# Alchorisma Publication on the [Alchorisma worksession](https://constantvzw.org/site/-Alchorisma,217-.html) ## Conversion to markdown ``` pandoc --extract-media ./ --smart "in.docx" -r docx -t markdown -s -o "out.md" ``` https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39956497/pandoc-convert-docx-to-markdown-with-embedded-images add required metadata ``` title: first encountered h1 author: make the "author" or "authors" line go at the start of the file summary: copy the content of the short_intro file ``` rename the `media` folder to `article-name-media`, then change the images paths from ``` ![](.//media/image1.jpg) ``` to ``` !["some alt text"]({attach}out-media/image1.jpg) ```