· 1 10 100 £1000 101 102 103 104 106 107 108 109 10ngByrne 11 115 119 12 120 121 122 13 132 135 136 138 14 141 145 15 151 155 16 160 161 162 163 166 167 168 169 17 171 175 18 181 185 19 191 2 20 203 204 206 207 208 209 21 210 212 216 217 218 22 220 221 222 224 225 226 227 228 229 23 232 234 237 24 240 241 242 244 245 247 249 25 250 252 255 256 257 26 260 261 262 263 266 267 268 27 270 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 28 280 282 284 286 287 288 29 29° 292 297 299 3 30 300 301 302 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 88 89 9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 a A abandon abandoned abet ability able ably abnormal abnormality abnormally abode abominable abominably abomination abortion abortions about above abroad abrupt abruptly abruptness absence absences absent absented absently absentmindedly absolute absolutely absorb absorb­ absorbed absorbing absorption abstract abstracted abstractedly abstraction abstractions abstruse absurd absurdly abuse abused abyss academic accelerated acceleration accent accents accentu­ accentuated accept acceptance accepted accepting access accident accidentally accidents accom­ accommo­ accommodatingly accompani­ accompanied accompaniment accompany accomplished accordance according accordingly account accountable accounts accumulated accurate accus­ accusation accusations accuse accused accusing accustomed ached achieve achieved achievement achieving acidly acknowledge acknowledged acquaint­ acquaintance acquaintances acquainted acquiesce acquired Acquiring acquisition across act acted acting action actions active ACTIVI activities activity actor actual actuality actually actuated acute acutely adapt adaptable added addict adding additional address addressed addressing adequate adequately adhered adjoining adjust adjusted admir­ admirable admiration admire admired admiring admiringly admit admitted admitting adoles­ Adolphe adopted adopting adoringly Adrien adrift adroit adultery advance advanced advances advancing advantage adverse advertisements advertising advice ADVICE advisa­ advisable advise advised adviser Adyice affability affable affably affair affairs affec­ affect affectation affected affection affectionate affectionately affiicted affiicting affinity afflict afford afforded affront afoot afraid afresh after aftermath afternoon afternoons afterthought afterwards again against age aged ageless agency ages aggressive aggrieved aghast agitated agitation Agnes ago agonised agree agree­ agreeable agreeably agreed agreement agreements ahead aid aim aimlessly aimlessness air airily airiness airless airy alabaster alarm alarmed alarming alarms alas ale alert alien alignment alive all alley allotted allow allowance allowed allowing alluring ally almondtrees almost alone along aloofness aloud alpine already also alter altera­ alteration altered alternate alternately alternative alternatives although altogether altogetherbuy always am amazed amazement ambitions ambu­ amenable amends amenities amiability amiable amiably amicably amidst amok among amor­ amoral amorously amount amplifying amulet amuse amuse­ amused amusement amusing an an­ An AN anachronistic analyse analysis analytical ance ancestry anchorage ancient and andy anec­ anecdote anecdotes angel angelic anger Anglo­ angrier angrily angry anguished anima­ animal animals animated animation ankles Anna ANNA Annas Anne announce announced announcement annoy annoyance annoyances annoyed annoying anomer anony­ anonymous anonymously another anothers answer answered answering answers antagonise antagonism antagonistic antagonistically anteroom Anthony anti­ anticipated anticipation antipathy antiquated Antonia anxiety anxious anxiously any any­ Any anybody anyhow anyone anything anywhere apart apathetic apathetically aplomb apologetic apologise apologised apologising apology apostrophised appalled appallingly appar­ apparatus apparent apparently appeal appeal­ appealed appealing appealingly appear appear­ appearance appearances appeared appearing Appen­ appetite applauding apple apples application applied appoint­ appointing appointment appointments appre­ appreciate appreciated appreciation appreciative appreciatively apprehension apprehensive approach approachable approached approaching appropriate approval approved approvingly approximately apt aptitude aqd arbitration arbours Arcadian arch archaic arched arches arching archives ardent are arent argue argued arguing argument argumenta­ argumentative arid Ariel arisen arising aristocracy arity arm armchair armchairs arminarm armistice arms aromatic arose around aroused arousing arrange arranged arrangement arrangements arranging arrested arresting arrival arrived arriving arrogance arrogant arrogantly arterial artful artfully articles artificial artificiality artificially artificialtoo artillery artist artistic artists as ascended ascertained ash ashamed Asiatic aside ask asked asking asleep asphalted assailed assaulted assentingly asserted assertion asset assistance assistant assistants assisting associate associated associates association Asst assuage assume assumed assuming assumption assurance assured assuring asthetics aston­ astonish astonished astonishing astonishment astounded astounding astrakhan astute astuteness at AT ate ated ately Atlantic atmosphere atone atory atrociously attachecases attached attack attacked attain attempt atten­ attend attendant attended attending attention attentions attentive attentively attic attics attire attitude attitudes attract attracted attraction attractive audibly audience aunt aunts auspicious austere austerity authoritative authority auto­ automatic automatically automaton autumn auxiliary avenge avenging avenue average avoid avoidance avoided avoiding �avouring await awake awakened awakening aware awareness away awkward awkwardly awning axle azalea B babbled babus baby back background backwards backwater bacon bad badge badges badly badtempered baffied baffling bag bags balance balancing balcony bald baldness ball ballast Ballet banana band Bandol BandolsurMer bang banging banish banished banishing bank banked bankruptcy bar barbed bare bare­ barefooted bareheaded barely bargain barren barrier barrister base basin basis basket baskets bastard batch bath bathed bathing bathroom baths battened battered battle bay be be­ beach beads beam beamed bear bearable beard bearing beat beaten beating Beauchamp Beaujolais beauties beautiful beautifully beauty became because become becoming becomingly bed bed­ bedclothes bedroom bedrooms bedside bedspread bedstead been beer before beforehand began begged begin begin­ begin254 beginning begun behave behaved behaving behaviour behind being beings believe bell Bellevue bells bellshaped belly belong belonged belonging belongings below bench benches bend bending beneath benefit benevolence benevolent benign benignly Bennett bent ber bered bereft Berkeley bert bertin beside besides besieged besought best bestowed bet betray betrayed better between Beware bewildered bewilderment beyond bias bicycle bicycles bide big bigger bility bill bind bird bird­ birdlike birds birth birthday birthright biscuit bit bitch biting bits bitten bitter bitterly bitterness black black­ Black blackened blackish blame blamed blanched Bland blank blanket blankly blared blase blasphemous blast bleachedlook­ bleak blend blended blew blighter blighters blind blindly bling bliss blistered Bloch block blocked blonde blood bloodhounds bloodiest bloodless bloodlessly bloodshot bloodvessel bloody bloom bloom­ Bloomsbury blossom blot blotter blow blowing blown blue blue­ bluegreen bluegrey bluish blurred blurted blustery board boarded boardinghouse boards boast boasted boat boats bodice bodies bodilessly bodily boding body Bohemian Bohemianism Bohemians boil boiled boiling bold Bombay bon bond bone bones bonnet bony book bookcase books boorish border bore bore­ bored boredom boring born borne Boron bosom both bother bothered bothering Botticelli bottle bottom boughs bought Boulogne bound boundary bounded bounder bounds bourgeois bourgeoise bours bow bowl bowled bowler bowwindowed box boxer boxlike boy boyih boyish boyishly boys bracket brain Brain­ Brainless brains brake brakes braking branch branched branches branded brandy brass bravado brave bravery brawl brayed brazen breach bread break breakfast breakfasttime breaking breast breastpocket breath breath­ breathe breathed breathing breathless breathlessly breathlessness breathtaking breeze Brescia brevity brick bridge bridgetable brief briefly brigade bright brightened brighter brightly brightness brilliance brilliant brilliantly brim bring bringing brink brisk briskly bristles British brittle broad broadmindedness broiling broke broken bronzed broom brother brothers brought brow brown brownish brownyellow brows bruised brush brushed brushes brushing brushwork brutal brutality brutally brute bubbling bucket buddha buffer build building buildings builds built bulb bulbous bulge bulging bulgy bulk bulky Bull bullied bullock bulls bullying bunch bunches bungalow bungled bunk buoyant burden bureau burlesque burn burned burning burnt burrowing burst bury bus buses bush bushes bushy busi­ busier business business· businesslike bustle busy but butler butt butter butterfly button buttoned buttonholed buxom buy buying buzz buzzed by bygones Byrne Byrnes bythe C cabaret cable cachectic cacophonous cad cadence cafe cafes cajoled cakes Calais calamity calculable calculated calculating calendar calities call called calling callous callously callousness calm calmly cambric came camouflaging campaign campbed can Canada Canadian Canal cancelled candid candle candles candour cant canvas canvases cap capabilities capable capacity capital caprices captivated capture car card cards cardtable care care­ cared career carefree careful carefully careless carelessly carelessness cares caress caresses caricature Caro­ Carolina carpet carpeted carpetless carriage carried carry carrying cars carts case cases cashire casino cast castles casual casually casualness cat catalogues catastrophe catch catching cated category Catherine Catherines cattle caught cause caused causes caustic caution cautious cautiously cavern cc CCA cealed cease ceased ceaseless ceases Cedric Cedrics ceedings ceiling ceilinged ceit ceived celebrated celebrating celebration cell celllike censorious cent central centrating centre centric centrifugal centuries cer­ cere cerebral cerebrate cerebration ceremoniously cerned certain certainly certainly­ Certainly certainty cess cessation cessful cession cester Cezanne Cezannes chain chair chairman chairmanship chairs chaise­ chalk chalks challenge challenged Cham­ chamber champagne chance chances change change­ changed changes changing Channel chant chaos chap chaperoning character characteristic characteristics characters charcoal charge charged charging charm charmed charming charms charred charwomen chassis chaste chastity chat chatted chatter chattered chattering CHAU chauffeur chauffeurby chauffeurs cheap cheapened cheated check checked cheek cheekiness cheeks cheeky cheer­ cheerful cheerfully cheering cheerless cheese Chelsea chemical chequered cherished cherry chest chestnut chiaroscuro chicken chief chiefshaped child childhood childish childless childlike children childrens chill chilling chilly Chilterns chimney chimneypots chimneys chin china Chinese chocolatebox chocolates choice choked choking choly choose chord chorus chose chosen Christ Christian Christmas Christs chromium­ chubby chucker­ chuckerout chuckling chup­ chuprassi chuprassies chuprassis church churches ciatingly cigar­ cigarette cigars ciliation cinder cinders cinema ciplined cir­ circle circled circles circling circuitous circular circum­ circumlocutions circumspect circumstances circumstantial Circus cise citizen city Civil civilisation civilised CL clad claim claimed claims clandestine clanked clap­ Claridges clashed clasp clasped clasping class classes classical clattered clattering Clayd6n Claydon clean cleancut cleanshaven clear clearcut cleared clearer clearheaded clearing clearly clearness cleaving clerk clerks clever cleverly cleverness CLI clicked clicking clients cliff climb climbed climbing clinic Clinique clink clinked Cliquot cloak cloakless cloakrooms cloakwise clock close closed closely closeness closer closing cloth clothed clothes clothing clots cloud clouded cloudless clouds cloudy club clubs clue clumps clumsy clutching coal coarse coast coat coating coats cocking cocktail cocky coffee coffeecup coherently coincidences coins cold colder collapse collapsed collapsible collar collect collected collection college cOllviction colour colour­ coloured colourless colours com­ comatose combed combined come comer comes comfited comfiture comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comforting comfortless comic comical coming command commanded Commando comment comments commerce commissioner committed common commonplace communica­ communication community compactom companion companionable companions companionship company compara­ comparative comparatively compared comparison comparisons compartment compartments compelled compensate compensation competent competently complacency complacent complain complain­ complaining complete completed completely complex complexion complexions compli­ complicated complication complications composed composing composure comprehensible comprehension comprehensive comprised compromise compunction con­ concavity conceal concealed concealing conceit conceited conceiv­ conceivable conceivably conceive concen­ concentrate concentrated concentrating concentration conception concern concerned concerning CONCERNING concerns concerting concession conciliatoriness conclusion conclusive conclusively condemned condescend condescending condition conditions condone conduct conducted conducting conductor confabulations confectioners Conferences confi­ confide confidence confident confidentially confidently confiding confined confirmed Confound confront confronted confronting confused confusion congenial congested congratu­ congratulated connected connection connexion connoisseurs conquest conscience consciencestricken conscientious conscientiously conscientiousness conscious conscious­ consciously consciousness consecutive consent consequences Conservative consider consider­ considerable considerably consideration considered consisted consistently consisting console consoling conspicuous conspicuously conspiracy constant constantly constellations constitute constitutionally constrained constricted constriction constructed constructive construe consult consulted consumed consummated consumption contact contain contained container containing contains contamination contem­ contemplate contemplated contemporaries contempt contemptu­ contemptuous content contented contentedly contentment contents contest Continent contingent continual continually continue continued continuing continuously contorted contours contra­ contract contracted contrary contrast contributed contrived control controlled controlling conven­ convenience convenient convent convention conventional conversa­ conversation conversational conversations convert convey conviction convinced cook cook­ cooked cookery cooking Cooks cool cooled cooler coolly cope copies copy cor­ cordial cordiality corduroy cor�er corner corners corpse corpse­ corpselike corpses corre­ correct correctly correspondence corridor corridors corrugations corrupt cosiness cost costly costs cosy Cotswold cottage cotton cotton­ couch coughed could couldnt coun­ count counteracted counting countless country coupe couple couples courage couraged courageous course court courteous courteously courtyard cover covered covering coverings covert covey coward cowardly cowls cracked craftsmanship crafty crammed cramped crannies crash crashed crashing crastination cravat craving cravings crawling Cray crazy creaked creaking cream creamy creased creases creasingly created creative creature creatures credibly credit credit­ creep­ creeper creeps creet crept crescendo crescent crew cricket cried cries criminal crimson cringing crisis critical critically criticism crles crock crocodile cross crossed crossing crossly crouched crowd crowded crowds crowned crude crudely cruel cruelly Cruikshank cruise cruising crumbling crumpled crunch crunched crusade crushed crushing cry crying cube cubicle cuckoo culdesac cultivated cultured cumstances cunning cunningly cup cupboard cupboardlike cupfuls cupids cups Curi­ curiosity curious curiously curls curly current curry cursed curt curtainless curtains curtly curve curved curves cushion cushioned cushions customary customer customers cut cut­ cutlery cutting cymbals cynical Cypriot D dad daily dainty damage damages damn damned damns damp dampnosed dance danced dancers dances dancing dandelions danger danger­ dangerous dangled dangling dapper dare DARE daring dark dark­ Dark darkened darker darkit darkly darkness darling darning darted darting dash dashboard dashing dastardly date dated daughter daughterinlaw daunted David Davis dawn day daylight days daytime daze dazed dazzled dazzling dazzlingly db D�cember de de­ dead deaden deadening deal dealing dealings dealt dear death deathly deaths debonair debt deceive deceived deceiving December decency decencys decent decently deception deceptions deceptive decide decided decidedly deciding decision decisions decisive declared declasse declined declining decor decorate decorated decoration decorations decorative decoratively decorous decree deedboxes deep deep­ deepened deepest deepgreen deeply deepset defeat defeated defences defended defensible deferring defiance define defined definite definitely deflated deflation degenerate degenerated degeneration degree degrees Deht dehumanised dejected dejection delay delayed delaying delays deliber­ deliberate deliberately delicate delicately delicious delicto delighted delightful delightfully Deligny delirium delusion demand demanded demands demons demoralisation demoralising dence denial denly dent dential depar­ depart departed departing departure depend depended dependence dependent deplore deposited depravity deprecatingly depress depressed depressing depression depriving depth depths dered derived Desanzano descend describe described describing description descriptions desert deserted deserved deserving desiccated design designed designs desire desired desk desks desolate desolation despair despairing despairingly desperate desperately despicable despised despising despondent despotic dess dessert destina­ destiny destroy destroyed destroyer destroying destruc­ destruction desul­ desultory detached detachment detail details detain detaining detec­ detective deter deter­ deterioration determination determined detestable detested devastating Develop­ developed development devil devil­ devilish devilment devils devious deviously devoid devolve Devon­ Devonshire devoted devotedly devotion dewlaps Diagnosis diaphragm Dickens Dickensian dictates Dictatorridden dictory did diddled didnt die died difference different differently difficult difficulties difficulty diffident diffused digesting digging dignified dignity dilapidated dilly dim dimensions diminish diminished diminishing dimly dine dined dingy dining dining­ diningroom diningrooms dinner dinners dinnertime dip direct directed directing direction directions directly directness director dirt dirty dis­ disadvantage disagreeable disappearance disappeared disappearing disappointing disappointment disapproval disapproved disapprovingly disarranged disarray disaster discarded discernment discharging disclaimed disclose discomfort discomforting discomforts disconcerted disconcerting disconnected disconsolate discontent discontented discordantly discouraged discover discovered discovery discreet discreetly discriminating discuss discussed discussion disdainfully diseased disengaged disgraceful disgracefully disguise disguised disgust disgusted disgusting dish dishes dishevelled dishonest disillusionment disintegration dislike disliked dislodge disloyalty dismal dismally dismay dismissal dismissed dismissing disordered disorientated dispense disperse dispersed dispirited display displayed displaying displease displeased displeasure disposing dispute disquietude disregard disregarded disreputable dissatis­ dissatisfaction dissatisfied dissembled dissembling dissociated dissociating dissociation dissociative dissolved dissonance distance distances distant distantly distasteful distinct distinction distinctive distinctly distinguish distinguished distinguishing distorted distract distracted distracting distraction distress distressed distresses distressful distressing distributed district distrust distrusted distrustful disturb disturb­ disturbance disturbances disturbed disturbing ditch dithering dition ditions divan dived divided divine divingboard division divorce dizziness dizzy do docile docketed doctor doctors doctrine docu­ docu213 document dodderer doddering doer does doesnt dog dogged doggedly dogs doing doleful dolllike dolls dom dome domestic domesticated dominance dominated domination domineering Don done dont door doors doorstep doorway doorways dormant dote double doubly doubt doubted doubtful doubtless doubts dovecot dow down down� Down downatheel downed downfall downright downstairs doze dozen dozing dozy Dr dragged draggled drank draped drapery Draping draw drawer drawing drawingroom drawings drawl drawling drawn draws dread dread­ dreaded dreadful dreading dream dreamed dreamily dreaming dreamlike dreams dreamy drear drearily dreariness dreary dress dressed dresses dressing dressingcase dressinggown drew dried driedup drift drifted drifting drill drink drinking drinks dripping drive drivelling driven driver drivers driving drizzle droned droning drooped drooping drop dropped dropping droughts drove drown drowned drowsily drowsiness drowsy drudgery drug drugged drummed drumming drums drunk drunkards dry dryads dualist dubious duced ducked Duclos due dugout dull dumb dumbly dummy duped during dusk dusky dust dustup dusty Dutchman duties dutiful duty dwell dyed dyspep­ e each eager eagerly eagerness Earlier earliest early earn earned earning earpieces ears earth ease easel easier easiest easily easiness East eastand easy easygoing eat eaten eating ebbing ebony ebonyhandled �ecause eccentric eccentricities echoing eclat economical economy ecstasy ecstatic edge edging Edward Edwards eerie ees effect effective effectiveness effects effeminate effete efficiency efficient efficiently effort effortless efforts effrontery egg egged ego ego­ egocentric egocentricity egoism egoist egoistic Egyptian eight eighteen eighty either elabor­ elaborate elaborately elaboration elastic elated elbow elbows elder elderly elders elected electric elegance elegant elegantly element eleven eleventh elms elon­ else elses elsewhere elucidation elusive elusiveness emacia­ emaciated emaciation eman­ emanate emanated embank­ embankment embarking embarrassed embarrassing embarrassment embedded embittered embodied emboldened embrace embraces embroiled emerald emerge emerged emitted emitting emotion emotional emotionally emotions emperor emphasis emphatic employ employees employer employers employment empty emptyheaded emptying en­ enabled encased ence enchanted enchanting encircled encircling enclosed encountered encountering encourage encouraged encouraging encroaching encumbered end endeavoured ended endless ends endure endured enduring ened enemies enemy energies energy enervating Eng­ engaged engagements engaging engine engines England English Englishman Englishwoman engraved engravings engrossed enhanced ening enjoy­ Enjoy enjoyable enjoyed enjoying enjoyment enlarged enlightened enmity enormous enormously enough enquire enquired enquiries enquiring enquiry enrage enraged entail entangled enter enter­ enter188 entered entering enterprise enterprising entertain entertaining enthralled enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastically entirely ently entrance entranced entrusted enunciate enunciated envelop envelope enveloped envelopes envied environment envisaged envy episode epitomise epoch equal equality equals equanimity Equipped equivocally erection erotic erratic erroneous error escapade escape escaped escorted escorting Especially essential establish­ established ested esteemed estimate estrangement ests eternal eternally eternities eternity Ethel1 Ethelbert ethereal etherealised ethics ette Eurasians Europe Euston evade evaded evading EVASI evasion evasionist evasions evasive evasiveness even even­ Even evening evenings evenly event eventful events Eventually ever everlasting Eversharp every every­ Every EVERY every1 everybody everyday everyone everyones everything everythings everywhere evi­ evidence evident evil evilsmelling evitable EWISON ex­ exacting exactly exaggerated exaltation exalted examination examine examined examining example exasperated exasperating exasperatingly exasperation exboxer excellent except exceptional excess excessively exchange exchanged exchanging excited excitement exciting exclaim exclaimed exclamation exclamations excluding exclusion exclusive exclusiveness excrescences excru­ excuse excused excuses execution exercising exerting exertion exhaling exhausted exhausting exhaustion exhibition exhibitionism exhilarating exIndian exist exist­ existed existence existing exit exjudge exonerate exorbitantly exorcised exotic exotically expand expanded expect expectancy expectant expectantly expectation expectations expected expedient expedite expedition expeditions expen­ expend expense expenses expensive expensively experience experienced experiences experiment explain explained explaining explanation explicitly exploit exploited explore explosion exposed exposing expres­ expressed expresses expression expressionless expressionlessly expressions extended extension extensive extent exterior external externals extinction extinguish extra extra­ extract extracted extracting extraneous extraordinarily extraordinary extravagant extravagantly extreme extremely extremes extremity extricated exulted eye eyeballs eyebrow eyebrows eyed eyelashes eyelids Eyening eyes eyesearing F face faced faces facetious facial facility facing fact factory facts faded fail failed failing failure faint faintest faintheart faintly faintness fair Fair­ Fairbrother Fairbrothers fairhaired fairheaded fairly faithful fall fallen falling false falsely falsetto famili­ familiar familiarity families family famous fanatical fanatically fancied fantasia fantasies fantastic fantasticsounding fantasy far fare farflung farm farther fascinated fascination Fascist fashion fashion­ fashionable fashionably fashioned fast fastened faster fastidious fat fatal fatalism fate father fathers fathom fatigue fatuous fault faunish favour favour­ favourable favourite f�ce fdr FE fear feared feat features feckless fectly fed fee feeble feeder feel feel­ feeling feelings fees feet feigned felicity fell fellow fellowman fellowpassengers fellows felt female feminine fence fenced fern ferred fessionally festooned fetch fetched fetching feU Feuchtwanger FEUR fever feverish feverishly few fewer fiat fibres fictitious fictitiously fiddle fiddled fied field fields fiendish fierce fiercely fierceness fifteen fifty fiftytwo fight fighting figure figures file files filigree filing fill filled filling film filthy Fin­ final finally finance finances financial financill find find­ Find finding fine finely fines finesses finger fingering fingers fingertips finical finished finishing fioor fire firemen fireplace firm firmly first fish fisherman fishermans fishermen fishing fist fit fitted fitting five fivehundredth fixed flaccid flagrante flamboyant flame flames flannel flannels flapped flare flared flash flashed flashing flashy flashylooking flat flats flatter flatter­ flattered fled fleet­ flesh fleshy flew flexible flicker flickering flickers flies flight flights flimsy fling flinging flippancy flippant flirtation flitted flitting floated floating flocked flood flooded flooding floor floors florets florid florists flotilla flourishes flout flow flowed flower flower29 flowerbeds flowerbordered flowering flowers flowing fluence fluency fluently fluid flung flush flushed flutter flying foam focus focussed fog fogey foggy foie fol­ fold folded folding folds foliage follow followed following fond fondly food foodscented fool foolhardy foolish foolishly foolishness fools foot football footing footpath footsteps for for­ For For­ FOR forbidden force forced forceful forcing fore fore­ forebodings forefinger foreground forehead foreign foreigner foreigners foreshortened foresight forethought foretold forget forgive forgive­ forgiven forgo forgot forgotten forlorn form formal formalised formality formed former formidable forms formulated forsaken forth forthcoming forthwith fortuitously fortunate fortune fortunes forty fortyfive forward forwards fostering fought found foundation founded fountainpen four fourposter fours fourteen fourth fourth­ fraction frag­ fragile fragments fragrance fragrant frail frame frames framing France frank frankly frantic fraud fraudulent freckled free freeandeasy freedom freely freight French Frenchwoman frenzy frequent frequented frequently fresh freshness fretful fretted fried friend friend­ friendly friends friendship fright fright­ frighten frightened frightening frigid fringe frittered frivolous fro frock frocks from fronds front frontal frontier frostbitten frown frowned frowning frowningly frowzy frozen frugally fruit fruition fuel ful fulfilment full fullblown fully fumbled fumbling fumes fun function functioning functorily fundamental fundamentally funeral funny fur furcollared furious furiously furni­ furnish furnished furnishings furniture furrows further fury fuss fussed fussy futility future G gadget gaiety gaily gain gained gait gala gallery game gamebut games gangway gape garage garages Garda garden gardenbordered gardens Gardone garlands garlic garment garments garnished Garret gasfire gasped gasring gastronomical gate gated gatelegged gaunt gave gay gaze gazed gazing GB gear general generally generated generation generosity generous genteelly gentle gentle­ gentleman gentlemen gently genuine genuinely George Georges Ger­ GER Gerald Geralds Germaine Germaines German gers ges­ gesting gestion gesture get gets getting ghastly ghost ghostwhatever ghoulish giant giddy gift gifted gigantic giggles gilded Gill giltframed gipsyish gird girl girlish girlishness girls gist give given giving glad glamorous glamour glanc­ glance glanced glances glancing glare glared glaring glass glassclear glasses glassgreen glassy glaze glazed gleam gleam­ gleam56 gleamed gleaming gleaned gleethat glided glimpse glimpsed glistening glitter­ glittered glittering gloat gloom gloomily gloomy glossy glove gloved gloves glow glum gnarled gnawing go goading goal goats god­ God godsend goes going goingcant gold gold­ golden goldfish gone goneshe good good­ Good goodbye goodfornothing goodhearted goodhumoured goodhumouredly goodlooking goodnatured goods gossip gossiping got gotten gourmet govern­ governed gown gowned graceful gracefully graceher gradually graduated Grafton Graham Grahams grain gramophone grand­ grandfather grandson granted graph graphed graphic gras grasp grasped grasping grass grassy grate gratification gratified gratitude grave gravel gravely graveyard gravitate grazed grazing grease greasy great greater green greenbanded greener greenish greentopped greenwashed greeted greetings gregarious grew grey greying greyish grief grievance grievances grievously grim grimace grime grimlooking grimy grin grinding grinned grinning gripped grisly gritty grocers groping grotesque grotesquely ground grounds group grouping grove groves growing grown growth grubby grudgingly grumbled grumbling GS guards guest guffaw guide guile guilt guilty gulf gulls gulps gust gusted gusto Gwenda Gwendas gyrated h� H ha habit habita­ habits had hadnt haggard hagridden hailed hair hairdressing haired hairs hairy hale half half­ Half halfabstracted halfadmitted halfconscious halfdozen halfempty halfgorged halfhearted halfhour halfhumorous halfhunter halfmelancholy halfmemory halfnaked halfopen halfpast halfpenny halfpitying halftrot hall halls halt ham hampered hand hand­ handbag handbrake handed handful handker­ handkerchief handled handling handmade hands handshake handsome handsomely handsomer handwriting Hang hanging hangings haphazard happen happen­ happened happening happens happi­ happier happily happiness happy haps harassed harassing harbour hard harden hardened hardening harder hardlooking hardly harm harmless harmonious harmonised harms harrowed harsh harshsound­ has hasnt haste hastily hasty hat hatbox hate­ hated hateful hath Hatless hatred hats haughtily haughty haunt haunted haunting hausted have havent having haviour hazy he �he He head head­ headed headland headlights heads headwaiter health healthier heap hear heard hearing heart heart­ hearta heartbreaking heartfelt hearthrug heartily heartless hearttoheart hearty heat heating heaven heavens heavier heavily heaviness heavy hed heedlessly heel heelless heels held hell hells help help­ helped helping helpings helpless helplessly HEN henceforward Hendon Henri hensible hensive her her­ Her here hermits heroic heroism hers herself hes hesitated hesitating hesitation hewn hiatus hibition hidden hideous hiding high highandmighty highclass highcoloured highest highhanded highly highlydecorated highquality highsounding highspirited highwater hill hills hillside him him­ himself hinged hinges hint hinting hints hired his ·his His hissing history hither hitherto hoarse hoarsely hold hold246 holder holding hole holes holiday holidays holy Homchurch home home­ homeless homes homesick honest honesty honeydew honking honour hook hope hope­ hoped hopefully hopelessly hoping horde hori­ horizon horizontal Horn­ Hornchurch horns horny horrible horribly horrified horrify horror horses hospital host hostile hostility hot hotel hounded hour hours house house­ household housekeeper houses housewife housework hovered hovering how Howard however howl howling hremor­ hremorrhage hubbub Hubert HUBERT huddle huge hulking Hullo hum human humanity humble humbling humiliated humiliating humiliation humility hummed Humming humorous humorously humour hunched hunchedup hundred hundreds hundredth hung hunger hungry hunted hunters hurled hurried hurry hurrying hurt hus­ husband husbands hush hushed hushing hustle hymn Hyper­ hypocrite hysteria hysterical i I I6 ibex ibexes ice iceblue Id idea idealistic ideas identical identify idiosyncrasies idiot idiotic idle idleness idler idly iEsculapian if IFE Ifhe ignorance ignore ignored ignoring II III ill ill­ Ill illbalanced illfitting illgotten illhumour illhumoured ILLIAM illicit illness illprepared illtempered illuminated illusion im­ Im image images imaginary imagination imaginative imagine imagined imagining imbecile imitated imitation immaculately immature imm�diately immediate immediately immemorial immense immensely imminent immobile immobility immoral immortalise immovable immovably impact imparted impartial impassive impassively impati­ impatience impatient impatiently impeding impending impenetrable impenetrably imperative imperceptible impermanence impersonal impersonally impertinence impertinent imperturbability imperturbable imperturbably impervious impinged impish implacably implanted implement implication implicitly implied implore implored imploring importance important importantly imposing impossible impotent impregnable impres­ impress impressed impression impressionable impressive impressively impropriety improve improved improvement improvements impu­ impudent impudently impulse impunity in in­ In inaccessibility inaccessible inadequacy inadequate inane inanely inappro­ inappropriate inatten­ inauspicious incalculable incapable incapacity inception inch inches incident incidents incipient inclination incline inclined inclining included incoherent incom­ incompetent incomplete incompre­ incomprehensible incomprehensibly incongruous incongruously inconsequent inconsistently inconspicuous inconspicuously inconvenient incorrigible increased increasingly incredible incredibly incredulous incriminating incubus incumbent inde­ indebted indecent indecision indeed indefinable indefinably indefinite independence independent indescribable indeterminate India Indian indicated indicating indictment indifference indifferent indifferently indignant indignantly indignation indigo indistinct indistinctly indivi­ individual individualist individuals indolent indoors induce indulge indulgent indulging indus­ ineffectual inefficiency inept ineptitude inert inescapable inevitably inexhaustible inexplicably inexpressible infallible infant infantile inferiority infernal infested infidelity infinite infinitely infinitesimal inflame inflamed inflated inflexible inflexibly inflexion inflicted influence inform informality information informed informing infringe­ infuriated infuriating ing ingenious ingenuous ingless ingly ingratitude ings inhaled inhospitable initiative injunction injured injuries injuring injury ink ink­ INKS inland inmost inn innate inner innkeeper innocent innocuous innumerable inquiring inquisitive inquisitively insane insatiable inscrutable insects insensate insensibility inside insignia insignificant insinuated insinuations insipid insist insisted insolence insolent inspect inspection inspiration inspired inspiring installed instance instant Instantane­ instantaneous instantaneously instantly instead instinct institution institutions instru­ instructed instructions instructive instruments insub­ insuffer­ insufferable insufficiently insulating insult insulted insulting insults insupport­ intact intangible integral integrity intellectual intellectualised intellectually intellectuals intelligence intelligent intelligentsia intend intended intendent intending intense intensely intensity intent intention intentionally intently intentness inter­ interest interested interesting interests interfere interference interior interlocked interminable interminably internal interpreter interrupt interrupted interruption intersecting inter�sts intervals intervene interview interviewing interviews interwoven intestines intimacy intimate intimately into intolerable intonation intoxicated intractable intricate intrigue intrigued intrigues intriguing intrinsic introduce introduced introduction introspection introspective introversion intrude intrusion intuition intuitive invaded invalid invariably invented investiga­ investment invigorating inviolable inviolacy invisible invitation invited inviting involuntarily involve involved invulnerable inwardly IO IONS iota iron irondark ironic ironically irrational irregular irrepressible irresistible irresponsible irretrievably irrevocable irrevocably irritability irritable irritably irritate irritated irritating irritation is ish ished isnt isolated isolation issue issued it Italian Italy itinstead itll its its· Its itself Ive J jacket jade jagged Jamess jamming jar jawbone jaws jealous Jealousy Jean jected jeering jerk jerked jerks jerky jersey Jew jewelclear Jewesss Jewish JI jigsaw job jocular jocularity Johns join joined joke jokes joking jokingly jolly jolting Joseph jostling Journal journey journeyings journeys jowl jowled joyful joyfully joyless joyrides Juan jubilant judge judged judgment judicially juicy jump jumped jumpers jumping jun junction jungle junior jury jurymen just justifiable justification justified justify justifying jutted jutting Kavan Kavans keen keep keeper keeping Kensington kept kerb kettle key kick kids kill killed kilometre kind kindhearted kindly kindness kinds Kings kiss kissed kissing kitchen kitten Kleinfelds knack knave knee kneeling knees knelt knew knife Knightsbridge knock knocked knocks knot knotted know knowing knowledge knowledgeable known knows knuckle Kyria l label laborious laboriously labour laburnum laburnumtrees lacelike lack lack­ lacked lacking laconic lad lady ladys lagoon lagoons laid lain lake lakes lakeside lamp lamplight lamps Lan­ Lancashire lance land landing­ landlord landscape landscapes lane laneous lanes language languid languidly lantern lap lapse lapsed lapsing large largely larger largest larly lashes last lasted latch latchkey late lated lately later latest Latimer Latin latter laugh laughed laughing laughingly laughter launched Laurence Lauretta Laurettas lavatory law lawabiding laws lawwith lawyer lawyers lay layer lazily laziness lazy Le lead leading league lean leaned leaning leanings leap leaped learn lease leases least leather leatherframed leave leaves leavetaking leaving lecture led ledge leech leeches leering left leg legal LEGAL legally legendary leggings legible legs Leicester leisure leisured leisurely length lengthily lengthy leniently lenses lently less lessly lessness lest let lethargy lets letter letterand letters letting level levers lewd Lewion Lewisohn Lewison Lewison­ LEWISON Lewisonian Lewisons liaison liar liars liberty library licentiousness lid lidded lids lie lieutenant life lifeless lift lifted lifts light lightandairy lighted lightened lighter lighthearted lightheartedly lighting lightly lightness lights lightweight like likeable liked likely likeness lilac lilies limbs limit limited limp limpid limply lina line lined linen liner lines ling linger lingered lingering link linoleum lips lipstick liquescent liqueur listen listen­ Listen listened listening listless lit literary lithe littered little live lived lives livid living livingroom livingto LL lnyisible loaded loaf loafing loathe loathed loathing loathsome local location lock locked Loco locomotive lodged lodging log loggia loitered loitering London Londoner Londonthe loneliness lonely long longdrawn longdrawnout longed longer longing longish longpronged longrepressed longsnouted longue look look­ Look Look­ looked lookers looking looks loomed loophole loose loosely lopsided Lord lorries lorry lOS lose loses losing loss losses lost lot loud loudly lounge lounged lounging Louvre love loved lovely lover lovers loving low low­ Low lowed lower lowered lowest lowvoiced loyal loyally loyalty lucidity luck lucky ludicrous luggage lugubrious Luigi lukewarm luminous lunatic lunatics lunch lunchbasket lunched lunchtime lungs lurch lurched lurching lurid lurk lurking lustre lustrous luxurious luxurious­ luxury luxuryloving lying M machinations mad Madame maddening made madeup madmans madness magazines Magdalen magic magnanimous magnificence magnified mahogany maid maiden maidens maids maidservant MaiHa mail main main­ maine maines mainly maintained maintains majestically majority make makebelieve makeup making malaise malevolently malice malicious maliciously Mallalieu Mallet mally man manage managed management manager managing manceuvring manent manently mania manipulated manipulating manipulative manner manners Manresa mans manufactured manuscript many Mar­ Marble marched mark marked market marks marriage married marry marrying marrymg Mars marsh marshal marshy Mart MART Martin MARTIN Martins martyrdom marvellous Mary mascara masculine mask masked masklike mass massed masses masseur massive massproduction master mastered masterly masters match matched matches mated material materialisation maternity matic Matin matrimony matrons matted matter mattered matteroffact matters mattersimply Matthew Matthews mattress maturely may maycare maytrees me meal meals mealtimes mean mean­ meandered meaning meaningless meanness means meanspirited meant meanwhile measure measured measurements measures meat mechanical mechanically mechanics medi­ mediator medita­ meditations Mediter­ Mediterranean mediumsized meekly meet meeting melan­ melancholy mellow melodious melt melted melting members membership memories memory men mending Meninsky Menjou ment mental mentality mentally mented mention mentioned ments menu meperhaps mer mer­ mercenary mercial mercy mere mered merely merited meritorious merrily merriment mesh meshed mess message messenger met metal metallike method methodical methodically methods meticulously mewing mice micro­ midday middle middleaged midnight midst might migrated MIGRATIO Migration MIGRATION mild mild­ miles militaristic military milk minatory mincing mind mindless minds mine MINE mined minent mingled mini­ miniature ministrations minor minute minutely minutes Minzi Miremont mirror mirrors mirth mis­ miscel­ mischief mischievous misconduct mised miserable misery misfortunes misleadingly miss missed mission mist mistake mistaken mistakes mistaking mistress mistresses mistrust misty mit mn mo­ moaned mobile mocha mocked mockery mocking mockregretful mockrighteousness mode model modelling models moderate moderately modern modernise modernistic moderns modest modesty modified modish moiling moist moistened mollified mollifying Molton moment momentary moments mond money monomaniac monopolising monoton­ monotonously monotony Monsieur monster Mont Mont­ month months Montpellier monu­ mony mood moods moody moon moon­ mooning moonlight moored moral morale morals morass more moreover morning mornings morose morosely mortification mosaic mosquito most mostly mother motherly mothers motion motionless motions motives mottled mountain mountainash mountains mounted mournful mous moustache mouth mouthful mouths move move­ moved movement movements moving mown Mr Mrs much mud muddleheaded muddlers muffied muffiedup muffled mule multiple munching munist murderous murky murmur murmured muscat muscles music musicalcomedy musicians must muted mutilated muttered muttering my myself mysterious mystery n nail nailed nailedup nails naive naked name named Nancy napkin Napoleon narrow nasty native natives natural naturalcoloured naturally naturalness nature natured naturedlooking nausea nauseously naval navel navy NCE near nearer NEARER nearest nearly nearness neat neatly neatness nebulous neces­ necessary necessity neck necklace nectarine nected need needed neerdowell negative neglect neglect­ neglected neglecting negligee negligence negligent negligently negro negroes neigh­ neighbourhood neighbours neither Neon nephew nerve nerve­ nerves nervous nervously nervousness nervy ness net nethermost nets neutral never nevertheless new newcomers newfangled news NEWS newspaper newspapers next ng N·G nib nice nicely nicer niece nieces Nietzschean night night­ Night NIGHT nightdress nightgown nightmare nightmarish nights nignly nine nineteen ning nisi no NO noble nobody nocturnal nodded noise noises noisily noisy nonchalantly noncommittal noncommittally nondescript none nonetoo­ nonexistent nonplussed nonsense nor normal normally North northern northward nose noses nosing nostalgia nostalgic nostications nostril nostrils not not­ Not notbeing note notebook notecase noted notepaper notes nothing notice notice23 noticed noticing notify noting notsoyoung notveryyoung notwithstanding nounced nourishing nourishment novel November now nowadays nowhere NS nterference NTO NTROSPECTIVE nude nuisance num­ number numerous nurse nursed nurses nursing nutbrown nymphs O Oakley oars oaths ob­ obey object objection objective objectively objectives objects obligation obligations obliged obliging obliterated oblivion oblivious obliviously oblong obscene obscenely obscenities obscure obscurity observant observantly observation observe observed obsessed obsession obsessional obsessions obsolescence obsolete obstacle obstinacy obstinate obstinately obstructive obtuse obvious obviously occasion occasional occasionally occasionclever occasions occu­ occupant occupation occupied occupy occur occurred occurrence Ocean oclock odd oddly oddments odds odious odour odours OES of off off­ offence offended offensive offensively offensiveness offer offered offering offhand offhandedly office officer officers offices oflights often oftert Oh oil oil­ oillamp oilstove oily old old­ Old older oldest oldfashioned oldworld olive olive­ olives olivetree ominously on on­ On once one oneroomed ones oneself onetime only ONS onslaught onwards �oo OOKING opalescent opaque open opened opening openly opens operator opinion opinions opponents oppor­ opportune opportunity oppos­ opposed opposite opposition oppressed oppression oppressive optimism optimistic option opulence or orange orchards orchestra orchestral orchid orchidcoloured ordeal order ordered orderly orders ordinary orgy Oriental origin original originally originated originating ornamented ornaments oscillated osopher other others otherwise oubliette ouched oughly ought our ous ously oust ousting out out­ Out outburst outcome outer outings outlet outline outlined outlying outnumbered outofdate outoftouch� outraged outside outsider outsiders outskirts outspoken outstanding outstayed outstretched outward outwardly outwards outwitting oval over over­ OVER overall overcame overcast overcoat overcoats overcome overconfidence overcrowded overdetailed overdraft overexcited overflowing overgrown overhead overheated overhung overilluminated overinsistent overlook overlooked overlooking overpopulation overpower overpowering overpoweringly overshot overstimulated oversuspicious overtaken overtired overtook overtures overturning overwhelmed overwhelming overwrought owed owing own owned owner owning Oxfordshire P P P PA pace paces pacifically pacifist pack packed packet packing pages paid pain painful painfully pains painstaking painstakingly paint paintbox painted painter painters painting paintrag pair Palace pale palely palette palings pallid pallor palm palms paltry panel­ panes pang panic panicky panied panions pannels panted paper papera papers par­ Paradise paralysed paralysis paraphernalia parasite parcel parcels parched pariah pariahs paring Paris Parisians parlour paroxysm part part­ PART parted partially particu­ particular particularly particulars parties parting partition partly partner partner­ partners PARTNERS partnership partnerships parts party pass pass­ passage passages passed passen­ passengers passersby passing passion passion­ passionate passionately passions passive past pastries patch patches patent path pathetic paths patience patient patiently patients patriarchal patron patron­ patronising patronisingly patrons patted pattern patterned patterning patterns pause paused Pausing pave­ paved pavement pavements paving pay paying peace peaceable peaceably peaceful peacefully peak peaked peasant peated pect pected peculiar peculiar­ peculiarities peculiarly pedantic pedestrians peered peering peevishly peevishness peImets pellier pelvis pencil pended pendence pendulous pene­ penetrated penetrating penetration penin­ peninsula penitent penny pents people peoples pepper per per­ perament perceived perceptible perched percolated perdition perfect perfectly perforce perfume perhaps period periods perished permanent permanently permitted Pernod peroration perorations perpendicular perpetual perplex perplexity perseverance persisted persistent persistently person personal personality personally personification persons perspicacious perspiration persuaded persuading pert perturbed pervaded pester pestering pests petals Peter Peters petits petrol petted petty petulant phantasm phase phenomenally phil­ philanthropic philosophers philosophic philosophical philosophies phlegmatic phot0graph photo­ photograph photographed photographer photographs phous phrase phrased phraseology phrases physical physically physiological pic­ Picca­ Piccadilly picked pickled picture pictured pictures picturesque piece pieced pieces pied piercing pigeons pigs pigtail pile piledup piles piling pillow pillows pin pincenez pine pines pinewoods ping pinions pink pinnacle pinpoints pint pioneers piquant pitch pitchforked pittance pity pityingly placable placably placatory place placed placent placeperhaps places placid placing plague plaid plain plainest plainly plaintive plaited plaiting plan plane plane­ planetree planks planned planning plans plant planted plants plaster plastered plastic plat­ plate plated plates platform platforms plausible play played players playful playfulness playing playingfield pleading pleas28 pleasant pleasantfaced pleasantly pleasantries please pleased pleased· pleasing pleasurable pleasure plenty pletely plety pliable plish plodded plosh Plotting ploughed ploughland pluck plucked plump plunged plunging pm pocket pocketbook pocketed pockets poetical poignant poignantly point pointed points poise poised poking poky police policeman policy polished polite polite­ politely politeness politic politics pondered ponderous pool pools poor poorspirited popular porary portable portentous porter porters portion portions portrait portraits pose posed poses posesher position positive positively possess possessed possession possessor possi­ possibility possible possibly Possiblyalmost post posted postpone posture pot potato potbellied potency potS Poul­ Poulteney pounded pounding pounds pour poured pours pouting poverty powder powdered power powerful powerless powers PR PRACT practical practically practice Practises practitioner praised prayer pre­ prearranged precious precisely precision precocious preconceived predetermined predisposition predominant prefer preferred pregnancy pregnant prehensible prehistoric preliminaries preliminary prematurely premeditat­ preoccupation preoccupations preoccupied prepaid prepara­ preparation preparations prepare prepared preparing prepossession preposterous preRaphaelite presence present presented presently presents preserved preserving pressed pressing presume Presupposing pretence pretext pretty prevent prevented previous priately price prices pricked pricking pride prided priding prietary prim prime primeval primitive primordial principally principles printed printers prising prison privacy private privately privations prizes pro­ probability probable probably problem problems proceed proceeded proceeding proceedings process procession Proctor prodded produce produced producing profane profanity profession professional professionallooking professions Professor proficiency profile profit profitable profits profound profoundly prog­ progress progressed prohibited prohibits projecting proletarian prominent promiscuity promise promised promising pronounced pronouncing proof proper properly property propitiatory propor­ proportion proportioned proportions proposal proposals propose proposed propounded proprietary proprietor pros­ prospect prospective prospects prosperous prostrate protect protected protection protective protest protested protesting protracted protuberant proud proved ProvenJal Provensal proverb provide provided proving provisions provoca­ provocative provoked provoking provokingly prow proximity Pru­ prudence prudent pruned pry psychia­ psychoanalyst psychological psychology public publichouse publicity puckered puerile puffed puffs puffy pugnacious PUHle pull pulled pulling pullover pulse pummel pumps punish punished punishment punishments Punts pupils pur­ purchase purchased purchaser pure purely puritanical purity purple purplishblue purplishly purpose pursue pursued pursuing pursuit push pushed pushing put puts putting puzzle puzzled pyjamas pyramids qualified quality qualm qualms QUALS quarrel quarrelled quarrelling quarrelsome quarry quarter quarters quartet quated quavering quay QUE Queen queer querulously Quested Questeds question questions quick quickly quickness quiescence quiet quietly quite quiver quivered quotation quoted R rabbit race raced racing racked racket racy radiant radiated rag rage raged ragged raging rail railings rails railway railways rain rainsmudged rainy raise raised raising rakish rakishlooking rambles rambling ramshackle ran rancid random ranean rang range Rangoon rank rapid rapidly rapped rapt rapture raptures rare rarely rarer rascal rascals rash rasped rasping rassis rat rate rather rational rationally rattled rattles rattling ravaged raved raw rays re­ reach Reach­ reached react reactions read readily reading readinglamp ready ready­ real realisation realise realised realising realities reality really reappear reappeared rearrange rearranged reason reasonable reasonably reasons reassumed reassuring reassuringly rebalanced rebel rebelling recall recalled recapitulated receding receive received receiving recently reception receptivity recess recesses reck­ reckless recklessly recklessness reckon recline reclined reclining recognise recognised recognition recognized recollection recommencement recompense recon­ reconciliation record recounted recover recovered recovery rectify rectitude recuperate recurring red red­ Red redblack reddish redfaced redtopped reecho reek reenchant reenter reestablish referred referring refilled refinement reflected reflection reflections reflective reflex refrain refreshing refreshment refuse refused refusing regained regard regarded regarding regards Regent register regret regrets regrettable regretted regular regularly regulations rejected rejecting rejoiced related relating relation relation­ relations relationship relaxation relaxed relaxing release released relentless relentlessly reliability reliable reliant relics relied relief relieve relieved relight religions relinquish reluc­ reluctance reluctant reluctantly rely remain remainder remained remaining remains remark remarkable remarkablelooking remarked remarks remem­ remember remembered remembering remembers remind reminded reminiscences reminiscent remnants remorse remorse­ remote remotely remoteness removal remove removed rendered rendering rendez­ renew renounced rent rented reorganise Repainting reparation repeat­ repeated repeatedly repelled repentance repetition replacing replied replies reply replying report reports repose reposing repre­ representation represented repressed reproach reproached reproachful reproof reproved repudiated repugnant reputable reputation requested requesting require required requisite reread rescue resemblance resembled resembling resented resentful resentment reser­ reservation reserve residence residential residents resign resignation resilient resistance resolute resolutely resolution resolve resolved resort resources respect respectable respectful respite respon­ respond responded responding response responsi­ responsibility responsible responsive rest restan restaurant restaurantcar restaurants rested resthouse resting restless restlessly restlessness restore restored restrain restrained restraining restricted restricting result RESULT resumed retain retained retire retiring retorted retreated retributive retrospective return returned returning reunion reveal revealed revela­ revelation reveng­ revenge revengeful revenging reverence reversed reviewed reviled reviling revived revolted revolting revolved revue reward rhage Rhine rhythm ribbon rice rich Rich­ richly rickety rid ridges ridicul­ ridiculous ridiculously ridor right righted righteous rights rigid rigidly Rimbaud rimless ring rings riot ripe rise risen rising risk risking risks Ritz rival river rivers road road­ Road roadhouse roads roadway roam robust robustness rock rocked rocker rocking rockingchair rocks rocky rococo rods rodts rogue role rolled rolledup rolling rolls Roman romantic roof roofing roofs room rooms roomy ropecoloured ropes rose rosecoloured rosemary roses rosetrees rosy rouge rouged rough roughly round rounded roundings rouse roused routes routine row rowdy rowing rowingboats rows Royal rubbed rubber rubbing rubbish rubies rudely rudeness ruffled rug Ruggieris rugs ruin ruined ruining ruinously ruins rules rumble rumbled rumed ruminat­ rumour rumours rumpled run running runningboard rupted ruption ruptured rural ruse rush rushed rushing Russian rustling rusty rut ruthless ruts S sacred sacrifice sacrificed sad sadly sadness safe safely safer safety sagged sagging said sailed sailing sails sake salaam sald sale sallies sallow salmon salt salty salute saluted salvaged salvation same sand sandalled sandwiches sandy sane sang sapphire sarcastic sardonic sardonically sash sat sated satin satis­ satisfaction satisfactorily satisfactory satisfied Saturday saucepan saucer sauces sausage savage save saved saving savings savouring savoury saw sawed saxophones say saying says scabrous scalding scale scandal scandalised scandalous scanning scantily scarcely scared scarf scarlet scattered scene scenes scenic scented scents sceptical scheme schemed schizophrenia school schoolboy schoolfellow schoolroom schools Schopenhauercreated scientiousness scious scolded scolding scope scopic scorching scored scornful scornfully scoundrel scowl scowling scramble scrambled scrap scraped scrapes scraping scraps scratching scream screaming screams screen screened screens screw screwed scribed scrolls scrubbed scrubbing scrupulous scrupulously scrutinised scrutiny scuffing scullery sea seagreen seagulls sealed sealing seamans seams search searched seas seashore season seat seated seats seaweed second secondary seconds secrecy secret secretary secretive secretively secretiveness secretly section sections secure secured securely security secuting sedate seduce seductive see seeing seek Seek­ seem seemed seeming seems seen seeping sees select self self­ selfaccusatory Selfanalysis selfcentred selfcondemnation selfconfidence selfconfident selfcongratulatory selfconscious selfcontained selfcontrol selfcriticism selfdetriment selfdoubts selfimportant selfish selfjustification selfpossessed selfreliant selfreproach selfrighteous selfwilled selling selves semi­ semidetached semistarvation sen­ send sending senile senior sensation sensations sensationseeking sense sensed senseless senses sensible sensibly sensitive sensitive33 sensual sensuality sensuous sensuousness sent sented sentence sentences senti­ sentimental sentimentality separ­ separate separated separately separation sequence ser­ serene serenity series serious seriously seriousness serpent serpentine serpents servant servants served service serviceable serving SES set setting settle settled settling seven several severe severed severely sex sexappetite sexhunger sexstarved shabby shack shade shaded shading shadow shadow­ shadowed shadows shadowy shady shaggy shake shaken shaking shall shambling shame shamed shameful shamefully shameless shaming Shan shant shape shaped shapeless shapes share shared shares sharing sharp sharpen sharpened sharper sharply shat­ shattered shattering shaved she shed sheer sheet sheets shelf shell sheltered shelved shelves shepherded Sheraton Shes shift shifted shifty shilling shingle shining shiny ship shire shirt shirtfront shock shocked shocking shoddy shoes shone shook shooting shop shopkeeper shopping shops shore short short­ shortly shorts shortsighted shorttempered shot shotsilk should shoulder shoulders shouldnt shouted shouting shouts shovehapenny show show­ showed showing shown showplaces showroom shreds shrewd shrewish shrieked shrill shrinking shrivelled shrugged shrunk shudder shuddered shunted shunting shut shutter shutters shutting shyly sia sibility sick sickening sicklooking sickness sickroom side sideboard sidered sides sideshow sideshows sideways siding sighed sight sighted sightlessness sign signa­ signals signature signboard signed significance significant silence silent silently silhouette silk silken silkhatted silver silvery simian similar simmering simple simplicity simply Simpsons sin sin­ since sincerely sinewy singed singing single singular singularly sinister sinking sinks sinned sins sion sip siphon siphons sipped Sir sister sisters sit site sitting sittingroom situation situations sity sive six sixty sixty­ size skeins sketchbook sketches skidding skilful skilfully skill skin skip skirt skirted skirts skull sky skylight slack slacker slanting slapping slatternly slave slaving sleek sleep sleep­ sleeper sleepers sleepily sleeping sleepless sleepy sleepyou sleeve sleeves slender slenderly slept slice slices slid slight slighted slightest slighting slightly slim slime slimming slip slipped slipper slippers slippery Sloane slope sloped slopes sloping slouching slovenly slow slow­ slowheaving slowing slowly sluiced slum sly small smaller smallfeatured smart smartest smartly smash smashed smashing smear smeared smears smell smelling smells smelt smile smiled smiles smiling smirk smirking smoke smokeblue smoked smoking smoking­ smokingroom smoky smooth smoothed smoothest smoothing smoothly smoothlyrunning smoothness smothering smouldered smouldering smoulderings smudge smugness snapping snare snarling snatched snatches snatching sneaking sneer sniffed snoring snout so soap sob sober socalled sociable social society soda sodawater sodden soft softened softer softly softness soignee soil soiled solace sold soldierly soled solely solemn soles solicitor solicitously solid solitary solitude sombre sombrely some some­ Some SOME somebody somehow someone someones something sometimes somewhat somewhere somnambulist somnolence son song sons soon sooner soot soothing sophisti­ sophisticated sophistication sophistry sordid sorely sorrows sorry sort sorts sought soul soulless sound sounded soundly sounds sour sources south southern space space­ spaces spangled spare spared spark sparkled sparkling sparks sparrow sparselooking spasm spasmodic spasms spate speak speaker speaking spear spearing special specialising specialist specialists specially species specific speckled spectacular spectrally spectre speculation speculative speech speechless speed spell spelling spend spending spendthrift spent spiders spidery spindly spinster spirit spiritless spirits spite spiteful splashed splendid split splitting spoil spoiled spoilt spoke spoken spokenparticularly spondence sponge sponging spontaneity spontaneous spoon sport spot spotless spots spotted sprawled sprawling spray spread spreading spring springing sprinkled spruce spry spurning spurt spurted spurts spying squalid squalor square squarely squatting squeaked squeal squealed squealing squeamish squeeze St st6ie stab stabbed stabbing stabilise stability stable staccato stacked stacks staff staffrooms stage staggering staging stagnant stags stain staircase stairs stake stale stall stam­ stamp stances stand standard standardised standards standing standstill stantial star stare stared stares staring stark Starling starry stars starsewn starspangled start started starting startled startling state stated stately statement States static stating station stationary statuesque stave stay stayed staying steadied steadily steady stealthily steam steamed steel steely steep steeply steer steered steeringwheel stem step step­ stepmother stepped stepping steps stereotyped sterile stern sternly stethoscope stick stiff stiffbacked stiffened stiffiy stiffly stifled stifling stigmatising stilI still stilllife stilted Stilton stimulated stimulating stimulus stimy stir stirred stirring STnANGER stock stocking stockpot stoical stoically stolen stolid stomach stone stones stony stood stool stooped stooping stop stopped stoppingplaces store storeroom storerooms stores storey stories storms story Stout stove straight straightened straightforward strain strain­ strained straining STRAN strand stranded strange strangely strangeness stranger strangers straw Stray straying stream street streets strength strengthened stress stretched stretching strewn striated stricken stride strident strife strike striking string stringent strip strips striven stroke strokes stroking stroll strolled strolling strong strongly stronglyspiced struck structure struggle struggled struggles struggling stub stubble stubborn stubbornness stubs stuck studied studio study stuff stuffy stumbling stunned stunts stupefaction stupid stupidity stupidly stupor stupor­ stuporous sturdy style suaded suave sub­ subconscious subconsciously subconsciousness subdued subject subjected subjects sublime submissively submit submitted subordinates subsided substances subterfuge subterranean subtle subtler subtly suburb suburban SUBURBAN suburbs suc­ succeed succeeded succeeds success successful successfully successive succumbed such sucking sud­ sudCATHERINE sudden suddenly Suez sufferer suffering sufferings sufficed sufficiency sufficiently suffocated suffocating sug­ suggest suggested suggestion suggestions suggestive suicide suit suitable suitably suitcase suited suits sula sulkily sulky sullen sullenly sult sulting sultry sum sum­ sumably summer summon summoned summons sumptuous sun Sun­ sunbath Sunbeam Sunbeams sunblind sunburned sunk sunken sunkeneyed sunlight sunlit sunny sunset sunshine sunshiny sunsoaked super­ superficial Superintendent superior superiority superiors superseded superstition superstitious supervised supervising supervision supper supple supplies support supported supporting supports suppose supposed supposing suppressed Supt sur­ sure surely Suresnes surface surly surmounting surprise surprised surrender surrendered surreptitious surrounded surrounding surroundings surveyed surveying survive sus­ susceptible suspect suspected suspecting suspended suspicion suspicions suspicious suspiciously susurrant Suzys swallowed swam swamped swarm swarming swayed swaying swearing sweat sweating sweaty sweep sweepers sweeping sweeps sweetest sweetish sweetness sweets sweetscented swelled sweltering swept swered swerving swift swim swimmer swimming swindled swindler swindling swing swinging Swiss switched switches Switzerland swollen swooping swung syllable symbol symbolic sympathetic sympathetically sympathy sympathybut symphony symptoms syncopation system systems t table tableau tables tack tackle tact tactful tactfully tagonistic tail tailors tails tain tained tainly tainty take taken taking talk talkative talked talking tall tamarinds tame tamely tang tangible tank tankard tanned tantalising tantly taped tapped tapping task tasks taste tasted tastes Tater taught taut taxation taxes taxi taxi­ taxidriver taxis t�e TE tea teams tear tearfully tears teas teased teasing techni­ technical technically technique Teddy tedious tedium teeth tele­ telegram telegrams telephone telephoned telephoning telescope tell telling tem­ temper tempera­ temperament temperamental templation temple temples temporary tempt temptuous ten tenaciousness tences tended tendency tender tenderly tenderness teney tennis tense tension tenta­ tentative tepid tepidlooking tered term termed termination terms terrace terranean terrible terribly terror terror­ terrors terrorstricken terse test testi­ testimony th th� than thank thankful thanks that thatch thats Thazila the THE theatres theatrical Thee their theirs them them­ themselves then Theoretically theories theorising theory there thereby thered therefore therein theres these thetic they theyve thick thick­ thickened thickly thieving thigh thighs thin thing things thingthats think thinkable thinking thinly third thirties thirtyfive thirtysix this thither thor­ thoroughfares thoroughgoing thoroughly those though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtlessness thoughts thousand thousands thrashed threadbare threads threat­ threatened threatening three threw thrice thrill thrilled thrilling throat throb throbbed throbbing through throw throwing thrown thrust thumb thun­ thundered Thursday thus thwarted thyme ticket tickets ticking ticularly tidy tie tied ties tigers tight tightened tighter tightly tighttrousered tiles till tilted time timelessness times timid timidly tin ting tinge tinged tings tinguished tinkle tinkling tinpot tins tinted tiny tion tional tions tip tips tire tired tiredlooking tirednot tiresome tiring tissue tissuepaper titles tive tively tle to toast tobacco today toe together toil toile toiled toiling Token Tolcen told tolerable toleration tomed tomorrow tone tones tongue tongue­ tonic tonight Tony Tonys too took tooted tooth toothglass top topi tops tor­ tore torily torment tormented tormenting torn tornup torrent torse torso tortoiseshell tortured torturing touch touched touching touchingly tough Toulon tour touring tourists tousled towards towel towheaded town townhe towns townsman towny toy toyed trace traced traces tracing track tracked tracted tractingly traditional traffic TRAI trail trailed trailing trails train trains traitor tram tramp trampled trams trance tranquil tranquillity trans­ transacted transaction transactions transfixed transformed translucent transparent transplanted trap trary trate trating travailing travel travelled traveller travellers travelling traversing tray treachery tread treat treat­ treated treating treatment tree treebordered trees treetrunk treetrunks trellis Trem­ trembled trembling tremendous tremendously tremulous trespass tress TRI trial trialists triangular TRIBULAT Tribulations TRIBULATIONS tricately trick tricked trickery tricking trickle trickled tricky tried trifle trifled trifling trists triumph triumphant trivial trod trodden trolled trolley tropical trouble troubled troubles troublesome troubling trough trousered trousers trout truculent trudged true truly trumpery truncated trunk trunks trust trusted trustful trustworthy truth try trying ts tub tube tubes tubular tulips tumbled tumbler tumour tunately tune tunes tunities turb turbed turbing ture tures turmoil turn turn­ turned turning turnings turnover tussore twanging tweed twelve twenty twentyfifth twentyfive twentyseven twentysix twice twist twisted twister twisting twitch twitting two two­ Two twostoried Tying type type­ types typical tyrannical tyres U ugly ULATI ultimate ultimately ululated umbrella umbrellas Umhrella un­ unable unaccountably unaccustomed unaffected unafraid unaided unani­ unappetising unappreciative unasked unassertive unaware unbearable unbearably unbiased unbiassed unbreakable unbridgeable unburdening uncalledfor uncannily uncanny uncaredfor uncer­ uncertain uncertainly uncertainty unclasped uncles uncomfort­ uncomfortable uncomfortably uncommon uncomplaining uncomplainingly uncompromising uncompromisingly uncon­ unconcerned unconscious unconsciously uncontrollable unconventionallooking uncoupled uncouth uncreased Uncrossing undefined Undeniably under under­ Under undercurrent underdone underhand underlying undermine underneath understand understanding understood undertake undertaking undertakings underthe undertone underwear underworld undesirability undesirable undis­ undisciplined undistinguished undress undressed undressing undrinkable undue unduly unearthly uneasily uneasiness uneasy uneducated unemployed unemployment unendurable unEnglish unequal unerring uneven unevenly unexacting unexpectd unexpected unexpectedly unfair unfasten unfastened Unfastening unfathomable unfavourably unfolded unforced unforeseen unforgivably unformulated unfortunate unfortunately unfrequented unfurled ungainly ungracious ungrateful unhappily unhappiness unhappy unholy unhurried unhurt uniform unimaginable unimportant uninspiring unintelligent uninterested uninteresting unison universe unjudge­ unjury unjust unkind unknown unless unlike unlikely unlivedin unlock unloosed unlovable unmanageable unmistakable unmistakably unmoved unnatural unnaturally unnecessary unobservant unobtrusively unopened unostentatious unpacked unpardonable unpleasant unpleasantly unpleasantness unprecedented unpretentious unquenchable unquestionably unquestioningly unreal unreality unreason­ unreasonable unrecognisable unrefreshed unremitting unresponsive unrestrained unrevealing unrevealingly unrolled unsafe unsatis­ unsatisfactorily unsatisfactory unseeing unseemly unshakable unshaved unshaven unsightly unsociably unsought unspeakable unspoilt unspoken unsteadily unsteadiness unsteady unsuccessful unsuitable unsupported unsure unsuspected unsuspecting unsuspicious unsympa­ unsympathetic unthinkable unthinking untidiness untidy until unto untouched untrue unusual unusually unventilated unwarrantable unwashed unwatered unwavering unwell unwholesome Unwill­ unwilling unwillingly unwillingness up upheaval upheld upholstered upholstery uplifted upon uppermost uproar upset upside upstage upstairs upstarts uptodate uptrain upward urban urbane urge urged urgency urgent urgently us use used useful useless ushered using usual usually utensil utmost utter uttered utterly uttermost vacancy vacant vacantly vacmcy vacuous vagaries vague vaguely vain Vainly Vale valuable value values van vanish vanished vans vaporous vapourings variance variation variety various varying vase vast vation vehicle vehicles veil veiled veins vellum velvet vendeuse vengeance venient venom VER verbal verbosity verdict verge verve very vessels Veuve veyed via viaduct vibra­ vibrated vibration vicars vicious viciousness victim Victoria Victorian victorious victory view vigor­ vigorous vigour vile village villainous villas vindictive vine vinegar vines vinetrellised vineyards vintage vio­ violence violent violently violinist violins virginal virtue virtuous Visibility visible vision visions visit visitation visited Visiting visitingcard visitor visitors visits visorlike vista vital vitality Vith vitiated vituperative vivacious vivacity viveur vivid vividly voice voices void volatile voluble volubly volume voluptuous volved vomited vous voyage Vroom vulgar W waamg waged wageearners wages wagon wagons wai wailed wails waist wait waited waiter waiters waiting waitingroom wake wakeful walk walk­ walk�d walked walking walkingstick walks wall wallet wallpaper walls walnut walnuts waltmg wan wander wandered wandering waned want wanted war wardrobe warfare warlike warm warmblooded warmer warmly warmth warn warning warnings warrant wartime was was· Was wash washbasin washed washings washleather wasnt waste wasted wastepaperbasket waster wasting watch watch­ watched watchful watching water waterheater waterproof waters watery wave waved wavered waves wax waxen waxenfaced waxy way ways wayward we weak weakly weakness wealth wealthy weapons wear wearied wearier wearily weariness wearing wearisome weary wearyeyed weather weather­ Weave weaving web wedding week weekends weekly weeks weigh weighed weight weird weirdlY welcome welfare well well­ Well wellcut welldirected welldressed welled wellexpressed wellknown welllighted welllooking wellmade wellnourished welloff wellshaped wellused went were werent West Westinghouse Wests wet what whatever whats wheatgrowing wheel wheels when whenever where whereabouts whereas wherever whether WHI which whichever whiffs while whilst whimpering whims whimsical whine whined whisky whisper whisper­ whistle whistles whistling white whitened whites whitish who whole wholesale wholly whom whore whos whose why wi wick wicked wickedly wicker wide widened wider widower wife wife­ wifes Wilbur wild will will­ Will willed William WILLIAM Williams willing willingness wills wily win win­ winced wind windcontorted winding window windows windowsill winds windscreen wine wine­ wines wing wink winning Winny Winnys WinnyWinny winsome winter winters wintry wiped wiping wire wirily wiry wise wiser wisest wish wish­ wished wishes wishing wisps wispy wistful wit with with­ With withdrawing withdrawn withdrew within witholding without withstanding witness witty woes woke woken wolf wolfthe wolves woman womans womb women womens won won­ wonder wondered wonderful wonderfully wondering wonderingly wont wood wooden woodenly woodenness woods wool woollen wools Woolworth Wor­ Worcester word word­ wording words wore work work­ workaday worked workers workgirl workgirls workhouse working workings workmen workmens workroom world worldly­ worm worn worried worries worry worrying worse worst worth worthless worthy would wouldnt wound wounded wounding wrap wrapped wrapper wrapping wreak wreck wreckeven wrench wresting wrestled wretch wretched wrinkled wrists wristwatch write writer writhed writing written wrong wrongdoing wronged wronging wrote wry yards yawn yawned yawning year yearning Yearningly years yelling yellow yellowish yelping yes yesterday yet yield yielding you youd YouIl youll young younger youngest youngster youngsters your youre yours yourself yourselfdoesnt youth youthful youve zebrastriped zinc znto zontal ZZ