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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"

		<meta charset="utf-8"></meta>
		<title>Goldenframe Propaganda</title>
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/style.css" class="day" title="day"/> 
		<style> #seq img { background-image:url('sequences/5sequence.jpg');} </style>
 		<script type="text/javascript">

      var winW, winH;
            var lastMouse, lastOrientation;
	    	var width, posX;

			function setSize() {
            	width = id('metaimg').offsetWidth
            	posX = -5 * width; 			
            window.onload = init;

	function setSize() {
                width = id('metaimg').offsetWidth
                frames = 11; // Define the amount of frames in the strip
                angleRange = [-25, 25]
                // We define the angles at wich we want to show the most left
                // and the most right image
                posX = -5 * width; // Start position of the strip
                frameStep = (angleRange[1] - angleRange[0]) / frames
                // We want to know the 'angle' the device has to be tilted
                // to move to the next frame in the strip. We do this by 
                // dividing the total range by the amount of frames

	function init() {
                console.log ('init');
                lastOrientation = {};
                window.addEventListener('resize', setSize, false);
                document.body.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove, false);
                window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', deviceOrientationTest, false);
                lastMouse = null;

	// Does the gyroscope or accelerometer actually work?
            function deviceOrientationTest(event) {
                window.removeEventListener('deviceorientation', deviceOrientationTest);
                if (event.beta != null && event.gamma != null) {
                    window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', onDeviceOrientationChange, false);
                    // This function call was commented out but is really
                    // important, since it regularly checks the angle of
                    // the decive. In this case 60 times per second
                    animationId = setInterval(onRenderUpdate, (1000 / 60)); 

	 function onDeviceOrientationChange(event) {
            	// Here we simply record the most recent position of
            	// the device. This event is fired a LOT on the iPad
            	// but also irregulary?
                lastOrientation.gamma = event.gamma;
                lastOrientation.beta = event.beta;

	function onRenderUpdate(event) {
                var angle;
                // We are actually only interested in the angle of the device
                switch (window.orientation) {
                    case 0:
                        angle = lastOrientation.gamma;
                    case 180:
                        angle = lastOrientation.gamma * -1;
                    case 90:
                        angle = lastOrientation.beta;
                    case -90:
                        angle = lastOrientation.beta * -1;
                        angle = lastOrientation.gamma;
	if (angle <= angleRange[0]) {
                    currentFrame = 0;
                    // If the angle of the device is smaller than the minimum angle
                    // we've defined on line 23 we activate the first frame
                } else if (angle >= angleRange[1]) {
                    // If the angle of the device is bigger than the maximum angle
                    // we've defined on line 23 we activate the last frame
                    currentFrame = frames - 1
                } else {
                	// The angle of the device is within the ranges so we have to
                	// calculate the active / current frame.
                    currentFrame = Math.floor ((angle - angleRange[0]) / frameStep)
                    // We calculate the active frame by dividing the angle by the unit
                    // we've found in line 28. Actually we first subtract the left limit
                    // of our range from the angle. Since we want to know the offset of
                    // the angle with the left limit of our range.
                id('metaimg').style.backgroundPosition = (-1 * currentFrame * width) + 'px 0px';
                // We move the background image into place. 

	// Actually it moves the strip either one step left or right, based on the movement of
            // the mouse. So this implementation is quite dependent behaviour of the browser with
            // the mousemove event.
            function onMouseMove(event) {
                var xDelta, yDelta;
                if (navigator.webkitPointer && navigator.webkitPointer.isLocked) {
                    xDelta = event.webkitMovementX;
                    yDelta = event.webkitMovementY;
                } else {
                    if (lastMouse == null) lastMouse = {x:event.clientX, y:event.clientY};
                    xDelta = event.clientX - lastMouse.x;
                    yDelta = event.clientY - lastMouse.y;
                lastMouse.x = event.clientX;
                lastMouse.y = event.clientY;
                if(xDelta > 0){
                else if(xDelta < 0){

            function moveSequence(moveRight){
                if(moveRight && posX > width*-10){
                    posX -= width;
                else if(!moveRight && posX < 0){
                    posX += width;

                id('metaimg').style.backgroundPosition = posX + 'px 0px';

            function id(name) { return document.getElementById(name); };

            window.onload = init;
		<div id="seq"><img id="metaimg" src="placeholder.png" /></div>