/* * Copyright 2011 Stéphanie Vilayphiou and Alexandre Leray for * Environ-Mentalism Salon. * * This file is part of Closer Commenting. * * Closer Commenting is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * Closer Commenting is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * Closer Commenting. If not, see . */ $(document).ready(function() { var db = $.couch.db("vj12"); var elts; // the last selected nodes var lock = true; // scrolls to with an animation function scrollTo (elt){ $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: elt.offset().top },'slow'); } // wraps each word of the given string in span with (fake) uuid. function spanify (str) { function gen_uid () { var dt = new Date().getMilliseconds(); var num = Math.random(); var rnd = Math.round(num*10000000000); return dt + rnd; }; var chunks = $.map(str.split(' '), function(a) { var uid = 1; return '' + a + ' ' }); return chunks.join(); } // assigns a value specific class to an element function setColor (elt, value) { if (value <= 10) { elt.attr('class', 'tint_' + value); } else { elt.attr('class', 'tint_10'); } elt.addClass('chunk'); } // gets the parent node of the selected elements function getSelectedElements () { var sel = rangy.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { var range = sel.getRangeAt(0); var elts = range.getNodes([1]); if (elts.length === 0) { elts = [range.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode]; } return elts; } else { return null; } } function getLinks (id) { db.view('paracode/foo?startkey=["' + id + '"]&endkey=["' + id + '", {}]', { success: function(data) { // appends links/comments if any if (data.rows.length !== 0) { $("div.annotations").remove(); // finds where to display the comment var lastElts = []; var wrap_elt = $('
'); //var close_elt = $('


'); var close_elt2 = $('


'); for (i in data.rows) { var value = data.rows[i].value; var entry_elt = $('
'); var html; lastElts.push(value.elts[value.elts.length - 1]); html = ''; if (value.content) { html += '' + '

' + ' ' + value.content + '

'; }; created = new Date(value.created_at); html += '' + '

' + ' ' + created.getDate() + "/" + created.getMonth() + "/" + created.getFullYear() + ', '; if (value.author) { html += '' + ' ' + (value.author ? value.author : 'someone') }; // closes

from date/author html += '' + '

'; entry_elt.append(html); //wrap_elt.append(close_elt); wrap_elt.append(entry_elt); wrap_elt.append(close_elt2); //close_elt.click(function(event){ //event.preventDefault(); //$("div.annotations").remove(); //}); close_elt2.click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $("div.annotations").remove(); }); }; lastElts.sort(); //var selector = $.map(lastElts, function(a) { return 'span#' + a }).join(","); //var first = $(selector).first(); //wrap_elt.insertAfter(first); wrap_elt.insertAfter($("#" + lastElts[0])); scrollTo($("#" + lastElts[0])); } } }); } // binds escape key to abord comment edition $(window).keyup(function(event) { if ((event.which == "27") && (lock == true)) { $("div#annotate").hide(); elts.removeClass('active'); lock = false; } }); // binds keystroke "c" to comment the selection $(window).keypress(function(event) { if ((event.which == "99") && (lock == false)) { event.preventDefault(); // gets commentable selected nodes elts = $(getSelectedElements()) .filter('span.chunk'); if (elts.length === 0) { return; } else if (elts.length > 400) { alert("You might want to be be more specific!"); return; } lock = true; // locks on elts.addClass('active'); // prepares and show up the content form $("#url-content").val("http://"); $("div#annotate").insertAfter(elts[(elts.length - 1)]) .show(); scrollTo($(elts[elts.length -1])); $('#comment-content').val('') .focus(); } }); // binds click on annotations $("span.chunk").live('click', function(event) { getLinks($(event.target).attr("id")); }); // binds cancel button to abord comment edition $("input.cancel").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $("div#annotate").hide(); elts.removeClass('active'); scrollTo($(elts[0])); lock = false; }); // submits the comment form $("input.submit").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var form_id = $(event.target).closest('form').attr('id'); var ids = $.map(elts, function(a) {return $(a).attr("id")}); var doc = { 'app': 'domino', 'elts': ids, 'created_at': new Date().toUTCString(), } doc.author = $("input#i-am").val(); doc.title = $("input#url-title").val(); doc.url = $("input#url-content").val(); tmp_div = $('
').text($("textarea#comment-content").val()); // doc.content = spanify(tmp_div.html()); doc.content = tmp_div.html(); db.saveDoc( doc, { success: function() { // Updates the color on the commented elements db.view('paracode/bar?group=true&startkey="' + ids[0] + '"&endkey="' + ids[(ids.length - 1)] + '"', { success: function(data) { for (i in data.rows) { var key = data.rows[i].key; var value = data.rows[i].value; var elt = $('#' + key); setColor(elt, value) } } }); $("div#annotate").hide(); elts.removeClass('active'); scrollTo($(elts[0])); lock = false; }, }); }); // puts the color on all the elements db.view('paracode/bar?group=true', { success: function(data) { // Sets tint for (i in data.rows) { var key = data.rows[i].key; var value = data.rows[i].value; var elt = $('#' + key); setColor(elt, value) } } }); db.view('paracode/count_links?group=true', { success: function(data) { $("p#comment_count span").html(data.rows.length); } }); lock = false; }); // vim: set foldmethod=indent :