
Chat History with aether9:planning session- 8pm brussels time (#thom_edison/$aether9;5331c4481e78ca33)

Created on 2007-07-02 09:09:14.


thom_edison: 18:19:02
salut, j'essaie de piger comment faire marcher le stream audio sans succés
aether9: 18:21:28
tu as téléchargé le patch?
aether9: 18:21:37
installé LAME.dmg?
thom_edison: 18:22:17
oui, parch shoutcast et lame, mais max me dit:
thom_edison: 18:23:23
... Reason: image not found
aether9: 18:23:31
aether9: 18:24:50
bon, je streame en ce moment sur:
aether9: 18:25:40
ton objet shoutcast~ dans le patch, il a un aspect d'objet qui fonctionne?
thom_edison: 18:26:01
thom_edison: 18:26:09
je n'arrive pas
thom_edison: 18:26:14
à entendre.
thom_edison: 18:27:25
sorry lost connexion a while
thom_edison: 18:27:51
ok j'entends le stream
thom_edison: 18:28:23
ça ressemble à du live de ta chambre
aether9: 18:29:12
ouiap, entree mic plus quelques fichiers son
thom_edison: 18:29:18
non, rien ne souvre
thom_edison: 18:29:30
mais... attends, j'essaie de comprendre
thom_edison: 18:29:39
le .help marche...
aether9: 18:30:38
sent file max-help to members of this chat
aether9: 18:30:49
à condition que tu aies glissé la helpfile dans ton dossier MaxMsp/max-help/
thom_edison: 18:31:57
2 sec, nouveau déluge ici et je suis sur la terrasse déemilien, je rentre..
aether9: 18:32:29
et l'objet shoutcast~.mxo, tu l'as bien sûr mis dans le dossier MaxMsp/Cycling '74/externals/
thom_edison: 18:32:33
thom_edison: 18:32:42
non... ok
aether9: 18:33:11
tu as ouvert et installé LAME.dmg
thom_edison: 18:33:48
aether9: 18:34:13
sent file shout_patch2.pat to members of this chat
aether9: 18:34:28
si maintenant tu ouvres shout_patch2, ça devrait en principe marcher
thom_edison: 18:34:47
you or i remotely cancelled the sending!?
thom_edison: 18:34:49
try again
aether9: 18:35:03
c'est moi
thom_edison: 18:35:25
donc je n'ai pas ce patch
thom_edison: 18:35:37
en fait...
aether9: 18:35:39
inclus dans le download
aether9: 18:36:02
thom_edison: 18:36:30
aether9: 18:36:45
thom_edison: 18:36:50
c'est fait, je regarde
aether9: 18:37:08
bon, je coupe le streame comme ça tu peux tester
thom_edison: 18:37:13
aether9: 18:37:33
il faut que tu cliques sur certains boutons
aether9: 18:37:45
d'abord tu allumes le son dans le patch
aether9: 18:37:51
si ce n'est pas fait
aether9: 18:38:04
en haut vers la droite "turn on DSP"
thom_edison: 18:38:09
thom_edison: 18:38:16
ensuite j'importe un son
thom_edison: 18:38:24
and i play a sound
aether9: 18:38:53
oui, si tu as un AIF, utilise sflpay "open" (vers le milieu)
aether9: 18:39:22
si c'est des mp3 (pas trop gros), utilise "import" playSzound  1 et 2
aether9: 18:39:58
"p live input" c'est ton entrée micro
aether9: 18:40:12
et les chiffres 404, 2000, 6000, c'est des sinus
aether9: 18:40:30
pour activer la transmission,tu appuies consécutivement là ou c'est marqué 1, 2, 3 et 4
aether9: 18:40:48
et tu observes le résultat dans la fenetre de message (pomme M)
aether9: 18:41:27
attention, tu n'entendras aucun son dans le patch, uniquement sur la page web (c'est pour éviter la cacophonie...)
thom_edison: 18:41:36
aether9: 18:42:45
le désavantage de ce système, c'est qu'un seul ordi peut émettre
thom_edison: 18:42:58
seems i'm sending, can hear yet
aether9: 18:43:13
oui, j'entends
thom_edison: 18:43:21
ou cela?
aether9: 18:43:32
sur la page web
aether9: 18:43:36
thom_edison: 18:43:39
thom_edison: 18:43:50
oui, mais.. ca tourne l'icone sans rien
thom_edison: 18:43:51
aether9: 18:43:52
parfois il faut relancer en appuyant sur le player
thom_edison: 18:44:00
ah voila ok
aether9: 18:44:11
hmm, mais il y a comme un son trop accéléré
aether9: 18:44:19
mauvais réglage de bitrate je présume
thom_edison: 18:44:30
oui, c'est le micro integré on dirait
aether9: 18:44:49
tu as des messages d'erreur?
thom_edison: 18:44:59
aether9: 18:45:11
en bas du patch est indiqué "state of connection" 1= ça transmet
thom_edison: 18:45:23
aether9: 18:45:43
j'entends de nouveau normalement
aether9: 18:45:58
ça marche
aether9: 18:46:11
aether9: 18:46:40
je vais modifier la page html pour intégrer le son.
aether9: 18:47:12
je pense que pour l'instant ça peut être de laisser le bouton visible...
aether9: 18:47:54
inutile de taper, tu peux me demander direct
thom_edison: 18:47:58
ok, laure est là et nous devons partager la connexion - je n'arrive plus à sharer ce putain de bluetooth - tu te souviens de la subtilité?
aether9: 18:48:47
retransmettre ethernet par wifi tu veux dire?
thom_edison: 18:48:56
thom_edison: 18:49:15
le décalage est d'environ 20 secondes?
aether9: 18:49:23
plutot 10sec
aether9: 18:49:34
system preferences > partage > partage internet
thom_edison: 18:49:41
aether9: 18:50:28
je peux te skyper vocalement?
thom_edison: 18:50:35
thom_edison: 18:55:00
hi all, i see you're online, you are there?
fe2cruz: 18:55:24
yeah hi, how are you?
thom_edison: 18:55:41
can we actually meet here in 1 hour? (after eating for me and manu...)
thom_edison: 18:55:47
hi! i'm fine
fe2cruz: 18:55:55
yeah of course have a good meal
thom_edison: 18:56:09
thom_edison: 20:15:33
12 12
aether9: 20:18:31
20 18
thom_edison: 20:18:49
"conference from the antipodes" - antipodes, means upside down reference points:
aether9: 20:19:26
access the interface (with sound!) from
thom_edison: 20:19:44
"conference from the antipodes"  is the name we gave for tommorow's performance
thom_edison: 20:21:30
manu - is the 107 patch sending to this html interface?
aether9: 20:21:58
yes, but only frames 2, 5-6-7
thom_edison: 20:22:31
indeed - working.
aether9: 20:28:18
sound streaming now
thom_edison: 20:30:31
manu, it's impossible to send images and stream sund with maxruntime at the same time!=!
aether9: 20:30:58
ach so???
aether9: 20:31:20
you mean to send both, or send sound and receive img?
aether9: 20:31:32
or send img and receive sound?
thom_edison: 20:32:27
sorry - i mistaked
thom_edison: 20:32:32
it is possible...
thom_edison: 20:37:08
manu, are you sending, so i can't?
thom_edison: 20:37:10
aether9: 20:37:19
ok i stop
ideacritik: 20:37:23
thom_edison: 20:37:31
aether9: 20:37:34
ideacritik: 20:37:49
c'est ce qu'on appelle derniere minute... : )
aether9: 20:38:08
if you don't mind i invite judy nylon to the chat
ideacritik: 20:38:32
fe2cruz: 20:38:32
sorry i'm talking to judy brb
aether9: 20:38:56
hi all
aether9: 20:39:16
i just allowed myself to invite you to our project chat session
laure.dit: 20:39:36
hello every-body
thom_edison: 20:40:03
aether9: 20:40:08
we did today first tests with live audio
aether9: 20:40:25
the current live interface is here:
aether9: 20:40:34
thom_edison: 20:40:39
i'm sending right now but cannot hear anything...
aether9: 20:40:49
indeed boris i dont hear any sound
aether9: 20:41:03
what are you doing?
aether9: 20:41:23
now i hear
thom_edison: 20:41:26
oh now it sounds
thom_edison: 20:41:29
and stopped
aether9: 20:41:42
aether9: 20:42:19
ah i got it
aether9: 20:42:35
the patch is still a bit a mess
thom_edison: 20:42:38
i undestand how to use sfplay - but not the playsound
aether9: 20:43:06
you need to activate the loop mode for each sound
ideacritik: 20:43:14
which patch are we using tomorrow?
ideacritik: 20:43:55
i get sound
aether9: 20:44:13
any recent max patch should work
ideacritik: 20:44:14
and then it stops effectively
aether9: 20:44:31
yes, because the loop mode has to be activated manually
thom_edison: 20:44:33
this is because i'm slow
ideacritik: 20:44:39
(and starts again ok cool)
aether9: 20:44:59
and it's a bit hidden somewhere.. the sound patch is a bit rudimentary still
thom_edison: 20:45:02
yes but where is loop mode in sfplay? 
aether9: 20:45:40
there isnt any, use PlaySound for background loops
aether9: 20:45:57
in the new version i just sent you, it's activated by default
thom_edison: 20:46:19
would it be possible to implement more than one stream on the html interface - for more than 1 user to stream at one time?
ideacritik: 20:46:41
(could make a bit of a mush of sound though...)
thom_edison: 20:46:48
(these sounds are the magnetic fields of my computer right now)
aether9: 20:46:58
maybe, but every stream makes the page heavier
laure.dit: 20:47:00
i get sound now
ideacritik: 20:47:01
(i like this very much)
thom_edison: 20:47:13
ok i will open the newest patch
fe2cruz: 20:47:15
wow i hear the sound its not continoous though
aether9: 20:48:44
boris, to use the playSzound, click first "import", chose a not too big file (it will be loaded in ram). can be mp3 or aiff.  the check box will play/stop.
fe2cruz: 20:48:47
or maybe its just my internet connection struggling
fe2cruz: 20:49:13
is it just the lower middle cell streaming sound?
aether9: 20:49:16
no, fe2cruz, it's the playing software that isn't looping yet, therefore the breaks
thom_edison: 20:49:47
the check box ain't affecting anything it seems here
aether9: 20:50:02
yes, one sound channel for the moment. if it breaks, it's needed to reload it manually (by clicking the arrow)
fe2cruz: 20:51:09
do you guys have a time set for tomorrow? who is streaming & how many cells of image & sound?
aether9: 20:52:23
not yet, that's the main topic for discussion now.
laure.dit: 20:52:25
it looks like there is 4 cells, but i don't know if its steady
aether9: 20:52:55
hopefully ideacritik will send one cell from rotterdam, from the conference space
aether9: 20:53:05
my idea is that this is the upper cell
ideacritik: 20:53:30
where it says tehran now?
aether9: 20:53:57
yeah, the location names are from the last performance, will have to change
laure.dit: 20:53:58
ok i see and then the three below from some other places
laure.dit: 20:54:22
but ideakritik is not sure... ????!
aether9: 20:54:27
yes, i think that's the plan. sorry i need to interrupt my connection for one sec
ideacritik: 20:54:41
i will be there. 
laure.dit: 20:54:46
ideacritik: 20:54:52
what do you want to show from rotterdam?
ideacritik: 20:54:58
the screens, the crowd?
thom_edison: 20:55:10
that's what we need to decide
laure.dit: 20:55:21
the crowd could be something
fe2cruz: 20:55:39
How long will the performance be, how much time will the space allow?
thom_edison: 20:55:46
15 minutes
fe2cruz: 20:56:09
is it a sitdown abudience or just walkthrus
ideacritik: 20:56:27
is the rotterdam contact in this chat? (of the even)
ideacritik: 20:56:30
thom_edison: 20:56:46
wait, that was the first condition - now Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic our contact there said "you will be the masters of time and duration of your performance."
thom_edison: 20:57:30
manu it seems that there's o way to supress the live audio input in this patch!?!
fe2cruz: 20:57:30
but only idea/audrey will be there locally?
thom_edison: 20:57:46
she's already a lot!
ideacritik: 20:57:54
: )
thom_edison: 20:58:00
thom_edison: 20:58:33
but audrey - we understand you are very busy, so i guess it would be good to keep it very simple for you, right?
ideacritik: 20:58:40
ideacritik: 20:58:58
i mean i can handle the chat and the projection at once.
ideacritik: 20:59:23
if the video cam is in a stable position... then i don't have to worry about moving it it's quite simple.
fe2cruz: 20:59:34
still the chat itself is a lot to handle
ideacritik: 20:59:37
depends on the space...
ideacritik: 20:59:41
fe2cruz: 21:00:01
& they have a good interenet connection there for you?
ideacritik: 21:00:21
i think if everything is setup in advance - i can do the chat provided everyone understands there will be no reckoning with technical issues during the 15min.
ideacritik: 21:00:34
dont know about connection there
ideacritik: 21:01:39
the contact you mailed me is correct? (boris/manu) 'cause i need to call them to see what time to setup etc.
thom_edison: 21:01:53
i try to imagine one simple kind of image in rottedam - in wich small movements will affect what happens in other frames
laure.dit: 21:01:58
what's reckoning ?
ideacritik: 21:02:10
no 'dealing' iwth technical issues
ideacritik: 21:02:18
(as we usually have so many)
thom_edison: 21:02:20
this contact is what they sent
ideacritik: 21:02:23
laure.dit: 21:02:30
fe2cruz: 21:02:56
the sound really changes everything. even if its just someone clicking on a keyboard
thom_edison: 21:03:28
laure.dit: 21:04:09
small movements, are a bit unclear to affect a change . what do u see thom  ?
laure.dit: 21:04:29
true. fe2cruz
fe2cruz: 21:04:59
i'm getting lost in the new sounds, someone just got a skype call and now there's processed sounds, its nuts this new dimension is fantastic
thom_edison: 21:05:09
laure.dit: 21:05:32
for the first time we could use the sound as conductor
laure.dit: 21:05:49
for the changes
ideacritik: 21:05:58
(manu/boris) i have missplaced the mail with contact : S could you send again?
fe2cruz: 21:06:04
yeah that's an idea
thom_edison: 21:06:08
2 sec
thom_edison: 21:06:23
a plane is passing...
laure.dit: 21:06:37
no angels
fe2cruz: 21:07:04
can we remove the sidescroll bars in the HTML page?
ideacritik: 21:07:20
strange i don't have any... i
ideacritik: 21:07:22
on firefox
thom_edison: 21:07:29
same than you audrey
fe2cruz: 21:07:37
mine are showing up in IE
thom_edison: 21:07:54
thom_edison: 21:08:01
as for the phone number... i search
ideacritik: 21:08:08
this is the rdam ... ok # better
fe2cruz: 21:08:23
oh ok, its just because my browser was slightly minimize
thom_edison: 21:08:32
fe2cruz: 21:08:40
i opened it up a bit and they are gone now.
fe2cruz: 21:08:59
i think my browser puts windows in the wrong size
fe2cruz: 21:09:28
wich cells are utilizing png now?
ideacritik: 21:10:22
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic right?
thom_edison: 21:10:27
thom_edison: 21:10:54
and this mail goes also to a maja and a gunndis - they are 3 of them
ideacritik: 21:11:16
ok if you find the # send it along...
ideacritik: 21:11:22
(sorry for loosing)
thom_edison: 21:12:30
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 17:15:35
    great, here is my phone here - 06 18679207
ideacritik: 21:12:53
cool i call her now
thom_edison: 21:13:29
The evening programme will start at 19.30 and 24 persons will meet in the Conference room of Hotel New York Rotterdam. On the first evening (1st July) the event starts with a 'live' conference with an artist who will be actually sitting in the cafe of the hotel. That will be only audio piece. We have been thinking that we would like to have you guys for the 2nd July (the second and last evening, and with completely different audience, apart of 3 of us) to open up the evening.
As for the event itself - I am including below the previous mail with a bit dull text.
We want to work with a specific location that has to do with presenting, business presenting and art presenting, and we have chosen Hotel New York in Rotterdam (three of us attend Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam). Within this framework all interpretations are possible, moreover they are very welcome: from Rotterdam to New York, via specific and unspecific locations, the impossible places and places that no one wants to go to, dreamed locations, remoteness, moving, etc.
Working with 'live' programmes is highly interesting for us because it implies at least two places at the same time, and also transmitting is provocative at least because of the distance the material skipps. 
thom_edison: 21:15:08
this is the main writteh info we have - there will be 24 invited persons - (i don't quite understand the context- i understand the 24 people don't know what to expect) - i will send you pictures of the place in a moment
ideacritik: 21:16:10
hotel new york used to be the place where the america/holland boat line used to run from. it's on the water in the port (where the port used to be)
ideacritik: 21:16:31
it's a very old building with quite some history, of people leaving and arriving from 'america'
ideacritik: 21:16:51
a transitory space so to speak.
fe2cruz: 21:17:06
sounds magical
aether9: 21:17:12
i'm back and try to read the last 5 min of logs. boris, are you still streaming sound? doesnt work for me now.
thom_edison: 21:17:29
audrey - their programm began today  - boba i guess is into it right now - she told us she would speak to us after 10pm tonite
ideacritik: 21:18:41
once sec i talk to her..
aether9: 21:19:57
to answer an earlyer question: all cells are still using JPG and not PNG since i didnt change the html yet. i would take only a few minutes to change, but then everybody must be sure that he updates his settings accordingly.
fe2cruz: 21:20:37
so its either all png or all jpg, no combos?
aether9: 21:22:33
yes, either all PNG or JPG, that's the only way to avoid a big mess...
thom_edison: 21:23:04
manu - you turned down the audio streamin right?
aether9: 21:23:21
boris - you turned it down, no?
thom_edison: 21:23:29
laure.dit: 21:23:43
i confess its me
ideacritik: 21:23:48
ok i will pass by hotel new york around 11:30 tomorrow morning, set everything up and test. if someone could be onlline then that would be good - we coudl do a little 1h test run or so. then i go for afternoon and come back around 8. i think taht is a good plan.
thom_edison: 21:23:49
max says: broken pipe (32)
fe2cruz: 21:23:57
will anyone else be presenting a video performance tomorrow evening?
ideacritik: 21:24:09
oh i did not ask her.
thom_edison: 21:24:10
yes audrey - i'l be online
thom_edison: 21:24:40
chris - now there's manu + me and laure in brussels - we need a third
thom_edison: 21:25:00
performe, so if you wish!
thom_edison: 21:25:04
fe2cruz: 21:25:47
i'm pretty sure i can itd be 11am or noon for me and a short performance. what time do you all plan to meet and prepare?
laure.dit: 21:26:03
is it sure there is an internet connection in this place
laure.dit: 21:26:06
thom_edison: 21:26:07
later now we will discuss 
laure.dit: 21:26:08
ideacritik: 21:26:11
(i understand the internet is not the most stable there, we'll try and get ethernet connection tomorrow morning).
thom_edison: 21:26:18
laure.dit: 21:26:20
ideacritik: 21:26:34
they tested the interface and said it worked but then had skype problems
fe2cruz: 21:26:38
get some long cables, or hijack some wireless
ideacritik: 21:26:40
i'm not sure if that is 'connection' related.
ideacritik: 21:26:53
i'll shoot for cables if at all possible
thom_edison: 21:26:55
chris do you have time now to discuss it!
thom_edison: 21:26:58
fe2cruz: 21:27:11
yeah of course what ideas do you have
thom_edison: 21:27:31
thom_edison: 21:27:48
so we are 3 - it's all right!
fe2cruz: 21:28:10
i just i hope audrey can verify the internet connection there
aether9: 21:30:03
hmm, i'm noticing a strange thing regarding the sound.. right now i'm streaming, but i cant' manage to get it playing on the html page
aether9: 21:30:23
but if i open the link directly in VLC -  it's playing with no problem
ideacritik: 21:30:30
fe2cruz: will do my best in the morning.
thom_edison: 21:31:03
i receive it trough the html page
aether9: 21:31:18
that means, that the best thing for the performance is to have VLC ready, for every case.
thom_edison: 21:31:19
try to change - put something else...
thom_edison: 21:31:32
ok, let's all try it in vlc now!
ideacritik: 21:31:57
what url in vlc? a stream?
thom_edison: 21:32:04
ok yes!
thom_edison: 21:32:10 
fe2cruz: 21:32:23
laure, boris are you able to send PNG? I can save png, and i may even be able to borrow a new webcam and try using the patch on another machine. can we switch to the png version of the HTML for tomorrow? Will all of us being streaming in sound too? or just one person?
thom_edison: 21:32:42
> file >open network & cut and paste this http adress
ideacritik: 21:33:24
is it ogg?
ideacritik: 21:33:30
nee mp3... sorry
ideacritik: 21:33:59
it is a stream or a file?
aether9: 21:34:18
it's a stream. it's live...
thom_edison: 21:34:19
so manu is looping stuff as a stream
fe2cruz: 21:34:21
is it just me or does vlc sound better?
thom_edison: 21:34:36
sounds better too - maybe it's psychologic
fe2cruz: 21:34:56
we all have a vlc fetish?
ideacritik: 21:34:59
i can't get vlc to open the strem
ideacritik: 21:35:01
thom_edison: 21:35:14
what does it says? how come?
fe2cruz: 21:35:38
is it just stalling? i like to sometimes open the playlist and rightclick on the file and preparse
thom_edison: 21:36:48
chris, i never uploaded in png, but i guess i could
ideacritik: 21:36:49
main: Cannot resolve http port 8080 : No address associated with nodename
main: cannot create socket(s) for HTTP host
access_output_http: cannot listen on http:8080
stream_out_standard: no suitable sout access module for `http/ts://http::1234//'
main: stream chain failed for `std{access=http,mux=ts,dst="http::1234//"}'
main: cannot start stream output instance, aborting
ideacritik: 21:37:03
: S
ideacritik: 21:38:04
what port?
ideacritik: 21:38:08
1234 or 8080?
thom_edison: 21:38:10
go in preferences and stream output
thom_edison: 21:38:12
fe2cruz: 21:38:27
yeah mine is default to 1234 too
ideacritik: 21:39:41
and once in stream output?
thom_edison: 21:40:37
> rtp 
aether9: 21:40:42
no stream output
thom_edison: 21:41:03
right, you're not outputting, put still do it
thom_edison: 21:41:06
thom_edison: 21:41:15
set the ports to 1234
aether9: 21:41:20
just go in Open Network (apple-N) and paste in the upper window, an make OK
aether9: 21:41:38
port 1234 should have not the slightest meaning
thom_edison: 21:41:50
no, i got 1230 for audio port - well so forget it
ideacritik: 21:42:47
ah finally! don't know why it as bugging out...
thom_edison: 21:42:51
fe2cruz: 21:43:57
audrey, will you be using your computer or the space's?
ideacritik: 21:44:02
aether9: 21:44:32
so we can now come back to the main content of the performance....
fe2cruz: 21:44:45
yeah, lets talk about the content
ideacritik: 21:44:57
i have to go soon. could you send me an email about your decisions content wise and directions for rotterdam?
fe2cruz: 21:45:14
a 15 minute concept first and then a backup extened play
fe2cruz: 21:45:31
sure audrey i'll email you the chat txt
ideacritik: 21:46:04
actually -- if you could send an email with concise instructions that would be much better -- if you can manage.. : )
aether9: 21:46:14
in my opinion, rotterdam shouldn't be specially involved in the performance, i just think receiving their img would be nice as a feedback, and proof of concept...
thom_edison: 21:46:15
we'll do our best
thom_edison: 21:46:29
aether9: 21:46:35
of course, audrey, we'll send you a short info sheet.
ideacritik: 21:46:38
ideacritik: 21:46:54
i'll be online when setting up around noon.
ideacritik: 21:46:59
we'll take it from there.
fe2cruz: 21:47:02
what theme did you have in mind manuel?
thom_edison: 21:47:15
yeah - it's so short that it might prove difficult to really build something responsive to what happens in rotterdam
fe2cruz: 21:47:26
cool, thanks audrey, c u tomorrow
ideacritik: 21:47:28
ok good luck and c u all tomorrow - ps i really like the magnetic soudns of thom_ed's comp!
thom_edison: 21:47:48
i'll try to persuade the others to use them...
thom_edison: 21:48:23
so we agree that rotterdam will be the top frame?
laure.dit: 21:48:49
thom_edison: 21:50:46
so the event is anounced in Rotterdam under the name "conference from the antipodes"
thom_edison: 21:51:26
antipodes relate to "opposite" points as you see on this image
aether9: 21:52:06
and it's taking place in a conference room, where a series of speeches/performance will take place
laure.dit: 21:52:07
i think that where the place is taking place is very important . maybe it should be our starting point
fe2cruz: 21:52:29
opposites, maybe we could copy/sample each other's images and mirror/oppose them in the cells?
aether9: 21:52:43
and i am currently imagining a very simple series of actions, stereotypical attitudes of conference
laure.dit: 21:53:03
its in the area of the old harbor ?
thom_edison: 21:53:14
here is the same but better
aether9: 21:53:34
which should happen slowly, so the 15 minutes will be over quite quickly
laure.dit: 21:53:37
how do you say "port in english"
aether9: 21:53:45
aether9: 21:53:48
aether9: 21:54:22
like: 9h00 opening (empty desks, chairs, etc)
9h01 - character 1 appears
9h02 - character 2 appears
9h03 - character 3 appears
thom_edison: 21:54:26
on this map, we notice that rotterdams antipode (as the antipode of all europe except the tip of spain and portugal) are in deep seas
thom_edison: 21:54:50
(california as well)
aether9: 21:55:27
yes, this map is actually very disappointing ;/
fe2cruz: 21:55:54
only peru & argentina is connecting with china?
aether9: 21:56:03
as we always thought australia or china were our antipodes
thom_edison: 21:56:26
"copy/sample each other's images and mirror/oppose them in the cells?" - or perform something in a opposed symetry of some kind
thom_edison: 21:56:43
australia is the antipodes of nothing!?!
thom_edison: 21:57:21
interestingly, ushuaia and the terra del fuego is antipode of lake baikal
fe2cruz: 21:57:59
yeah since audrey will be on top then her pole will be the central image and that cell can oppose her's then the two right and lefts can oppose each other
aether9: 21:58:05
yes.. and colombia has interesting antipodes too...
thom_edison: 21:58:14
fe2cruz: 21:58:27
you guys are so much better at geography than i am
aether9: 21:58:55
it's genetical - post-colonialist genes
fe2cruz: 21:59:11
@ 15 minutes can we avoid chapters than? and just do a straight stream of counterpoints
laure.dit: 21:59:16
i was always very bad at it, still im belgian
laure.dit: 21:59:30
i think so
thom_edison: 21:59:52
what do you mean avoid chapters than?
laure.dit: 22:00:21
and i agree with some kind of symetry between the cells
fe2cruz: 22:00:47
if we are restricted to only 15 minutes, we'd just stream 1 theme of content and avoid any strict acts or changes
fe2cruz: 22:01:17
1 theme being a cohesive group idea of what we are presenting
thom_edison: 22:01:34
yes, i agree. 
fe2cruz: 22:02:49
if we are allowed to go over than we can continue riffing and opposing each other as polar oppisites but if it starts to get stale we could skype each other and try to revive it with a new direction
thom_edison: 22:05:48
manu - will the frames be closer together than on the current htlm page or will it remain like that? 
aether9: 22:06:21
how close together they are depends on how you size the html page
aether9: 22:06:49
it's intended to be projected in 800x600 resolution
thom_edison: 22:06:55
a startling starting set of still images should be - now for instance just nb. 4 is still messy
thom_edison: 22:07:35
before the characters appear i mean - with some sonic introduction
thom_edison: 22:07:59
explaining in a way what's the point of what is about to happen and in fact starting
thom_edison: 22:08:14
related to the stills
thom_edison: 22:08:44
who wants to keep the "desk" dogma?
thom_edison: 22:08:48
laure.dit: 22:09:10
mmhh depends
fe2cruz: 22:10:27
i kinda wanted to keep my streams micro, but if we all want to go desk i can use photographs again or maybe some minatures. i wanted to start streaming microscopic but i lost my microscope
aether9: 22:11:37
i think the desk dogma will be very fitting for that situation
aether9: 22:12:04
and i suggest to have more coordinated actions that repeat in all our three frames
aether9: 22:12:10
like a sort of ceremony
aether9: 22:12:28
like preparing some drink of some sort
aether9: 22:12:41
and i think it's good if it happens sequentially
aether9: 22:12:53
first frame 4, then frame 5, then frame 6
aether9: 22:13:02
with periods without action inbetween
laure.dit: 22:13:04
i follow
thom_edison: 22:13:45
chris, is there a material or philosophical obstacle for you not to stream live macro images?
aether9: 22:13:58
and some time ago we had one great sound idea, which we could implement now!
laure.dit: 22:14:21
which was ?
aether9: 22:14:32
it is clear i think that only one person will stream sound... (still we have to decide who, btw).
aether9: 22:14:59
but each of the performers could record a small number of sentences, put them on a server in mp3.
fe2cruz: 22:15:14
no its just an aesthetic thing for me, but i can adjust
aether9: 22:15:28
the person doing the sound will be able to play them as "dialogue", at a chosen moment.
aether9: 22:16:08
while the peformer "acts" his speaking, maybe...
laure.dit: 22:16:49
cant we decide quite exactly to pass from men size repeated actions to macro results of theses actions ?
thom_edison: 22:16:51
i think it would be prudent to have one person solely doing the sound part
fe2cruz: 22:17:07
then without the live direct patch its easier to deal with smaller sets and things i can manipulate with my hands rather than a big space where i have to act and enter and present
laure.dit: 22:17:08
i think it could be visually verx clear
thom_edison: 22:17:55
that's a good point chris - it's very difficult to act macro alone with this patch - personnaly i feel the need to be 2.
laure.dit: 22:18:25
manuel if youre intested into taking care of the sound
thom_edison: 22:18:29
i mean if you are behind and before the webcamera...
fe2cruz: 22:18:32
yeah from a solo aspect its impossible especially from the last performances we were all behind on the changes
laure.dit: 22:18:42
boris and i could dipatch in two
laure.dit: 22:19:05
and respond simetrically to chris in the middle
fe2cruz: 22:19:24
and manuel on sound?
aether9: 22:19:40
yes, it could work like that
laure.dit: 22:19:54
how he wants... but that was my proposal
laure.dit: 22:19:58
aether9: 22:20:32
anyway doing the sound + img simultanously is beyond my possibilites
laure.dit: 22:20:38
of course
laure.dit: 22:20:45
thats why
fe2cruz: 22:22:07
cool, so lets get this official audrey on top i oppose her. borris and laure oppose each other left to right. manuel controls the audio stream only. so we'll have an upsidedown T shape
laure.dit: 22:24:13
thom_edison: 22:24:39
mmm disagreement here:  i think manu must do his part of image - beacause: 1- laure & i are in the same location 2- manu wants very badly to try something close to his original idea - so i propose:
thom_edison: 22:25:03
i do the sound- chris under audrey, laure & manu opposite sides!
laure.dit: 22:25:09
thom_edison: 22:25:14
aether9: 22:25:39
ok for me too
fe2cruz: 22:25:53
i see boris, that works for me
thom_edison: 22:26:05
fe2cruz: 22:26:08
so do we want a uniform start and end image?
thom_edison: 22:26:15
thom_edison: 22:26:48
now is quite allright
thom_edison: 22:27:06
this kind i mean
aether9: 22:28:53
yes... we need some good idea for the end
thom_edison: 22:29:10
a macro on maps showing rotterdam?
laure.dit: 22:29:28
laure.dit: 22:29:56
or the picture a see horizon
thom_edison: 22:30:02
but let's see maybe what comes before a little more
aether9: 22:31:21
so what about the formulated ideas: three desks, three speakers getting ready - then a dialogue
thom_edison: 22:32:29
one thing: personnaly i always dislike when my image is displayed in public whitout me controlling it, or also in theater when the actors onstage "take the audience appart" - i dislike the idea to show the audience in audrey's frame - what do you think?
aether9: 22:33:30
hmm, even if it's a global view of the room and every face is too pixels wide?
thom_edison: 22:33:32
some side window with little passage maybe?
thom_edison: 22:33:45
in that case it's all right!
laure.dit: 22:33:54
depends this place seems so conferencial... ceremonial. 
laure.dit: 22:34:03
but i see what you mean 
thom_edison: 22:34:20
it will be more relaxed, boba told us, with armchairs she said...
laure.dit: 22:34:29
and actually we have no clue of how it will look like
thom_edison: 22:34:35
that's it
laure.dit: 22:35:13
lets forget it then
thom_edison: 22:35:26
forget waht?
aether9: 22:36:12
one question to chris, what kind of cam are you going to use? during the last performance your images were strangely blurry (intended i guess).
thom_edison: 22:39:08
and there's still the png/jpeg question. is it a question still?
aether9: 22:39:53
i'd keep for the moment the jpgs, for safety. there's no major reason to switch tomorrow, isn't it?
thom_edison: 22:42:27
boba from rotterdam is trying to join us
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:42:36
thom_edison: 22:42:42
laure.dit: 22:42:42
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:43:09
people are still here, i can't believe it, there are here for three hours and still enjoy it
thom_edison: 22:43:25
so here we are with manu in geneva, chris in california and laure & me discussing about tommorow's performance
aether9: 22:43:25
you're talking from the hotel?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:43:26
i talked to audrey today, she'll come tomorrow
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:43:30
fe2cruz: 22:43:30
thom_edison: 22:43:41
yes she was here with us before also
thom_edison: 22:43:50
so how is the first day going?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:44:21
i'm sorry i couldn't connect earlier, but guests are still here :D
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:44:28
oh, it was really good
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:44:48
hopefully i still feel the same way tomorrow after i sleep it over
thom_edison: 22:44:52
we will be here for a moment, if you want we still can talk later!
thom_edison: 22:44:59
it's great!
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:45:03
no, no, it is ok
thom_edison: 22:45:08
one mystery: 
thom_edison: 22:45:34
who are the 24 guests and on what basis where they invited (if they where invited)?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:45:35
thom_edison: 22:46:21  and open the viewer window...
thom_edison: 22:46:56
manu, sound dstopped suddenly?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:47:48
oh, looks greeeeeaaaaat
aether9: 22:47:55
ah, yes, i thought after having the same sound for hours it could stop... 2 seconds after you send that link..
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:48:00
does it have sound (i don't have it)
thom_edison: 22:48:07
yes, but who are the 24 guests?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:48:18
are you asking me?
thom_edison: 22:48:19
ok manu
thom_edison: 22:48:21
fe2cruz: 22:48:25
the lower cell may take some time to load the sound
laure.dit: 22:48:38
which one ?
laure.dit: 22:48:53
5 ?
thom_edison: 22:48:57
definitly on vlc it sounds better
aether9: 22:49:13
yes, no question
aether9: 22:49:29
probably much better decompression algorythm
aether9: 22:49:32
than flash
thom_edison: 22:49:40
fe2cruz: 22:49:52
oh yeah and vlc stalls less too
thom_edison: 22:50:09
anyways we aren't very far with our main business..
thom_edison: 22:50:17
aether9: 22:50:20
boba, if you dont hear, press on the small "play" icon in the lower part. a square means it's playing
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:50:50
Hilde de Bruijn
Bram Leven
Mounira Al Solh?
Frans-Willem Korsten
Tracey Warr
Esme Valk
Philippine Hoegen
Lauran Schijvens
Anke Bangma
Jessica Worden
Reinaart Vanhoe
Angela Serino
Arno van Roosmalen
Susan Schmidt
Lina Issa
Moosje Goosen ?
Susanne Kriemann
fe2cruz: 22:51:00
should we even bother with the lower cell then?
thom_edison: 22:51:15
i know everybody, but who the hell is Susan Schmidt
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:51:25
i tried the cell, but still no
thom_edison: 22:51:27
fe2cruz: 22:51:52
mirjana do you have VLC?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:52:31
you are so naughty! how don't you know susan schmidt!???
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:53:28
sorry, but i'm a computer jerk, i don't know what is VLD
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:53:31
fe2cruz: 22:54:21
its just another program to alternatively play the sound stream.
aether9: 22:55:12
anyway audrey will care for it tomorrow
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:55:13
aha, but probably no - this is not my computer i'm using now
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:55:29
yes, that would be great...
fe2cruz: 22:55:56
yeah everything will be in order for tomorrow evening.
thom_edison: 22:56:13
boba, how is it happening? do you or somebody make an introdction of every event?
thom_edison: 22:56:36
a speech? an oration? 
thom_edison: 22:56:45
a powerpoint presentation?
thom_edison: 22:57:58
we are schedulled at 9pm - could it be late?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:58:12
kindda - we have done it today just as focusing attention to the thing that is to happen, but without speech or any other kind of bio
thom_edison: 22:58:18
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:58:41
it would be great to say how/if you would like to be introduced in a special manner
thom_edison: 22:58:55
but if talks go on and on, there's a possibility it's late, aint'it?
aether9: 22:59:54
you mean that a little break should be scheduled before, to make sure there's no delay?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 22:59:57
we can do it just before ten, when we're supposed to finish (the guests are now here illegal)
aether9: 23:00:42
like, from 9.45 to 10 pm?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:00:44
aha, that's not a problem to sart it in time, i'm thinking more that people might get tired before
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:00:57
thom_edison: 23:01:32
yes, if you start at 7, it's no good.
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:01:38
we're starting at 7.30, by 10 they are going to be here for 2,5 hours...
thom_edison: 23:01:46
fe2cruz: 23:02:43
so manuel, laure, boris, you prefer to do our set last?
fe2cruz: 23:02:57
as clost to 10pm local time as possible?
aether9: 23:03:38
boba, you have an appointment with audrey already
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:04:25
yes, she will come sometime after 11 tomorrow, here at the hotel
aether9: 23:04:44
i meant, for the evening?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:05:07
no, we haven't still made that time
aether9: 23:06:07
as i understood she can't stay all evening
aether9: 23:06:38
so i think we should start either 7.30, or 9 pm as told before.
thom_edison: 23:06:46
we said earlier we would do our set at 9pm - let's stick to this if possible, no?
aether9: 23:06:57
yes, that's what i propose
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:07:05
that's not a problem of any kind, i'm just talking to Gunndis and Maja that it might be great if Audrey brings her computer if she has a laptop, because the sound doesn't work on this one
thom_edison: 23:07:28
on her's it did work, she will bring her computer.
aether9: 23:07:34
yes, audrey will bring her laptop for sure.
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:07:50
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:08:07
we'll try it out tomorrow when she comes in the morning
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:09:08
do we have some final time now?
fe2cruz: 23:10:56
11am to test, 9pm to perform
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:11:06
sounds great
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:11:56
do you have some (extraordinary) idea how would you like to be announced?
aether9: 23:12:18
well, you should make a small speach, for sure.
thom_edison: 23:12:19
not now
thom_edison: 23:12:36
we will tell you something by tommorow afternoon
thom_edison: 23:12:42
about this
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:12:53
good that you've told me, i have to practice in front of the mirror
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:13:50
ok, that would be good, and we can always improvise and ruin your carier
thom_edison: 23:14:05
so we will be in touch tommorow morning - now we need to get back to work in order not to ruin our reputation.
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:14:37
yes, that's the word i wanted to write
thom_edison: 23:15:03
have a nice evening ending!
aether9: 23:15:11
boba, your introduction should start like this: "Æther9 is a collaborative art project exploring the field of realtime video transmission. Developed by an international group of visual artists and collectives working in 9 different locations (dissminated in Europe, North and South America) and communicating solely through the Internet, Æther9 functions as an open framework for collaborative remote performance." ... then you improvise
thom_edison: 23:15:39
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:15:58
can i read?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:16:11
i mean - can i read it?
thom_edison: 23:16:26
hum... i guess.
aether9: 23:16:37
yes, but it has to sound natural...
thom_edison: 23:16:39
i mean - can you?
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:17:08
but thanx for that, now i realize that i don't know who you are...
thom_edison: 23:17:14
lol - sure! with long pauses every 4 words
Mirjana Boba Stojadinovic: 23:17:53
have unforgettable evening and i'll check how was it tomorrow!
thom_edison: 23:17:56
but something should be said that we will perform not in the full ensemble, due to short notice
thom_edison: 23:18:03
thom_edison: 23:18:25
who cares anyways
fe2cruz: 23:18:40
bye boba, you have a good evening too
laure.dit: 23:18:49
laure.dit: 23:18:53
ideacritik: 23:19:11
you are still here....
aether9: 23:19:28
you're back...
ideacritik: 23:19:48
yes was testing some sound and now back to the comp...
ideacritik: 23:20:03
thought to check if there was still some aetherical activity
fe2cruz: 23:20:30
audrey you're set for 11am test and then 9pm performance
thom_edison: 23:20:36
yes - we talked with boba, the performance is now definitely schedulled for 9 pm in rotterdam
ideacritik: 23:20:59
good to know : )
aether9: 23:21:29
so, i'm proposing here a possible script:
aether9: 23:21:42
9h00 opening (empty desks, chairs, etc)
9h01 character 1 appears
9h02 character 2 appears
9h03 character 3 appears
9h04 character 1: action (fills a glass of water)

9h05 character 2: action (...)
9h06 character 3: action (...)
9h07 character 2: talks (in direction to 1)
     character 1: answers (in direction to 2)
9h08 character 3: leaves the space
9h09 character 2+1 seem nervous
9h10 character 3: comes back

9h11 character 3: talks
     character 2: looks to character 3
     character 1: close up action
9h12 character 3+2: close up action
     character 1: looks at the others
9h13 character 3: close up action
9h14 character 1,2,3: stand up, saluts au public.
9h15 empty desk
aether9: 23:22:43
becket-style simplicity
fe2cruz: 23:22:46
i don't know if i can perform all the actions solo, even with the patch
ideacritik: 23:22:58
ok. sounds fun... will this require chat coordination or is everyone timed and ready to go : )
thom_edison: 23:23:25
everyone will have the online stopwatch chris pointed to
fe2cruz: 23:23:30
audrey, you could just man the chat we'd just go by our own clocks
aether9: 23:23:34
remember the timing by heart and keep a big watch on the desk
laure.dit: 23:23:59
yes i was thinkng about the solo problem
laure.dit: 23:24:10
should we wear a watch ?
aether9: 23:24:13
i think we should do it without relying on the chat.
thom_edison: 23:24:15
skype necessary to say NOW to start the watch only (a priori) - and to inform us if there's some delays or storms etc
ideacritik: 23:24:32
storms... hahaha
aether9: 23:24:33
and everyone should have a second person caring for the camera
fe2cruz: 23:24:35
if we miss some yeah like sychronize your clocks NOW!
ideacritik: 23:24:54
ok so you need an initial GO
ideacritik: 23:25:02
and then we hope it all runs smootly...
thom_edison: 23:25:09
in anycase, yes, an initial GO
ideacritik: 23:25:20
ideacritik: 23:25:40
i'll try and be online in the space at around noon
ideacritik: 23:25:47
(r'dam time)
aether9: 23:26:00
ok, so we will stream some sound at that time
aether9: 23:26:20
and i'm going to stop that stream for good now!
thom_edison: 23:26:32
let's make this clear dor me: noon (rtdm time) = 11 bxl & gva time = ??? cal time?
fe2cruz: 23:27:26
7pm rtdm call before the performance?
thom_edison: 23:27:34
fe2cruz: 23:27:42
just on skype
ideacritik: 23:27:44
rotterdam = r'dam
thom_edison: 23:27:54
oh of course
ideacritik: 23:27:59
7pm might be a tad early for me - 7:30
fe2cruz: 23:28:18
7:30 it is
ideacritik: 23:28:20
i prefer to do the setup and all in the morning so in teh evening it should just be a matter of plug and play...
thom_edison: 23:28:29
ideacritik: 23:28:34
thom_edison: 23:29:10
here is the online clockwatch (to bookmark!):
fe2cruz: 23:29:21
more for us streaming in to be prepared ready and finalize anyother issues or stormy weather
aether9: 23:29:35
noon rotterdam time = gva = bxl , all the same. 9 pm rotterdam time = 12 pm in california
thom_edison: 23:29:56
ideacritik: 23:30:04
ideacritik: 23:30:08
ideacritik: 23:30:30
btw stopwatch is a great idea.
thom_edison: 23:30:42
9 pm rotterdam = 12 am california, no?
thom_edison: 23:30:48
ideacritik: 23:31:07
i think so...
fe2cruz: 23:31:24
noon yeah, but i'll be in there earlier to setup and chat with whoever is around
ideacritik: 23:31:37
is california same time as arizona?
thom_edison: 23:31:40
yes yes, i will be there way earlier
fe2cruz: 23:32:11
yes i think so AZ & CA are nieghbors
fe2cruz: 23:32:36
it changes over at colorado i think
thom_edison: 23:33:02
audrey, you will have a webcam tommorow at noon?
aether9: 23:33:34
one question to chris, what kind of cam are you going to use? during the last performance your images were strangely blurry (intended i guess).
aether9: 23:33:45
some of your images, actually
ideacritik: 23:33:53
i will have a minidv cam - the same i used last time
fe2cruz: 23:33:55
oh yes, sorry i missed that question early
ideacritik: 23:34:08
(and yes i will have it at noon) going to pick up in the morning
laure.dit: 23:34:09

9h05 character 2: action (drinks the glass of water)
9h06 character 3: action ()
ideacritik: 23:34:29
thom_ed are you in geneva?
aether9: 23:34:32
and a second question, did you try the windows version of the patch, and did it work?
thom_edison: 23:34:47
perfect - we said that the cam in rotterdam will be still, you wont have to do anything with it. we will see this in details quickly during the mise en place tommorow
thom_edison: 23:34:59
idea, no in bruxelles
laure.dit: 23:35:04
9h06 character 3: action ( spreads it on the table )
fe2cruz: 23:35:06
i will be in san diego at my family's place so I may be able to boorrow thier webcam and use the windows patch, if not i will just use my old setup with an ftp client and VDub
aether9: 23:35:51
is the new windows patch working (i have no idea since no easy access to a pc)???
fe2cruz: 23:35:54
my webcam is a phillips and it doesn't work with wndig or the patch. i do tend to blur a lot with too
fe2cruz: 23:36:15
i like covering it with platic bags
fe2cruz: 23:36:59
the windows patch does load now, no crashes, but i haven't tested it properly. hopefully i can get time to do that tonight or tomorrow morning
fe2cruz: 23:37:33
oh another important note so are we all confirmed to use PNG and what FTP servers are we going to be assigned to
aether9: 23:38:39
i was thinking that to avoid mistakes, we were NOT switching yet to PNG.. i have the impression many people are using still the old patches ...
aether9: 23:39:20
or should we switch (question to audrey, laure, boris, chris)?
aether9: 23:39:42
are you ready to download and use the latest patch?
fe2cruz: 23:39:46
i can do png, & boris is only doing sound right?
thom_edison: 23:40:24
fe2cruz: 23:40:27
if my patch doesn't work I can still upload PNG easily to whatever FTP i'm assigned to
laure.dit: 23:40:56
sorry... wasnt there..euhh yes.
aether9: 23:41:19
problem is that the windows patch isnt designed yet to upload png-- not a big deal but one more thing to do...
aether9: 23:41:38
so is suggest we keep JPG tomorrow, and will switch for the 7.7.7. performance
aether9: 23:41:44
thom_edison: 23:41:57
i don't get the problem? is it more complicated for you chris to upload in jpeg?
fe2cruz: 23:42:00
oh yeah i, see thats fine SO JPG ONLY!
thom_edison: 23:42:06
laure.dit: 23:42:11
that what was i understood since the beginning
aether9: 23:42:32
ok, so that's clear.
laure.dit: 23:42:36
fe2cruz: 23:42:39
I wasn't sure if Manuel was ready or not, now everything is clear
fe2cruz: 23:43:05
so back to the FTP assignments?
ideacritik: 23:43:36
(so the 107/109 patches still in effect right?)
aether9: 23:43:51
yes, chris, is you keep the frame on the right, nr 6, just keep the same ftp directory as last time.
aether9: 23:44:04
idea: yes, 107/109 will work perfectly
ideacritik: 23:44:41
so i'm the top frame and ftp?
aether9: 23:44:55
idea: yes
aether9: 23:45:06
chris: reminder: Frame 6 -
aether9: 23:45:29
you find the current server list in the wiki.
aether9: 23:45:39
as well as the current max patches.
thom_edison: 23:46:11
yo, we said chris is in the middle: frame 5!
aether9: 23:46:34
ah.. ok. lost that line. Frame 5 -
aether9: 23:46:46
same login as usual
laure.dit: 23:46:48
manuel do u want 4 or 6 ?
ideacritik: 23:46:57
so top frame is frame 2 yes (just to be sure)
aether9: 23:47:09
idea: yes!
laure.dit: 23:47:14
character one or three ?
aether9: 23:47:28
character 3
aether9: 23:47:34
frame 6
aether9: 23:47:39
for geneva
laure.dit: 23:47:58
ok im character 1, frame 4.
thom_edison: 23:48:49
back to manuel's script.
let's accept it as our basis.

laure.dit: 23:48:54
im must soon go, should we go along the script once. or is
aether9: 23:48:58
yes, about the script proposal - does it sound possible? interesting enough?
laure.dit: 23:49:10
it sunds very good
fe2cruz: 23:49:13
thats cool i'll plug 5 in now & test my setup so i'm character # ?
thom_edison: 23:49:21
mnust be refined, but it's a good basis i find
aether9: 23:49:26
chris: caracter nr2
thom_edison: 23:49:31
character 2 for chris
thom_edison: 23:49:38
one thing for instance: 
thom_edison: 23:49:39
the action "to talk" won't work: cause there's no difference between "to look at" & "to talk to"
aether9: 23:49:51
laure.dit: 23:49:59
i thought but maybe its a bit too perfectionist, that we all could us water with gaz to remember aether
laure.dit: 23:50:10
laure.dit: 23:50:22
air bubbles
aether9: 23:50:40
thom_edison: 23:50:41
no, details are important!
fe2cruz: 23:50:59
i think i could get sparkling water, though i don't know if it will show on the video unless its a closeup
aether9: 23:51:29
it could appear once in each characters close-up actions
fe2cruz: 23:52:18
i'll have a backup crisp video of bubbly water just in case
laure.dit: 23:52:25
aether9: 23:52:58
sent file aether_script_rtdm.txt to members of this chat
aether9: 23:53:18
here you have it in text
aether9: 23:54:25
and i'm going to leave you for now.
aether9: 23:55:20
did skype crash or what?
fe2cruz: 23:55:31
ok cu tomorrow manuel
ideacritik: 23:55:46
ciao manu
aether9: 23:55:46
yeah see you tomorrow folks
ideacritik: 23:56:02
a demain i'll quit too and till tomorrow noon