A journey to Vietnam and an open call
At LGM 2010 in Brussels, we met Hong-Phuc Dang, a young Vietnamese woman full of energy, willing to organize events around Libre Graphics in Asia in addition to her involvement in FOSS/ASIA, a meeting around Free and Open Source Software.
We can’t believe it’s been almost a year of planning and that the trip is actually happening in a month!
We will be 5 to leave for this adventurous exchange in the Vietnamese region of the Mekong, making a small tour of some cities, schools, design studios, working with Asian designers on 2 projects. The first one is to draw a typeface directly from the mix of our two cultures and not from the Occidental one adapted to the Oriental one, as it is often the case. The second project, using the first one of course, will be a publication around cartography, geography, cultures and customs.
Hong-Phuc Dang and Mario Behling, the team we’re joining there, are organizing an exhibition of design works done with Free, Libre and Open Source software. This is an open call, and you are more than welcome to send your proposals to them: dhppat[at]gmail.com or mb[at]mariobehling.de.
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