# Pdf-js Plugin The **Pdf-js** Plugin is for [Grav CMS](http://github.com/getgrav/grav). It allows you to embed PDF files into pages via shortcode. For a demo, [visit my blog](http://iusvar.alwaysdata.net/grav/blog/pdfjs). ## Installation Installing the Pdf-js plugin can be done in one of two ways. The GPM (Grav Package Manager) installation method enables you to quickly and easily install the plugin with a simple terminal command, while the manual method enables you to do so via a zip file. ### GPM Installation (Preferred) The simplest way to install this plugin is via the [Grav Package Manager (GPM)](http://learn.getgrav.org/advanced/grav-gpm) through your system's terminal (also called the command line). From the root of your Grav install type: bin/gpm install pdf-js This will install the Pdf-js plugin into your `/user/plugins` directory within Grav. Its files can be found under `/your/site/grav/user/plugins/pdf-js`. ### Manual Installation To install this plugin, just download the zip version of this repository and unzip it under `/your/site/grav/user/plugins`. Then, rename the folder to `pdf-js`. You can find these files on [GitHub](https://github.com/severo-iuliano/grav-plugin-pdf-js) or via [GetGrav.org](http://getgrav.org/downloads/plugins#extras). You should now have all the plugin files under /your/site/grav/user/plugins/pdf-js > NOTE: This plugin is a modular component for Grav which requires [Grav](http://github.com/getgrav/grav) and the [Error](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-error), [Problems](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-problems) and [Shortcode Core](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-shortcode-core) plugins to operate. ### Admin Plugin If you use the admin plugin, you can install directly through the admin plugin by browsing the `Plugins` tab and clicking on the `Add` button. ## Configuration Before configuring this plugin, you should copy the `user/plugins/pdf-js/pdf-js.yaml` to `user/config/plugins/pdf-js.yaml` and only edit that copy. Here is the default configuration and an explanation of available options: | Variable | Default | Options | Note | |----------|---------|---------|------| | enabled | `true` | `true` or `false` | Set to false to disable this plugin completely. | | width | `600` | | Sets the Window width in pixels | | height | `300` | | Sets the Window height in pixels | | technique | `pdfobject` | `embed`, `object`, `pdfjs`, `pdfobject` | The technique for embedding pdf files on the page | | show_used_technique | `false` | | Show Used Technique (debug) | Note that if you use the admin plugin, a file with your configuration, and named pdf-js.yaml will be saved in the `user/config/plugins/` folder once the configuration is saved in the admin. ## Usage This plugin uses the [Shortcode Core](https://github.com/getgrav/grav-plugin-shortcode-core) infrastructure. Read those docs for the nitty gritty of how shortcodes work. The Pdf-js shortcode is a self-closing `[pdfjs option1="value1" option2="value2" ... /]`, and it accepts the following options: * `file` is the only required parameter. It points to the datafile you wish to load. By default, the plugin looks in the same folder as the page file. This is adequate for most usage. You can also load files from the `user/data` folder by prefixing your file name with `data:` (e.g., `file=data:folder/filename.pdf`). * `width` set the width of the window. If not evaluated, the default value is used. * `height` set the height of the window. If not evaluated, the default value is used. If all you're passing is the file name, then you can shorten the code to the form `[pdfjs=filename.pdf/]`. FYI, slash is not essential. ### Example Codes Multiple PDF files can also be embedded on a page except for Pdf-Js. * `[pdfjs=filename.pdf]` or `[pdfjs file=filename.pdf]` (basic embed of pdf file in the same folder as the page itself) * `[pdfjs file=filename.pdf width=300 height=400]` (basic embed of pdf file in the same folder as the page itself, in a window of 400 pixels in width and 300 pixels in height) * `[pdfjs=data:filename.pdf]` or `[pdfjs file=data:filename.pdf]` (basic embed of pdf file in the `user/data` folder) * `[pdfjs=data:subdir/filename.pdf]` or `[pdfjs file=data:subdir/filename.pdf]` (basic embed of pdf file in the `user/data/subdir` folder) > Note: `data` can take any name, for example: `pdfs` or `repository` or whatever you like. > Note: if the file name contains spaces use double quotes, for example: [pdfjs="first filename.pdf"] or [pdfjs file="first filename.pdf"] or [pdfjs="data:filename.pdf"] and so on. ## Credits Pdf-js is a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs of Mozilla. More informations are available here: [https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/](https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/). [PDFObject](https://pdfobject.com/) is an open-source standards-friendly JavaScript utility for embedding PDF files into HTML documents. ## To Do - [ ] Incorporate more than one pdf with Pdf-Js - [ ] Reduce the size of the Pdf-Js library. - [ ] Make the toolbar buttons available via Admin. - [ ] Solve this warning if possible: `Warning: Setting up fake worker`.