digraph programme { ranksep=.75; graph [fontname="UniversElse", margin=0, center = true, start = 20, bgcolor=none] node [fontname="UniversElse", fontsize=12, arrowsize=1]; edge [fontname="UniversElse", len = 0.75, arrowsize=0.5, arrowhead=vee] { node [shape=plaintext, fontsize=10]; /* time-line */ "29 septembre\n2014" -> "06 octobre\n2014" -> "13 octobre\n2014" -> "03 novembre\n2014" -> "10 novembre\n2014" -> "17 novembre\n2014" -> "01 décembre\n2014" -> "08 décembre\n2014" -> "02 février\n2015" -> "09 février\n2015" -> "09 mars\n2015" -> "20 mars\n2015" -> "20 avril\n2015" /* premier cours théorique */ node [shape=Mdiamond, penwidth=0.25]; hardcore0 [label="Cultures ? Numériques ?\nMadeleine Aktypi\n15:00 — 17:00"]; /* Modules - Bloc 1 */ node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5]; bloc1starta [label="Stick to standards\nStéphane Noël\n16:00 — 19:00"]; node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5]; bloc1startb [label="Archives\nAlexia de Visscher\n16:00 — 19:00"]; node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5]; bloc1startc [label="Corps numériques\nFemke Snelting\n16:00 — 19:00"]; node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=2]; bloc1doublea [label="Stick to standards\nStéphane Noël et Stéphanie Vilayphiou\n16:00 — 19:00"]; node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=2]; bloc1doubleb [label="Archives\n Alexia de Visscher et Ludi Loiseau\n16:00 — 19:00"]; node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=2]; bloc1doublec [label="Corps Numériques\n Femke Snelting et Madeleine Aktypi\n16:00 — 19:00"]; /* premier debrief */ node [penwidth=0.5, peripheries=1]; debrief1 [shape=record,label=" 16:00\n—\n19:00 | { Stick to standards\nStéphane Noël| Archives\nAlexia de Visscher| Corps Numériques\nFemke Snelting } "]; -> [arrowsize=0.5, arrowhead=vee, arrowtail=vee, dir="both"]; -> [arrowsize=0.5, arrowhead=vee, arrowtail=vee, dir="both"]; -> [arrowsize=0.5, arrowhead=vee, arrowtail=vee, dir="both"]; /* Modules - Bloc 2 */ node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5]; bloc2starta [label="Alphabet\nLudi Loiseau\n15:00 — 18:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5]; bloc2startb [label="Son\nLaurent Baudoux\n15:00 — 18:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=2]; bloc2startc [label="Tissage, textile\nStéphanie Vilayphiou et Camille Pagéard\n15:00 — 18:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=2]; bloc2doublea [label="Alphabet\nLudi Loiseau et Madeleine Aktypi\n16:00 — 19:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=2]; bloc2doubleb [label="Son\nLaurent Baudoux et Stéphane Noël\n16:00 — 19:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=1]; bloc2doublec [label="Tissage, textile\nStéphanie Vilayphiou\n16:00 — 19:00"] debrief2 [shape=record,label=" 15:00\n—\n18:00 | { Alphabet\nLudi Loiseau| Son\nLaurent Baudoux| Tissage, textile\nStéphanie Vilayphiou } "]; -> [arrowsize=0.5, arrowtail=vee, dir="both"]; -> [arrowsize=0.5, arrowtail=vee, dir="both"]; -> [arrowsize=0.5, arrowtail=vee, dir="both"]; /* deuxième cours théorique */ node [shape=Mdiamond, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=1]; hardcore1 [label="Empires of Infrastructure\nFemke Snelting\n15:00 — 17:00"]; /* troisième cours théorique */ node [shape=Mdiamond, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=1]; hardcore2 [label="Du pré-numérique au post-digital\nYves Bernard\n15:00 — 17:00"]; /* Modules - Bloc 3 */ node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5]; bloc3starta [label="Camouflages\nHarrisson\n16:00 — 19:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5]; bloc3startb [label="Plateformes éditoriales\nCamille Pageard\n16:00 — 19:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=2]; bloc3startc [label="Oubli numérique\nStéphane Noël et Alexia de Visscher\n16:00 — 19:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5,peripheries=2]; bloc3doublea [label="Camouflages\nHarrisson et Ludi Loiseau\n16:00 — 19:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5]; bloc3doubleb [label="Plateformes éditoriales\nCamille Pageard et Alexia de Visscher\n16:00 — 19:00"] node [shape=ellipse, penwidth=0.5, peripheries=1]; bloc3doublec [label="Oubli numérique\nStéphane Noël\n16:00 — 19:00"] /* Debrief public */ node [shape=record, penwidth=0.5,peripheries=1]; debrief3 [label=" Debriefing groupé et public\là l’occasion des portes ouvertes\lStéphane Noël et Harrisson\l | { Camouflages | Plateformes éditoriales | Oubli Numérique } "] debrief3 -> debrief3 [arrowsize=0.5, arrowhead=vee, arrowtail=vee, dir="both"]; debrief3 -> debrief3 [arrowsize=0.5, arrowhead=vee, arrowtail=vee, dir="both"]; debrief3 -> debrief3 [arrowsize=0.5, arrowhead=vee, arrowtail=vee, dir="both"]; /* Debrief festif */ node [shape=record, penwidth=0.5]; debrief4[label="Debriefing global \nStandard, Alphabet, camouflage, archives, son, édition, corps, tissage, oubli | Stéphanie Vilayphiou\nAlexia de Visscher\nLudi Loiseau et Femke Snelting"] } { hardcore0 -> bloc1starta [arrowsize=0.5, arrowhaed=vee]; hardcore0 -> bloc1startb [arrowsize=0.5]; hardcore0 -> bloc1startc [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc1starta -> bloc1doublea [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc1doublea -> debrief1 [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc1startb -> bloc1doubleb [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc1doubleb -> debrief1 [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc1startc -> bloc1doublec [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc1doublec -> debrief1 [arrowsize=0.5]; debrief1 -> bloc2starta [arrowsize=0.5, shape=vee]; debrief1 -> bloc2startb [arrowsize=0.5]; debrief1 -> bloc2startc [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc2starta -> bloc2doublea [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc2doublea -> debrief2 [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc2startb -> bloc2doubleb [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc2doubleb -> debrief2 [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc2startc -> bloc2doublec [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc2doublec -> debrief2 [arrowsize=0.5]; debrief2 -> hardcore1 [arrowsize=0.5]; debrief2 -> hardcore1 [arrowsize=0.5]; debrief2 -> hardcore1 [arrowsize=0.5]; hardcore1 -> hardcore2 [arrowsize=0.5]; hardcore1 -> hardcore2 [arrowsize=0.5]; hardcore1 -> hardcore2 [arrowsize=0.5]; hardcore2 -> bloc3starta [arrowsize=0.5]; hardcore2 -> bloc3startb [arrowsize=0.5]; hardcore2 -> bloc3startc [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc3starta -> bloc3doublea [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc3doublea -> debrief3 [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc3startb -> bloc3doubleb [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc3doubleb -> debrief3 [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc3startc -> bloc3doublec [arrowsize=0.5]; bloc3doublec -> debrief3 [arrowsize=0.5]; debrief3 -> debrief4 [arrowsize=0.5]; debrief3 -> debrief4 [arrowsize=0.5]; debrief3 -> debrief4 [arrowsize=0.5]; /* labels groupes */ node [shape=plaintext, penwidth=0.5]; groupeA [label="A"]; groupeA -> bloc1starta [arrowsize=0.5, style=dotted, arrowhead=none]; node [shape=plaintext, penwidth=0.5]; groupeB [label="B"]; groupeB -> bloc1startb [arrowsize=0.5, style=dotted, arrowhead=none]; node [shape=plaintext, penwidth=0.5]; groupeC [label="C"]; groupeC -> bloc1startc [arrowsize=0.5, style=dotted, arrowhead=none]; node [shape=plaintext, penwidth=0.5]; groupeA2 [label="A"]; groupeA2 -> bloc2starta [arrowsize=0.5, style=dotted, arrowhead=none]; node [shape=plaintext, penwidth=0.5]; groupeB2 [label="B"]; groupeB2 -> bloc2startb [arrowsize=0.5, style=dotted, arrowhead=none]; node [shape=plaintext, penwidth=0.5]; groupeC2 [label="C"]; groupeC2 -> bloc2startc [arrowsize=0.5, style=dotted, arrowhead=none]; node [shape=plaintext, penwidth=0.5]; groupeA3 [label="A"]; groupeA3 -> bloc3starta [arrowsize=0.5, style=dotted, arrowhead=none]; node [shape=plaintext, penwidth=0.5]; groupeB3 [label="B"]; groupeB3 -> bloc3startb [arrowsize=0.5, style=dotted, arrowhead=none]; node [shape=plaintext, penwidth=0.5]; groupeC3 [label="C"]; groupeC3 -> bloc3startc [arrowsize=0.5, style=dotted, arrowhead=none]; } }