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Snapshots | iceberg

Inside this repository

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from osp.models import get_api, which_repo, get_url_contents, ApiError
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
from django.template import Context, loader, TemplateDoesNotExist
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch
from datetime import datetime
from math import log1p
import feedparser

import settings

import json
import os
import os.path

said = ["said", "whispered", "shouted", "cried", "confessed", "expressed", "verbalized", "verbalised", "uttered", "claimed", "argued", "complained", "ironized", "said", "tweeted", "told", "stated", "sang", "interpreted", "rendered", "emited", "let out", "let loose", "talked", "spoke", "said", "whistled", "spilled the beans", "let the cat out of the bag", "talked", "tattled", "blabbed", "peached", "babbled", "babbled out", "blabbed out", "unwrapped", "disclosed", "let on", "said", "brought out", "revealed", "discovered", "exposed", "published", "divulged", "gave away", "declared", "admitted", "comitted"]

def format_commits(commits_to_format):
    commits = []
    ellipse = 0
    i = 0
    for commit in commits_to_format:
        c = commit

        if i != 0:
            commit_time=  datetime.fromtimestamp(c['commit_time'])
            ellipse = float((previous_commit - c['commit_time']))/(24*60*60)
            ellipse = (log1p(abs(ellipse)) * 50) + 3
        i += 1
        previous_commit = c['commit_time']
        c['commit_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(c['commit_time'])
        c['ellipse'] = ellipse
    return commits

def home(request):
    ospblog = feedparser.parse('')
    ospblog = ospblog.entries[:3]
    data = get_api('home')
    repos = []
    for repo in data:
        r = repo
            r['web_path'] = reverse('osp.views.project', args=[ r['category'], r['name'] ])
        except NoReverseMatch:
            r['web_path'] = ''

        ice = []
        # The iceberg returned by the API is just like a regular tree,
        # so there’s files and folders
        if 'iceberg' in r and 'files' in r['iceberg']:
            for penguin in r['iceberg']['files']:
                # This is where you would add specific logic to not include
                # certain file types
                if penguin["name"].split(".")[0] == "cover":
                    r["cover"] = penguin
        r['iceberg'] = ice
        r['commits'] = format_commits(r['commits'])

    return render_to_response('home.html',
            { 'ospblog' : ospblog, 'repos' : repos, "said": said, 'vc_url' :settings.VC_URL },

def category(request, category):
    data = get_api('category', category)
    repos = []
    for repo in data:
        r = repo
        r['commits'] = format_commits(r['commits'])
        if r['category'] != category:

            r['web_path'] = reverse('osp.views.project', args=[ r['category'], r['name'] ])
        except NoReverseMatch:
            r['web_path'] = ''

        ice = []
        # The iceberg returned by the APO is just like a regular tree,
        # so there’s files and folders
        if 'iceberg' in r and 'files' in r['iceberg']:
            for penguin in r['iceberg']['files']:
                # This is where you would add specific logic to not include
                # certain file types
        r['iceberg'] = ice

    if len(repos) == 0: # No repositories with this slug
        raise Http404

        t = loader.get_template('category_%s.html'%(category))
    except TemplateDoesNotExist:
        t = loader.get_template('category.html')
    c = RequestContext(request,
           { 'repos' : repos, "said": said, 'vc_url' :settings.VC_URL, 'category' : category }
    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))

def browse(request, category, name, path):
    if path:
        title = u"you’re traveling towards %s in %s" % (path, name)
        root = False
        title = u"you’re traveling in %s" % (name)
        root = True

    repo_slug = which_repo(category, name)
        repo = get_api(repo_slug)
        obj = get_api(repo_slug, 'path', path)
    except ApiError:
        raise Http404

    # Render commits with time apart
    repo['commits'] = format_commits(reversed(repo['commits']))

    # Render README

    root_files = [i['name'] for i in repo['tree']['files']]
    README = ''
    for f in root_files:
        if 'README' in f or 'readme' in f or 'LISEZ_MOI' in f: # A regex would be more flexible
            README = get_url_contents(get_api(repo_slug, 'path', f)['raw_url'])
            # OSP Convention: the part of the README that equals the description is
            # terminated by a Markdown representation of a horizontal line - - -.
            README = README.split('- - -')[0]

    # Render a breadcrumbs navigation for the current path

    breadcrumbs = []
    repo_home = {}
    repo_home['name'] = obj['repo_name']
    repo_home['href'] = reverse('osp.views.project', args=[ category, name ])

    path_to = ''
    for i, path in enumerate(obj['paths']):
        path_to += path + '/'
        if i == len(obj['paths']) -1:
            if obj['type'] == 'blob':
                "we want to render the breadcrumb for the blob, but without a trailing slash"
                path_to = path_to.rstrip('/')
                "the list of 'paths' of a tree ends with an empty string, we do not need to render"
        breadcrumb = {}
        breadcrumb['name'] = path
        breadcrumb['href'] = reverse('osp.views.browse', args=[ category, name, path_to ])

    if obj['type'] == 'tree':

        # Add hyperlinks to all files and folders

        dirs = []
        for dir in obj['dirs']:
            # the last element of the paths array is empty
            # '/some/path/to/tree/'.split('/') -> ['some', 'path', 'to', 'tree', '']
            # which we have to take into account when adding new elements to the path
            dir['path'] = '/'.join(obj['paths'][:-1] + [dir['name'], ''])
            dir['href'] = reverse('osp.views.browse', args=[ repo['category'], repo['name'], dir['path'] ])
        files = []
        for file in obj['files']:
            file['path'] = '/'.join(obj['paths'][:-1] + [file['name']])
            file['href'] = reverse('osp.views.browse', args=[ repo['category'], repo['name'], file['path'] ])
        tree = obj
        tree['dirs'] = dirs
        tree['files'] = files

        return render_to_response('tree.html',
              {'title': title,
               'breadcrumbs' : breadcrumbs,
               'repo' : repo,
               'said': said,
               'vc_url': settings.VC_URL,
               'tree' : tree,
               'root': root,
               'README' : README },

    if obj['type'] == 'blob':
        blob = obj

        return render_to_response('blob.html',
              {'title': title,
               'breadcrumbs' : breadcrumbs,
               'repo' : repo,
               'said': said,
               'vc_url': settings.VC_URL,
               'blob' : blob,
               'README' : README },

def project(request, category, name, path=""):
    # For now a project home page is the same as all the other browse views--
    # up for change of course!
    return browse(request, category, name, path)