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AUTHOR: Nathalie Fougeras DATE: 2007-07-07 QUOTE: Yep, i find auto-regulation by rythm of speedonumber interesting too—Nathalie --- AUTHOR: DATE: 2007-05-12 SOURCE: QUOTE: [14:47] cym: the woman? and the clouds in the sky? [14:47] ideacritik: cym : that's paula --- AUTHOR: Luka Princic DATE: 2007-06-14 SOURCE: QUOTE: i think emerging pdp should work quite well... --- AUTHOR: Christiaan Cruz DATE: 2007-07-03 SOURCE: QUOTE: none of my friends watch or listen to my streamed performances.They get confused, they don't like the delays and they just can't understand what is happening. --- AUTHOR: Christiaan Cruz DATE: 2007-07-03 SOURCE: QUOTE: My images look fuzzy because i don't use the patch and have a lot of settings done incorrectly so things get resampled and messy. --- AUTHOR: Luka Princic DATE: 2007-07-08 SOURCE: QUOTE: unfortunately there are new dependencies: PiDiP, playlist object and zexy. --- AUTHOR: Judy Nylon DATE: 2007-07-16 SOURCE: QUOTE: With regard to finances, the credit system is really well thought out - can it be automated, so that no one has to administer the system?! (none of us wants to be the aether accountant...) --- AUTHOR: Boris Kish DATE: 2007-07-15 SOURCE: QUOTE: anyways most of us aethernauts are kids of the 68 generation, for most of us the cold war and the habit of clear enemies is non-existent. --- AUTHOR: Luka Princic DATE: 2007-07-17 SOURCE: QUOTE: aicks.. crashed my firefox (iceweasel;).. --- AUTHOR: Dhanya Pilo DATE: 2010-04-13 QUOTE: hi guys, somethings come up and I am sorry, that I am going to be in Qatar and wont be in town or with internet access in doha between the 18th-25th april, I have been invited for a Yachting tournament. so I will not be able to take part in this Aether session. Apologies. warmly, Dhanya --- AUTHOR: Manuel Schmalstieg DATE: 2010-04-13 QUOTE: hi Dhanya, Yachting in Qatar -- that's the most perfect excuse i can imagine to escape from a dark rainy Beckett script ... --- AUTHOR: Mari Keski-Korsu DATE: 2010-04-19 QUOTE: ps. this vulcano-dust-flight-crisis would have made a great simultaneous aethernaut-journalist event! I love that we can't fly! :) --- AUTHOR: Paula Vélez DATE: 2009-04-22 QUOTE: but i lost my typewriter... do you realise manu, someone can lost his laptop, but a typewriter? one day i will lost my head --- AUTHOR: Audrey Samson DATE: 2009-06-15 QUOTE: read the publication PDF - i really enjoyed it. partially nostalgia of course, but i really appreciate how the tech discussion is interwoven with script/concept discussion and also occasional absurdities. these processes cannot be clearly divided (or categorised seperately as such) and i think it comes out wonderfully in this chat (also there is a nice culmination to the performance - whilst being an anticlimax). --- AUTHOR: Audrey Samson DATE: 2009-09-27 QUOTE: one of the things i have always liked the most about aether is its non-slick, stop-motion like and pixelated aesthetic. for me this challenges many important hypes: -the constant 'newness' of new media (higher speed, more pixels, faster cpus, etc) -the ever higher resolution (which in the end is simply not accessible for most of the world which is also an important aether9 concern) and most importantly misguided idea that these things contribute to the value of the message. --- AUTHOR: Laure Deselys DATE: 2009-11-15 QUOTE: It feels like we are more in a digestive moment of our culture of images, narrative, questioning simultaneity in the global world, the real output is not yet there. It feels also we are squeezed between the contradiction of doing real experimentation and being entertaining. --- AUTHOR: Paula Vélez DATE: 2009-11-19 QUOTE: I'm happy we are still working with a slow frame rate when I see results of video high rate examples --- AUTHOR: Christiaan Cruz DATE: 2009-12-25 SOURCE: QUOTE: I don't think there was an official title to our images in Australia but it seemed linked to loud coffee cups --- AUTHOR: Boris Kish DATE: 2008-04-04 QUOTE: > i am really wondering why we have the ASCII cam option - i wonder how > it fits into the story. The idea is that the girls become ascii as they are eaten and in the stomach of the wolf / in a private show. --- AUTHOR: Audrey Samson DATE: 2008-04-28 QUOTE: hi all - i just wanted to say i haven't read any mails since saturday. my cat fell out of the window (20meters). has been an 'emergency' weekend. looks like he will make it though - indestructible creatures! i've been and will continue to be 'under the hood' for a few days. need a rest. audrey --- AUTHOR: Sir Oliver Lodge, Ether and Reality DATE: 1933-01-01 QUOTE: "The first thing to realize about the (a)ether(9) is its absolute continuity. A deep sea fish has probably no means of apprehending the existence of water; it is too uniformly immersed in it: and that is our condition in regard to the ether."