$(function() { // SMALL TIMELINE var monthNames = ["jan", "fév", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juil", "août", "sept", "oct", "nov", "déc"]; function monthsWithinDateRange(start, end) { var start = new Date(start.getTime()); var end = new Date(end.getTime()); var months = []; months.push(new Date(start.getTime())); while (start <= end) { var nextMonth = (start.getMonth() + 1) % 12; if (nextMonth == 0) { start.setYear(start.getFullYear() + 1); } start.setMonth(nextMonth); months.push(new Date(start.getTime())); } return months; } var firstDate = moment($(".schedule__item").first().find("time").attr("datetime")); var lastDate = moment($(".schedule__item").last().find("time").attr("datetime")); var firstDate = new Date(firstDate); var lastDate = new Date(lastDate); firstDate = new Date(firstDate.getFullYear(), firstDate.getMonth(), 1); lastDate = new Date(lastDate.getFullYear(), lastDate.getMonth() + 1, 0); var months = monthsWithinDateRange(firstDate, lastDate); var totalHeight = $('schedule_timeline').outerHeight(); // Creates the month markers on the timeline for (var i=0, len=months.length - 1; i < len; i++) { var currentDate = months[i]; var pc = (1 - (lastDate - currentDate) / (lastDate - firstDate)) * 100; var point = $("
").text(monthNames[currentDate.getMonth()]).addClass("timeline__month").css({ top: pc + "%", }); point.appendTo($(".schedule__timeline")); } var gradient = []; // Computes the size and position of the timeline entries $(".schedule__item").each(function() { var currentStartDate = moment($(this).find(".start-date").attr("datetime")); if ( $(this).find(".end-date").length ){ var currentEndDate = moment($(this).find(".end-date").attr("datetime")); } var intDate = $(this).find(".int-date"); if (intDate.length > 0){ var intDate = moment($(this).find(".int-date").attr("datetime")); console.log(intDate); var anchor = $(this).attr("id"); var pc = (1 - (lastDate - currentStartDate) / (lastDate - firstDate)) * 100; var pc2 = (1 - (lastDate - currentEndDate) / (lastDate - firstDate)) * 100; var pcx = (1 - (lastDate - intDate) / (lastDate - firstDate)) * 100; var pointStart = $("").attr("href", "#" + anchor).attr("id", "point-" + anchor).addClass("timeline__point").css({ 'top': pc + "%", 'z-index': 10000 }); var pointInt = $("").attr("href", "#" + anchor).attr("id", "point-" + anchor).addClass("timeline__point").css({ 'top': pcx + "%", 'z-index': 10000 }); var pointEnd = $("").attr("href", "#" + anchor).attr("id", "point-" + anchor).addClass("timeline__point").css({ 'bottom': (100 - pc2) + "%", 'z-index': 10000 }); pointStart.appendTo($(".schedule__timeline")); pointInt.appendTo($(".schedule__timeline")); pointEnd.appendTo($(".schedule__timeline")); var color = $(this).data("color"); gradient.push(color + " " + pc + "%"); } else{ var anchor = $(this).attr("id"); var pc = (1 - (lastDate - currentStartDate) / (lastDate - firstDate)) * 100; var pc2 = (1 - (lastDate - currentEndDate) / (lastDate - firstDate)) * 100; var point = $("").attr("href", "#" + anchor).attr("id", "point-" + anchor).addClass("timeline__point").css({ 'top': pc + "%", 'bottom': (100 - pc2) + "%", 'z-index': 10000 }); point.appendTo($(".schedule__timeline")); var color = $(this).data("color"); gradient.push(color + " " + pc + "%"); } }); $(".timeline").css("background", "linear-gradient(to bottom, " + gradient.join(", ") + ")" ) $(".timeline__point").click(function() { window.location = $(this).attr("href") $(".timeline__point").css("background-image", 'none'); $("#point" + window.location.hash.replace("#", "-")).css("background-image", 'url("/images/damier.png")'); }); $("#point" + window.location.hash.replace("#", "-")).css("background-image", 'url("/images/damier.png")'); // background of header put into parent content var bg = $(".show-detail__header:first-child").css("background"); $(".show-detail__header:first-child") .css("background", ""); $(".show-detail__header:first-child").parent().parent().css("background", bg); // plot current date marker var today = moment().tz("Europe/Brussels").utc(); today = today.valueOf(); var cd = (1 - (lastDate - today) / (lastDate - firstDate)) * 100; var dateMarker = $("
").addClass("timeline__currentDateMaker").css({ 'top': cd + "%", }); dateMarker.appendTo($(".schedule__timeline")); }); $(function() { // page = $("body").attr("id"); // id = "#" + page.replace("page-", ""); // $(".schedule__list").scrollTop($(id).offset().top - 32); }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { if ($(window).width() > 600) { var leftHeight = $(".show-detail__body").height(); $(".show-detail__header").height(leftHeight); } }); // scroll timeline to next or current event $(function(){ var currentDate = moment().tz("Europe/Brussels").format(); var allShowDates = $(".start-date"); var showDates = []; $.each(allShowDates, function (index, value) { var parentTag = $( this ).parent().get( 0 ).tagName; if (parentTag == "LI"){ var showId = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('id'); } else{ var showId = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('id'); } var showDate = value; var showDate = ($(showDate).attr("datetime")); var momentDate = moment(showDate); var timeDelta = momentDate.diff(currentDate); showDates.push({ index: index, value: value, showId: showId, showDate: showDate, momentDate: momentDate, timeDelta: timeDelta }); }); var sliceCount = 0; for (var date in showDates){ if (showDates[date]['timeDelta'] < 0){ sliceCount +=1; } } showDates = showDates.slice(sliceCount); var scrollToDateId = showDates[0]['showId']; var scrollToDateId = "#" + scrollToDateId; $(".schedule__list").animate({ scrollTop: $(scrollToDateId).offset().top - 32}, 1000); }); // removes reservation button in timeline if event is in the past // $(function(){ // var currentDate = moment().tz("Europe/Brussels").format(); // var allReservations = $(".schedule__booking"); // $.each(allReservations, function (index, value){ // //console.log(datetime); // var eventDate = $( this ).prev().attr('class'); // if (eventDate == 'schedule__main-image'){ // eventDate = $( this ).prev().prev(); // var datetime = eventDate.find(".end-date").attr("datetime"); // eventDate = moment(datetime); // } // else{ // eventDate = $( this ).prev() // var datetime = eventDate.find(".start-date").attr("datetime"); // eventDate = moment(datetime); // } // console.log($(this)); // if (eventDate.isBefore(currentDate)){ // console.log(eventDate + "event is over"); // $(this).hide(); // } // else{ // console.log(eventDate + "is after today"); // } // //console.log(decidingDate); // }) // }); // TOC POSITION (function($) { $(".toc").appendTo(".page-detail__header:first-child"); })(jQuery); // TOC ANCHOR LINKS (function($) { // Sections are retracted on mobile using the `:target` pseudo-selector // the code below shows the first section if no other is specified var anchor = $(".page-detail .toclink").attr("href"); if (! location.hash) { if (history.pushState) { history.pushState(null, null, anchor); } else { location.hash = '#myhash'; } window.scrollTo(0, 0); $(".main-content").scrollTop(0); } })(jQuery); // CAROUSEL var initCarousel = function() { $(this) .removeClass("jcarousel") .addClass("jcarousel__inner") .wrap( "
" ) .children() .addClass("jcarousel__item") ; var nav = $(''); var prev = $('
'); var next = $(''); nav.append(prev, next); $(this).parent().append(nav); $(this).parent().jcarousel({ wrap: 'circular', animation: { duration: 1000, //easing: 'easeOutCubic', complete: function() {} } }); // .jcarouselAutoscroll({ // interval: 5000, // target: '+=1', // autostart: true // }); prev.jcarouselControl({ target: '-=1', }); next.jcarouselControl({ target: '+=1', }); } $(function () { $(".jcarousel").each(initCarousel); }); // SWIPE MAIN TIMELINE ON MOBILE // OR SCROLLBARS ON DESKTOP (function($) { if ($.isTouchCapable()) { $(".main-area").addClass("touch"); $(".schedule__timeline").click(function(){ $(".main-area").addClass("is-swiped"); }); $(".main-area") .swipeleft(function(){ console.log("swipeleft"); $(this).addClass("is-swiped"); $(".schedule__head").addClass("is-swiped"); }) .swiperight(function(){ console.log("swiperight"); $(this).removeClass("is-swiped"); $(".schedule__head").removeClass("is-swiped"); }); } else { $(".main-area").addClass("no-touch"); $(".main-content").css("overflow-y", "hidden").perfectScrollbar({theme: 'balsa', suppressScrollX: true}); $(".schedule__list").css("overflow-y", "hidden").perfectScrollbar({theme: 'balsa', suppressScrollX: true}); } })(jQuery); // SHOW-DETAIL GALLERY (function($) { $(".galerie") .addClass("show-detail__body-images") .insertBefore($(".show-detail__body")); color = $(".content").attr("data-color"); $('.show-detail__body-images iframe').each(function() { div = $("

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