
Chat History with firsTESTtremorFest (#paula_velez_br/$aether9;13c307f0a6c1b47b)

Created on 2007-11-11 14:48:01.


paula vélez: 17:34:43
aether9: 17:35:00
aether9: 17:35:17
désolé pour le retard
aether9: 17:35:27
il y a un meeting en cours?
paula vélez: 17:35:49
j'était un peu inquiette, mais happy que tu est là
aether9: 17:36:01
je vois seulement boris actif dans skype..
paula vélez: 17:36:14
il y a seulement boris our l'instant et leo qui va travailler avec nous cette fois
aether9: 17:37:12
what should we talk, anglais or french?
boris: 17:41:48
yo! in english
aether9: 17:44:10
so, what's the situation at tremor?
aether9: 17:44:24
what has to be done from our side?
paula vélez: 17:45:04
paula vélez: 17:45:23
ok , so, the first thing is the place.
paula vélez: 17:45:50
we will have to do it in patofeo films, the place that i show you in photos
paula vélez: 17:48:23
so we are planning to do: first retroproyect with video beam in window screen, i mean , the windows in that place are beautifull and if we proyect there people will watch from the street.
aether9: 17:49:28
nice... your idea is to project the full 3x3 aether grid, or just one row?
paula vélez: 17:49:29
then we will have three computers.
paula vélez: 17:49:59
the full main window
paula vélez: 17:50:40
two computers are to transmit video: one mac, the other pc
aether9: 17:51:12
sounds good...
paula vélez: 17:51:18
if there is ok to you this idea to simulate train windows in the upper frames
boris: 17:51:20
aether9: 17:51:35
of course
aether9: 17:52:23
in the main window used for last performance, upper and lower frames were the same..
paula vélez: 17:52:31
the third computer is to transmit the performance, the place, skype thing... or another giss adress that we have to make the streeming public
aether9: 17:52:32
and i think it looked not bad
paula vélez: 17:54:19
yeah, the last performance was some abstract vertical lines that simulate train rails
paula vélez: 17:54:59
i prefer the lines horizontal
aether9: 17:55:40
well, if you take over the upper/lower rows you will decide on the content :)
aether9: 17:56:34
now, what about the performing?
aether9: 17:56:44
i guess i will play again the same character
aether9: 17:56:58
did we have any confirmation from audrey/nicola??
boris: 17:57:02
i'm downloading now the .ogg recording of last performance. will understand better what it was than on the screenshots.
paula vélez: 17:57:09
i think it looked great last performance, i was wondering that we could transmet low fi images horizontaly whit the same saturation ligthness and presets we have made
boris: 17:57:14
i will be available on friday to perform as well.
paula vélez: 17:58:33
i think audrey, nicola and natalie doesnt confirm participation
paula vélez: 17:58:55
i'm a little worry about it
paula vélez: 17:59:10
so we have to think about a B plan
aether9: 17:59:30
yeah, B plan would mean for instance boris and chris participating
aether9: 17:59:44
what about laure?
aether9: 18:00:09
there are some make-up skills needed..
boris: 18:00:29
laure as well could be there, altghough i don't know her schedule. it will be in the morning in euriope?
boris: 18:00:55
give me the schedule and i call her now
aether9: 18:01:10
it will be 1 AM in europe
boris: 18:02:00
so it's tommorow evening actually?
aether9: 18:02:12
friday evening, no?
boris: 18:02:31
vendredi 1 heure du mat, donc
aether9: 18:02:51
yes. paula please confirm me..
paula vélez: 18:04:28
it will be 7pm in colombia. so i think it is 2pm in europe. or we are now in winter 1pm
paula vélez: 18:04:37
sorry 1am
boris: 18:05:13
so in colombia it's wednesday at 7pm and in europe it's friday at 1 am, right?
boris: 18:05:25
i mean thursday 7pm in colombia
paula vélez: 18:05:27
it is friday for us but saturday early for you
paula vélez: 18:05:39
paula vélez: 18:05:50
it is not wednesday
boris: 18:05:54
ok so friday 7pm for .co and sat 1am for .eu
paula vélez: 18:05:57
how it could be
boris: 18:06:17
ok i call laure...
paula vélez: 18:06:18
wednesday in colombia and friday in europe.hahhaa (rofl)
paula vélez: 18:06:51
friday 7pm for .co and sat 1am for .eu
aether9: 18:07:07
all clear, crystal clear
paula vélez: 18:07:15
we are trying here to transmit with patch but it doesnt seem to work
aether9: 18:07:28
the image?
paula vélez: 18:07:40
in a pc the problem is that black previw window dont even show
boris: 18:08:13
is there some short video archive from the last performance to download somewhere?
paula vélez: 18:08:20
yea, and in my mac i can see the previw live input camera window but it doesnt tranmit
paula vélez: 18:08:24
paula vélez: 18:09:17
boris, if you want you can see the resumé photo taken... and i can send you some sounds
paula vélez: 18:09:25
mp3 and aiff
paula vélez: 18:10:04
can i put it in the aether server? with cyberduck? the  adresse and pasword are?
paula vélez: 18:10:33
aether and phluxx
paula vélez: 18:10:36
paula vélez: 18:10:42
and the server adress is?
aether9: 18:11:12
paula vélez: 18:11:42
aether9: 18:11:53
put it in "archive" folder
aether9: 18:12:07
and boris, there are some video files on my computer:
aether9: 18:12:09
boris: 18:12:17
ok thanks
boris: 18:13:28
ton ordi est accessible demain aussi?
aether9: 18:13:43
ça dépend des moments...
boris: 18:13:45
cause now i don't want to download lot's of stuff
boris: 18:14:05
ok so we could set some parralax moment
boris: 18:14:16
tommotow like that i can see videos
aether9: 18:15:18
paula, what about this upload problem?
aether9: 18:15:25
cyberduck is working?
boris: 18:15:30
right now patch 118 both the current and obsolete window?
boris: 18:15:41
affects both
paula vélez: 18:16:15
aether9: 18:17:06
yeah, audrey worked on the html and assigned the servers a bit differently...
aether9: 18:17:28
i will maybe make a new list so everything is clear
aether9: 18:17:58
also there's a new very stable server we could use,
paula vélez: 18:18:02
i'm chosing sound files to put it there i will tell you then
paula vélez: 18:18:58
so, the obsolete window is the one that receve signal in this moment?
paula vélez: 18:19:45
i'm trying to send images to frame 9 but it doesnt work
paula vélez: 18:21:22
and in pc computer non either
aether9: 18:21:41
it's maybe because the numbering changed completely..
aether9: 18:21:57
frame 9 now actually takes the image of
paula vélez: 18:22:06
i will show you in video streeming if it doesnt work with conferenc mode i will call manu directly
paula vélez: 18:22:18
paula vélez: 18:22:20
wil try
aether9: 18:22:37
i'm right now establishing the list of currently used servers, one sec
paula vélez: 18:22:45
aether9: 18:24:18
ok, so the frames/servers used now in the WORM window are as follows:
aether9: 18:24:38
upper and lower frames 1/2/3 and 7/8/9:
aether9: 18:24:44 - -
aether9: 18:25:03
the middle row: geneva / worm/ brussels:
aether9: 18:25:09 - -
boris: 18:25:33
hi its laure,. ican be there on saturday 1 am for brussels.
aether9: 18:26:32
great. good to have a B-plan.
boris: 18:28:16
BUT, i will be working from 7-11 pm so if there is a need of rehearsal it must be tomorrow night or friday during the day (brxl time talking)
paula vélez: 18:29:07
i could be tomorrow all day working on it
paula vélez: 18:29:57
maybe since 9am for me.
boris: 18:30:22
day for us day for you. we can meet some time. lets calculate.
boris: 18:30:50
beginning of the night for us is afternoon for u .right ?
paula vélez: 18:31:07
all day, so you could just tell me who will be and at what time
paula vélez: 18:31:47
yeah i think. 9h for me it is 15h for you in europe
boris: 18:31:58
from 6pm. im free. that should be 11 am for you 
paula vélez: 18:33:51
so ok
boris: 18:33:51
what about establishing 2 pm for paula which would be 9 pm for manu boris and i 
aether9: 18:34:04
ok for me too
paula vélez: 18:34:22
ok, so 2pm for me
aether9: 18:35:09
in the meantime i will try to clarify if audrey or nathalie are participating
boris: 18:35:35
ok i must go . boris will be back in 10 minutes. see at least you two tomorrow. 
paula vélez: 18:36:09
but i have to explain some thing. the performance day transmision will be 7pm for me, in patofeo film place that will be the performance the connection is very busy during the day.
paula vélez: 18:36:21
so the test will be a kind of slow
paula vélez: 18:36:36
but in the nigth it must be good.
aether9: 18:36:41
paula vélez: 18:36:56
by laure
aether9: 18:37:13
what should be clear: paula, you will make visuals in the 3 upper/lower frames
aether9: 18:37:23
and some other aether performers are doing the acting
aether9: 18:37:30
and somebody will make music
aether9: 18:38:08
let's have this quite clear, knowing that none of us can do many different things at the same time... ;)
aether9: 18:38:37
so, for instance, you'd rather do the video frames, not the music ??
aether9: 18:39:15
or, you thought preparing the frames before, and make sound during the performance ?
aether9: 18:40:33
tough decisions...
paula vélez: 18:45:20
we: leo and i will do upper frames. the same image in the three upper frames, not different for each
paula vélez: 18:45:35
the sound will be made by boris
paula vélez: 18:45:55
the cyberduck works... 5 min last
paula vélez: 18:47:37
how we will do it? we will transmit with my computer. i have already think that it will be better not saturate connection with three computers at the same time
boris: 18:47:37
one last thing: having seen chris he told me that he could-wanted to do the sound. paula don't you have news from him ?
aether9: 18:49:29
paula vélez: 18:49:51
so. only one computer will transmit. and the other will mix an do media content, we will do this with 2 obsolete tv moniteurs, 1 plasma and a portable dvd player. my live camera will fixe those moniteurs
paula vélez: 18:50:45
oh, yes, it is true, so the sound will be for christiaan at the moment, but not news today
paula vélez: 18:51:12
if not, boris can do it.
paula vélez: 18:52:00
do you understand my dispositive description?
aether9: 18:52:30
yes, sounds ok
paula vélez: 18:52:40
so my camera will edit media material live deciding wich screen to take
paula vélez: 18:53:53
and we are going to put a video camera filming to send you later the resume o to archive it
aether9: 18:54:09
that's good. one more question is about the timing..
paula vélez: 18:54:25
transfer is completed in cyberduck
aether9: 18:54:47
we have to think a bit more about the internauts who connect to the page precisely at 1am and expect to see the performance
paula vélez: 18:54:55
i send some files but not all files i used last performance
paula vélez: 18:55:16
yes, the internautes
aether9: 18:55:33
for boris, soundfiles:
aether9: 18:55:35
paula vélez: 18:56:06
the tremor festival have a lot of users that will see the we have to send the good link to see it
aether9: 18:56:40
yeah.. there are performances before and after ours i suppose
paula vélez: 18:57:47
for WORM performance some friends that don t use to see this kind of performance had trouble "problems" connecting because they didn understand wich link was the good one
paula vélez: 18:57:59
for me it was clear,
aether9: 18:58:08
yeah, i think i will remove the old ones..
paula vélez: 18:58:20
 but some of them conect to obsolet window, teh others to web cam windows
aether9: 18:58:30
paula vélez: 18:58:47
aether9: 18:59:06
would you be ready already before, streaming some images?
aether9: 18:59:47
because somehow, for the dramaturgy, the middle frames should stay quite empty before it starts...
aether9: 19:01:39
or we could decide that if there's a delay, the performers can have some "suspenseful" imagery prepared, wich will be streamed to the upper/lower windows
paula vélez: 19:01:53
one second...
aether9: 19:01:59
while in the middle, there's a countdown, or a "starting soon" message....
paula vélez: 19:06:38
mmm i think we could do some "train station" images or "la foule de gens" walking
aether9: 19:07:00
yeah.. this could be our waiting theme.
paula vélez: 19:07:39
we will make legs walking, al lot of people
paula vélez: 19:09:02
what you think, i thik it could be good to see a lot of people walking "plan serré sur les jambes, in a tramway bogota station"
paula vélez: 19:09:26
shit, english and french in my head... my brain is burning
paula vélez: 19:09:50
ras du sol
paula vélez: 19:10:04
la foule
paula vélez: 19:10:27
waiting theme. it sound good dont you think?
aether9: 19:10:39
yes it sounds good.
paula vélez: 19:10:51
and the color the same
paula vélez: 19:11:16
do you have the parameters: saturation etc?...well i wil lfind it
aether9: 19:11:27
yeah, but not too black and white, some coulour should be..
aether9: 19:11:57
in the latest patch, this parameters are hidden: you have to click on video_FX (yellow box)
paula vélez: 19:12:01
in the other hand, i would like to try now my patch. just see how can i send images for the three frames at the same time
aether9: 19:12:12
yeah, lets try
paula vélez: 19:12:27
, well, i will put first loops charged in the server
paula vélez: 19:12:40
then one by one i will change windows
paula vélez: 19:12:47
aether9: 19:13:27
so try for instance, "", this should be frame 1
paula vélez: 19:13:42
paula vélez: 19:15:32
should i do something in modules window?
paula vélez: 19:15:46
j'ai coché on /off thing
aether9: 19:16:17
ça active/désactive brightness/saturation
paula vélez: 19:17:04
aether9: 19:17:26
n'oublie pas de sélectionner OSX..
paula vélez: 19:17:36
ça y est
aether9: 19:17:38
sinon l'upload ne marchera pas
paula vélez: 19:17:55
ah voilá
aether9: 19:17:59
aether9: 19:18:06
ça vient
aether9: 19:18:59
paula vélez: 19:19:02
paula vélez: 19:19:37
j'ai compris, avais pas choisi osx
aether9: 19:19:47
donc, c'est avec cet ordi et cette connection que tu vas transmettre?
paula vélez: 19:20:03
l'ordi oui pas la transmision
aether9: 19:21:02
bon. ce serait bon de tester, mais si de toute façOn il font du streaming, ça devrait marcer...
aether9: 19:21:07
aether9: 19:21:13
encore un dernier truc
paula vélez: 19:21:13
demain je vais faire le test from the place
paula vélez: 19:21:23
aether9: 19:21:34
il y a actuellement deux interfaces avec des tailles d'images différentes
aether9: 19:22:02
nous avons fait ça parce qu'il y avait des panels de texte, qui trop petits étaient illisibles
paula vélez: 19:22:12
je suis en train d'envoyer des images taille 64x48 ça va vite comme ça
aether9: 19:22:50
ah oui?? pourtant ça n'as pas l'air pixelisé...
aether9: 19:23:11
bref, à toi de choisir quelle fenetre tu veux projeter
paula vélez: 19:23:19
et là video
aether9: 19:23:39
les performeurs sélectionneront en fonction 192x.. ou 320x...
paula vélez: 19:23:40
pixelisé pour le coup
aether9: 19:24:12
oui, c'est mieux d'etre plus rapide et rester en 192.. je pense
aether9: 19:24:31
mais si à un moment ou un autre il y a un panel de texte, c'est bien de passer en 320
paula vélez: 19:24:35
là c'est un parcours voiture
aether9: 19:24:47
mais dans l'interface 192x144, le texte sera alors plus net
paula vélez: 19:24:50
mais je vais faire un bon parcours comme pour un train
paula vélez: 19:25:08
et le defilement dans l'autre sense
paula vélez: 19:27:14
tiens, dans le patch on peux changer le sens de la video, n'est pas?
aether9: 19:28:17
oui, c'est le bouton de réglage sous "p movie_player"
aether9: 19:28:39
à 1. il va tout droit, 0.9 - 0. il ralentit
aether9: 19:28:58
et à -1. c'est à l'envers
aether9: 19:29:36
c'est utile, des fois de ralentir un fichier, comme ça quand ça uploade, les images paraissent plus fluides
paula vélez: 19:31:17
oui, vais tester
paula vélez: 19:34:27
ça marche
aether9: 19:35:42
aether9: 19:35:47
très bien
aether9: 19:36:09
je vais me déconnecter, encore des choses à faire et c'est difficile de travailler avec skype ouvert...
aether9: 19:36:20
alors à demain
paula vélez: 19:36:24
bon, alors i reste maintenant envoyer un RDV pour le test de demain sur la liste
paula vélez: 19:36:38
puis demain on verra mieux
aether9: 19:36:53
oui, tu veux l'écrire?
paula vélez: 19:36:56
en vendredi aussi un test pour la dernier fois avant le performance
paula vélez: 19:37:04
ok je l'écris
aether9: 19:37:29
ok. bye!
paula vélez: 19:38:22
paula vélez: 19:38:34
boris: 19:40:28
yo, sorry i came back i will read the chat later, i have guests now...
aether9: 19:43:16
ah, encore un truc..
aether9: 19:43:35
sur la page du festival, il y a une erreur dans le lien vers aether9
aether9: 19:43:36
aether9: 19:43:55
dans le lien vers
boris: 19:44:08
ok a demain si je comprends bien (speed reading the chat)
aether9: 19:44:23
il y a un espace à la fin, qui s'est glissé dans le lien, ce qui donne


aether9: 21:25:12
halo, anybody there?
laure.dit: 21:25:26
ja wohl
aether9: 21:25:38
boris too?
paula vélez: 21:25:50
laure.dit: 21:25:56
not yet i think, hes not with me hes at chloes
aether9: 21:26:23
so... should we wait?
paula vélez: 21:26:28
i was ready to go do some images, everybody speak french?
aether9: 21:26:38
will write him an sms.
aether9: 21:26:47
oui, on parle tous francais ici
laure.dit: 21:26:50
he must be there very soon 
laure.dit: 21:27:22
est-ce qu'on part du scrpt dernier ? si oui jaimerai bien lavoir 
paula vélez: 21:27:29
ok i will wait, i was worried
laure.dit: 21:27:39
narrive pas a le prendre sur le site
laure.dit: 21:27:52
why worried paula ?
paula vélez: 21:28:19
parce que je personne au rdv, mais maintenant ça va
aether9: 21:29:11
boris writes that he'll be there in 5 minutes
laure.dit: 21:29:17
paula vélez: 21:29:18
j'ai juste des choses a regler encore qui n'ont pas été si faciles, car il y a pas mal de desordre ici, ça fait partie de tout...mais bon, je cherche encore a videobeam
paula vélez: 21:30:12
because i want to do the projectiona
aether9: 21:30:18
à propos du script, voilà une version:
aether9: 21:30:30
mais il me semble qu'on a pas mal simplifié...
paula vélez: 21:30:56
alors, qui va participer finalement?
paula vélez: 21:31:08
maleureusemenrt audrey et nicola ne pourront pas
aether9: 21:31:43
oui, donc il nous reste: moi, laure, boris, chris...
paula vélez: 21:31:52
alors on a tout le monde... sinon, je pourrai prendre la place de nicola et audrey...
aether9: 21:32:02
parmi lesquels je suis le seul informé du contenu du script...
laure.dit: 21:32:03
cris ya des vouvelles ?
laure.dit: 21:32:05
laure.dit: 21:32:29
eh oui ...
paula vélez: 21:33:10
moi, je connais le script
aether9: 21:33:55
c'est vrai.. et je me disais que si tu jouais un personnage, voire le personnage central, ce serait vraiment bien...
aether9: 21:34:26
mais tu auras besoin de quelqu'un pour manier la caméra, zoomer, etc...
boris: 21:34:41
paula vélez: 21:35:07
ok, alors comme ça on ne change rien du scrip et ça pourrai etre interesant
boris: 21:35:17
hello - sorry for delay - public transportation = katastrof here
paula vélez: 21:35:20
j'ai des gens pour le faire
paula vélez: 21:35:23
pas de probleme
paula vélez: 21:35:30
salut boris
aether9: 21:36:11
oui, alors nous respectons le script autant que possible, je joue mon personnage, paula celui de nicola, et p.ex. laure celui de nathalie, (boris pouvant manier la caméra)
laure.dit: 21:36:40
mais donc c confirmer chris pour le son ?
boris: 21:38:02
ok je prends rapidement connaissance du script
laure.dit: 21:38:27
est-ce que chloé veut participer ?
boris: 21:38:30
manu pourrais tu mettre a ma disposition maintenant les captures videos de la dernière perfo?
aether9: 21:39:32
oui, ça devrait être actif..
boris: 21:40:15
peut-on inviter ana-lisa à ce chat (c'est chloé qui est à coté de moi)
aether9: 21:41:08
boris: 21:41:19
ok je suis deçu donc
boris: 21:41:27
dessus dessous enfin ça downloade
boris: 21:41:28
laure.dit: 21:41:36
euh... j'ai vu le siège de moyen de locomotion sur les pct de rotterdam mais sinon les autres vous avez fait ça chaise à la fenêtre ?
laure.dit: 21:42:05
desole jai pas vraiement vu dimage encore
boris: 21:42:10
peut-on inviter ana-lisa à ce chat (c'est chloé qui est à coté de moi)
boris: 21:42:23
(j'ai essayé je n'y suis pas autorisé ou je pige pas)
aether9: 21:42:36
anna-lisa EST dans ce chat..
boris: 21:42:41
ana-lisa: 21:42:50
maintenant elle l'est-
aether9: 21:44:09
donc, ce script... essayez d'en imprimer une version, ça sera utile
aether9: 21:44:43
ensuite, ce qui est important c'est la structure, c'est divisé en tranches de 2 minutes chacune
laure.dit: 21:44:58
boris: 21:45:01
le script donc - est-ce qu'on prends 5 minutes pour l'étudier de manière concentrée? j'aimerais bien pour pouvoir en discuter...
boris: 21:45:17
puisque seul manu ici le connait si j'ai compris
aether9: 21:45:25
paula également.
boris: 21:45:28
boris: 21:45:48
paula vélez: 21:46:30
je dois y aller, car je suis dans un apartement dont les gens doivent partir
aether9: 21:46:51
d'accord.. tu nous rejoins plus tard, ou demain uniquement?
laure.dit: 21:46:52
tu peux revenir paula ? 
aether9: 21:46:59
tu es ok pour faire le perso central?
paula vélez: 21:47:07
alors je vais chercher la maner d'arriver vite a l'endrit de la transmision
aether9: 21:47:31
let's hope public transportation is faster than in brussels...
aether9: 21:47:35
paula vélez: 21:47:39
pour faire un test, contiuer le chat et fixer la saturation, lighness et les parametres de colorimetrie
paula vélez: 21:47:46
pour le performande
boris: 21:48:07
boris: 21:48:27
ça te prendra genre combien de temps pour a nouveau etre online?
paula vélez: 21:48:30
de la meme maniere de dois aller resoudre les details comme la proyection, le registre video, etc
boris: 21:48:49
ok alors on se recause demain?
paula vélez: 21:49:43
je crois que tout sera pret pour demain, mais je vais avoir besoin d'un peu de temps pour tout regler...
paula vélez: 21:49:51
oui je ferai le personage central
aether9: 21:50:26
est-ce que tu penses pouvoir organiser une répétition générale, pour avant la perfo
paula vélez: 21:50:36
bien sur
paula vélez: 21:50:58
et ça serai vers cette heure ci,
laure.dit: 21:51:14
le lover c'est geneve et le police c'est brxl ?
paula vélez: 21:51:17
mais avant je serai connecté pour tout autre details etc
aether9: 21:51:40
ok. ce serait bien aussi qu'on s'échange nos numéros de tel. portable, pour s'informer en cas de panne de network....
aether9: 21:52:06
paula:    +573122974014
manu:     +41764364679
boris: 21:52:18
boris: +32486578503
laure.dit: 21:52:32
moi entre 18h et au gd minimum 10h, je ne peux pas être online
paula vélez: 21:52:44
je crois que je serai connecte dans 40 minutes encore
laure.dit: 21:52:44
22h je veux dire
boris: 21:53:01
laure.dit: 21:53:18
laure : +32.474.394.107
aether9: 21:53:37
ok. donc l'équipe de bruxelles, lisez le script, et on discutera après.
boris: 21:53:50
aether9: 21:53:58
nb: je jouais l'agent, nathalie était le "lover"
paula vélez: 21:55:06
bon , je reviens dans 30 minutes
aether9: 21:55:17
ok, à toute
boris: 21:55:24
a toute!
boris: 21:59:01
what means "distraught"?
aether9: 21:59:15
je m'étais posé la même question..
boris: 21:59:46
distrait? stressé?
aether9: 21:59:51
c'est ça
ana-lisa: 21:59:59
j'ai compris distrait...
aether9: 22:00:17
non, ici ça signifierait nerveux, hectique
boris: 22:00:19
   1.  Deeply agitated, as from emotional conflict.
   2. Mad; insane.
aether9: 22:00:39
selon les indications de audrey et nicola, il fallairt que les mouvements soient très saccadés
aether9: 22:01:02
(ce qui est difficile à contrôler lors d'un image-par-image, mais bon...)
ana-lisa: 22:01:06
ana-lisa: 22:01:11
dit la traduction
aether9: 22:02:14
oui... disons que ce qui semblait important, lors des répétitions, était de faire les choses au bon moment.. et cet acte 4 est le plus difficile..
boris: 22:02:40
oui, l'acte 4 me parait très difficile
aether9: 22:02:43
mais j'attends que vous ayez fini avant de commenter
ana-lisa: 22:03:05
boris: 22:03:07
encore 2 minutes pour moi
aether9: 22:03:12
de lire...
ana-lisa: 22:03:21
j'ai lu
laure.dit: 22:03:28
aether9: 22:03:51
alors relisez ;)
ana-lisa: 22:04:55
t'es bete
laure.dit: 22:05:00
Brxl : si la répetition a lieu demain soir c'est peut-être plus simple que boris et chloé le fasse, on a pas besoin d' être trois.
ana-lisa: 22:05:08
laure.dit: 22:05:19
je relis
aether9: 22:05:27
en effet, si chloe est disponible
laure.dit: 22:05:27
aether9: 22:05:44
visiblement elle l'est
laure.dit: 22:06:08
tu travailles pas demain soir chloé ?
ana-lisa: 22:06:19
non, je pense que je suis dispo
boris: 22:06:23
mmm. je propose que nous soyons 3 pour faire cela. car on est jamais trop... à discuter maintenant.
ana-lisa: 22:06:24
alez, cest oui
boris: 22:06:57
je propose que Laure soit actrice et nous la mettions en scène
boris: 22:07:10
à décider
laure.dit: 22:07:11
discuter ? organiser, et régler plutôt
boris: 22:07:18
laure.dit: 22:07:26
mais boris si on répete demain soir moi je peux pas
ana-lisa: 22:08:02
laure, participeras-tu demain? je n'ai pas compris.
laure.dit: 22:08:38
si on répete ce soir ou dans la journee de demain, ça va pour moi. sinon non.
laure.dit: 22:08:46
boris explique à chloé
ana-lisa: 22:08:59
j'ai compris.
laure.dit: 22:09:40
a part ça on est bête de pas être au même endroit les trois
boris: 22:10:02
????? la répétition, selon Paula - et c'est elle qui décide l'heure de la repet - est à 21h heure europééene.
laure.dit: 22:10:30
DONC...chloé et toi faites le truc !
boris: 22:10:38
maintenant il n'est pas indispensable (selon moi) que l'actrice soit présente pour la repet, d'ou ma proposition d'avoir laure comme actrice. 
ana-lisa: 22:10:50
je trouve que c'est une bonne idée
boris: 22:10:54
mais il est préférable que l'actricce soit là.
ana-lisa: 22:11:14
si tu es le modèle, tu n'auras qu'à suivre nos instructions
ana-lisa: 22:11:31
tu t'amuseras et n'aura aucune responsabilité technique
aether9: 22:11:35
si je comprends bien, laure serait prete à répéter maintenant..
laure.dit: 22:11:36
disons que je vous rejoins après le boulot et qu'on verra ce qui sera le plus approprié sur le moment
aether9: 22:11:40
mais a-t-elle une caméra?
laure.dit: 22:11:43
oui aether
laure.dit: 22:12:10
laure a une caméra branchée à l'instant
aether9: 22:13:16
donc... on pourrait passer en revue le script, faire une mini-répete pour les principales actions..
boris: 22:13:41
manu, tu sera assisté toi ou tu fera la perfo seul?
aether9: 22:13:48
anna va m'assister
boris: 22:13:53
laure.dit: 22:14:15
dak mais pour background c'est fenêtre-personne  assise ? ou bien ?
aether9: 22:14:32
la fenetre n'est pas nécessaire
aether9: 22:14:42
c'est "personne assise", filmée de coté
aether9: 22:15:09
si possible sur le meme angle et sur un siège ressemblant à un fauteuil dans un train
aether9: 22:15:22
ce qui n'est déjà pas si évident...
ana-lisa: 22:15:35
a quoi ça sert de faire une répétition sans les autres cadres?
ana-lisa: 22:15:44
ce qui est compliqué, c'est la coordination...
aether9: 22:16:26
justement, si on répète on va étudier les enchainements
ana-lisa: 22:16:45
aether9: 22:17:25
bon, on passe à l'analyse de texte?
ana-lisa: 22:17:37
aether9: 22:17:56
donc, le début est assez simple
aether9: 22:18:27
fauteuils vides, paula entre en scene, s'assied... cela dure deux minutes
boris: 22:18:40
ok - ganz klar
laure.dit: 22:18:52
aether9: 22:19:13
l'un d'entre nous... de nos acolytes.. devra faire le metronome, càd annoncer les changements d'acte dans skype
aether9: 22:19:17
aether9: 22:19:29
le son permet à l'acteur de s'orienter...
laure.dit: 22:19:38
boris: 22:19:48
question: le compartiment doit etre pris du meme profil dans les 3 cases?
aether9: 22:20:00
oui, ça me semble crucial
aether9: 22:20:17
si possible meme distance/taille/découpe...
ana-lisa: 22:20:18
ACT 3: le miroring se fait sans regarder vers la case centrale.
ana-lisa: 22:20:22
c'est une symétrie
aether9: 22:20:59
pour l'instant, acte 2:
boris: 22:21:30
oui: donc paula regardera proche de bxl et là Laure entrera
aether9: 22:21:33
à un moment (début de l'acte 2), paula regarde devant elle, et laure entre et s'assied
ana-lisa: 22:21:44
plus de questions pour moi
aether9: 22:21:47
voilà. puis, une minute plus tard, j'entre également
aether9: 22:22:12
scène trois: chacun farfouille dans ces choses
aether9: 22:22:26
à ce moment, un zoom de la caméra mobile sera bienvenu
aether9: 22:23:11
et il faudra préparer quelques "props" pour cette scène
aether9: 22:23:25
ensuite, le terrible acte 4:
aether9: 22:24:02
le personnage central fait une série de gestes absurdes, et les 2 autres font de même...
aether9: 22:24:39
à savoir: s'étirer en levant les bras, bailler, tourner la tête dans diverses directions..
aether9: 22:25:13
selon les auteurs, cela ce n'est "pas de la gymnastique".. le protagoniste s'étire comme après un sommeil.
aether9: 22:26:12
à un moment donné, le personnage central arrete ce cirque et prend une pose pense --- à ce moment, les 2 autres se prennent la tete dans les main de manière désespérée
laure.dit: 22:26:54
aether9: 22:27:08
paula commence à lire un journal: les 2 autres acteurs doivent maintenant mimer la nervosité pendant une minute qui leur semblera interminable.... ;)
laure.dit: 22:27:31
tu racontes bien...
aether9: 22:27:53
soudain, acte 5 - paula croque une pomme
ana-lisa: 22:28:01
et crac!
aether9: 22:28:17
moi, j'étudie alors des images de pommes, quant à l'autre actrice....
aether9: 22:28:36
elle fait quelque chose avec une pomme, elle-aussi..
laure.dit: 22:28:58
elle en fait un cube ?
aether9: 22:29:01
je pense que vous devrez inventer, là
boris: 22:29:15
aether9: 22:30:07
puis, prochaine scène, l'actrice sort un set de maquillage
boris: 22:30:18
évidemment - the fu part!
boris: 22:30:19
laure.dit: 22:30:26
c quoi au juste l'hisoire de st jean bapt et la pomme ?
aether9: 22:30:32
les 2 autres personnages se maquillent également, mais de manière éxagérée et grotesque
laure.dit: 22:31:05
t'as ce qui faut chez toi chloé, ou jamene ma grosse pallette de clown ?
aether9: 22:31:05
je l'ignore et le public lui-aussi, probablement..
ana-lisa: 22:32:12
je pense avoir quelque chose, mais pas une grosse palette
aether9: 22:32:23
enfin, l'acte 7: le personnage principal quitte là scène, et les deux autres personnages "dégénèrent"
aether9: 22:32:49
ils déperissent en l'absence du personnage qu'ils poursuivaient....
aether9: 22:33:24
cela devra se terminer par les lettres F - I - N .. chacune uploadée dans une frame
boris: 22:33:36
laure.dit: 22:33:41
aether9: 22:33:42
donc pour bruxelles: procurez vous un N
boris: 22:33:52
boris: 22:33:55
boris: 22:34:02
ana-lisa: 22:34:09
aether9: 22:34:11
et voilà. ça parait simple, mais en pratique...
aether9: 22:34:17
c'était assez hectique au début
laure.dit: 22:34:22
faudra rappeller à paula d'avoir le journal du jour
laure.dit: 22:34:32
mmh j'imagine...
aether9: 22:35:01
oui, il y avait aussi des panels de texte.. il faudrait une version colombienne de cela
boris: 22:35:02
le patch 118 est adapté aux serveurs de cette page html?
aether9: 22:35:14
actuellement oui,
boris: 22:37:32
on utilisera ce patch donc?
aether9: 22:38:08
en fait, j'avais la ferme intention de modifier les serveurs pour utiliser les "meilleurs" pour les 3 performers...
boris: 22:38:10
car le server2 (, affect la case centrale p.eex.
aether9: 22:38:20
je pourrais faire ça dans les dix minutes qui viennent
boris: 22:38:33
excellente idée!!!
aether9: 22:39:04
alors faisons, pendant ce temps.. préparez le setting de BXL?
boris: 22:39:32
on va regarder ici chez chloé
laure.dit: 22:40:20
alors les chasseurs vous préparez le setting, je vous rejoins vers 11h, et de là on avisera qui joue, ou bien ?
ana-lisa: 22:40:57
c'est toi qui joue Laure
ana-lisa: 22:41:08
tu participes pas à la répet technique, donc tu joues
laure.dit: 22:41:15
laure.dit: 22:41:37
cest juste que jai un epu de mal ici sans trépied mais jessaie
ana-lisa: 22:42:04
on fera une mise en place chez moi
ana-lisa: 22:42:13
ce sera plus juste, pour les valeur de cadre
ana-lisa: 22:42:30
toi, il faut que tu connaisses le script par coeur
ana-lisa: 22:42:35
laure.dit: 22:42:51
boum boum
laure.dit: 22:42:56
boum boum
ana-lisa: 22:42:57
que pour chaque scène, tu saches ta case et celles d'a côté
ana-lisa: 22:43:06
je pense que c'est le plus important
ana-lisa: 22:43:21
mais on sera là pour te guider, te dire ce qui se passe en live
laure.dit: 22:43:56
mais jai pas bien compris, là miantenant on va faire une répet ?
boris: 22:44:05
de plus le rythme actuel est différent de demain (à cause de la qualité de la connexion rue de russie et des nouveaux serveurs que manuel est en train d'assigner)
laure.dit: 22:44:08
paulas back
ana-lisa: 22:44:13
il afaut réfléchir aux vêtements.
ana-lisa: 22:44:19
noir, je pense.
ana-lisa: 22:44:23
ana-lisa: 22:44:27
Et la coiffure...
boris: 22:44:30
robe je propose
paula vélez: 22:44:31
paula vélez: 22:45:03
je vais lire ce que j'ai loop,'e
laure.dit: 22:45:25
mais moi je dois être le lover de paula. je peux pas me faire une moustache comme avec tesla ?
laure.dit: 22:46:22
mais de toutes façon c est pas vraiment explicité au pulblic cette histoire de flic et de lover ?
boris: 22:46:41
laure.dit: 22:47:01
n'est ce pas. c'est juste des éspeces d'Autres qui la trace.
paula vélez: 22:48:03
laure, si tu veux on pourra repeter plus tot le matin, je ferai comme on a fait pour la repete avec audrey la derneir fois\\
laure.dit: 22:48:33
donc le matin pour toi cest la prem pour moi en gros ?
laure.dit: 22:49:52
pour lact 3 en fait il faudrait des photos de paula 
paula vélez: 22:49:53
je propose repeter a partir de 14 hueres pour vous, celui qui pourra... puis une repete general vers 9h chez vous\\
boris: 22:50:41
dans ce cas autant faire une repet générale à 14 heures en europe, non?
paula vélez: 22:51:22
ma repete sera pour moi vers 8h 9h... car je dois disposer l'espace .
laure.dit: 22:51:40
pour brxl: 14h ça me va, je peux venir chez chloé
boris: 22:51:46
perso soit je fais une repet à 14 h soit à 21h - laure je crois que cela ne sert à rien que tu fasses une repet seule (inutile)
paula vélez: 22:51:56
alors a 7h du matin pour moi, je pourra coordiner une repete pour ce qui voudront le fair plustot comme laure\
boris: 22:52:05
pour paula il faut la seconde répéte pour l'espace
ana-lisa: 22:52:08
moi je peux pas à 14h
laure.dit: 22:52:46
on a ka faire une repet technique à 14 h... pourquoi pas maintenant ?
paula vélez: 22:52:52
alors on dis quel heure.
boris: 22:52:59
parce il faut faire toute une mise en place...
ana-lisa: 22:53:04
parce qu'on est pas dans le même lieu
ana-lisa: 22:54:25
tranquille, on va faire ce truc à trois demain soir et on va s'amuser
ana-lisa: 22:54:39
chacun son rôle et la prochaine fois on changera de rôle
laure.dit: 22:54:57
laissons tomber alors ces histoires de repet. oui
boris: 22:55:28
donc la repet technique aura lieu comme prévue initialement à 21h heure .eu
laure.dit: 22:56:10
ok et boris et chloé me transmetteront leur expérience de la repet
aether9: 22:56:31
je suis en train de recoder les pages rapidos, vous me résumerez la discussion dans qqs minutes..
aether9: 22:56:42
pour moi toute heure me va, demain
laure.dit: 22:58:33
ça te va paula ? en gros à brxl vu kon est 3, on a choisi que l'acteur soit dirigé par les deux autres, qui eux auront experimenté le timing etc...
paula vélez: 23:01:24
ok, je viens de finnir de lire. uf en fin. et...
boris: 23:01:30
visiblement l'éclairage est TRES important (la dernière perfo, l'équipe de rottedam a très bien fait la lumière, crucialement)
paula vélez: 23:02:32
je crois que des repetes juste pour crranger timing et aprendre par coeur certains gestesn 'est pas quand meme de plus
paula vélez: 23:03:23
alors, sivous voulez, meme si onne va pas etre dans le espace et avec la bon mise en place, on peux repeter un peu le jeue des acteurs\\
paula vélez: 23:04:23
je sent ca necesaire pour pouvoir me rendre compte de mes besoins... paraport a l'aide dont j'aurai besoin pour installer tout le dispositif.\
aether9: 23:06:00
ok.. attention, je viens d'updater l'interface HTML,
paula vélez: 23:06:05
car il y a cette idee de projection qui je trouve indispensable. deja parce que l'objective de faire le performance a 7h du soir pour moi c 'etait a cause de la lumiere pour la pour vous c'est tard, alors il faut que ca vault le coup cette effort de se coucher si tard, et moi, d'etre rest'e a bogota\
paula vélez: 23:06:21
car j'aurai pu sinon le faire a medellin chez moi.
ana-lisa: 23:07:00
on est avec toi Paula
paula vélez: 23:07:04
bon, mais tout ca c'est a moi de le regler. le principe est de bien repeter le timing, le jeux des acteurs pour la sincronisation....
aether9: 23:07:33
oui, ce serait bien de ne pas faire la répète au dernier moment...
aether9: 23:07:44
mais donc, voilà le patch up-to-date:
aether9: 23:07:45
paula vélez: 23:07:51
autre chose: les textes ou panneaux dont vous parlez , a la facoon colombienne... alors c'est moi quipasse les textes sur ma fenetre alors
aether9: 23:08:09
oui, ce serait important
aether9: 23:08:20
toi, ou plutot ton "aide video"
aether9: 23:08:49
il faudrait qu'il connaisse le patch, et puisse passer un petit moment de video (simplement une image avec du texte peut etre)...
laure.dit: 23:08:51
donc paua ce que tu veux c'est une repet general quand tu seras sur le setting. ou une repet technique n'importe quand ?
paula vélez: 23:09:18
oui, j'ai la personne pour m'aider, je vais lui apprendre a utiliser le patch
boris: 23:09:44
car on peut faire les 2: une repet pour les acteurs à 14 h et une repet générale, dans l'espace, à 21h (heures européennes)
paula vélez: 23:10:07
je voudrai uen repete technique vers 7h pour moi,ou a partir de 7h, donc 13h pour vous,
paula vélez: 23:10:15
sinon a 14h
laure.dit: 23:10:23
boris: 23:10:26
oui à 14 heures ok
paula vélez: 23:10:28
si vous avez deja le lieu pret tant mieux
boris: 23:10:39
repet pour les acteurs - on aura le lieu pret!
laure.dit: 23:10:40
boris à lacambre ou chez chloé ?
boris: 23:10:49
laure: chez chloé!
laure.dit: 23:11:02
paula vélez: 23:11:28
mais a cet heure la je ne pourrai etre a la place du moins que je trouve une id'ee d'ici la pour le lieu. et pour la projection bien sur
aether9: 23:11:32
aussi, important, il faut qu'on détermine qui "dirigera" la perfo, càd donnera les indications via skype.. boris ou chloé?
aether9: 23:11:52
cette personne doit absolument participer aux répétitions
paula vélez: 23:11:54
alors repete pour les acteurs, timming tout.
paula vélez: 23:12:03
qui va diriger l'action?
paula vélez: 23:12:27
je pense que ici on ne pourra pas le faire.
boris: 23:12:48
ok alors ce sera moi boris
paula vélez: 23:13:11
ah, une autre chose, je trouve tres bien l'dee de laure de peindre un moustache... se travestir en homme.
paula vélez: 23:13:14
pas mal
boris: 23:13:15
et le son? chris ne s'est pas manifesté?
paula vélez: 23:13:31
mmm, pour le son, voil'a un probleme
ana-lisa: 23:13:43
j'ai un chapeau d'homme, un feutre gris
paula vélez: 23:13:44
boris, je crois que c'est toi
paula vélez: 23:13:53
qui devrai le faire
aether9: 23:13:53
non, pas de nouvelles de chris.. pas bien ça..
ana-lisa: 23:14:02
ça te dis Laure?
boris: 23:14:03
ana-lisa: 23:14:16
pour le chapeau...
ana-lisa: 23:14:33
dans la cage
ana-lisa: 23:14:40
l'oiseau sur la tête
laure.dit: 23:15:06
mais est-ce que qqn la contacté au moiins, depuis que paula lui a dit que cest elle qui le ferait.
paula vélez: 23:16:03
pour le son, sinon j'ai un musicien a la main.... q qui je pourrai demander, mais il fera alors une impro a ca facon, il est tres bon, je vous envoi le link de sa webpage
laure.dit: 23:16:16
moi je fais le son, si c'est nécessaire mais je nen ai apriori pas envie et peu dexpérience
ana-lisa: 23:16:25
jâime cette idée
ana-lisa: 23:16:28
du musicien
aether9: 23:17:25
oui.. quant à laure elle fait l'actrice, n'est pas?
ana-lisa: 23:17:56
en effet
boris: 23:18:02
oui, demande à ce musicien si il le souhaite. sinon je peux faire une bo préparée, mais je peux pas diriger les actes sur le chat et improviser en live.
aether9: 23:18:20
au cas ou ça se serait noyé dans la discussion, j'indique qu'il faudra utiliser le nouveau patch, 118v4:
aether9: 23:18:24
aether9: 23:18:30
aether9: 23:18:41
car les serveurs ont été changés
paula vélez: 23:18:47
aether9: 23:18:50
genève utilisera pour la première fois
paula vélez: 23:18:52
compri pour le patch
aether9: 23:18:55
un très bon serveur
aether9: 23:19:01
et bogota aura
aether9: 23:19:07
également très bon ;)
paula vélez: 23:19:15
paula vélez: 23:19:20
voici son myspace
aether9: 23:19:29
paula vélez: 23:19:41
il est peruvien et passe quelques jours a bogota pour des performances et concerts
paula vélez: 23:20:04
vais chercher sa web page qui est vachement bonne
aether9: 23:20:12
belle pochette d'album
aether9: 23:20:27
et belle musica tradicional
laure.dit: 23:20:35
est-ce qu'il y a un mail d'invit pour la perfo sur le net ?
paula vélez: 23:20:47
aether9: 23:20:53
je vais l'envoyer ce soir...
ana-lisa: 23:21:12
elle est chouette la musique de ton pote
boris: 23:21:14
ok ce musicien fera l'affaire!!!
paula vélez: 23:21:18
c'est une blague n'est pas?
ana-lisa: 23:21:23
non, pas du tout
paula vélez: 23:21:42
musique experimental... hahha pas tres traditionel du peru
ana-lisa: 23:21:42
je suis très sérieuse
ana-lisa: 23:21:57
boris: 23:22:01
mais est-ce qu'on veut une musique thematique ou pas???
ana-lisa: 23:22:15
boris: 23:22:18
car dans c'est ce que prévoit le script...
aether9: 23:22:42
oui, paula avait préparé un grand nombre de samples de trains, de gares
paula vélez: 23:22:46
c'est ca, est-ce que c'est possible d'envoyer deux signales au meme temps de postions remotes?
boris: 23:22:58
il peut pas improviser avec les sons de paula?
ana-lisa: 23:23:05
où sont tes samples?
boris: 23:23:08
ce Christian Galarreta?
paula vélez: 23:23:17
car boris pourra faire le son d'ambience, train, pomme, etc, et galarreta le son musique improvis'e
boris: 23:23:29
ce serait possible en effet
ana-lisa: 23:23:55
ouais, je trouve bien
ana-lisa: 23:23:57
comme on est trois
paula vélez: 23:24:08
j'ai mis quelques uns de samples dans le serveur de aether
aether9: 23:24:08
mm, streaemer depuis 2 endroits et mixer le résultat, c'est possible mais ça demanderait plus d'organisation
aether9: 23:24:33
voilà les samples
paula vélez: 23:24:41
bah, pour le son je crois que c'est assez facil
paula vélez: 23:25:21
car galarreta fera une impro, puis boris va se guider des images pour envoyer le son et les bruitages necesaires
aether9: 23:25:42
oui, jusque là c'est facile..
paula vélez: 23:26:19
boris, il faut que tu te souvienes qu'il a un delai de 14 secondes entre la transmision du son et la reception, alors il faut l'envoyer un peu avant de l'action
aether9: 23:26:29
et le live de galarreta, sera-t-il streamé ailleurs, sur un autre serveur? ou simplement joué pour le public sur place et enregistré?
paula vélez: 23:26:52
j'arrive... je bouge 2 minuts..
boris: 23:28:12
live son par 2 personnes me semble pas très souhaitable si pas préparé.
paula vélez: 23:30:32
ok,je proposse alors, que galarreta le fase (encore il faut que je lui parle, vais le telephoner dans un instant) et il pourra improviser avec musique et bruits accords avec le script ou l'image
ana-lisa: 23:30:53
c'est aussi ce que je pensais
boris: 23:30:59
esperons que ça le botte!
paula vélez: 23:31:15
mais on peut toujours essayer ce que ca donne...
aether9: 23:31:19
ok, il utilisera donc notre canal de streaming
ana-lisa: 23:31:28
pendant a répét de21h
paula vélez: 23:32:03
oui, je crois qu'il n'y a pas de doute que ca va lui plaire... seulement il faut vooir que cla ne coincide pas avec un autre performance a lui ou un concert
ana-lisa: 23:32:34
appelle le tout de suite...non?
paula vélez: 23:32:48
oui, j'y vais
paula vélez: 23:34:49
il ne repond pas
boris: 23:34:57
laure.dit: 23:34:58
de mon côté, j'ai quand même envoyer un mail à chris.
boris: 23:35:05
paula vélez: 23:35:17
on a dit qu on allais se retrouver dans une heure a pres pres.
ana-lisa: 23:35:28
entre zut et gut, il n'y a qu'une lettre
paula vélez: 23:35:34
j'insistirai tout a l'heure
laure.dit: 23:36:03
t'as pas des photos de toi paula ? si tu les envois dans les prochaines heures je pourrais les imprimer - pour lacte 3 il faut des images du perso du centre. non ?
aether9: 23:36:39
j'ai des screenshots des derniers tests...
paula vélez: 23:36:52
c'est la quel l'adresse du script encore, je ne suis pas sur mon ordi
laure.dit: 23:37:04
moi je vous quitte bientôt. alors je vous dis rendez vous à 14h pour certains à 23h pour d'autres
paula vélez: 23:37:10
ah, oui
laure.dit: 23:37:28
des screenshots de paula ?
paula vélez: 23:37:32
je t'envois les photos tout a l'heure avec mon ordi
laure.dit: 23:37:39
gut !
laure.dit: 23:39:16
je les imprimerai demain avant de partir. Gute nacht  pas-tout le monde.
paula vélez: 23:39:30
alors l'adress du script please... cette ordi est un peu bizarre
aether9: 23:39:46
paula vélez: 23:39:49
buenas noches, hasta manana
boris: 23:40:03
aether9: 23:40:39
ok. donc.. demain, 14h brussels time, bien préparés avec accessoires etc..
paula vélez: 23:41:14
je dois lire tres bien le script . mais je demande. le textes... sont ils sur le script?
laure.dit: 23:41:34
paula vélez: 23:41:37
ceux que je dois ajouter au performance?
laure.dit: 23:41:39
aether9: 23:42:10
les textes que audrey et nicola affichaient, je ne crois pas.. je vais voir dans mes screenshots si je les trouve
paula vélez: 23:43:53
oui, ca serati bien...
paula vélez: 23:43:57
aether9: 23:44:18
à un moment, il y avait un grand panel "Reported Missing"
paula vélez: 23:44:44
SE BUSCA alors
boris: 23:44:48
ils faisaient comment?
boris: 23:45:06
panneaux à la main, artisanal - ou alors intertitres digitaux?
paula vélez: 23:45:10
sur le journal je vais en trouver un surement, ici c'est comme le far west
paula vélez: 23:45:15
paula vélez: 23:45:58
oui, c'est different je sais
aether9: 23:46:06
aether9: 23:46:11
Picture 13
aether9: 23:46:32
et Picture 2
aether9: 23:47:10
mais c'est peu
aether9: 23:47:39
c'était un peu comme un fragment de journal intime... signifiant que "elle" s'est échapée de quelque part...
aether9: 23:47:53
et est "poursuivie"
paula vélez: 23:47:56
une chose c est report missing, une autre, la recherche de quelqu perdu
paula vélez: 23:48:24
oui... je vais trouver.
aether9: 23:48:25
justement, "Reported Missing", c'est elle.. elle voit ça quand elle lit le journal
boris: 23:48:43
ah ah!
paula vélez: 23:48:59
je viens de remarquer. voici un performance a tremor demain ou vount participer mes deux amis, ceux qui vont m'aider....
paula vélez: 23:49:03
paula vélez: 23:49:08
galarreta et leo
boris: 23:49:24
après nous donc?
boris: 23:49:43
sabado c'est après-demain non?
boris: 23:50:46
ou l'on peut actuellement voir dans la case centrale de la aether9 html kris kruz et laure faisant du sidecar dans un suburb californien
paula vélez: 23:51:08
avant nous
boris: 23:51:15
avant ok
paula vélez: 23:51:18
ah oui
paula vélez: 23:51:30
apres demain
paula vélez: 23:52:11
mais encore leo demain, avant nous va en faire ca
paula vélez: 23:52:12
aether9: 23:53:22
oui, je vais voir s'il est possible de voir des choses...
paula vélez: 23:53:46
oui, bon
aether9: 23:54:01
alors, encore des questions?
paula vélez: 23:54:14
alors il faut se preparer et encore voir pour le son que tout soit bien aussi
paula vélez: 23:54:18
paula vélez: 23:54:50
des questions pas encore. maintenant je vais etre a tot vitesse pour tout metre en place
aether9: 23:55:36
ok. dans le nouveau patch, j'ai nommé les serveurs de manière plus claire. ONE, TWO, THREE sont les frames du haut/bas, et Geneva, Bogota, Brussels, c'est évident.
paula vélez: 23:55:46
il y a aussi la connection qui  m'inquiete car la connection general ou vitesse d'internet en colombie n'est pas terrible, et cette ville a tendenc a etre charg'e
paula vélez: 23:55:49
on verra,
paula vélez: 23:56:17
alors si on transmet du meme lieu le son et l'image ca risque d'etre galere
aether9: 23:56:22
oui, dans le pire des cas, ton ami fera la musique live, sur place, et vous enregistrerez ...
aether9: 23:56:30
sur le site ça sera muet, mais tant pis
paula vélez: 23:56:36
je dois aprendre a galarreta a utiliser le patch, puis l'installer aussi sur son ordi
aether9: 23:57:28
oui, si jamais il utilisait un autre logiciel, tu lui donneras les parametres du stream:
paula vélez: 23:57:33
paula vélez: 23:57:51
alors la liste de choses a faire c'est :
aether9: 23:57:56
Your password to broadcast to giss using the mounpoint /aether.mp3 is: qs39z
The user to broadcast to giss is 'source'
The server to use to broadcast to giss is ''
The port to use to broadcast to giss is '8000'
Parhaps you need to know that this is an 'icecast2' server

The address to see/hear your stream will be
boris: 23:58:16
question : dans les 3 cellules du bas, il y aura les lignes comme pour la dernière perfo???
aether9: 23:58:28
mais, si vous pouvez enregistrer ce qui se passe sur place, simplement une camera qui filme le tout, toi et l'écran, et qui prend le son de la salle......
aether9: 23:58:56
paula avait l'idée de mettre des "images de fenetres de train", filmées à bogota
aether9: 23:59:24
et aussi, j'avais pensé que si jamais on a du retard, on pourrait animer ces frames...
aether9: 23:59:43
avec des imageries ayant trait à des trains, attente, salles d'attente, trains.......
paula vélez: 23:59:46
1.preparer les panneaux ou textes d'afichage. 2. preparer vetements,a ccesoires, lieux train simulacre, (fnetr du train pourrai etre un ecran tele cache derriere simulation de fenetre avec loop du payssage)


paula vélez: 00:00:11
3. l'ecran de proyection sur la rue. une tissu a acheter.
paula vélez: 00:00:17
4. video beam
paula vélez: 00:00:29
5. camera pour enregistrer performance
paula vélez: 00:01:06
6. musicien pret a travailler, parch installe sur son ordi, lui aprendre a l'utiliser
aether9: 00:01:26
aether9: 00:01:55
6: comme on disait, pas obligé qu'il streame, il peut faire comme il veut...
paula vélez: 00:02:11
aether9: 00:02:19
4. + 5. = hyper important
laure.dit: 00:02:42
petit detour juste pour dire que je viens de découper et imprimer les images de paula sur papier. que ça donne très bien. et qu'en général c'est une bonne piste narrative d'avoir des images en matière papier des autres aethernautes. à demain.
paula vélez: 00:02:58
7. aprendre bien le script et le jeu d'acteur.
aether9: 00:03:08
great, à demain
paula vélez: 00:03:29
8. ah  les photos
aether9: 00:03:30
7: aussi hyper important.
paula vélez: 00:03:35
j'allais oublier
boris: 00:03:38
sans oublier les repetitions... à 14h et 21h heure europeenes...
aether9: 00:03:43
j'ai envoyé des photos à laure, je pense que c'est ok
paula vélez: 00:03:49
comment tu les veux exactement?
aether9: 00:04:11
(des captures d'écran de nos derniers tests, très belles) ;)
paula vélez: 00:04:17
les phots
paula vélez: 00:04:33
les test avec de grimace que j'ai fait?
aether9: 00:05:01
il y a aussi des photos sans grimace ;)
paula vélez: 00:05:02
alors si c'est ca s'est bien car c'est joue comme un personnage de film muet
paula vélez: 00:05:11
j'aime bien avec
paula vélez: 00:05:34
mais la photo c'est pour le panneau de recherch'e?
aether9: 00:06:18
c'est pour les papiers que moi et laure manipulent..
paula vélez: 00:06:30
ok, vais m'ymettre au boulot pour tout cela
paula vélez: 00:06:32
paula vélez: 00:08:32
pour les lignes du train, je crois que avec tout ca je ne pourrai metre des images de train, de fenetres en haut, et je proposse que si on va metre des lignes blanches comme la dernier fois, que ca soit des lignes horizontales
paula vélez: 00:08:33
paula vélez: 00:08:38
paula vélez: 00:08:44
qui pourra le faire?
boris: 00:09:23
mettre le lignes verticales... je suppose que manu les a en stock pas cher...
paula vélez: 00:09:25
bon, un detail important de plus
aether9: 00:09:43
oui, je vais organiser ces lignes
paula vélez: 00:09:57
mon pot, celui qui va m'aider avec la transmision et camera... comprends plus ou moins l'anglais, pas le francais,
aether9: 00:10:20
ok, nous on peut switcher
paula vélez: 00:10:24
aloors il faut etre super claire pendant le performance, pour celui qui dirige l'actiona partir du point de depar
paula vélez: 00:10:39
compteur.... 5 4 3 2 1
paula vélez: 00:10:41
acte 1
paula vélez: 00:10:44
paula vélez: 00:10:47
aether9: 00:10:58
compris boris?
paula vélez: 00:11:23
cool, ca va etre chouette
aether9: 00:11:29
bon, je vais devoir vous quitter, on m'appelle à mes devoirs..
aether9: 00:11:47
je serai en ligne demain durant la matinée
aether9: 00:12:00
paula, je t'envoie encore, le "missing"; à tout hasard
paula vélez: 00:12:04
puis la video registre, on pourra le acrocher sur
paula vélez: 00:12:12
aether9: 00:12:29
paula vélez: 00:13:12
tu dois m'envoyer l'archive par mail je ne suis pas sur mon ordi
paula vélez: 00:13:19
et encore c'est un pc
paula vélez: 00:13:29
ouvre pas png je crois
aether9: 00:13:42
ok. je le fais. alors bonne nuit (?) et à demain.
paula vélez: 00:13:52
ok, alors, a demai manu
paula vélez: 00:14:27
la dernier chose.
paula vélez: 00:14:46
l'espace ou le performance aura lieu.ici meme ou je suis.
paula vélez: 00:14:54
a change un peu selon les photos
paula vélez: 00:15:34
car l'etage ou mon pot pouvait faire tout sorte d'experiences a du etre rendu au propio, car patofeofilms ne pouvais plus le payer.
paula vélez: 00:15:51
alors je suis sur un etage du meme immeble
paula vélez: 00:16:12
la meme idee de espace, les meme bai vitres fenetres
paula vélez: 00:16:20
c'est beau, pareil
paula vélez: 00:16:39
seulement remplie de bureaux, plein de gens qui y travaillen
aether9: 00:16:42
ok. partout le meme probleme je vois, difficile de faire de l'argent avec ce genre de choses...
aether9: 00:17:00
bon, je me réjouis de voir ça demain.
aether9: 00:17:09
bon travail et à bientot
paula vélez: 00:17:28
alors ca va etre un peu plus dificil qu prevue pour tout installer
paula vélez: 00:17:34
mais toujours possible
paula vélez: 00:17:51
cristiaan viens d'apparaitre
paula vélez: 00:18:35
christiaan, comme on n'etait pas sur que tu ferais le son, on  a prevu de le faire a vec un musicien. ce n'est pas confirm'e encore. je te dirai
paula vélez: 00:20:17
alors car c'est quelquechose qui n'est pas sur sur encore pour le performance, et vu come onviens de le prevoir,  ca serai genial que cette ami musicien le fasse
boris: 00:20:25
chris, you are here?
paula vélez: 00:20:32
sinon tu serais pret pour le faire
paula vélez: 00:21:01
ah, sorry you speaks only english?
paula vélez: 00:21:18
mmm il est p
paula vélez: 00:21:32
il est ou?
fe2cruz: 00:21:38
sorry its ok i have a translotor on. i was actually driving. but now i've pulled over and can type
boris: 00:21:39
paula, if tommorow morning nobody tells you "YES" for the sound, i can do it.
boris: 00:21:55
chris you are on the road on the internet???
paula vélez: 00:21:57
paula vélez: 00:22:37
on the road, this is amazing
paula vélez: 00:22:44
paula vélez: 00:23:01
emoticons do not work in phones i think
boris: 00:23:07
so chris - tommorow the performance is at ??? time in los-angeles? at 7pm in colmbia makes what in la?
paula vélez: 00:23:19
so you dont need a traduction
paula vélez: 00:23:31
translation i mean
fe2cruz: 00:23:54
7pm bogota = 4pm LA
fe2cruz: 00:24:10
8am bogota rehersal = 5am LA
paula vélez: 00:24:14
i was wondering if you wil be ready to do sound if the musician cant
fe2cruz: 00:24:54
no problem i can stream in anytime as soon as i get home. I'll email manuel my stream url now
paula vélez: 00:24:56
uhg it is early. i didnt knew
paula vélez: 00:25:03
the musician shows in
fe2cruz: 00:25:21
i don't mind my sleep patterns don't exist anymore
fe2cruz: 00:27:14
if you type in french my little skype translator will do its work its magic, it uses the code imbedded in multilanguage files of skype i think
paula vélez: 00:27:52
i m now with galarreta, and he has tomorrow a concert at the same hour
fe2cruz: 00:28:16
anyway whatever happens, musician appears or not I'll be around in the morning for the rehersal and the performance in the evening
boris: 00:28:18
so it means that chris will stream
fe2cruz: 00:28:28
ok i stream then
boris: 00:28:54
Your password to broadcast to giss using the mounpoint /aether.mp3 is: qs39z
The user to broadcast to giss is 'source'
The server to use to broadcast to giss is ''
The port to use to broadcast to giss is '8000'
Parhaps you need to know that this is an 'icecast2' server

The address to see/hear your stream will be
boris: 00:29:38
this is the stream embedded in the htlm frame i guess...
fe2cruz: 00:29:43
ok cool, i was gonna use my address but that wouldn't work on the interface/aether page
paula vélez: 00:29:44
but we can do some things not live, but an recording to put on
fe2cruz: 00:30:02
so is it still a train theme or superheroes?
paula vélez: 00:30:09
letme talk here to plan everything and we will talk tomorrow
boris: 00:30:16
same script than last time
fe2cruz: 00:30:38
ok i'll have my train like soundscapes ready
paula vélez: 00:30:41
later i willl mail to the list the final resume with my friend s here for the performance
paula vélez: 00:30:58
so you will read it earlu since my sleep
fe2cruz: 00:31:25
ok i'll look for your mail on the list
fe2cruz: 00:33:15
i guess i'll let you all sleep and see in the morning?
boris: 00:33:53
yeah now i need to go to bed - good night all - good work paula - see you tommorow
paula vélez: 00:35:29
fe2cruz: 00:36:02
bye thanks paula I'll see you in the morning
paula vélez: 01:41:05
boris, are you testing something?
fe2cruz: 01:42:08
its late over there he must be asleep already
paula vélez: 01:42:21
boris: 01:42:37
na i'm finishing other work - but now it's time to go to bed really--- good night
paula vélez: 01:42:42
so i'trying, testing new patch
paula vélez: 01:42:55
oh ok, good nite
boris: 01:42:56
it's working fine?
paula vélez: 01:43:00
boris: 01:43:08
what isn't working?
paula vélez: 01:43:13
nt yet
paula vélez: 01:43:30
it seems it transmit, but i dont see the image
paula vélez: 01:44:09
i see in central frame it is write. nearby rotterdam
fe2cruz: 01:44:21
did you give a few good refreshes to the window you are sending to?
paula vélez: 01:44:22
why it is not nearby bogotá?
fe2cruz: 01:44:42
sometimes the browser needs rebooting.
boris: 01:44:52
manu will change this of course! i tried the patch earlier and it worked fine.
paula vélez: 01:45:34
in the other hand, wehave to put all participants names for the performance in tremor page and write a mail to send to friends
paula vélez: 01:46:17
do you think that somebody could do that? i will ask in the mail i will send soon
paula vélez: 01:46:54
ok, i will try to refresh window
paula vélez: 01:49:09
it doesnt work
boris: 01:50:02
what patch version are you using?
paula vélez: 01:50:05
but go to sleep, i will continue with christiaan a little. you can?
paula vélez: 01:50:16
the last one ,
boris: 01:50:25
paula vélez: 01:50:27
the bogotá list server
paula vélez: 01:50:31
boris: 01:51:54
i just now uploaded a couple images on there right now, it seems to work - strange
boris: 01:52:05
but it will work! see you tomorrow
paula vélez: 01:52:41
ok thanks
fe2cruz: 02:05:22
sorry paula just stepped out to get some food, are you still working on the patch?
paula vélez: 02:05:37
paula vélez: 02:05:52
i´m testing video and at the same time sound
paula vélez: 02:06:28
and the main live window open receving
paula vélez: 02:06:37
to test conection and speed
fe2cruz: 02:07:20
which window are you streaming to, do you have the right address selected? can you give me the ftp address that you selected in the patch?
paula vélez: 02:07:47
how can i put the transmision of images with fluidity
paula vélez: 02:08:06
not so slow
fe2cruz: 02:08:19
well its always going to stall a bit lower frames/sec
paula vélez: 02:08:20
it is this always like this
fe2cruz: 02:09:38
yeah its too much for the websitewith increased fps
paula vélez: 02:09:42
i put the intaerval in 1 sec
fe2cruz: 02:10:30
4 frames per second looks the best I think
paula vélez: 02:12:24
i'm thinking of doing projection in one place... and transmision in other, beacause of the speed
fe2cruz: 02:12:48
thats a good idea yeah
fe2cruz: 02:14:50
how fast is the internet connection there?
paula vélez: 02:15:22
i will see, there is a lot
paula vélez: 02:17:00
i´m looking
fe2cruz: 02:17:24
i will use 2 computers tomorrow one to transmit sound and the other to record and watch the performance
fe2cruz: 02:17:47
last time i did everyhting on one computer and it died on me
paula vélez: 02:17:49
too the main live window and it seems tthe transmision is two frames par second
paula vélez: 02:18:07
i will use 2 computers also.
paula vélez: 02:19:35
even if i use 2 computers, the connection will be charge
paula vélez: 02:19:51
so if i transmit image, sound and i recive at the same time....
paula vélez: 02:20:22
it will be so so slow
fe2cruz: 02:21:06
yeah too much bandwith
paula vélez: 02:21:15
212.78 kilobits per second
paula vélez: 02:21:25
25.97 kilobites per second
paula vélez: 02:21:34
92.029 seconds
paula vélez: 02:22:06
how long the performance is?
fe2cruz: 02:22:09
wow thats slower than my data
fe2cruz: 02:22:31
are you running through routers and other things? are you in the gallery now?
fe2cruz: 02:22:51
i get 825.07kilobits per second
100.72kilobytes per second


23.734seconds and i'm on the road
paula vélez: 02:22:59
paula vélez: 02:23:18
directly branched at the cable
fe2cruz: 02:23:31
maybe your routers or modem are limiting your bandwith
paula vélez: 02:23:50
wait i will ask...
paula vélez: 02:26:03
it is because we are in the third world, the only people who have a normal and goood conection are the gouverment and some universities
fe2cruz: 02:26:39
are you wireless or direct to the cat5 cable
paula vélez: 02:27:46
and the other thing is that i heard about the damage of the submarine cable that conects south america and northamerica...
paula vélez: 02:27:53
paula vélez: 02:27:59
to the cable
paula vélez: 02:28:44
and this is a producers and graphiste fillm enterprice
fe2cruz: 02:28:50
we may just have to work with slower frame rates so the prjected screen can handle it
fe2cruz: 02:29:17
also maybe not use all 9 cellls on the aether page
paula vélez: 02:30:33
so are yoou hearing sound also, i'm sending sound and image.
paula vélez: 02:31:48
i think is a good idea to use slower frame rates for the main live window
paula vélez: 02:33:11
so are yoou hearing sound also, i'm sending sound and image.
paula vélez 20:31
i think is a good idea to use slower frame rates for the main live window
fe2cruz: 02:34:20
my speakers aren't on I'll be home in 7 minutes and then I can view the live window. which one are you using?
paula vélez: 02:34:37
the midle one
paula vélez: 02:35:48
so you are mobilnow?
paula vélez: 02:35:52
fe2cruz: 02:36:19
well its a broadband card that used the cellphone network
fe2cruz: 02:36:37
ok I plugged it in anyway yeah i hear sound
paula vélez: 02:37:06
paula vélez: 02:37:37
so, i think sound sounds very goood, transmision of sound works
paula vélez: 02:37:50
image is a little slower
fe2cruz: 02:37:51
i can hear you say transmission
paula vélez: 02:38:03
and connectoin it is not a dream
fe2cruz: 02:38:44
so you are the purple image in the center?
fe2cruz: 02:39:35
yeah its refreshing slow here to,
fe2cruz: 02:39:52
manuel will fix it
paula vélez: 02:40:57
well , i wish he could do something because speed here it is not very good
paula vélez: 02:41:47
christian, are you from L.A. or from US, or are you french?
paula vélez: 02:41:53
living in USA
fe2cruz: 02:42:30
yeah it should be better tomorrow. i was born in california, i'm living here still. but my parents are both from the philippines
paula vélez: 02:43:13
ok, great
paula vélez: 02:43:46
it is so intresting to know people in this project
fe2cruz: 02:44:45
yeah, it makes it work all the work
paula vélez: 02:46:55
transmision stoped
fe2cruz: 02:47:13
i mean worth all the work
paula vélez: 02:47:20
paula vélez: 02:47:36
what time is it in LA?
fe2cruz: 02:47:49
paula vélez: 02:48:14
did you put LA images in window 6?
fe2cruz: 02:48:38
no i haven't sent any images in a long time
paula vélez: 02:48:42
oh, ok it is not bed time of course
paula vélez: 02:48:48
fe2cruz: 02:49:03
not sure where all this stuff is from
fe2cruz: 02:49:38
but yeah your middle cell isn't moving as fast as the rest of them
fe2cruz: 02:50:04
hopefully we can have manuel adjust this tomorrow morning
fe2cruz: 02:50:48
yeah maybe we use just 3 or 6 frames instead of 9
paula vélez: 02:51:00
i wish it will be goog for tomorrow
fe2cruz: 02:51:22
it will don't worry at least we know what we have to deal with
fe2cruz: 02:51:49
but you are projecting your images now on the beamer in the gallery?
paula vélez: 02:51:59
anyway i have to fix and prepere a lot of things
paula vélez: 02:52:17
this place it is not like it was before
paula vélez: 02:52:55
so things are more difficult than i thought
fe2cruz: 02:53:00
oh yeah, its 9pm over there huh? i better let you finish all that you need to do
fe2cruz: 02:53:21
we'll have everything right straight in the morning
paula vélez: 02:53:30
ok, now i test transmision already, thanks for help
fe2cruz: 02:54:12
your welcome have a productive evening
paula vélez: 02:56:13
paula vélez: 02:56:56
transmision it seems dont work anymore. i'm trying but it seems stoped in one image
paula vélez: 02:57:15
actually street images are from bogota testing
fe2cruz: 02:57:45
yeah maybe try abother cell? the center one the FTP may be slowing you down. try one with a different FTP server
paula vélez: 02:58:29
ok, but the thing is that my cell will be in the center
fe2cruz: 02:58:58
manuel can adjust the ftp server that works best to be in the center tomorrow.
paula vélez: 02:59:06
fe2cruz: 02:59:21
if your transmission works better in another cell maybe thats all it needs
paula vélez: 02:59:23
i see, will try the fastest one to see
paula vélez: 02:59:29
fe2cruz: 03:00:38
does the gallery or any of your freinds have a local bogota FTP server? one that doesn' t have to go through too many networks?
paula vélez: 03:06:26
mmm good question, i will see this
paula vélez: 03:06:34
i think yes
paula vélez: 03:06:39
will see
fe2cruz: 03:07:22
yeah that might speed things up. manuel can tell the main viewer windo to just use your local FTP and adjust the patch to use that FTP too
fe2cruz: 03:07:38
this way your image transmission may go smoother
paula vélez: 03:07:49
mm good idea
paula vélez: 03:14:13
i will quit skype now. bye and tomorrow we will see
fe2cruz: 03:14:52
ok bye thanks
aether9: 14:01:29
geneva is on the line
boris: 14:02:16
hello? i'm there in 5-10 minutes!
fe2cruz: 14:02:31
hi just testin my mics
boris: 14:02:38
brussels back in 7 min then
boris: 14:02:58
(stiill waiting the actress...)
paula vélez: 14:16:06
hello, i see people is here since 10 minutes
paula vélez: 14:16:10
fe2cruz: 14:16:52
morning paula
paula vélez: 14:17:14
 because i couldnt be able to wake up at 7am. and yesterday i felt sleep writing the information mail
paula vélez: 14:17:18
i'm sorry
paula vélez: 14:17:35
je viesn
paula vélez: 14:17:43
je viens de me lever a l'instant
ana-lisa: 14:25:12
 L'actrice est arrivée
aether9: 14:26:51
christian, did you manage to get the sound stream working?
fe2cruz: 14:27:25
yup you can listen right now
paula vélez: 14:27:32
la mien is taking a shower and have to go to work, but i'm going to take a photo o her to print. tis is a change i had to do because we are going to manipulate sound and image here
paula vélez: 14:27:52
i willl send you a mail now to explain some changes
paula vélez: 14:28:01
paula vélez: 14:28:05
paula vélez: 14:28:20
so chirstian is ready to make sond
paula vélez: 14:28:22
paula vélez: 14:29:11
Galarreta has a concert at the same time. i was ready to do some music and sound with my friend here...
fe2cruz: 14:30:10
i can stream easy. no worries paula you have too many other things to try to manage
boris: 14:30:15
how can we listen to chrises sound?
aether9: 14:30:43
hmm, the flash player dosnt find the stream
fe2cruz: 14:30:44
fe2cruz: 14:31:19
its playing in my vlc
boris: 14:32:02
ok stream works for me - it's live chris?
aether9: 14:32:05
indeed, it plays in VLC
fe2cruz: 14:32:29
yeah about 1 sec delay
boris: 14:32:35
fe2cruz: 14:32:51
see when i type no sound
boris: 14:33:03
great drums - use your harpsichord instrument... i would love to hear it...
fe2cruz: 14:33:26
ok i'll go get it
boris: 14:34:20
with acdc in background playback maybe? thunderstruck? 
fe2cruz: 14:34:43
just dropped a toy
boris: 14:34:45
boris: 14:36:29
sounds very good...
fe2cruz: 14:37:29
yup thats what 5am sounds like
fe2cruz: 14:37:59
manuel, is it working into the flash player yet?
boris: 14:38:33
good train whistle!
aether9: 14:38:38
no, but i have the impression this is quite random, sometimes working, somtimes not.. i just added the mp3 URL to the live/index page
aether9: 14:38:53
with indication to open it in VLC
fe2cruz: 14:39:08
fe2cruz: 14:39:56
yeah the train gotta toot somehow
boris: 14:40:33
paula and manu,  do you want to do a complete rehearsal of the play?
paula vélez: 14:44:22
wait for me 5 minutes, i need to eat or take a caffe
paula vélez: 14:44:38
i will be with you in somme 5minutes
boris: 14:46:40
manu, la valeur de cadre est laquelle chez toi? bxl doit-il rapprocher?
boris: 14:47:25
ok je te vois - donc ce sera plutot à paula d'élargir son cadre
boris: 14:55:06
the XXLARGE viewer is great - what the "normal" 9frame interface is there as well?
boris: 14:55:40
it's not more firefox VS explorer (instead of xxl VS normal)?
boris: 14:56:17
oh no sorry now i get why...
boris: 14:58:53
mmm thaks - nice sounds for the while we are patienting in the station waiting room, reading romans de gares
boris: 14:59:12
here we are ready for reheasal - Paula?
aether9: 15:01:16
here too all is ready..
fe2cruz: 15:03:49
roger i'm ready
fe2cruz: 15:05:54
is someone gonna give act commands on skype?
boris: 15:06:03
yes - me.
aether9: 15:06:03
so, do we wait for paula, or do we make a first run-through?
fe2cruz: 15:06:36
sure lets go through a couple acts just to see how it works
aether9: 15:07:31
maybe we try the full thing? boris you give us the cues
boris: 15:08:14
ideacritik: 15:08:25
(ooh! i watch!)
boris: 15:08:41
so we start in 1 minute - please set your timers and tell me when you are ready to push timers buttons,,
boris: 15:08:54
i am ready
aether9: 15:09:01
so, it start with empty chairs. i'm ready too
boris: 15:09:37
ok - push timers now - start in 1 minute!
boris: 15:09:48
so now we wait...
boris: 15:10:08
we get in in 30 secs!
boris: 15:10:29
10 secs
boris: 15:10:39
get in!
paula vélez: 15:11:05
i send a mail with photos and without (aether) in the subject, it needs moderation
boris: 15:11:11
manu what the hell?
paula vélez: 15:11:13
see if you can read it manu
boris: 15:11:23
ok paula - are you ready for a rehearsal?
aether9: 15:11:25
stop it!!
boris: 15:11:31
we stop it
aether9: 15:11:36
boris, terminology is important
boris: 15:11:52
yes there was a confusion between act 1 and "we get in"...
aether9: 15:12:09
exactly, so the clearest thing is to say ACT1
boris: 15:12:15
aether9: 15:12:17
then ACT2
aether9: 15:12:20
nothing else
boris: 15:12:22
boris: 15:12:27
boris: 15:12:46
so Paula we are going to go in a rehearsal for actors now - can you join now?
aether9: 15:12:57
when act 2 starts, i enter the scene after 1 min - that's the 3rd minute of the performance.
paula vélez: 15:13:09
boris: 15:13:11
paula vélez: 15:13:29
do you already fix the flash player audio i dont hear anything
fe2cruz: 15:13:58
just use VLC the flash is too fickle
boris: 15:14:28
good sounds... very train late at night
fe2cruz: 15:14:38
cym: 15:14:40
i am watching now, but i don't hear any sounds
aether9: 15:15:05
what now, do we make a try?
boris: 15:15:08
for sound, you need to use vlc - the imbedded flashj player is not working - maybe it will work later.
cym: 15:15:15
i see
fe2cruz: 15:15:24
someone was giving away a free hamond organ but it was too far away to pick up. would have been fun to do live organ accomp like a silent film
cym: 15:15:38
it looks good
fe2cruz: 15:15:46
hi cym hi audrey
cym: 15:15:49
even without sound
fe2cruz: 15:15:52
just use vlc
fe2cruz: 15:15:56
boris: 15:15:56
paula, are you ready for rehearsal or we should go for it now for the moment and rehearse with you later today?
aether9: 15:16:20
since gva and brussels are ready and waiting, let's go for a try
boris: 15:16:46
ok - so let's be ready with the timers... ready?
boris: 15:17:16
aether9: 15:17:22
yeah, you will have to say 5 - 4-3 2...
boris: 15:17:32
boris: 15:17:33
boris: 15:17:35
boris: 15:17:36
boris: 15:17:37
boris: 15:17:39
paula vélez: 15:19:11
i cant do the reehersal now i can moderat. i'm not in the place it has to be
paula vélez: 15:19:25
and my actres had to go to work
paula vélez: 15:19:34
boris: 15:19:38
i moderate as i will do it tonite
boris: 15:19:54
paula vélez: 15:19:56
maybe i can do it with out controling the camera zoom
boris: 15:20:14
would be good, yes!
boris: 15:20:30
so means we start again!
paula vélez: 15:21:37
boris: 15:21:39
paula tell us when you are ready - in the maintime we go on
boris: 15:21:43
boris: 15:23:39
boris: 15:25:46
paula vélez: 15:26:05
in padch doesnt work my input list of cameras. i dont ko
paula vélez: 15:26:17
know why i can not see it
paula vélez: 15:26:22
sonund stops
paula vélez: 15:26:28
boris: 15:26:48
we will finish rehearsal then we come up to you
ideacritik: 15:26:53
salut paula - attend un peu ils font une repetition
ideacritik: 15:27:44
(i LOVE the picture of the witch in manu's frame)
boris: 15:27:46
ideacritik: 15:28:25
(would be nice if brussels had more close-ups on the apple to match manu's point of view)
boris: 15:29:05
paula vélez: 15:29:23
boris: 15:30:35
great agony manu...
ideacritik: 15:30:40
(in act7 if the brussels camera would move eratically it would increase the dramatic nature of the scene)
boris: 15:30:42
boris: 15:30:48
paula vélez: 15:31:05
paula vélez: 15:31:18
paula vélez: 15:31:49
did you send me the titles i have to put in my story rame
paula vélez: 15:31:53
ideacritik: 15:31:58
(paula pour le patch as-tu choisi MAC ou PC en premier lieu avant de choisir le live input?)
paula vélez: 15:32:08
i only have recherche missing
ideacritik: 15:32:25
titles? sorry i have just now come online after weeks... so have no idea waht is going on... just watchin gperfo.. 
ideacritik: 15:32:34
the N in brussels is really great
paula vélez: 15:32:36
ça marche
ideacritik: 15:32:50
Paula: quels titres je dois t'envoyer?
ideacritik: 15:33:16
salut tout le monde en passant! : )
paula vélez: 15:33:18
beacuse i'm in a house the chair and space is no the same
paula vélez: 15:33:41
il will be something like the place you see now in mainframe
paula vélez: 15:33:51
i will elargir le cadre
boris: 15:34:21
ok if the central person is closer up it's fine!
paula vélez: 15:34:35
and the window will be a tv with botota street images from a bus
cym: 15:34:40
is it finished now?
cym: 15:34:48
there was nothing in the middle frame
paula vélez: 15:34:53
le textes que tu as mis le dernier performance
ideacritik: 15:35:04
( cym paula will do that tonight, she couldn' t now)
ideacritik: 15:35:10
(hoi meisje : )
cym: 15:35:23
i made many photos now from the rehearsal
cym: 15:35:31
so the performers can see what it looked like
paula vélez: 15:35:53
cym: 15:35:56
if it is finished now, i will upload them
aether9: 15:36:16
yeah, first rehearsal is finished
cym: 15:36:19
there was no sound here... hopefully i will hear it tonight, if i manage to stay away until then
paula vélez: 15:36:38
so i will put now my image for a new rehersal,
cym: 15:36:40
i will upload the photos
aether9: 15:36:54
the sound was playing, but only with vlc. strange, maybe it has something to the with the software that originates the stream ??
boris: 15:37:02
here in bxl it was rythmik rehearsing for actor - clothes and camerawork will be adapted tonite of course
aether9: 15:37:20
yes, it's important to get a sense of the rythm of scenes
fe2cruz: 15:37:51
its coming out from icecast
fe2cruz: 15:38:19
i'll try some configureation adjustments
aether9: 15:38:37
hmm, maybe changed something..
aether9: 15:38:44
anti -flash policy ;)
cym: 15:40:06
only today i noticed that you are including the sound as a flash object
cym: 15:40:35
never noticed that before.. that's why it wasn't working in firefox, i keep one browser without flash-plugin, for testing :-)
aether9: 15:41:08
yeah, and until now it worked quite well. although it always was more reliable to play the stream in VLC (better sound too)
aether9: 15:42:19
To open it in VLC, you have to go under File > Open Network (ctrl-N) and paste the URL
cym: 15:42:39
but first i must install a vlc player
fe2cruz: 15:43:05
you can use whatever streaming media player you got
aether9: 15:43:07
i see Paula is sending images now
cym: 15:43:18
yes, i also noticed
cym: 15:43:23
now her part is coming
cym: 15:44:12
or maybe she is just working on the computer :-)
paula vélez: 15:45:36
paula vélez: 15:45:44
i will do my part now if you want
aether9: 15:46:09
ok, we can do it again
boris: 15:46:11
so manu, you sent an announcment for the parformance on the n3krozoft koi8-r list?
paula vélez: 15:46:17
firs rehersal with freind here, but the place will be another i tell you already
aether9: 15:46:20
yes, this morning
ana-lisa: 15:46:25
 i think so too, laure speaki ng
cym: 15:46:27
should i record again? it was already 50 images now...
boris: 15:46:35
ok we can do it!
paula vélez: 15:46:37
im in piyama also
boris: 15:46:46
let's do it now!
cym: 15:46:49
in pyjama :-)
boris: 15:46:50
paula vélez: 15:47:04
hahaha somethon like a pijama
cym: 15:47:23
if you do it again now, i don't have to watch tonight?
paula vélez: 15:47:38
see, i send you  a mail with the new phot from my actress so you recived the photo
paula vélez: 15:47:43
to print it
aether9: 15:47:51
cym - it will be much better tonight
aether9: 15:47:53
paula vélez: 15:47:56
if is to much complicated i will do atres
boris: 15:48:25
do we rehearse or not now? 
paula vélez: 15:48:26
but it seems to me easyer to do camera and transmision and do direction
boris: 15:48:30
no matter for the photos
paula vélez: 15:49:06
boris: 15:49:28
we atart in a couple minutes ok?
boris: 15:49:31
boris: 15:50:20
we start in a couple minutes ok?
paula vélez: 15:50:24
aether9: 15:50:32
boris: 15:53:55
i will do the countdown now 
boris: 15:53:58
boris: 15:53:59
boris: 15:54:01
boris: 15:54:04
boris: 15:54:06
boris: 15:54:11
boris: 15:56:17
boris: 15:58:21
boris: 16:00:20
boris: 16:02:20
boris: 16:04:19
boris: 16:06:32
boris: 16:10:57
thank you!!!
paula vélez: 16:11:11
aether9: 16:11:11
audrey, do you have somewhere the "black white bars" file?
ideacritik: 16:11:24
yes i have those
paula vélez: 16:11:35
i have to put text titles
ideacritik: 16:11:47
they are a folder with 10 jpegs which i uploaded one by one (space bar upload 1 frame)
paula vélez: 16:11:56
i impprovise with bottel and some other objects
ideacritik: 16:12:05
shall i upload this somewhere and if so just let me know.
paula vélez: 16:12:11
it is not bad the bottke to do the i
cym: 16:12:11
somehow i missed it now, the second rehearsal
cym: 16:12:16
(was working in another window...)
cym: 16:12:22
but i like the bottle to do the I !
cym: 16:12:41
the botle looks good and the F I N is clear
aether9: 16:12:46
yeah, audrey, please upload them or send them to me
ideacritik: 16:13:05
one sec
fe2cruz: 16:13:06
i tried every option on icecast. no luck getting it to hook with flash
cym: 16:13:07
(well maybe  F I N is not clear for everyone with the bottle...)
paula vélez: 16:13:13
did you like the animals , like a dream trip
paula vélez: 16:13:30
ok i will do it different
cym: 16:13:41
i did not see any animals.. just a duck at the beginning... i was reading a blender-manual at the same time...
cym: 16:13:44
cym: 16:14:02
trying to make some cubes in blender...
paula vélez: 16:14:18
i put a dog when i was dreaming, sleep , a duck and i can put a fish too
cym: 16:14:24
a cat maybe..
paula vélez: 16:16:03
ian find a cat and the mask did you see the mask
paula vélez: 16:16:17
it was improvisation with objects in this house
paula vélez: 16:16:53
bbut the mask could be a the end and the beguinning maybe to representate taht i arrive and i left the train incognito,
paula vélez: 16:17:25
behind a mask, the main caracter is running away
boris: 16:17:37
yes it was impro - the rythm was good! i will be aaether active online at 8pm tonite (european time) - see you later! 
ideacritik: 16:17:48
aether9: j'ai mis les rayures dans html/barres_jpg (je pense que c'est celles la....?!)
paula vélez: 16:18:07
i will tray to find other animals here to representate a dream and it will apear like comic bubles
cym: 16:18:12
i see the fish now, as an I
paula vélez: 16:18:25
see you boris
aether9: 16:18:25
merci.. i think it's good if the upper / lower frames are very minimal
cym: 16:18:30
but i think the object doesn't work as an I
cym: 16:18:52
if you don't know that it should be a character
ideacritik: 16:18:53
(we really have to start chatting on irc so we know when someone is addressing us personally...) to skim through the whole conversation can be very time consuming....
aether9: 16:19:03
also, for the center frame, it the backround should not take the attention away from the central character
cym: 16:19:43
is the center frame supposed to be a little different from the others?
cym: 16:19:51
or should the middle row look very similar?
cym: 16:20:02
like 3 people inthe same train?
ideacritik: 16:20:15
(aether9: dis-moi si ca marche et si c'est ce que tu voulais)
paula vélez: 16:20:43
the central frame i will constructed with a tv behind,,, boris is gone i will continue in french
paula vélez: 16:21:11
or english is better for cym
paula vélez: 16:21:14
sorry i forgot
boris: 16:21:20
is the center frame supposed to be a little different from the others?
paula vélez: 16:21:21
is ok englis then
boris: 16:21:27
i think yes - it's good
paula vélez: 16:21:37
the fish and animals is ok for you, only to representate dream?
paula vélez: 16:22:23
i will put them with a transparen cord like they are flotting
paula vélez: 16:22:47
sorry boris i thoug you were gone,
cym: 16:22:55
you can continue in french, i have to go now
cym: 16:23:11
i will try to be here again tonight
paula vélez: 16:23:20
in the other hand, FIN titre will be made like the F then
paula vélez: 16:23:31
or even a little like brussels frame
boris: 16:23:34
yes yes i'm gone but can't afford not to participate a bit :-)
cym: 16:23:35
i sent an e-mail to the list where to download the photos
cym: 16:23:58
it looks good, i hope tonight i will also have sound
paula vélez: 16:24:51
so the center frame i will put also a train window taht will be a tv with city images,
paula vélez: 16:25:11
it this ok, the animals and all this stuff?
paula vélez: 16:25:29
it is ok to put two chairs?
aether9: 16:26:01
i would prefer one chair
aether9: 16:26:28
it's important that one sees clearly what the character is doing
paula vélez: 16:26:43
audrey , the tell me : mask, animals and tv is ok?
paula vélez: 16:27:29
mmm the other chair is to put objects , news paper, handbag
paula vélez: 16:28:03
it dont look to me that it hide action
paula vélez: 16:28:13
but if you prefer one chair is ok
cym: 16:29:39
i think one chair is better
cym: 16:29:44
very very simple
aether9: 16:29:51
most important maybe is the background, but this will be different at the location
paula vélez: 16:29:54
cym: 16:29:56
maybe better to put objects in a bag
cym: 16:30:01
next to the chair
cym: 16:30:24
i think the 3 middle frames should look very similar
paula vélez: 16:30:27
yes, when i will be there i will show you inmediatly the background
cym: 16:30:30
and then only different action in the middle frame
cym: 16:30:45
but similar atmosphere, 1 chair, 1 person
cym: 16:31:21
okay, sorry, i have to go. my son has a performance in the kindergarten and i have to be there
cym: 16:31:37
i will be back online in the evening, after 20h european time
cym: 16:31:48
see you
aether9: 16:31:52
paula, i would also add a little bit more color to the image than now, not 100% black and white.
paula vélez: 16:32:52
ok letme know if you want the paremeters, i also will try to calculate
fe2cruz: 16:33:31
hey guys, is there a set time for the preperformance dress rehersal?
fe2cruz: 16:33:55
showtime 7pm bogota, call time, prerun?
paula vélez: 16:36:29
i change color. is ok now?
paula vélez: 16:37:48
the rehersa must be 1hour before 7, so 18h colombian time
fe2cruz: 16:38:06
i'm need some nap time, i
fe2cruz: 16:38:26
i'll set my alarm before then and meet with you 1 hour before
paula vélez: 16:38:42
ok, so you can do sound test 15 minutes before to be sure
paula vélez: 16:39:17
or 10 minutes, like last performance you can put a ambience sound for earlyer visitors
aether9: 16:39:41
colors look nice to me, anyway you will need to adjust parameters to the stage light. ok for 18h colombian / midnight CET
paula vélez: 16:40:10
ok, my actress will be there at that hour,
aether9: 16:40:25
also the single chair looks cute
aether9: 16:44:54
ok, see you all later.
aether9: 16:45:31
i wonder if we shouldn't start a fresh chat, my skype starts to slow down under the weight of messages in this window...
fe2cruz: 16:46:02
keep renewing the chat yes, just reinvite everyone
ideacritik: 16:46:25
ideacritik: 16:46:31
ideacritik: 16:46:39
(sorry had to say it...)
fe2cruz: 16:46:52
i know i like irc too
paula vélez: 16:47:19
im installing the update
aether9: 16:48:05
update of ...?
paula vélez: 16:48:19
aether9: 16:48:54
ok... btw none of you should install OSX leopard, the jitter patch wouldnt work currently...
paula vélez: 16:49:11
ideacritik: 16:49:51
paula vélez: 16:50:54
the irc update is 7138k, i dont know if the transmision with irc is more heavy than skype transmission
paula vélez: 16:51:10
my conection in bogota it is not very good en speed
ideacritik: 16:51:45
irc is lighter usually but it depends on the client/software you are using....
ideacritik: 16:52:14
but i don't want to interfere with today's performance if it will make things more complicated. just for the future...
aether9: 16:52:48
yeah, i would need to figure out how to get the irc software to make a "lburp" at every message
aether9: 16:52:58
since this gives the cues during performance...
ideacritik: 16:53:06
ah.... right.... 
fe2cruz: 16:53:10
OK cu all, 18:00bogota 15:00cali midnightBXL. time to nap
aether9: 16:53:39
yeah, here too, i need to do some things.. see you later!
paula vélez: 16:54:19
paula vélez: 16:54:31
je dois en installer another?
ideacritik: 16:54:41
i have this also.
ideacritik: 16:54:47
aether9: 16:54:50
pff, je crois qu'on va rester dans skype aujourd'hui
aether9: 16:55:08
je pense que c'est une mavuaise idée de changer de medium moins de 12h avant la perf..
ideacritik: 16:55:35
oui completement d'accord
paula vélez: 16:55:44
ok skype alors
paula vélez: 16:56:58
de tout façon vers 9h pour vous ou 10h on a dis de reesayer encore?
paula vélez: 16:57:30
on va le laisser pour 18h alors only
paula vélez: 16:57:38
OK cu all, 18:00bogota 15:00cali midnightBXL. time to nap
aether9: 16:58:16
oui. je me connecterai à 9h (CET) pour voir
paula vélez: 16:58:38
paula vélez: 16:58:50
alors cym va faire le soutitrres alors?
paula vélez: 16:59:05
reported missing and everything
paula vélez: 16:59:21
y will put an image in the news paper i read
paula vélez: 17:09:32
there is an imprtant thing. MINIMAL lines in upper and lower frames looks like images could not be able to be download. All my friends that saw last performance thougt that there was an error with their connections, my firend LEO has a lot experience with streeming too, and he sais that it looks like a stand by formt eh transission, like a preview of a download or a offline person or perfoermer with transmision problems. A lot of people seeing last performance toldme the same thing
paula vélez: 17:16:35
il like the train chair alone
paula vélez: 17:19:19
i prefer it
boris: 17:34:26
ideacritik: 17:56:18
alors merde a tous!!!! : )
ideacritik: 17:56:25
break a leg tonight!!!
paula vélez: 18:02:41
oui,,,, je voudrai seulement ne pas me faire piquer mon ordi sur la route.  (shake)
paula vélez: 18:04:49
i like train passing images also
paula vélez: 18:06:54
see you all
paula vélez: 18:07:06
and shit merde shit
boris: 20:48:08
boris: 20:52:43
manu you here?
aether9: 20:53:23
boris: 20:53:42
si j'ai compris finalement il n'y  pas de repet à 21h mais plutot à minuit?
aether9: 20:53:57
ouaip, je crois
aether9: 20:54:04
me si jamais, je suis dispo..
boris: 20:54:52
ok - je preéfére aussi repousser a plus tard - manger maintenant et revenir et tout préparer vers 22h
boris: 21:36:26
paula vélez: 22:23:19
tres bien,, je pense aussi que vers 22h c'est mieux, je dois metre en place encore des choses, je suis dejá à l'endroit ou tout va se passer
paula vélez: 22:23:27
bon apetit
boris: 23:44:38
aether9: 23:45:04
fe2cruz: 23:45:23
paula vélez: 23:45:45
are you sending sound
paula vélez: 23:45:50
paula vélez: 23:55:29
paula vélez: 23:55:37
how is everythong
fe2cruz: 23:55:38
not yet i'll start now
paula vélez: 23:56:03
everything, you all must be tired
aether9: 23:56:26
and how is it in bogota?
aether9: 23:56:52
leo and juliana are with you?
paula vélez: 23:56:59
see. the chair it´s good or you prefer one simple black office chair
paula vélez: 23:57:01
paula vélez: 23:57:19
leo yes, juliana arrive vers 6h10
aether9: 23:57:39
the office chair is great!
paula vélez: 23:58:01
leo is fixin some clips we are going to proyect in tv. we are going to do a test to see if it is good
paula vélez: 23:58:35
should i put the image more black and white or is enogh like this?
aether9: 23:58:58
maye a little bit less color, a few %
boris: 23:59:56
can't hear sound now. Playing now?


fe2cruz: 00:00:24
its streaming yeah
fe2cruz: 00:00:34
on vlc still can't link to flash
paula vélez: 00:01:21
paula vélez: 00:01:32
this is galarreta peruvian musician
boris: 00:01:37
sound +++ yeah ok
paula vélez: 00:01:49
he i got a concert at 7
fe2cruz: 00:03:24
bagota still good. no delays expected then? show will air at 7pm as announced?
paula vélez: 00:05:38
paula vélez: 00:05:42
as expected
paula vélez: 00:05:50
i dont want to be late
paula vélez: 00:05:53
paula vélez: 00:06:12
it is fatal to be late in a streeming
fe2cruz: 00:06:23
cool horray for bogota!
paula vélez: 00:06:49
so, i will put a stand image in TV screen, like the train is stop
boris: 00:07:00
!!! ves
boris: 00:07:02
paula vélez: 00:07:13
some body have a litte video from a train window in a station
boris: 00:07:14
actress is ariving here right now...
paula vélez: 00:07:19
stoped in a station
aether9: 00:07:39
about the recording.. it would be great if each location records their own video separately.
aether9: 00:07:58
there is a recording option in the patch, the "rec" button
fe2cruz: 00:08:02
i'm gonna step out in finsh some noise cancelling rewiring to sweeten up the stream have a good rehersal just type in big letters if you need me
paula vélez: 00:09:37
chris, can you just test sound completly
paula vélez: 00:09:47
since everybody arrives?
fe2cruz: 00:10:01
oh yeah its streaming, i cna do a live run with you all if you like
boris: 00:10:22
questions from boris:
1: in act 2, who appears first: geneva or brussels?
2: what will the bogota actress wear? dress or shirt and pantalons?
paula vélez: 00:10:23
do you have the first part... train station, foule of people?
fe2cruz: 00:10:26
so far i couldn't get it to link with the flash interface
fe2cruz: 00:11:05
so the train with people you want running in the prewhow?
paula vélez: 00:11:07
bogota, pants, black pants
boris: 00:11:19
ok, got it paula, thanks.
aether9: 00:12:14
boris: in act 2 , first brussels, then geneva
boris: 00:18:15
ok, got it...
aether9: 00:18:26
do we make a last rehearsal, with the actress, Juliana?
paula vélez: 00:18:48
we can do it with me
paula vélez: 00:18:52
paula vélez: 00:19:01
because she is not already here
aether9: 00:19:18
hmm, but she should arrive at any moment, yes?
paula vélez: 00:19:21
you know
paula vélez: 00:19:52
brussels window must modify a little the CADRE
boris: 00:20:00
yes yes...
paula vélez: 00:20:02
because it is not profile
paula vélez: 00:20:57
juliana en embouteillage, pas loin, elle dit 10 miniutes maxime
aether9: 00:21:08
aether9: 00:21:32
une question, est-ce qu'il y a du public dans cet endroit de performance?
boris: 00:21:56
à bruxelles il y a 2 spectateurs dans la chambre qui auront aussi un ordi
paula vélez: 00:22:14
no there is no public but in medellin there is a lot of people en the galerie
paula vélez: 00:22:29
there is a projecton and sound systeme
aether9: 00:22:48
good. let's hope the sound system is connected to VLC..
paula vélez: 00:22:49
i will ask my friend there to show in skype
boris: 00:22:58
will there be a countdown in the html interface=
paula vélez: 00:23:00
i will ask , wait
boris: 00:23:02
aether9: 00:23:20
yeah, but from when should it start?
aether9: 00:23:22
aether9: 00:23:29
why not...
boris: 00:23:37
are we sure that it will start on time?
aether9: 00:24:02
if paula says she wants us to start on time, then we will start on time ;)
paula vélez: 00:24:25
also i tell you that they were going to do it in san francisco, but now it will be only in medellin, in the gallery,
paula vélez: 00:24:50
here we have some peoople aroound, because this is a producers films boite
aether9: 00:25:11
anyway... online audiences don't like to wait...
paula vélez: 00:26:46
and there wil be maybe some friends, but the prohecton was not posible, finally the person who will be to en prunter the videobeam, doesnt show,  :@
paula vélez: 00:27:02
we are going to be at time
paula vélez: 00:27:10
dont worry
boris: 00:27:25
ok so the count down can start!
boris: 00:28:32
chris, you will use your little harpsichord i hope...
paula vélez: 00:28:39
yes absolutly
fe2cruz: 00:28:48
yeah this is just the preshow sound
fe2cruz: 00:29:13
sorry bout the beamer is it still rainging or snowing there?
paula vélez: 00:32:52
we have 10 persons here a littel public
paula vélez: 00:32:56
juli arrives
boris: 00:33:17
manu where's your chair....
boris: 00:34:52
and of course let's use the record function of the patch to all record our cells individually and put them back together in final cut... ahahah
boris: 00:35:16
good designer chairs only
paula vélez: 00:35:51
light is contre plongé in brusels chair
paula vélez: 00:41:38
i dont heard sound
aether9: 00:42:18
sorry, there was a short internet breakdown, but now all ok
paula vélez: 00:43:21
can yu chris please put sound
paula vélez: 00:43:24
fe2cruz: 00:43:34
sure it should be straming
aether9: 00:44:49
it's streaming, but it's streaming silence
fe2cruz: 00:45:10
just a sec not sure why its out
fe2cruz: 00:45:24
i'm sending ok though, maybe a giss hiccup
paula vélez: 00:45:25
yu must send like a train station people walking and every thing to make people patience
paula vélez: 00:45:44
i will make a rapid rehersal with juli now, but not on the air
fe2cruz: 00:48:07
shit this is wierd i'm gonna reboot
fe2cruz: 00:48:13
boris: 00:48:19
countdown is up!
paula vélez: 00:48:33
fe2cruz: 00:49:13
whew its back
fe2cruz: 00:49:18
almost crapped my pants
boris: 00:54:46
fe2cruz: 00:55:04
i'm hearing it on vlc
paula vélez: 00:55:13
will tray
paula vélez: 00:55:14
fe2cruz: 00:55:15
is it ok for you alll?
boris: 00:56:02
cant hear
boris: 00:56:12
in vlc: - not working by me
fe2cruz: 00:56:48
hmm refresh? is there a max on giss to haw many people can listen?
boris: 00:57:06
i did try to refresh...
aether9: 00:57:15
dunno... according to alejo they never reached a max...
fe2cruz: 00:57:51
i can hear it on my other machine on vlc anybody else have any luck listening?
boris: 00:57:59
boris: 00:58:01
got sound!
fe2cruz: 00:58:06
boris: 00:58:29
awesome dudes - we are in the train of love
fe2cruz: 00:58:43
all my machines have been running since 5am so i've been shitting things down and clearing memory to make sure nothing hiccups
boris: 00:58:49
paula - manu - ready?
aether9: 00:59:10
aether9: 00:59:36
25 secs
aether9: 00:59:38
aether9: 00:59:41
aether9: 00:59:46
paula vélez: 00:59:47
we are ready
aether9: 00:59:51
aether9: 00:59:55
aether9: 00:59:57
aether9: 00:59:58
aether9: 01:00:13
it started
aether9: 01:00:26
boris, you give signals now
boris: 01:00:32
boris: 01:00:33
boris: 01:00:35
boris: 01:00:37
boris: 01:00:38
boris: 01:00:44
boris: 01:02:45
boris: 01:04:49
boris: 01:06:49
boris: 01:08:55
boris: 01:10:55
boris: 01:13:02
paula vélez: 01:14:49
audio didnt work at all. here was impsible to hear it
aether9: 01:15:53
vlc said: too many listeners...
aether9: 01:16:51
letters were done already?
aether9: 01:17:34
aether9: 01:18:32
thanks ;)
boris: 01:19:24
ok! (had connexion problems for the N...)
fe2cruz: 01:19:27
i heard it all till just before then end. maybe giss is overloaded today
boris: 01:19:39
had sound as well...
fe2cruz: 01:19:42
yeah sad day for connections all aeound
aether9: 01:20:03
yeah, here it wasnt possible to get sound
fe2cruz: 01:20:15
so its done now?
boris: 01:20:17
here yes... was good, thanks!
paula vélez: 01:20:21
that was goog
boris: 01:20:22
yes it's finished
paula vélez: 01:20:24
paula vélez: 01:20:27
boris: 01:20:41
thanks! yes it was great! good coordination from my feeling
fe2cruz: 01:21:09
i'll see if i can scrounge up some doccuments. manuel should i post it in a bogota folder?
fe2cruz: 01:21:16
on the auther ftps?
aether9: 01:22:23
yeah, create a bogota folder if there isnt one
fe2cruz: 01:22:57
i liked this one i think it turned out good
paula vélez: 01:23:28
i made a video sur place and in medellin im a galeri, a lot of public
paula vélez: 01:23:45
my friend toke a video there too
boris: 01:24:20
so here i recorded the brussel cell  -123m for the moment - will compress it smaller - please let's all do the same if you recorded your cells as well - and we upload it on the net and i'll edit it together.
boris: 01:24:32
boris: 01:28:32
 now let's all have a drink!
boris: 01:28:43
at the hard rock coffe from siriusB
fe2cruz: 01:28:52
cym: 01:29:30
where is that?
boris: 01:29:57
next to the big bear constellation if i remember well.
cym: 01:30:21
ah, i can see that from my window
boris: 01:31:50
boris: 01:32:52
the "thanks for watching" is good! is their some way to know how many people tunned in?
boris: 01:33:53
or how many ip adresses...
cym: 01:34:14
it should be possible to tell from the logfiles maybe
cym: 01:35:25
but manu already left?
paula vélez: 01:36:10
im happy with performance
fe2cruz: 01:36:36
me too. thanks paula for all your hard work
cym: 01:36:45
i am uploading the photos
fe2cruz: 01:36:54
aether has conquered the americas
paula vélez: 01:36:55
i will have to go now. because this place is a mess
cym: 01:37:12
okay, enjoy the rest of the evening paula!
paula vélez: 01:37:16
and i have to fixit
cym: 01:37:24
okay :-)
paula vélez: 01:39:17
tying to use a camera to show you the space here
boris: 01:40:09
i recorded my cell - manu did you record your cell? paula did you record your cell (via the patch or through the camera?)
cym: 01:40:21
in the aether window?
cym: 01:40:55
oh you were calling all of us?
cym: 01:41:00
now it is quiet again
cym: 01:41:11
was nice with your background sounds :-))
fe2cruz: 01:41:34
that was a fun call was too late getting my recorder on to capture it
cym: 01:42:16
yes paula, call again :-)
fe2cruz: 01:42:28
in 24 minutes the video capture of the show should be available to you all. its just taking a while to upload it
cym: 01:42:37
cym: 01:42:43
my photos are almost done uploading
fe2cruz: 01:42:44
i'll post thie link when its done uploading
boris: 01:43:47
paula - i cannot hear you - thanks it was great - but we must communicate by writing
paula vélez: 01:43:53
in 30 seconds see this adress and i will show you the place
paula vélez: 01:44:01
now people is gone but the place
boris: 01:44:02
paula vélez: 01:44:26
paula vélez: 01:46:20
are you there?
paula vélez: 01:46:34
my firend will show you the palce
cym: 01:46:46
i am there
cym: 01:46:56
but i will go back to bed soon
paula vélez: 01:47:16
ok i will ask him to do it slowly
fe2cruz: 01:47:22
yeah i see
cym: 01:47:55
but where should i look?
fe2cruz: 01:48:35
the top big window under the chairs and over the map is active
cym: 01:49:10
i think i have it now
cym: 01:49:50
i was watching only at the logo... had to scroll down
cym: 01:50:09
very blurry image
cym: 01:50:59
and very messy place :-)
paula vélez: 01:52:13
juli works in a news paper, and she receve a call from some neiborhood that their son desapear
paula vélez: 01:52:17
a 12 year old kid
paula vélez: 01:52:33
just wishes he will appear
cym: 01:52:47
just now?
paula vélez: 01:53:05
she is calling the tv news to ask them to talk about it
paula vélez: 01:53:19
now they are looking for him
paula vélez: 01:53:22
paula vélez: 01:53:26
paula vélez: 01:54:12
so just big wishes that he will be find soon
paula vélez: 01:54:34
mmm messy place, yes, i have to fix it now
cym: 01:54:55
i hope they will find him very soon
paula vélez: 01:54:58
thanks you all. we have to see what to do with this situation
paula vélez: 01:55:19
i will tell you if good news
paula vélez: 01:55:26
bye and tahk you
cym: 01:55:35
good luck, all of you
paula vélez: 01:55:46
paula vélez: 01:55:48
aether9: 01:55:52
yeah, thanks for all the work
cym: 01:55:54
aether9: 01:55:55
and more soon
paula vélez: 01:56:01
aether9: 01:56:14
looks like this time a lot of material has been recorded, and we can do some serious post-processing
aether9: 01:56:26
just a line from an emial just received:
aether9: 01:56:36
great! well done!
clap clap clap clap!!!!

h : )
cym: 01:56:44
aether9: 01:56:46
from Helen Varley Jamieson
cym: 01:56:53
ah great
aether9: 01:56:56
internet performance artist
cym: 01:57:00
i know her
aether9: 01:57:35
so... good night and good luck
cym: 01:57:50
i hope someone recorded the sound too
cym: 01:57:55
i had only images here
cym: 01:58:18
see you!
fe2cruz: 02:01:57
bye cym i'll post the video link pn the list
fe2cruz: 02:07:04
here it is
fe2cruz: 02:07:34
sorry its only an asf thats the default format of my pvr
fe2cruz: 02:11:33
everybody gone, bye bye thanks everyone!