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%	Debugging Inkscape (Cairo) generated patterns is a non-starter.
%	Best to reimplement the patterns ourselves.

% Sine-wave plotting by Daniel Martinoli

/magnitude 14 def % Defines the magnitude of the sine-wave
/maximay 0 def    % Will represent the y-ordinate of the 'peak' of the sine-wave
/minimay 0 def    % Will represent the y-ordinate of the 'trough' of the sine-wave

/negpix 100 def      % The x-ordinate of -pi
/neghalfpix 200 def  % The x-ordinate of -pi/2
/origin 300 def      % The x and y co-ordinates of the origin (origin is at origin,origin)
/halfpix 400 def     % The x-ordinate of pi/2
/pix 500 def         % The x-ordinate of pi
% Example usage: the co-ordinates of pi on the x-axis are pix,origin

/straightline {
  exch exch moveto
  exch exch lineto
} def

%Draw axis
300 100 300 500 straightline
100 300 500 300 straightline
%Finished drawing axis

%Label axis
/LatoBlack-subset findfont
15 scalefont

310 505 moveto
(y) show
510 285 moveto
(x) show
%Finished labelling axis


%Begin marking x-axis
0 0 1 setrgbcolor
100 100 500 {
  /current exch def
  current 300 ne {
    current 298 current 302 straightline
  } if
} for
%Finished marking x-axis

% Label the x-axis
/Times findfont
6 scalefont
negpix 3 sub origin 10 sub moveto
(-pi) show
neghalfpix 3 sub origin 10 sub moveto
(-pi / 2) show
halfpix 3 sub origin 10 sub moveto
(pi / 2) show
pix 3 sub origin 10 sub moveto
(pi) show
% Finished labelling the x-axis

%Begin marking y-axis
0 0 1 setrgbcolor
/label -20 def
100 10 500 {
  /current exch def
  label magnitude eq {
    /maximay current def
  } if
  label -1 mul magnitude eq {
    /minimay current def
  } if
  current 300 ne {
    298 current 302 current straightline
    %Draw labels
    0 setgray
    /Times findfont
    6 scalefont
    285 current 3 sub moveto
    label 3 string cvs show
    %Finished drawing label
  } if
  /label label 1 add def
} for
%Finished marking y-axis

%Axis are drawn and labelled, now we're going to draw the sine curve
/maximar maximay origin sub def             % Distance from x-axis to maxima
/thirdmag maximar 3 div def                 % 1/3 of the magnitude
/thirdmagy thirdmag origin add def          % y-ordinate for 1/3 magnitude
/negthirdmagy origin thirdmag sub def       % y-ordinate for -1/3 magnitude
1 1 0 setrgbcolor
negpix origin moveto
133 negthirdmagy 166 minimay neghalfpix minimay curveto
233 minimay 266 negthirdmagy origin origin curveto
333 thirdmagy 366 maximay halfpix maximay curveto
433 maximay 466 thirdmagy pix origin curveto
