
Chat History with THE ANTIPOos (#thom_edison/$fe2cruz;afed2b2030e8b46b)

Created on 2007-07-02 21:57:03.


thom_edison: 19:32:59
aether9: 19:35:48
thom_edison: 19:36:06
just checking
aether9: 19:36:44
boris, "spread the glass", c'est bien renverser?
thom_edison: 19:36:53
ideacritik: 19:38:10
or donc bonsoir - je suis de retour. la camera est en place. il y a des presentations qui commencent durant lequel je skype ... etc sur le cote de la piece...
ideacritik: 19:38:20
les gens commencent a rentrer
aether9: 19:38:26
ideacritik: 19:38:38
mais je n'ai pas d'ecouteurs donc le son sera pour le dernier moment...
ideacritik: 19:38:49
(je les ai oublie!?)
ideacritik: 19:42:19
voila - vue de la fenetre... euromast dans toute sa splendeur.. ; ) 
aether9: 19:43:15
great, clouds are moving
ideacritik: 19:43:35
yes nice windy city
ideacritik: 19:43:42
how goes you all and sound etc
aether9: 19:44:15
ok, will be offline for a moment, preparing the setting...
ideacritik: 19:44:29
i need the url of the without sound html when you come back
aether9: 19:44:30
i hope chris will manage to get the upload working.
ideacritik: 19:44:34
ideacritik: 19:44:36
aether9: 19:44:45
ideacritik: 19:44:54
ah le meme donc
aether9: 19:45:00
the url without sound is called: "6-frame alternative"
laure.dit: 19:49:20
 "comes back" after looking rotterdam on a map? Est-ce que caractère 1 doit se lever pour chercher rotterdam? La carte n'est-elle pas sur table? Chloé
thom_edison: 19:50:15
i'm getting my sounds...
laure.dit: 20:00:53
what is the uniform? 
laure.dit: 20:01:40
I propose not white shirt, as the walls are allready white
laure.dit: 20:04:31
answer dudes
ideacritik: 20:05:44
they are i think temporarily offline to setup they said je pense
fe2cruz: 20:07:06
sorry for being late are we still on for 9pm?
ideacritik: 20:07:28
ideacritik: 20:07:53
does your patch work?
ideacritik: 20:07:57
ideacritik: 20:08:16
(i meant upload)
fe2cruz: 20:08:32
no upload but i can still do it manually
fe2cruz: 20:08:45
the old vdub + ftp client method
ideacritik: 20:09:00
well if you can handle it.
ideacritik: 20:09:07
its ok.
ideacritik: 20:09:19
do you like the view? (frame 2)
fe2cruz: 20:09:35
its lovely wish i were there with u
ideacritik: 20:09:52
listening to talks now...
ideacritik: 20:10:02
bout 20 people or so...
fe2cruz: 20:10:16
where's manuel?
ideacritik: 20:10:33
they are setting up
ideacritik: 20:10:42
they will return 
ideacritik: 20:11:08
i think tonight will be fun
fe2cruz: 20:11:59
on the command can you give us 3 commands 1. ready  apps? we must all respond yes 2. get set 3. then you say GO!
ideacritik: 20:12:25
sure. will tell the others when they are back
fe2cruz: 20:12:39
laure.dit: 20:15:01
whats the color of your t-shirt ? manuel and chris...
fe2cruz: 20:15:25
cream, its all i got actually still haven't done my laundry
fe2cruz: 20:19:02
those clouds look like spaceships
ideacritik: 20:19:19
specters flying through the sky
thom_edison: 20:20:16
please make sure with manu that at the begining you all have the still images we talked about yesterday
ideacritik: 20:20:51
ill keep the view
ideacritik: 20:21:03
act 1 ill show inside...
laure.dit: 20:21:12
in 9h12 . what is "come back " for character 1, thom ?
ideacritik: 20:21:41
is there a title / theme for tonigth?
laure.dit: 20:22:02
conference from the antipodes
fe2cruz: 20:22:09
does that mean we just show the map 1st? we can't start with the table?
thom_edison: 20:22:51
yeah right, you start with the empty tables
thom_edison: 20:22:54
fe2cruz: 20:23:15
ok tables, got it
fe2cruz: 20:24:40
audrey are your images getting archived? I really want a copy of your stream that slow sunset is dreamy
ideacritik: 20:24:59
shit no
ideacritik: 20:25:26
i would have to do some sort of script to transfer to another folder. or screen grab
fe2cruz: 20:25:37
do you have an ftp client maybe you could just copy over the images in that folder & we could save them for later
ideacritik: 20:26:05
i have an ftp client but how would i send them in two places at once?
laure.dit: 20:26:19
is there any way to record the performance all in one.
ideacritik: 20:26:20
unless i use the 'rec' button in the patch...
laure.dit: 20:26:23
ideacritik: 20:26:44
screen grab
fe2cruz: 20:26:55
what is your ftp again? i can copy them from here
ideacritik: 20:27:08
mine is 2 which is
ideacritik: 20:27:42 somehing
ideacritik: 20:28:58
im recording with patch
ideacritik: 20:29:04
(only my square)
laure.dit: 20:29:12
adresse de la montre internet svp
fe2cruz: 20:29:13
oh cool
ideacritik: 20:29:45
aether9: 20:33:30
idea, i'm recording parts of your vid with a screen grabber
thom_edison: 20:34:26
a glass - please don't have a bottle....
fe2cruz: 20:34:56
i got some too of audrey's video too but no more big sun rays too late
ideacritik: 20:38:12
my beamer is on so i will now put the screen up - since we all have chairs. so dont **dont upload till 9*****
ideacritik: 20:38:14
ideacritik: 20:38:34
fe2cruz: 20:38:44
got it
ideacritik: 20:39:24
brussels im waiting for the table to be empty so i can fix resoluttion.....
ideacritik: 20:39:56
thom_edison: 20:40:48
audrey, is it going to be on time you believe?
ideacritik: 20:40:53
ideacritik: 20:40:54
thom_edison: 20:41:01
ideacritik: 20:41:05
ok can i put screen up?
ideacritik: 20:41:20
i will start with three commands:
ideacritik: 20:41:28
apps ready? (1)
ideacritik: 20:41:36
set (2)
ideacritik: 20:41:38
go (3)
ideacritik: 20:41:45
then it's up to the stopwatches.
ideacritik: 20:44:11
how's the sound?
ideacritik: 20:45:27
(willl need the url again)
laure.dit: 20:46:53
pourquoi on a pas de son
ideacritik: 20:47:33
boris - si le son marche pas je laisse ma musique minimale pendant la perfo... (que tu saches il y a un backup)
thom_edison: 20:47:56
ok - mais le son marche maintenant sur le stream vlc
laure.dit: 20:48:01
ta musique minimale est presque inaudible, c'est normal?
laure.dit: 20:48:14
quoi que, maintenant il y a eu un évènement audible
ideacritik: 20:48:17
non non juste dans mon espace... 
ideacritik: 20:48:37
je ne stream pas
ideacritik: 20:50:44
brussels je vous vois la...
ideacritik: 20:51:08
arreter la transmission pendant la preparation... svp : )
ideacritik: 20:51:28
url son svp
thom_edison: 20:51:52 
ideacritik: 20:53:24
sound on ok
laure.dit: 20:53:38
mais pourtant j'ai arrêté d'uploader...
ideacritik: 20:53:40
is everyone ok
thom_edison: 20:53:43
fe2cruz: 20:53:50
laure.dit: 20:53:56
comment ça se fait qu'on nous vois quand même?
ideacritik: 20:54:08
stop abort?
ideacritik: 20:54:11
ideacritik: 20:54:32
bon j'arrete mon coucher de soleil pour preparer la camera... je reviens.
laure.dit: 20:55:32
is it gonna start on time?
laure.dit: 20:55:42
who is giving the start?
fe2cruz: 20:56:17
audrey/idea, 1. ready 2. set 3. GO
laure.dit: 20:56:35
brussel redy
fe2cruz: 20:56:49
don't start your stopwatch till the 3rd command
aether9: 20:56:55
boris, laure: stand still, does it mean we don'tt sit down?
laure.dit: 20:57:20
fe2cruz: 20:57:20
stay seated don't move
aether9: 20:57:27
laure.dit: 20:57:32
WHO is giving the GO signal?
ideacritik: 20:57:41
laure.dit: 20:57:47
laure.dit: 20:58:26
is everybody ready?
fe2cruz: 20:58:34
aether9: 20:58:34
laure.dit: 20:58:54
so we are going to start in 2 minutes, right?
ideacritik: 20:58:58
thom_edison: 20:59:01
thom_edison: 20:59:02
ideacritik: 20:59:06
are all apps ready?
thom_edison: 20:59:12
you hear music?
fe2cruz: 20:59:13
laure.dit: 20:59:16
thom_edison: 20:59:23
oh yes sorry ok
ideacritik: 20:59:35
have to wait till they stop talking to check sound... heard it earlier....
laure.dit: 21:01:23
le son est faible
ideacritik: 21:01:34
ok on commence dans 30 sec
laure.dit: 21:01:35
je suis au max et je l'entends à peine
ideacritik: 21:02:06
no sound i proceed with my own then peopel are wwaiting
thom_edison: 21:02:24
thom_edison: 21:02:32
sound is streaming
ideacritik: 21:03:23
ok set?
ideacritik: 21:03:49
thom_edison: 21:03:50
laure.dit: 21:03:52
aether9: 21:04:03
laure.dit: 21:04:33
the clock is started
laure.dit: 21:04:37
ideacritik: 21:04:43
ideacritik: 21:05:37
i cannot see anything from all of you
ideacritik: 21:05:41
im on 3 in 10 sec
ideacritik: 21:05:45
thom_edison: 21:06:06
carater 1!!!!!!!!
thom_edison: 21:06:09
thom_edison: 21:06:24
sound is streaming?
ideacritik: 21:06:25
im on 2.40
ideacritik: 21:06:26
ideacritik: 21:06:29
fe2cruz: 21:07:40
need the water were a bit behind should i just go?
ideacritik: 21:08:21
im on 4.39
ideacritik: 21:11:09
ideacritik: 21:11:10
ideacritik: 21:11:55
im on 8
ideacritik: 21:15:11
ok we go good.
ideacritik: 21:15:16
imon 11.30
ideacritik: 21:17:45
ok last one in 10sec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ideacritik: 21:18:24
we finish in 30 sec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ideacritik: 21:18:46
ideacritik: 21:18:54
finish ! cool
ideacritik: 21:18:56
thom_edison: 21:19:02
ideacritik: 21:19:03
ideacritik: 21:19:08
ok j'arrete music
laure.dit: 21:19:11
lemax a quitté
thom_edison: 21:19:11
fe2cruz: 21:20:21
time for cups
fe2cruz: 21:20:38
or leave it as is?
ideacritik: 21:20:43
its over
thom_edison: 21:21:16
ideacritik: 21:21:18
thanx. applause 
ideacritik: 21:21:19
mais ouit
ideacritik: 21:21:24
thom_edison: 21:21:30
oui, c'est bien court
fe2cruz: 21:21:34
yeah im almost 18
ideacritik: 21:21:39
please all put a blank
thom_edison: 21:21:41
oh the screen!
ideacritik: 21:21:41
or so
ideacritik: 21:21:47
ideacritik: 21:22:01
ok i close beamer
ideacritik: 21:22:06
i stay here
ideacritik: 21:22:18
i liked the table as center
thom_edison: 21:22:33
emplty desk was the plan
ideacritik: 21:22:42
ok screen down
thom_edison: 21:22:45
screen black ok
ideacritik: 21:22:47
beamer off
fe2cruz: 21:23:41
ok, sorry i missed acouple changes, did the sound ever stream in?
ideacritik: 21:23:53
thom_edison: 21:24:30
i think the sound was a little too full of stuff not well balanced...
thom_edison: 21:24:58
manu, brussels, youre here?
fe2cruz: 21:25:17
i wasn't listening, afraid it would stall my cpu, too many other apps open
thom_edison: 21:25:26
laure.dit: 21:25:37
laure.dit: 21:26:03
how did it look like it did not saw anything
ideacritik: 21:26:11
not bad.
thom_edison: 21:26:21
but it was fu to do the sound and watch - watching i had the impression it was quite static - but it was hard to really concentrate on the details for me
thom_edison: 21:26:25
ideacritik: 21:26:27
if it would have been synchronised i could have been really good.
ideacritik: 21:26:37
fast is good i think
thom_edison: 21:26:38
ideacritik: 21:26:43
another speaker is starting.. 
fe2cruz: 21:26:45
did they laugh, did they cry?
laure.dit: 21:26:50
it really wasnt ?
ideacritik: 21:26:51
a weird silent crowd ehre... 
ideacritik: 21:26:52
no emotions
ideacritik: 21:26:56
(they are dutch ) 
ideacritik: 21:26:59
; )
fe2cruz: 21:27:13
no wine was served?
ideacritik: 21:27:28
ideacritik: 21:27:32
ideacritik: 21:27:38
bu tsttil...
fe2cruz: 21:29:43
thank you audrey, for representing and presenting us there
ideacritik: 21:29:52
: )
laure.dit: 21:29:55
ÿes thanks
thom_edison: 21:29:58
yes, thank you audrey
laure.dit: 21:32:01
the max application quit for us at some moments, but it went ok
Nylon: 21:32:32
Excellent that you pulled this off. Congrads! May I offer quick thoughts now and post full thoughts later tonight?
thom_edison: 21:32:42
i recorded the sound of course 
laure.dit: 21:33:03
yes do so please
thom_edison: 21:33:05
please Judy
fe2cruz: 21:33:06
yeah, how did it look Judy, did you get sound & image
Nylon: 21:33:43
sound was good in over all VLC //streaming stalled.
thom_edison: 21:33:47
and welcome!
Nylon: 21:33:53
LIVE notes….basic lighting. A red a white and a blue bulb..3….very basic. but important

While there is not sep between the street and the stage, it only works if you wear stage clothes into the street not ….street clothes on stage/camera. With so little action, costume/visual interest would have helped. ALSO in such a small screen you must have production value in the eyes. ECU and makeup determine your strongest contact with the viewer.

Faster is better

Be aware of the mudra of hand gesture….nobody used this at all
thom_edison: 21:34:30
Nylon: 21:35:15
the set up and layout was good. Mudra are classical hand gestures with universal meaning ...used for Lamas to French polititions
thom_edison: 21:36:06
what is ECU?
Nylon: 21:36:21
By...and soryy typing quickly ...I don't spell well. BUT one's hands are as import . as ones face
Nylon: 21:36:39
Extremene close up....cine term
thom_edison: 21:37:18
i agree that stage needs some attention to lighting, clothes and these basic stage things need to be respected.
fe2cruz: 21:37:24
i think manuel had the closest but not extreme, his cell may have been the most cinematic
Nylon: 21:37:30
working any camea. putting your eyes/face close to t eyes direct is transgressive
Nylon: 21:39:44
I love this kind of thing....I will write up some more and post later. Like the adage the all you need for a film is a girl and a gun....this new world has things that will make it  more pop and less academic or lab like
thom_edison: 21:40:36
watching not concentrated because of the streaming, it seemed that manuel frame was more expressive -his love of expressionist movies was very clear, and this is good to have a clear attitude like his.
thom_edison: 21:41:12
would be nice for us to have a total screen capture of the entire thing...
Nylon: 21:41:12
also...It was great when you gave the feel of layered sound. Yes his was more expressive
thom_edison: 21:42:03
i wish i could do it tommorow - it was extremely automatic actions for me - not enough preparation...
fe2cruz: 21:42:19
so we need to prepare now for 777
Nylon: 21:42:58 to have an LA lunch and will work on this later. Bye All...
thom_edison: 21:43:01
so for 777, the MARIBOR performance will not happen - we don't have a venue - we could do an exclusively online show for once
thom_edison: 21:43:05
bye judy
fe2cruz: 21:43:28
bye judy thanks, look forward to your comments later
fe2cruz: 21:46:10
yeah rest up now and start preperations later or tomorrow
aether9: 21:46:41
hi, i just read the comments after re-connecting
fe2cruz: 21:46:53
did the rotterdam conference have a website?
aether9: 21:48:20
overall i'm quite glad how it worked. i think indeed synchronised actions is the way to go... FYI i filmed the whole thing from computer screen with a dvcam, so we have an archive
thom_edison: 21:48:43
aether9: 21:48:50
am talking right now with a friend who helped me, she gives some interesting comments...
aether9: 21:49:27
she suggests for example that rather than drinking water, we could do something more visual: all eating spagetti for instance
thom_edison: 21:49:39
of fondue
thom_edison: 21:49:42
aether9: 21:49:59
actually a complete meal / dinner could be a sort of thread / concept for a future action
fe2cruz: 21:52:50
and a better background, we could be outdoors here in the daylight
aether9: 21:53:31
yes, now since it's summertime (quite rainy though here in europe).
ideacritik: 21:53:40
i got to uplug .. was listening to other speakers.
ideacritik: 21:53:48
will try to go back online later if anyoen left
ideacritik: 21:54:04
otherwise we debrief by maiL>?

aether9: 21:54:05
ok, audrey, thanks a lot for your help
fe2cruz: 21:54:16
ok audrey, c u
thom_edison: 21:54:41
ok, i get offline also - good nite/day
ideacritik: 21:54:42
psps judy had really good feedback
ideacritik: 21:54:52
i think wer are getting there... 
ideacritik: 21:55:31
i could feel something emerging
aether9: 21:55:37
yeah, step after step... cheers to all, have a good evening
ideacritik: 21:55:42
ok bye...
ideacritik: 21:55:44
ideacritik: 21:55:46
ideacritik: 21:55:51
nice perfo 
ideacritik: 21:55:55
aether9: 21:56:10
and we'll talk those next days to prepare 777...
aether9: 21:56:24
fe2cruz: 21:56:27