[title] 1751 - Diderot and d'Alembert - Encyclopedie understanding memory: history sacred (history of prophets) ecclesiastical civil, ancient & modern civil history, properly said, literary history memories antiquities [img] Encyclopedie-Antiquities.jpg complete histories natural uniformity of nature celestial history history of meteors of land and sea of minerals of plants of animals of elements deviations of nature celestial wonders large meteors wonders on land and sea monstrous minerals monstrous plants monstrous animals wonders of the elements uses of nature: arts, crafts, manufactures work and uses of gold and silver minting goldsmith [img] Encyclopedie-Goldsmith.jpg gold spinning gold drawing silversmith planisher work and uses of precious stones lapidary [img] Encyclopedie-Lapidary.jpg diamond cutting jeweller work and uses of iron large forges [img] Encyclopedie-LargeForges.jpg locksmith tool making armorer gun-making [img] Encyclopedie-Gunsmith.jpg work and uses of glass glass making [img] Encyclopedie-GlassMaking.jpg plate-glass making mirror making optician glazier work and uses of skin [img] Encyclopedie-Skins.jpg tanner shammy-maker leather merchant glove making work and uses of stone, plaster, slate, etc. practical architecture practical sculpture mason [img] Encyclopedie-Masonry.jpg tiler work and uses of silk spinning milling [img] Encyclopedie-Silk.jpg work velvet brocaded fabrics work and uses of wool cloth-making [img] Encyclopedie-ClothMaking.jpg bonnet-making work and uses, etc. reason: philosophy general metaphysics, or ontology, or science of being in general, of possibility, of existence, of duration, etc. science of God natural theology and revealed theology religion, whereby, through abuse, supersitition [img] Encyclopedie-Religion.jpg science of good and evil spirits divination black magic science of man pneumatology or science of the soul reasonable sensible logic art of thinking apprehension: science of ideas judgment: science of propositions reasoning: induction method: demonstration analysis synthesis art of remembering memory natural artificial prenotion emblem supplement to memory writing and printing [img] Encyclopedie-Writing.jpg alphabet cipher arts of writing, printing, reading, deciphering: orthography art of communicating science of the instrument of discourse: grammar signs gesture pantomime declamation character ideograms hieroglyphics heraldry [img] Encyclopedie-Heraldry.jpg blazonry prosody construction syntax philology critique pedagogy choice of studies manner of teaching science of the qualities of discourse rhetorics mechanics of poetry ethics general general science of good and evil, of duties in general, of virtue, of the necessity of being virtuous, etc. particular science of laws and jurisprudence natural economic and political internal and external commerce on land and sea science of nature metaphysics of bodies, or general physics, of extent, of impenetrability, of movement, of word, etc. mathematics pure arithmetic numeric algebra [img] Encyclopedie-Algebra.jpg elementary infinitesimal differential integral geometry elementary: military architecture, tactics transcendental: theory of courses mixed mechanics [img] Encyclopedie-Mechanics.jpg statics statics, properly said, hydrostatics dynamics dynamics, properly said, ballistics hydrodynamics hydraulics [img] Encyclopedie-Hydraulics.jpg navigation naval architecture [img] Encyclopedie-Ship.jpg geometric astronomy [img] Encyclopedie-Astronomy.jpg cosmography uranography geography hydrography chronology gnomon optics [img] Encyclopedie-Optics.jpg optics, properly said, dioptrics perspective catoptrics acoustics pneumatics [img] Encyclopedie-Pneumatics.jpg art of conjecture analysis of chance physicomathematics particular physics zoology anatomy [img] Encyclopedie-Anatomy.jpg simple comparative physiology medicine hygiene hygiene, properly said, cosmetics orthopaedics athletics gymnastics pathology semiotics treatment diet surgery [img] Encyclopedie-Surgery.jpg pharmacy veterinary horse management [img] Encyclopedie-Horses.jpg hunting fishing [img] Encyclopedie-Fishing.jpg falconry physical astronomy: astrology judiciary astrology physical astrology meteorology cosmology [img] Encyclopedie-Physics.jpg uranology aerology geology hydrology botany agriculture gardening [img] Encyclopedie-Gardening.jpg mineralogy chemistry chemistry, properly said, pyrotechnics [img] Encyclopedie-Chemistry.jpg dyeing metallurgy [img] Encyclopedie-Metallurgy.jpg alchemy natural magic imagination poetry, sacred and profane narrative epic poetry madrigal epigram novel dramatic tragedy comedy pastoral parable allegory music theory practice instrumental [img] Encyclopedie-Music.jpg vocal painting sculpture [img] Encyclopedie-Sculpture.jpg civil architecture [img] Encyclopedie-Architecture.jpg engraving [img] Encyclopedie-Engraving.jpg