Open Source Publishing – Design Tools For Designers

Future Farmers Free soil

Works · June 4th, 2009 · Yi

A journey through the history and currents of free education, counter-institutional movements and the economy of information in Silicon Valley + beyond.

Free Soil presents a bus tour, exhibition, outdoor film/video festival & on-site exchange in conjunction with the 2nd Biennial 01SJ Global Festival of Art on the Edge in San Jose, California. This tour takes inspiration from the spirit of counter cultural activities prevalent in this region in the late 1960’s, namely the activities of the Mid-Peninsula Free University, Homebrew Computer Club,draft-resisters and the back-to-landers. These prototypical models of alternative education formed in reaction to the growing influence of the military-industrial complex on American universities. Courses were taught on topics ranging from intentional communities and  sand-casting candles, to Maoist political theory , “To Be Gentle,” and “The Art of Giving Away Bread.”

Join 30 artists, scientists, curators on a 1.5 day long journey that includes small walks, lectures, mini-workshops and other particpatory events. The Tour lasts 7 hours and includes lunch, drink and snacks.

As part of the Free Soil Bus Tour Project a reader will be collated and printed by this occasion. This reader is primarily a resource for people engaged in experimental/alternative learning projects. Marthe is now working hard on this reader by trying Scribus. And OSP is willing to get on the bus at last stop, to share the joy of this journey in coming weeks, someday in sunny June.

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