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var pathsReadium = {
    jquery: 'jquery-1.9.1',
    underscore: 'underscore-1.4.4',
    backbone: 'backbone-0.9.10',
    bootstrap: 'bootstrap.min',
    Readium: 'Readium'

    baseUrl: './lib/',
    shim: {
        underscore: {
            exports: '_'
        backbone: {
            deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
            exports: 'Backbone'
        bootstrap: {
            deps: ['jquery'],
            exports: 'bootstrap'
    paths: pathsReadium

// TODO: eliminate this global
RJSDemoApp = {};

require(['jquery', 'underscore', 'bootstrap', 'Readium'],
    function ($, _, bootstrap, Readium) {

    RJSDemoApp.getInputValue = function (inputId) {
        return $("#" + inputId).val();

    RJSDemoApp.setModuleContainerHeight = function () {
        $("#epub-reader-container").css({ "height" : $(window).height() * 0.85 + "px" });

    RJSDemoApp.addLibraryList = function ($ulElementContainer, libraryJson) {

        _.each(libraryJson.library_epubs, function (currEpub) {

            var $currLi = $('<li><a id="' + currEpub.url_to_package_doc + '" href="#">' + currEpub.title + '</a></li>');
            $currLi.on("click", function () {

    // This function will retrieve a package document and load an EPUB
    RJSDemoApp.loadAndRenderEpub = function (packageDocumentURL) {

        // Set a fixed height for the epub viewer container

        var that = this;
        var jsLibDir = './lib/';
        var elementToBindReaderTo = $("#epub-reader-container");

        // Clear the viewer, if it has been defined -> to load a new epub
        RJSDemoApp.epubViewer = undefined;

        RJSDemoApp.readium = new Readium(elementToBindReaderTo, packageDocumentURL, jsLibDir, function (epubViewer) {
            RJSDemoApp.epubViewer = epubViewer;
            // Change layout stuff
            RJSDemoApp.epubViewer.updateSettings({ "columnGap" : 20});

        // These are application specific handlers that wire the HTML to the SimpleReadiumJs module API

        // Set handlers for click events
        $("#previous-page-btn").on("click", function () {

        $("#next-page-btn").on("click", function () {

        $("#toggle-synthetic-btn").on("click", function () {

            if (RJSDemoApp.currLayoutIsSynthetic) {
                RJSDemoApp.epubViewer.updateSettings({ "isSyntheticSpread" : false });
                RJSDemoApp.currLayoutIsSynthetic = false;
            else {
                RJSDemoApp.epubViewer.updateSettings({ "isSyntheticSpread" : true });
                RJSDemoApp.currLayoutIsSynthetic = true;

    // When the document is ready, choose an EPUB to show.
    $(document).ready(function () {

        RJSDemoApp.currLayoutIsSynthetic = true;

        // If you want to load Specific epub by default:
        // RJSDemoApp.loadAndRenderEpub("epub_content/page-blanche/EPUB/package.opf");

        // Generate the library
        $.getJSON('epub_content/epub_library.json', function (data) {

            RJSDemoApp.addLibraryList($("#library-list"), data);

        }).fail(function (result) {
            console.log("The library could not be loaded");