graph { size = "17.32,6.93!"; ratio = fill; smoothing="triangle"; overlap = false; node [margin="0,0", shape=plaintext; fontsize=24; fontname="AVHershey Simplex"];"super modernity" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "volatility" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "caterpillar" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "conflicting interests" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "amoral" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "queer vapour" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "pigeon races" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "political space" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "value" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "force of gravity" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "intellect" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "trust" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "profit" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "fertile ground" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "empty (p)lot" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "Feng Shui" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "empowering" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "multi-perspective narrative" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "Rule of All" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "motion" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "artistic land reclamation" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "water solutions" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "family fortune" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "soundscape" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "speculative finance" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "the sublime" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "contested land" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "emotional schizophrenia" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "chocolate" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "institution" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "REIT" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "oscillating motion" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "global business" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "inner stress" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "more than human world" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "lobbying" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "abdicatio iuris" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "golden apartment" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "ideology" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "bubblegum" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "shapeshifting" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "hyper-mobile youthful prophets" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "common garden" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "curiosity" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "act locally" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "opportunity" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "archeologist of kicks" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "heterotopia" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; "liquidity" [fontsize=24, margin="0.15,0"]; AE [label="ANXIOUS, EXPLORER", shape=box, color=black, fontcolor=black, margin=".2,.1", fontsize=24]; TAR [label="TAR", shape=box, color=black, fontcolor=black, margin=".2,.1", fontsize=24]; UAP [label="UAP", shape=box, color=black, fontcolor=black, margin=".2,.1", fontsize=24]; L [label="LOBBYIST", shape=box, color=black, fontcolor=black, margin=".2,.1", fontsize=24]; TP [label="THE PEOPLE", shape=box, color=black, fontcolor=black, margin=".2,.1", fontsize=24]; MT [label="MISS TRUST", shape=box, color=black, fontcolor=black, margin=".2,.1", fontsize=24]; SA [label="SHAREHOLDER ACTIVISTS", shape=box, color=black, fontcolor=black, margin=".2,.1", fontsize=24]; "big gestures" -- L [color=transparent]; "sustainable art funding" -- SA [color=transparent]; "inconclusive" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "sapiosexual" -- TP [color=transparent]; "entropy" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "costume" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "mutual transformations" -- L [color=transparent]; "earth" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "uniform" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "rundown" -- MT [color=transparent]; "super modernity" -- L; "super modernity" -- TP; "rescaling humanity " -- UAP [color=transparent]; "density" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "currencies(crypto)" -- TP [color=transparent]; "blog" -- MT [color=transparent]; "spirituality" -- TP [color=transparent]; "bliss" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "carbon storage" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "volatility" -- TAR; "volatility" -- L; "stakeholders" -- SA [color=transparent]; "lunatic" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "masquerade" -- AE [color=transparent]; "void" -- SA [color=transparent]; "social inequality" -- SA [color=transparent]; "caterpillar" -- UAP; "caterpillar" -- MT; "conflicting interests" -- UAP; "conflicting interests" -- L; "conflicting interests" -- SA; "unpredictability" -- AE [color=transparent]; "endless" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "desire" -- L [color=transparent]; "equality" -- TP [color=transparent]; "open-source" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "amoral" -- L; "amoral" -- TP; "queer vapour" -- AE; "queer vapour" -- TP; "consensus" -- AE [color=transparent]; "pigeon races" -- TP; "pigeon races" -- MT; "tsunami" -- AE [color=transparent]; "eco-system" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "ravishment" -- AE [color=transparent]; "dominant fictions" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "desubjectification" -- MT [color=transparent]; "art" -- MT [color=transparent]; "orphan" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "alive" -- MT [color=transparent]; "political space" -- L; "political space" -- TP; "currencies" -- SA [color=transparent]; "static" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "value" -- TAR; "value" -- SA; "force of gravity" -- TAR; "force of gravity" -- L; "gentrification" -- SA [color=transparent]; "holistic governance" -- L [color=transparent]; "becoming " -- AE [color=transparent]; "constellation" -- AE [color=transparent]; "intellect" -- L; "intellect" -- MT; "hysteria" -- AE [color=transparent]; "love and passion" -- TP [color=transparent]; "random fluctuations" -- AE [color=transparent]; "trust" -- L; "trust" -- SA; "private property" -- SA [color=transparent]; "profit" -- TP; "profit" -- MT; "diplomatic skills" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "prop" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "fertile ground" -- AE; "fertile ground" -- UAP; "myriad" -- AE [color=transparent]; "arousing love" -- AE [color=transparent]; "body" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "involuntarily" -- TP [color=transparent]; "Monopoly" -- SA [color=transparent]; "gray jacket" -- MT [color=transparent]; "collective body" -- TP [color=transparent]; "delivering" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "squeezed" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "empty (p)lot" -- L; "empty (p)lot" -- SA; "ethnobotany " -- UAP [color=transparent]; "Feng Shui" -- L; "Feng Shui" -- TP; "Feng Shui" -- MT; "Feng Shui" -- SA; "empowering" -- TP; "empowering" -- MT; "financiable lives" -- L [color=transparent]; "turbulent " -- AE [color=transparent]; "multi-perspective narrative" -- L; "multi-perspective narrative" -- SA; "Rule of All" -- L; "Rule of All" -- TP; "Rule of All" -- SA; "ritual" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "hopeless point of view" -- TP [color=transparent]; "motion" -- AE; "motion" -- TAR; "motion" -- MT; "butterfly options" -- SA [color=transparent]; "massive" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "mortal organics" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "resonance" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "aseptic garden" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "non-site" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "navigation" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "order and disorder" -- AE [color=transparent]; "negotiation" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "artistic land reclamation" -- L; "artistic land reclamation" -- SA; "love" -- MT [color=transparent]; "water solutions" -- UAP; "water solutions" -- L; "water solutions" -- SA; "family fortune" -- L; "family fortune" -- TP; "down" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "node in a network" -- SA [color=transparent]; "fluorescent" -- AE [color=transparent]; "soundscape" -- UAP; "soundscape" -- L; "speculative finance" -- MT; "speculative finance" -- SA; "the sublime" -- UAP; "the sublime" -- TP; "the sublime" -- SA; "disinterest" -- L [color=transparent]; "stocks" -- MT [color=transparent]; "compulsive purification " -- L [color=transparent]; "contested land" -- AE; "contested land" -- SA; "stars" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "emotional schizophrenia" -- L; "emotional schizophrenia" -- TP; "growing exploitation" -- L [color=transparent]; "chocolate" -- TAR; "chocolate" -- TP; "self-improvement" -- L [color=transparent]; "particular" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "institution" -- L; "institution" -- MT; "BBQ" -- MT [color=transparent]; "conviviality" -- TP [color=transparent]; "REIT" -- MT; "REIT" -- SA; "pull" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "oscillating motion" -- AE; "oscillating motion" -- TP; "global business" -- UAP; "global business" -- L; "global business" -- TP; "global business" -- MT; "isolation" -- MT [color=transparent]; "Aquatic biology of the Self" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "pace" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "mining company " -- SA [color=transparent]; "liquidity (flows)" -- TP [color=transparent]; "elitist society" -- MT [color=transparent]; "inner stress" -- UAP; "inner stress" -- TP; "more than human world" -- UAP; "more than human world" -- L; "more than human world" -- TP; "wandering" -- AE [color=transparent]; "stickiness" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "performing the opera" -- L [color=transparent]; "celestial" -- AE [color=transparent]; "environmental justice" -- TP [color=transparent]; "pollination" -- AE [color=transparent]; "lobbying" -- UAP; "lobbying" -- TP; "abdicatio iuris" -- L; "abdicatio iuris" -- SA; "golden apartment" -- MT; "golden apartment" -- SA; "planets" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "Art Trust" -- SA [color=transparent]; "volatility and stickiness" -- TP [color=transparent]; "finance" -- MT [color=transparent]; "ideology" -- MT; "ideology" -- SA; "emotional precarity" -- MT [color=transparent]; "extract" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "ephemeral" -- AE [color=transparent]; "bubblegum" -- TP; "bubblegum" -- MT; "flood" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "imaginary flow" -- AE [color=transparent]; "planets and stars" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "shapeshifting" -- AE; "shapeshifting" -- TAR; "hyper-mobile youthful prophets" -- AE; "hyper-mobile youthful prophets" -- UAP; "smell" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "mentor" -- MT [color=transparent]; "covenant" -- SA [color=transparent]; "invaders of the land" -- AE [color=transparent]; "fictional characters" -- L [color=transparent]; "healing topics" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "absorb" -- AE [color=transparent]; "common garden" -- L; "common garden" -- SA; "artist impressions" -- SA [color=transparent]; "pumps" -- AE [color=transparent]; "curiosity" -- AE; "curiosity" -- L; "curiosity" -- TP; "act locally" -- UAP; "act locally" -- TP; "opportunity" -- MT; "opportunity" -- SA; "exposure" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "night-walks" -- AE [color=transparent]; "liquid" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "archeologist of kicks" -- AE; "archeologist of kicks" -- UAP; "archeologist of kicks" -- TP; "revolutionary role" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "unannounced" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "decision-making process" -- UAP [color=transparent]; "heterotopia" -- AE; "heterotopia" -- SA; "push" -- TAR [color=transparent]; "liquidity" -- AE; "liquidity" -- SA; }