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  preview_width: 340

  # the "latex" sections are mustachified with <% %> tags instead of std {{}}
    latex: |
      \font\big=font at 56pt
      \put(-77,2){\parbox[b]{200pt}{\centerline{<% text %>}}}

    latex: |
      \font\big=font at 9pt
      \begin{tabular}{ c  c  c  c  c  c  c }
      A & B & C & D & E & F & G
      \cr H & I & J & K & L & M & N
      \cr O & P & Q & R & S & T & U
      \cr V & W & X & Y & Z
      \cr a & b & c & d & e & f & g
      \cr h & i & j & k & l & m & n
      \cr o & p & q & r & s & t & u
      \cr v & w & x & y & z

    latex: |
      \font\big=font at 16pt
      \put(-55,-50){\fcolorbox{bgcolor}{bgcolor}{\parbox{300pt}{<% text %>}}}

  font_otf: 'perl --encoding=t1 --comment="Copyright (c) {{year}}, Metaflop (,
Simon Egli, Marco Mueller, Alexis Reigel, with Reserved Font Name {{fontface}}. Dual licensed under the GPL v3 ( and the OFL v1.1 (" --family={{fontface}} --nofixedpitch --fullname="{{fontface}} {{font_hash}}" --name="{{fontface}}-{{font_hash}}" --weight={{font_hash}}'

  font_web: sfnt2woff font.otf && ttf2eot font.ttf > font.eot

    description: <a href="/modulator?fontface=Bespoke">MF Bespoke</a> is geared to simply constructed sans serif fonts. This metafont consists of 14 adjustable parameters grouped in classes of dimension, proportion and shape. By using this range of parameters a high variety of derivates can be achieved. The standard font and font-box has the size of 10 unit points.
        - bespoke1-01.png
        - Construction of MF Bespoke using base points and geometrical relations.
        - bespoke1-02.png
        - Construction of MF Bespoke using base points and geometrical relations.
        - bespoke1-03.png
        - Construction of MF Bespoke using base points and geometrical relations.
        - bespoke1-04.png
        - bespoke1-05.png
        - bespoke1-06.png
        - bespoke1-07.png
        - 'Transformation of single parameters – dimension, proportion and shape.'
        - bespoke2-01.png
        - Superness curve transformation from 1.0 to 0.3 and vice versa.
        - bespoke2-02.png
        - Contrast transformation from 18 to 1 and vice versa.
        - bespoke2-03.png
        - Horizontal and vertical increase transformation from 1.0 to 0.0 points and vice versa.
        - bespoke2-04.png
        - Unit width transformation from 0.2 to 5.0 points.
        - bespoke2-05.png
        - Unit width transformation from 5.0 to 0.2 points.
        - bespoke2-06.png
        - Horizontal and vertical increase transformation from 1.0 to 0.0 points and vice versa.
        - bespoke-derivations-01.png?v=1
        - W2wMVl1oOf
        - bespoke-derivations-02.png?v=1
        - wEEJXpb_F_
        - bespoke-derivations-03.png?v=1
        - X_nuDV5EKb
        - bespoke-derivations-04.png?v=1
        - xQZl0I4bG4
        - bespoke-derivations-05.png?v=1
        - bBv88L09e8
        - bespoke-derivations-06.png?v=1
        - f0ySyHr68Q
        - bespoke-derivations-07.png?v=1
        - bQCd3GYPgX
        - bespoke-derivations-08.png?v=1
        - Hb-V8s8C70
        - bespoke-derivations-09.png?v=1
        - jVzgqoraQu
        - bespoke-derivations-10.png?v=1
        - L9JtCtna31
        - bespoke-derivations-11.png?v=1
        - tRp6NK0eyw
        - bespoke-derivations-12.png?v=1
        - UcH5rxsNVi

    description: '<a href="/modulator?fontface=Adjuster">MF Adjuster</a> is a Metafont with a basic form, highly functional, almost crystalline. It follows a strict grid and a simple no-curves policy and it comes along with a reduced set of parameters. The font''s sophistication derives from the angle and pen parameter (circle, square or razor). The standard font and font-box has the size of 10 unit points and is divided into 9 horizontal sections.'
        - adjuster1-01.png
        - Construction of MF Adjuster using base points and geometrical relations.
        - adjuster1-02.png
        - Construction of MF Adjuster using base points and geometrical relations.
        - adjuster1-03.png
        - Construction of MF Adjuster using base points and geometrical relations.
        - adjuster1-04.png
        - adjuster1-05.png
        - adjuster1-06.png
        - adjuster1-07.png
        - Transformation of the Angle parameter.
        - adjuster2-01.png
        - Angle transformation from 90 to 15 degree and vice versa.
        - adjuster2-02.png
        - Pen Width transformation from 2.0 to 0.05 points and vice versa.
        - adjuster2-03.png
        - Unit width transformation from 0.2 to 5.0 points.
        - adjuster2-04.png
        - Unit width transformation from 5.0 to 0.2 points.
        - adjuster2-05.png
        - Pen Razor transformation from 0 to 45 degree and vice versa.
        - adjuster-derivations-01.png?v=1
        - WitXxEC_wq
        - adjuster-derivations-02.png?v=1
        - B_DF7u3XWz
        - adjuster-derivations-03.png?v=1
        - BL4uWv2Vdt
        - adjuster-derivations-04.png?v=1
        - IVhW3c2vuS