Did you notice there are 2 versions of the LGM2010 logo around? One we proposed in October 2009 and another we designed this month. After numerous and lengthy discussions at OSP-headquarters, we decided to ask for your opinion. Which logo should prevail: with drip or without? The winning version will be printed on T-shirts for sale at the Libre Graphics Meeting in May.
Should the LGM2010 logo drip or not?
- Yes, it adds a bit of humour (otherwise it feels like a logo for a German bank) (34%, 17 Votes)
- Yes, it speaks about the materiality of the digital (30%, 15 Votes)
- Yes, it expresses 'creativity' (these drips look like paint) (20%, 10 Votes)
- No, it refers to a nostalgic idea of art/design practice (18%, 9 Votes)
- No, it is a bad joke (16%, 8 Votes)
- No, it is too messy (16%, 8 Votes)
- No, you should never change a logo once it is in use (10%, 5 Votes)
- Yes, it looks like ... (10%, 5 Votes)
- Yes, it is a clever reference to Belgium chocolate (8%, 4 Votes)
- No, it looks like ... (8%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 50

1. Peasguy
Feb 22, 2010 at 12:01 am
No, it looks like a cheap web 2.0 effect coming from 2005 on his glossy button (even worst than the splash from the nineties)
2. OSP
Feb 22, 2010 at 3:19 pm
Our first 30 voters are leaning towards “Yes” (36 vs 24) but that’s not a very convincing score yet …?
3. Grégoire
Feb 22, 2010 at 3:42 pm
It should stay animated and with the yellow line and the scissors for the prints.
4. OSP
Feb 23, 2010 at 1:12 pm
Incoming message from JB, Paris:
5. Louis Desjardins
Feb 25, 2010 at 10:04 pm
The logo without drip is stronger. We can “read” letters L G M into these squares, where the L disolves with the drip in the 2nd version. The drip doesn’t add much here except a reminiscence of painting with real ink and maybe a faraway connexion with LGM3 and LGM4 splashed color.
6. OSP
Feb 26, 2010 at 12:53 am
Thank you so far for your votes and responses!
41 votes have been cast for “Yes”; 34 for “No”. Taking the outspoken comments into account, we don’t think we have reached a decisive conclusion yet …
We’ll keep this poll open until 50 voters expressed their opinion, and base our decision on the result.
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