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# Textbox. Wrapper for lines.
class Textbox (object):
    alignLeft = 'left'
    alignCenter = 'center'
    alignRight = 'right'
    def __init__ (self, font = False, width = False, position = False, align = False, height = False, lineHeight = 1):
        if isinstance(position, Coordinate):
            self.position = position
            self.position = Coordinate (0, 0)
        self.width = width if width <> False else 0
        self.maxHeight = height if height <> False else False
        self.height = 0
        self.int_y = 0
        self.lineHeight = lineHeight
        self._lines = []
        if isinstance (font, Font):
            self.font = font
            self.font = None
        if align <> False:
            self.align = align
            self.align = self.alignLeft
    def lines (self):
        buff = []
        for line in self._lines:
            if self.align == self.alignCenter or self.align == self.alignRight:
                line = deepcopy (line)
                delta_x = (self.width - line.int_x) * .5 if self.align == self.alignCenter else (self.width - line.int_x)
                line.offset ((0, delta_x))
            buff.append (line)
        return buff

    def clear (self):
        self._lines = []
    def newLine (self):
        if self.maxHeight == False or (self.int_y + self.font.height < self.maxHeight):
            self._lines.append (Textline (width = self.width, position = Coordinate (self.position[0] + self.int_y, self.position[1])))
            self.int_y += self.font.height * self.lineHeight
            self.height = self.int_y
            return True
            return False
    def setFont (self, font):
        if isinstance (font, Font):
            self.font = font
    def setSize (self, size):
        if type (size) == int:
            self.size = size
    def insertText (self, text):
        if len (self._lines) == 0:
            self.newLine ()
        for char in text:
            if char  == '\n':
                if self.newLine() == False:
                    # Could not add the new line. Return False
                    return False
                charObj = self.font.getChar(char)
                    if charObj <> False:
                        if self._lines[-1].add(charObj) == False:
                            if (self.newLine()):
                            # Still space to add a new line
                                if self._lines[-1].add(charObj) == False:
                                    # Could not fit the char on a second try
                                    return False
                                    # No space left for a new line
                                    return False
            return True

    def write (self, plotter):
        for line in self.lines:
            plotter.write (line.characters)
    def hpgl (self, offset = (0,0)):
        hpgl = [line.hpgl(offset) for line in self.lines]
        return ';'.join (hpgl)