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.item--preview:nth-of-type(4) {
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} */

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.item--description {
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.panel--interview {
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/* .chapter--navbar {
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.chapter--navbar:hover {
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.cluster--navbar:hover {
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} */

.text--navbar:hover {
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.cluster--navbar:hover {
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} */

.side--navbar--item {
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.side--navbar-item:hover {
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audio.hidden {
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.audio-player {
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section.side--audio-player {
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[data-role="player--controls"] {
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[data-role="player--controls"] button {
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[data-role="play--pause"]:hover {
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[data-role="play--pause"]:before {
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[data-playing="true"] [data-role="play--pause"]:before {
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[data-role="track"] {
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[data-role="progress"] {
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[data-role="scrubber"] {
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.track--bookmark:hover {
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.track--bookmark--timecode {
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.audioMarkers {
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.time-marker {
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.time-marker {
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.scrubber--label {
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.time-marker--start {
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  display: none

.time-marker--end {
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[data-role="scrubber"][data-scrubbing="true"] .scrubber--label {
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[data-role="current-time"], [data-role="duration"] {
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.introduction {
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.quote {
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#flex-right h3 {
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#flex-right h2 {

p + p,
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p.mvi:nth-of-type(1):before {
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p.sp:before:nth-of-type(1) {
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p.sp:before {
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p.sp:before, p.mvi:before, #flex-right h3 {
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.sidenote-right img {
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.clusterintro2 {
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h1, p {
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p {
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p + p,
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@media screen and (max-width: 950px) {
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