% Figure 3 : ref dans doc, avec link qui fonctionne % Figure ?? : erreur ds lien % OU % pas dans le doc % copy paste (spreadsheet) des captions to do % virer espaces avant ? et ! % intro to come % praticable : petites images notations - Femke doit encore travailler dessus - 2 pages % bug dans vocabulary \setupcaptions[location=bottom,align=middle,style=\tfx\setupinterlinespace,width=\textwidth] \def\LargeImage#1#2{\placefigure[force][fig:#1]{#2}{\externalfigure[#1][width=\textwidth]}} \def\LargeImageNF#1#2{\placefigure[fig:#1]{#2}{\externalfigure[#1][width=\textwidth]}} \startcolumns[n=2] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % images/1-maleve: \LargeImage{maleve01.JPG}{E-traces: In the reductive world of Web 2.0 there are no insignificant actors because once added up, everybody counts.} \LargeImage{maleve02.JPG}{ } % images/1-kleiner: \LargeImage{kleiner01.JPG}{Dmytri Kleiner: Web 2.0 is a business model, it capitalises on community created values.} % images/1-lazaro: \LargeImage{lazaro01.jpg}{Christophe Lazaro: Sociologists and anthropologists are trying to {\em stick} the notion of \quote{social network} to the specificities of digital networks, that is to say to their {\em horizontal} character} % images/1-wathieu: \LargeImage{SDR-logo.jpg}{The Robot Syndicat: Destined to survive collectively through multi-agent systems and colonies of social robots} \LargeImage{schema.jpg}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=3] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{alertchart.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{upset.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{tags.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{swarmbot.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{syndicat.jpg}{ } \column % images/1-cleempoel: \LargeImage{cleempoel1.jpg}{Destination port: Every single passing of a visitor triggers the projection of a simultaneous registration} \LargeImage{cleempoel2.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{cleempoel3.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{cleempoel4.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{cleempoel5.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{cleempoel6.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{cleempoel7.jpg}{ } \column % images/1-cordy: \LargeImage{cor.jpg}{Doppelg\"{a}nger: The electronic double (duplicate, twin) in a society of control and surveillance} \stopcolumns \page %\blank \startcolumns[n=2] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % images/1-fiore: \LargeImage{cookiesensus.jpg}{CookieSensus: Cookies found on washingtonpost.com} \LargeImage{tacoda.jpg}{... and cookies sent by tacodo.net} \column % images/1-hassine: \LargeImage{imagetracer.jpg}{Image Tracer: Images and data accumulate into layers as the query is repeated over time} \LargeImage{shmoogle.jpg}{Shmoogle: In one click, Google hierarchy crumbles down} % images/1-rouvroy: %\LargeImage{rouvroy01.JPG}{ } %\LargeImage{rouvroy02.JPG}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=3] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % images/2-parikka: \LargeImage{parikka02.JPG}{Jussa Parrikka: We move onto a baroque world, a mode of folding and enveloping new ways of perception and movement} \LargeImageNF{parikka01.JPG}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=2] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{berthet1.jpg}{Extended Speakers: A netting of thin metal wires suspends from the ceiling of the haunted house in the La Bellone courtyard} \LargeImage{berthet2.jpg}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=3] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % images/2-berthet: \LargeImage{berthet3.jpg}{ } \LargeImageNF{berthet4.jpg}{ } \LargeImageNF{berthet5.jpg}{ } %\page \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=4] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % \LargeImage{shot0004.png}{ } \LargeImage{shot0008.png}{ } % \LargeImage{shot0009.png}{ } \LargeImage{shot0011.png}{ } \LargeImage{shot0012.png}{ } % \LargeImage{shot0013.png}{ } \LargeImage{shot0015.png}{ } % \LargeImage{shot0016.png}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=5] % ok ça fonctionne - 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ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % images/2-elgaland: \LargeImage{ambassade1.jpg}{Elgaland-Vargaland: Since November 2007, the Embassy permanently resides in La Bellone} \LargeImage{ambassade3.jpg}{Ambassadors Yves Poliart and Wendy Van Wynsberghe} \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=3] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{ambassade2.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{ambassade4.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{diagram.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{Doppelcrown.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{KREVflag.jpg}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=2] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % images/2-ghost: \LargeImage{ghost0.jpg}{It could be the result of psychic echoes from the past, psychokinesis, or the thoughts of aliens or nature spirits} \LargeImage{ghost1.jpg}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=3] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % images/3-luksch: \LargeImage{luksch0.jpg}{Manu Luksch: Our digital selves are many dimensional, alert, unforgetting} \LargeImage{luksch5.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{luksch6.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{luksch8.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{luksch9.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{luksch3.jpg}{ } \page \LargeImage{luksch1.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{luksch7.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{luksch2.jpg}{ } %\LargeImage{luksch10.jpg}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=2] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{luksch4.jpg}{ } % images/3-ottavi: \LargeImage{ottavi14.jpg}{ } \stopcolumns \page \startcolumns[n=4] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{ottavi0.png}{ } \LargeImage{ottavi1.png}{ } \LargeImage{ottavi2.png}{ } %\LargeImage{ottavi3.png}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \column \startcolumns[n=3] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{ottavi8.png}{Audio-geographic d\'erive: Listening to the electro-magnetic spectrum of Brussels} \LargeImage{ottavi5.png}{ } \LargeImage{ottavi6.png}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=4] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{ottavi7.png}{ } \LargeImage{ottavi13.png}{ } \LargeImage{ottavi9.png}{ } \LargeImage{ottavi10.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{ottavi11.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{ottavi12.png}{ } \LargeImage{ottavi4.png}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=2] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % images/3-murtaugh: \LargeImage{murtaugh0.jpg}{Michael Murtaugh: Rather than talking about leaning forward or backward, a more useful split might be between reading and writing} \column \LargeImage{murtaugh1.jpg}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=3] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix % images/4-mackenzie: \LargeImage{mackenzie02.JPG}{Adrian Mackenzie: This opacity reflects the sheer number of operations that have to be compressed into code ...} \LargeImage{mackenzie01.JPG}{... in order for digital signal processing to work} \LargeImage{mackenzie4.png}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=2] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{mackenzie5.jpg}{ } \column % images/4-prokhoris: \LargeImage{prokhoris01.JPG}{Sabine Prokhoris and Simon Hecquet: What happens precisely when one decides to consider these margins, these \quote{supplementen}, as fullgrown creations {--} slave, nor attachment?} % images/4-praticable: \LargeImage{praticable0.jpg}{Praticable: Making the body as a locus of knowledge production tangible} \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=3] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{praticable1.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{praticable2.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{praticable3.jpg}{ } % images/4-videolibrary: \LargeImage{video0.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{video2.jpg}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=3] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{video1.jpg}{ Mutual Motions Video Library: A physical exchange between existing imagery, real{}-time interpretation, experiences and context } % images/4-rabadan: \LargeImage{rabadan2.jpg}{Modern Times: His gestures are burlesque responses to the adversity in his life, or just plain \quote{exuberant}} \LargeImage{rabadan0.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{rabadan1.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{rabadan3.jpg}{ } % images/4-terry: \LargeImage{IMG_9780.JPG}{Michael Terry: We really want to have lots of people looking at it, and considering it, and thinking about the implications} \LargeImage{IMG_9782.JPG}{ } % images/4-cetin: \LargeImage{cetin01.JPG}{Görkem Çetin: There's a lack of usability bug reporting tool which can be used to submit, store, modify and maintain user submitted videos, audio files and pictures} % images/4-yuill: \LargeImage{bag0.jpg}{Simon Yuill: It is here where contingency and notation meet, but it is here also that error enters} \LargeImage{bag1.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{cardew.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{lesterbowie.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{ottoroessler.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{pattern-cascade.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{sunra.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{scratch1.jpg}{ } \stopcolumns \blank \startcolumns[n=2] % ok ça fonctionne - ajouter un stopcolumns si mix \LargeImage{scratch2.jpg}{ } \LargeImage{scratch3.jpg}{ } % images/4-dusollier: \LargeImage{dusollier1.jpg}{S\'everine Dusollier: I think amongst many of the movements that are made, most are not \quote{a work}, they are subconscious movements, movements that are translations of gestures that are simply banal or necessary} \LargeImage{dusollier2.jpg}{} % images/4-plant: \LargeImage{plant.jpg}{Sadie Plant: It is this kind of deep collectivity, this profound sense of micro-collaboration, which has often been tapped into} \stopcolumns \blank % RESET NUMBERS + CAPTIONS \resetnumber[figure] \setupcaptions[style=\tfxx\setupinterlinespace,number=no,location=bottom,width=1.45cm,align=middle]