechts and published by [BAM]( / Lannoo. [![]({filename}/images/uploads/flowchart.png "flowchart"){: .float }]({filename}/images/uploads/flowchart.png) [![]({filename}/images/uploads/brussel.png "flowchart"){: .float }]({filename}/images/uploads/brussel.png) The book is layed-out in Scribus and contains various database visualisations generated in Inkscape (in collaboration with [Michael Murtaugh]( It will go to print by the end of this month.