department 21 20 departements each one is specialized: graphic design, motion design etc. - organised by the student for the student. - interdisciplinary previous ws include: - how to build a lamp for recycled material - how to compose a text in 10 steps - archiving invited for scribus scribus: dtp software traditional approche to visual design we were interested to show another aspect of it scripting capabilities: you can control the whole programm with commands. opens up new possibilities for design: generative design: - creating a newspaper (semi-)automatically from RSS feeds - creating visualizations ... irc: a tool we use to collaborate made a bridge between scribus and irc using python. Quite simple, that's the beauty of open source/free software build your own tool from existing open source tools - Gill sans 3 versions: - from eric gill sketwhes - from lead type - from a digital typeface turrned into bitmap and then re-scanned