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Title: Conférence @ HEAR Strasbourg
Date: 2015-03-10 23:25
Author: Colm
Tags: News
Slug: conference-hear-strasbourg
Status: published

[![IMG\_20150310\_102254]({filename}/images/uploads/IMG_20150310_102254.jpg){: .alignnone .size-medium .wp-image-7353 }]({filename}/images/uploads/IMG_20150310_102254.jpg)

### Ramène ta fraise!

We're currently giving a
[html2print](http://osp.kitchen/tools/html2print/) workshop
[@HEAR](http://www.hear.fr/) in Strasbourg that we're punctuating with a
conference presentation of OSP's work tomorrow evening in the main hall

Come on over, ramène ta fraise!

Results of the html2print workshop on their way and in construction, for
now know that we're reactivated *automatic frog* so meet us on

[![Screenshot from 2015-03-10
22:16:02]({filename}/images/uploads/Screenshot-from-2015-03-10-221602.png){: .alignnone .size-medium .wp-image-7353 }]({filename}/images/uploads/Screenshot-from-2015-03-10-221602.png)