Coreutils ========= Coreutils est un ensemble de logiciel GNU regroupant les outils logiciels essentiels UNIX. En général, on injecte du contenu à traiter par une ligne de commande; ce contenu est appelé *standard input* (stdin). Une fois passé dans la moulinette, le contenu est transformé en un nouveau contenu, le *standard output* (stdout). Résumé des Commandes de base ============================ Outils systèmes --------------- `ls` : list the files of a directory `cd` : change directory `mkdir` : create a directory `rm` : remove (delete) files `less` : browse the contents of a file with a scrollbar `|` : link programs together `>` : write the result of a command in a file `>>` : write the result of a command at the end of a file Outils pour le texte -------------------- `cat` : concatenate and print files on the standard output `comm` : compare two sorted files line by line `csplit` : split a file into sections based on context `cut` : select portions of each line of a file `fmt` : simple text formatter `fold` : wrap each input line to fit in specified width `head` : display first lines of a file `join` : join lines of two files on a common field `nl` : number the lines of a file `paste` : merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files `pr` : convert text files for printing `sort` : sort lines of text files `split` : split a file into pieces `tail` : display the last part of a file `tr` : translate or delete characters `uniq` : remove duplicate lines from a sorted file `wc` : word, line, character, and byte count Command Line Examples ===================== cat === concatenate and print files on the standard output # read all text files of the folder $ cat *.txt | less # combine two text files into a single one $ cat a.txt b.txt > ab.txt comm ==== compare two sorted files line by line # create a lexicon of two texts to compare, # a lexicon is a list of all words of a text # one word per line, and alphabetically sorted $ cat my_file_1.txt | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq >| lexicon_file_1.txt $ cat my_file_2.txt | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq >| lexicon_file_2.txt # compare 2 files $ comm lexicon_file_1.txt lexicon_file_2.txt > ... équilibrée. équipiers éradiquer, étaient était étions étudiants > été évitant ... csplit ====== split a file into sections based on context cut === select portions of each line of a file # displays characters 2-4 $ echo "hello" | cut -c 2-4 > ell # displays characters 1 3 and 5 $ echo "hello" | cut -c 1,3,5 > hlo # displays the first sentence of each paragraph $ cut -d. -f1 discours_columbia.txt > ... > 
Monsieur le Président de l'Université de Columbia, 
Mesdames et Me... > Je vais essayer d'être à la hauteur de votre Université prestigieus... > Moi je veux vous parler franchement, en ami, ce qui ne veut pas dir... > Vous appartenez à un pays qui est le premier pays du monde par sa p... > Nous sommes au XXIème siècle > Une deuxième chose dont je suis certain, c'est qu'au XXIème siècle,... > Et la troisième idée que je voudrais vous faire partager, c'est que... > ... fmt === simple text formatter # format lines of text to 20/30 characters and center them $ fmt 20 30 discours_columbia.txt | fmt -c fold ==== wrap each input line to fit in specified width # format lines of text at 20 characters/line without hyphenation $ fold -sw 20 lux_transcript.txt > Annick Lantenois, > organizator and > moderator of the > first table starts > with a quotation by > Hal Foster: > "Le design est l'un > des principaux > agents qui nous > enferme dans un > consumérisme > contemporain" > We aren't anymore > in an econony of > tangible goods but > in an economy of > knowledge, or > cognitive > capitalism. > > Quel est le > positionement des > designers comme > individus à l'égard > de ces > transformation? head ==== display first lines of a file # displays the name and the first 2 lines of a file $ head -vn 2 lux_transcript.txt > ==> lux_transcript.txt <== > Annick Lantenois, organizator and moderator of the first table starts > with a quotation by Hal Foster: "Le design est l'un des principaux > agents qui nous enferme dans un consumérisme contemporain" join ==== join lines of two files on a common field $ cat file1 > a a1 > c c1 > b b1 $ cat file2 > a a2 > c c2 > b b2 $ join file1 file2 > a a1 a2 > c c1 c2 > b b1 b2 nl === number the lines of a file paste ===== merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files $ cat num2 > 1 > 2 $ cat let3 > a > b > c $ paste num2 let3 > 1 a > 2 b > c $ paste -s num2 let3 > 1 2 > a b c pr === convert text files for printing # lay out text in two columns separated by ' || ' $ pr --columns=2 -J -s' || ' > Annick Lantenois, organizator and modera || - machine > tor of the first table starts with a qu || - discours > otation by Hal Foster: || - pratique > "Le design est l'un des principaux agent || - industrie > s qui nous enferme dans un consumérisme || - espace > contemporain" || > We aren't anymore in an econony of tangi || machine de letcture: Memex > ble goods but in an economy of knowledge || Influence Douglas Engelbart (invente le > , or cognitive capitalism. || PC?) souris/windows > || Texte de programmation était très littér > Quel est le positionement des designers || aire à l'époque. > comme individus à l'égard de ces transfo || Le design du new media -> Brenda Laurel > rmation? || Xanadu Ted Nelson sort ==== sort lines of text files # creates a glossary of a text $ cat lux_transcipt.txt | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -du > 1947: > 2ème > 5 > a > à > agents > Alain > an > and > (anglophone) > Annick > anymore > aren't > au > avec > Basé > Brenda > but > by > capitalism. > Catheine > ces > c'est > (cf > citation > coeur > cognitive > collaboration > ... # Counts the number of occurence of every word of a text, # sorts them in reverse order of occurrences, # the words of same occurrence are then sorted by alphabetical order $ cat monfichier.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort +1 [-f] | sort +0 -nr split ===== split a file into pieces # splits a text file in files of 10 lines $ split -l 10 stdin_grille_numerique.txt grille # splits a text file in files of 2Kb $ split -b 2k stdin_grille_numerique.txt grille tail ==== display the last part of a file # displays all lines of a file in reverse order $ tail -r myfile.txt tr === translate or delete characters # replace all capital letters to lowercase $ cat myfile.txt | tr A-Z a-z $ cat myfile.txt | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" # replace all spaces with a newline $ cat myfile.txt | tr " " "\n" # replace all accented "e" with non-accented e's $ cat myfile.txt | tr "[=e=]" "e" # Deletes the specified character in the whole text (here we remove all the e's as a quotation of Georges Pérec's *La Disparition*) $ cat monfichier.txt | tr -d 'e' # Removes repeated characters, except the first occurrence. # Useful to get rid of double spaces. $ cat monfichier.txt | tr --squeeze-repeats ' ' uniq ==== remove duplicate lines from a sorted file # count the number of occurrences of a word in a text, in alphabetical order $ cat myfile.txt | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c # count the number of occurrences of a word in a text, sorted by number of occurrences $ cat myfile.txt | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr wc === word, line, character, and byte count # count the number of words of a file $ wc -w stdin_grille_numerique.txt > 2504 stdin_grille_numerique.txt # count the number of characters of a file $ wc -c stdin_grille_numerique.txt > 16721 stdin_grille_numerique.txt # count the total number of files in the computer $ find / -type f | wc -l # Gives the length of the longest line of a text # (doesn't work on OSX 10.4, maybe on more recent OSX?) $ wc -L lexique1.txt > 11 Go Further ========== [Coreutils Homepage]( [Floss Manuals]( [Command-line Cheatsheet]( [Regular Expressions exercises](