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Oedipus / rel:childOf / Laius 
Oedipus / rel:childOf / Jocasta

Laius / rel:influencedBy / Oracle
Laius / rel:lostContactWith / Oedipus

King of Corinth / bio:adoption / Oedipus

Oedipus / rel:lostContactWith / King of Corinth

Oedipus / rel:hasMet / Laius
Oedipus / bio:murder / Laius
Laius / bio:father / Oedipus

Oedipus / rel:hasMet / Sphinx

Travelers / rel:assassinated / by Sphinx
Oedipus / bio:enrolment / Sphinx's challenge
Oedipus / bio:graduation
Sphinx / bio:executed / Sphinx
Oedipus / bio:coronation / by Thebes people
Oedipus / bio:marries / Jocasta
Jocasta / bio:mother / Oedipus

Eteocles / rel:childOf / Oedipus
Eteocles / rel:childOf / Jocasta
Eteocles / rel:grandchildOf / Jocasta
Eteocles / rel:siblingOf / Oedipus
Polynices / rel:childOf / Oedipus
Polynices / rel:childOf / Jocasta
Polynices / rel:grandchildOf / Jocasta
Polynices / rel:siblingOf / Oedipus
Antigone / rel:childOf / Oedipus
Antigone / rel:childOf / Jocasta
Antigone / rel:grandchildOf / Jocasta
Antigone / rel:siblingOf / Oedipus
Ismene / rel:childOf / Oedipus
Ismene / rel:childOf / Jocasta
Ismene / rel:grandchildOf / Jocasta
Ismene / rel:siblingOf / Oedipus