title: about authors: [Z33, House for Contemporary Art](https://www.z33.be/), [Constant](https://constantvzw.org/) This platform emerged out of the collective energies during two Alchorisma worksessions organised by Z33 and Constant. It gathers ideas, tests and prototypes developed during the worksessions. Worksessions are Constant's intensive trans-disciplinary situations to which participants from all over the world contribute. They function as a temporary research lab; a collective working environment where different types of expertise come into contact with each other. During work sessions we develop ideas and prototypes. The first worksession took place from *2 till 8 December 2018* at *Z33 in Hasselt, Belgium*. The second worksession was organised from *24 to 29 August 2020* in the family house of Anne-Laure Buisson in *Beaulieu, Vercors, France*.