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Title: FLOSS+Art book launch party
Date: 2008-10-19 21:18
Author: Harrisson
Tags: News, Type, Works
Slug: flossart-book-launch-party
Status: published

[![]({filename}/images/uploads/libertinage-300x85.png "libertinage"){: .alignnone .size-medium .wp-image-1118 width="300" height="85"}]({filename}/images/uploads/libertinage.png)  
The [FLOSS+Art book](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/?p=565) (that we
proudly were commissioned to design :) ) [will be out this thursday at
Mute Magazine
Book preview, panel discussion and software party!

Don't miss the opportunity to also check out the Libertinage font set we
developed for this book: 26 variations of the Linux Libertine font!
~~Which will be available here and there soon~~... [<blink>Available

Thursday 23 October / 18:30 - 20:30  
Mute Magazine HQ  
The Whitechapel Centre  
85 Myrdle Street  
London E1 1HL

Long live free edition and free fonts!