\setupcaptions[number=no,width=.5\textwidth,style=\tf\setupinterlinespace,align=right,location=high] \def\Notation#1#2{\placefigure[force]{#2}{\framed[width=.47\textwidth,frame=off,align=left]{\externalfigure[#1][height=0.29\textwidth]}}} \setupindenting[no] \defineframedtext[info][frame=on,align=middle] \Title{Dance (Notation)} \godown[1em] \Notation{31-intercellular.jpg}{{\bf 20 sec.}\crlf 31. INTERCELLULAR FLUID\crlf Initiate movement in your intercellular fluid. Start slowly and then put more and more energy and speed in your movement, using intercellular fluid as a pump to make you jump.} \Notation{32-venous-blood.jpg}{{\bf 20 sec.}\crlf 32. VENOUS BLOOD\crlf Initiate movement in your venous blood, rising and falling and following its waves.} \Notation{33-venous-blood.jpg}{{\bf 20 sec.}\crlf 33. VENOUS BLOOD\crlf Initiate movement in your venous blood, slowing down progressively.} \Notation{34-transition.jpg}{{\bf Less than 5 sec.}\crlf 34. TRANSITION\crlf Make visible in your movement a transition from venous blood to cerebrospinal fluid. Finish in the same posture you chose to start PART 3.} \Notation{35-each fluid.jpg}{{\bf 1 min.}\crlf 35. EACH FLUID\crlf Go through each fluid quality you have moved with since the beginning of PART 3. The 1st one has to be cerebrospinal fluid. After this one, the order is free.} \page \Notation{61-all gands.jpg} {61. ALL GLANDS\crlf Stand up slowly, building your vertical axis from coccygeal body to pineal gland. Use this time to bound with earth through your feet, as if you were growing roots.} {\bf INSTRUMENTAL (during the voice echo)} {\em Down, down, down in your heart\crlf Find, find, find the secret} \Notation{62-lower glands.jpg} {62. LOWER GLANDS OF THE PELVIS\crlf Dance as if you were dancing in a club. Focus on your lower glands, in your pelvis, to initiate your dance. Your arms, torso, neck and head are also involved in your dance.} {\bf SMALL PERIMETER} {\em Turn, turn, turn your head around} \Notation{63-mamillary bodies.jpg} {63. MAMILLARY BODIES\crlf Turn and turn your head around, initiating this movement in mamillary bodies. Let your head drive the rest of your body into turns.} \page {\em Baby we can do it\crlf We can do it alright} \Notation{64 lower galnds.jpg} {64. LOWER GLANDS OF THE PELVIS\crlf Dance as if you were dancing in a club. Focus on your lower glands, in your pelvis, to initiate your dance. Your arms, torso, neck and head are also involved in your dance.} {\em Do you believe in love at first sight\crlf It's an illusion, I don't care\crlf Do you believe I can make you feel better\crlf Too much confusion, come on over here} \Notation{65-heart body.jpg} {65. HEART BODY\crlf Keep on dancing as if you were dancing in a club and initiate movements in your heart body, connecting with your forearms and hands.} \godown[3em] \licenseStyle{Attribution{}-Noncommercial{}-No Derivative Work} % RESET STYLES \setupcaptions[style=\tfxx\setupinterlinespace,number=no,location=bottom,width=1.45cm,align=middle] \setupindenting[yes, 1em, next]