# Fixes ultra slow generation by using code that is not yet merged into the # official pelican repository. See # # Add two STATIC_ settings. Fix #1982 # STATIC_CREATE_LINKS = False # Create links instead of copying files. If the content and output # directories are on the same device, then create hard links. Falls # back to symbolic links if the output directory is on a different # filesystem. If symlinks are created, don’t forget to add the -L or # --copy-links option to rsync when uploading your site. # STATIC_CHECK_IF_MODIFIED = False # If set to True, and STATIC_CREATE_LINKS is False, compare mtimes of # content and output files, and only copy content files that are newer # than existing output files. # pelican==3.7.1 git+https://github.com/aleray/pelican.git markdown>=2,<3 git+https://github.com/aleray/markdown-figures.git minchin.pelican.plugins.image_process>=1.1.3 html5lib # Python-Markdown extension to wrap the document logical sections (as implied # by h1-h6 headings). Makes the collapsed sections easier mdx_outline