Chat History with 31st tenderhearsal (#thom_edison/$aether9;67f5e415ab062434)

Created on 2008-09-03 22:22:48.


boris: 00:13:09
manu can you remind me sound stream channel and principle? i'll make tests tommoroy night if possible? or leave the tests for wednesday, anyways i need a reminder bout how to do it
manu: 00:26:20

Your password to broadcast to giss using the mounpoint /aether.mp3 is: qs39z
The user to broadcast to giss is 'source'
The server to use to broadcast to giss is ''
The port to use to broadcast to giss is '8000'
Parhaps you need to know that this is an 'icecast2' server

The address to see/hear your stream will be

check number of listeners:
boris: 00:26:51
danke schon
boris: 00:28:20
mais pour que le son soit audible sur l'interface, il faut desactiver la lecture automatique des fichiers sons?
manu: 00:28:47
ahhh right..
manu: 00:28:58
 will do so, use VLC for now..
boris: 00:29:15
ok. on le fera pour mercredi alors


manu: 21:04:34
do we start the big rehearsal session?
manu: 21:05:26
the web interface is streaming the mp3 now
boris: 21:08:20
ok - stream here in bxl works
boris: 21:08:29
(not now, but wait...)
manu: 21:09:39
geneva is setting up...
ideacritik: 21:09:51
ah bon!
manu: 21:10:02
eh oui!
ideacritik: 21:10:04
bonsoir - good evening
ideacritik: 21:10:24
well chris had to reboot
manu: 21:10:29
(this was a great private jeu-de-mots, will explain you later)
ideacritik: 21:10:30
he will be back soon
ideacritik: 21:10:38
ideacritik: 21:11:01
manu - i sese you are in charge of the IRC frames too
ideacritik: 21:11:21
but i can do that also if its too much -im getting pretty bored with the webcam direction....
ideacritik: 21:11:26
operation  i meant....
ideacritik: 21:11:39
(glad to be getting out from the computer next perfo)
ideacritik: 21:16:13
who will be typing things into the aether9 channel for the play - all of us? (i mean tonight - no tomorrow - or perhaps if the crowd is not too participatory we could fill in the blanks...)
boris: 21:16:38
is this the general chat???
ideacritik: 21:16:59
ideacritik: 21:17:40
i assume paula is not @ tenderpixel yet...
ideacritik: 21:19:03
ana-lisa: 21:19:47
hey, hllo
ideacritik: 21:19:53
is anyone streaming sound tonight - boris?
ideacritik: 21:19:59
salut - ana-lisa is chloe or?
boris: 21:20:21
Pascale is in charge of the image in Bruxelles so i added her.
boris: 21:21:09
yes i am streaming, i need another 15 minutes - and Pascale, whith a full max 4.63, canot uplaod for the moment...
ideacritik: 21:21:24
well no stress - paula is not even here...
ideacritik: 21:21:43
can she download runtime 5?
Pascale Barret: 21:22:58
fe2cruz: 21:23:06
does it work on 5 i thought it only works on 4
manu: 21:23:11
yeah? problems?
Pascale Barret: 21:23:21
did you made the patch with 5?
manu: 21:23:24
it works on 5, just looks ugly
manu: 21:23:49
it was made with 4.6, but i tested with max5 runtime
Pascale Barret: 21:24:02
ideacritik: 21:27:25
h ipaula ! how is it there?
paula vélez: 21:29:21
boris: 21:29:22
Pascale has message error:
paula vélez: 21:29:42
talking with audrey in irc chanel... do you want to join us?
paula vélez: 21:30:02
or are we going to use this application?
boris: 21:30:16
irc is for Cecil only i would say
boris: 21:30:23
Cecil and her guests...
paula vélez: 21:30:43
ok, so, cecil will be controled by Laure... isnt it?
paula vélez: 21:31:03
frame 1 – public writting on the chat and if not working just filming the gallery entrance, or cecil court (paula-realtime proof)
frame 2 - judy dollhouse
frame 3 - Manuel (live jasmin-chloe-cecil)
frame 4 – jasmine girl- wolf- grand mother hunter, chris u choose or juggle
frame 5 - Manuel (irc)
frame 6 - jasmin girl wolf- grand mother hunter, chris u choose or juggle (chris)
frame 7 and 9 - Audrey webcam
frame 8 - chloe (operator: Manuel)
paula vélez: 21:33:39
hi laure
laure.dit: 21:34:06
hello im late. whos there ?
paula vélez: 21:34:07
Cecil, you mean Pixel?
paula vélez: 21:34:10
Cecil Tender
paula vélez: 21:34:14
Tender Cecil
laure.dit: 21:35:38
oh i see miss chloe
ideacritik: 21:39:39
paula - Cecil is the chloe - our sex chat chick...
ideacritik: 21:39:46
(right? chloe?)
ana-lisa: 21:39:53
ideacritik: 21:40:19
ana-lisa - you will log into #aether9?
laure.dit: 21:40:47
so people r in another chat or what ?
ideacritik: 21:42:43
i mean to answer to the irc chat requests as you would tomorrow
laure.dit: 21:42:57
ah ok
ideacritik: 21:42:59
but maybe tonight only from me for example... tomorrow hopefully from crowd
ideacritik: 21:43:07
(if i understand concept correctly)
laure.dit: 21:43:16
i think u do
ideacritik: 21:44:27
(its very nice here - since im already set up - i will watch all this on massive screen and big ass speakers :)
ana-lisa: 21:44:47
ok i will upload on irc
paula vélez: 21:45:00
see, i have a friend who's name is Wolf, for real... and he usually use the charming hot girls internet sessions, he is use to... i would like him to send us , via skype, things that he could say about girls, like the wolf
paula vélez: 21:45:15
he is in colombia in this moment
ideacritik: 21:45:20
he could log into irc chat directly non?
manu: 21:45:22
btw, is the sound active now?
paula vélez: 21:45:26
and is the one of the Gallery in MEdellin
paula vélez: 21:45:44
where we actually where projected twice
paula vélez: 21:45:54
laure.dit: 21:46:06
yeah paula
paula vélez: 21:46:06
i will ask him to installe it
fe2cruz: 21:46:31
can you guys see my jasmine boy in frame 4 my connection won't let me stream and view rthe interface at the same time
laure.dit: 21:46:41
paula how is it going there ?
manu: 21:46:50
i have the sign of a corrupted image in frame 4
fe2cruz: 21:46:50
the interface images seem really big and heavy for my connection
boris: 21:46:55
i am streaming i belive
laure.dit: 21:47:17
with the internet connection, the beemer, the projection in the street and co
paula vélez: 21:47:20
I'm now in SUnshine home, I get lost geting in here,
manu: 21:47:38
yes boris, stream is working
paula vélez: 21:47:41
and my computer luggage was soooo heavy
laure.dit: 21:48:01
have you laready made some test outthere ?
laure.dit: 21:48:19
or do udo all that tomorrow ?
paula vélez: 21:48:23
I want to send you now two photos with the screen in the gallery and talk a bit about it
ana-lisa: 21:48:59
wat is the channel?
laure.dit: 21:49:07
since u know it best, what do u imagine for fr 1 which should be dedicated to the gallery space
ana-lisa: 21:49:09
is it still on freenode?
laure.dit: 21:50:14
r we supposed to hear any sound ?
ideacritik: 21:50:30
i hear sound... lol
paula vélez: 21:50:32
on entedns tres bien
laure.dit: 21:50:38
ideacritik: 21:50:53 #aether9
manu: 21:51:19
the voice is a bit saturated
boris: 21:51:36
ok souinds work now AND image here...
fe2cruz: 21:51:37
is anyone else trying to stream to cell 4 or 6? are you all still seeing image corrupteds?
Pascale Barret: 21:51:46
boris: 21:51:48
ok we need to focus 4 minutes here, sorry
paula vélez: 21:51:49
hi wolf
paula vélez: 21:51:59
now you are here, we can start testing...
manu: 21:52:13
has pascale still problems uploading?
manu: 21:52:21
what's the error message in this case?
ideacritik: 21:52:23
boris the voices are indeed heavy (
paula vélez: 21:52:29
in first place you can write here... but in the real performance,...
ideacritik: 21:53:07
(shouldnt WOLF be on irc?
paula vélez: 21:53:38
you will be writing directly in the it must be with an aplication you must download, it is not heavy at all and is the one we are going to use..
paula vélez: 21:53:58
yes wolf will be in irc..but he must instal it int his computer...
ideacritik: 21:54:05
oh la!! ahahha lol la musique...
manu: 21:55:09
the still in frame 4 doesnt seem to be live...
manu: 21:55:14
FAKE !!!
ideacritik: 21:55:23
should i put english webcams for scene 1-3 indstead of random road?
boris: 21:55:34
WOLF: 21:55:36
hello everyone
boris: 21:55:51
oh no...
ana-lisa: 21:56:36
no chickas on frame 8
manu: 21:56:38
remember... all live, no prepared imagery...
ana-lisa: 21:56:52
manu: 21:57:03
else everything will loke fake
ideacritik: 21:57:08
everything must be black to start though....
ideacritik: 21:57:20
(except 2 and 8)
ideacritik: 21:57:23
where is judy?
boris: 21:57:39
we have camera problem again sorry
paula vélez: 21:58:33
manu, i put girls aroud you
paula vélez: 21:58:38
arpund you
manu: 21:59:10
please.. only live real girls :)
paula vélez: 21:59:33
wolf is saiying polite with the wolf
Nylon: 21:59:40
too close to mic....distortion here
paula vélez: 21:59:40
he likes girls
paula vélez: 21:59:57
Nylon: 21:59:59
in spite of delightful clear vox
ideacritik: 22:00:20
ideacritik: 22:01:17
im not clear on when i should put IRC - if i do - or manu are you in the end?
ideacritik: 22:02:48
frame 5 is now irc channel the entire play -- or perhaps from 5 - act 5 the meeting?
ideacritik: 22:03:27
(ici l'enfer le son)
manu: 22:04:08
sooo... brussels is ready, geneva is ready, audrey is ready (?) ...
ideacritik: 22:04:35
ideacritik: 22:04:46
was gonna black out frames
boris: 22:04:47
no we are not ready sorry. we have image problem + microphone problem - but please odn't wait for use for the moment
ideacritik: 22:05:44
judy are you occupying frame 2 tonight?
ideacritik: 22:05:53
or shall we black it out?
Nylon: 22:06:52
I am trying...again I have made some error that i am not allowed to Choose a window on MAX
ideacritik: 22:07:00
(im following LRRH-script-for-mapping ... is this outdated?
ideacritik: 22:07:24
did youunencrypt the server file?
manu: 22:07:46
audrey, there is some difference since there was the live band on place
manu: 22:08:05
server file is encrypted, but you could just copy yours from the old folder
Nylon: 22:08:06
yes ...i was on yesterday....I am confused ...but looking
ideacritik: 22:08:32
manu: alors le nouveau il est ou?
Nylon: 22:08:35
what is that password again,,,i have it here somewhere
ideacritik: 22:08:55
judy i send you file one sec
ideacritik: 22:09:09
posted file servers.txt to members of this chat<files alt=""><file size="1049" index="0">servers.txt</file></files>
ideacritik: 22:09:20
just put this in the upload_398 folder....
ideacritik: 22:09:21
should be good.
Nylon: 22:09:27
ideacritik: 22:09:58
shit - did i send this to everyone? sorry
ideacritik: 22:10:09
judy do you have it?
boris: 22:10:44
ideacritik: 22:10:50
boris: 22:10:52
ideacritik: 22:10:58
me i think]
Nylon: 22:11:01
what was it called again? i put it in w/o looking....mmmmm
ideacritik: 22:11:07
boris: 22:11:21
and Audrey, u use the runtime or full max?
ideacritik: 22:11:24
the folder upload_398
ideacritik: 22:11:26
only runtime (5)
Nylon: 22:12:11
I am in
ideacritik: 22:12:16
hooray judy!
boris: 22:12:24
do u remember adding some objects for the patch to work, when u got this os VErsion?
manu: 22:12:37
great.. boris, wtf is your error message
ideacritik: 22:12:58
non - nothing - it worked instantly after uncrypting servers file
Pascale Barret: 22:13:27
preset: importing old preset files not implemented
Pascale Barret: 22:13:41
doesn't understand "name"
Pascale Barret: 22:13:47
doesn't understand "embed"
manu: 22:15:08
ok... could you open the files with ending ".pat" one by one, and see in which one those errors appear?
Pascale Barret: 22:15:36
I try with 4.6 now
boris: 22:17:16
vpreset.txt:bad magic number
boris: 22:17:18
boris: 22:17:31
preset read failed
manu: 22:17:44
vpreset is not important
manu: 22:17:54
it's just used for saving the presets
Pascale Barret: 22:18:06
manu: 22:18:09
but i notice indeed that live video input doesnt work
manu: 22:18:21
seems to work slightly differently in max5
Pascale Barret: 22:18:33
someone on the 4th ?
manu: 22:18:46
probably i tried it out without camera, and just uploaded from files
Pascale Barret: 22:19:03
manu: 22:19:41
anyway, we need to rehearse somehow
ideacritik: 22:20:37
i uploaded with osX 10.5.4 live iwth camera with runtime 5
manu: 22:20:59
ah, i notice now that my camera fell asleep
ideacritik: 22:21:04
who is in frame 6?
manu: 22:21:09
so possibly it actually should work
Pascale Barret: 22:21:58
preset: importing old preset files not implemented
manu: 22:22:11
don't care about, i have the same error message but it works
manu: 22:22:37
i'm trying right now with max5 runtime
fe2cruz: 22:22:40
you see my jasmine boy!
Pascale Barret: 22:22:44
me too
ideacritik: 22:22:58
oh ! he is hilarious!!! jesus....
paula vélez: 22:23:00
MAnu... i dont know how to control the new screengrab screen
fe2cruz: 22:23:02
i can't see anything in my interface viewer i think my internet is too slow
ana-lisa: 22:23:16
could we start rehearsal?
ana-lisa: 22:23:20
ideacritik: 22:23:24
but paula you dont need to do you??
ideacritik: 22:23:37
lol musique
fe2cruz: 22:24:03
yeah i need to run off soon so one run through is all i can do but we have to start now
Pascale Barret: 22:24:14
ideacritik: 22:24:20
ok lets do it! :)
boris: 22:24:39
now we have a mic problem, 5 more minutes pleas
laure.dit: 22:24:44
sorry was disconnet for some while
laure.dit: 22:24:50
im catching up
fe2cruz: 22:25:12
laure commands please but be a bit more specific since this will be different from the previous script
manu: 22:25:13
great! let's start the rehearsal
ideacritik: 22:26:09
manu you did not tell me if i or *you* do the irc upload in frame 5
ideacritik: 22:26:38
j'entend son!
ideacritik: 22:27:47
chris will have to leave if we dont start...
fe2cruz: 22:28:10
frame 3 is kinda dark
laure.dit: 22:28:21
does everybody has the text frames to indicate the location and co
ideacritik: 22:28:30
pardon laure?
ana-lisa: 22:28:43
paula, I have the original dialogues ready. should I send them to you?
manu: 22:28:46
audray, having only one computer i can only upload the webcam girl (chloe)
ana-lisa: 22:28:54
how to reach your wolf?
ideacritik: 22:28:58
ok manu i do irc
laure.dit: 22:29:10
i thought we were freely trying a rehearsal soon ?
Nylon: 22:29:17
Sorry I threw mine out but will make another now/later if Idon't want to hold up rehearsal
ideacritik: 22:29:21
but does everyone agree i begin in act 5 : the meeting --- for IRC channel upload
manu: 22:29:33
laure, we wait for your command
Nylon: 22:29:41
manu: 22:29:47
can you give us the start signal?
ideacritik: 22:29:49
yeah i also will do paper location tomorrow
ideacritik: 22:29:52
(im ready
laure.dit: 22:30:07
ok then verybody black
ideacritik: 22:30:41
(can someone black 9 for me - im not on live input right now)
boris: 22:30:44
ok we got both i believe...
ideacritik: 22:31:01
(and frame 5 black too please)
ideacritik: 22:31:33
(nothing is black... wtf?)
fe2cruz: 22:31:53
audrey can you black out my 4 & 6?
fe2cruz: 22:32:00
oh wait it did it
fe2cruz: 22:32:06
some reason the uploads are slow
ideacritik: 22:32:10
im not on live input now....
ideacritik: 22:32:20
someone please black out everything?
ideacritik: 22:32:32
(except 2 n 8)
laure.dit: 22:32:32
i guess the sound people will improvise a max for tonight
Nylon: 22:32:54
Sorting out this sound today is sounds underwater here
laure.dit: 22:32:56
im sorry i cant help but yes please black everything
manu: 22:33:24
ideacritik: 22:33:32
laure.dit: 22:33:44
je dirais meme plus
laure.dit: 22:33:51
laure.dit: 22:34:57
boris: 22:35:08
(yes, we will improvise a lot tonight...)
laure.dit: 22:35:10
manu: 22:35:36
paula -- no jokes now
manu: 22:35:46
(i guess that was you..)
ideacritik: 22:36:09
c'est pas possible....
laure.dit: 22:36:55
laure.dit: 22:37:02
laure.dit: 22:37:14
laure.dit: 22:37:18
boris: 22:37:38
what? what kind of text?
ideacritik: 22:37:39
(moi ca sera pour demain ca)
ideacritik: 22:37:47
the location text boris
boris: 22:37:50
ok. for tommorow ok
ideacritik: 22:37:52
you remember?
boris: 22:37:55
Nylon: 22:38:01
again.....i will make a text inro after this rehearsal...sorry
laure.dit: 22:38:17
ideacritik: 22:38:18
(lets all assume we are doing it :)
boris: 22:38:24
laure.dit: 22:38:33
laure.dit: 22:38:57
laure.dit: 22:39:00
laure.dit: 22:39:12
Nylon: 22:39:29
you did ask for act 5
laure.dit: 22:40:05
laure.dit: 22:40:09
laure.dit: 22:40:21
boris: 22:40:24
paula vélez: 22:40:26
I must be in nine then?
laure.dit: 22:40:34
boris: 22:40:36
do we want an audio voice introduction????
laure.dit: 22:40:41
ideacritik: 22:40:42
paula we are talking about the acts. not the frames
laure.dit: 22:41:04
Nylon: 22:41:09
this is fucked....where are we the top?
boris: 22:41:09
boris: 22:41:11
laure.dit: 22:41:18
laure.dit: 22:41:33
laure.dit: 22:41:47
ideacritik: 22:42:14
boris: 22:42:16
boris: 22:42:51
something better of course...
laure.dit: 22:43:18
laure.dit: 22:43:22
manu: 22:43:23
ok. let's go faster... 18 minutes left
boris: 22:43:33
yes, it will be a good text with nice tale jingles
Nylon: 22:43:33
please not too cute
boris: 22:43:44
not the voice, but music a little cute.
ideacritik: 22:43:46
but the sound just now like before ... total shit
Nylon: 22:43:48
the brits will say we are "twee"
ana-lisa: 22:43:57
next act
laure.dit: 22:43:59
boris: 22:44:03
boris: 22:44:08
let's move on
laure.dit: 22:44:14
laure.dit: 22:44:34
laure.dit: 22:44:54
ideacritik: 22:44:56
(im doing 7 and 9)
ideacritik: 22:44:59
ana-lisa: 22:45:14
laure.dit: 22:45:23
laure.dit: 22:45:49
ideacritik: 22:46:01
by me?
laure.dit: 22:46:16
chris should do
ideacritik: 22:46:17
who the fuck is in frame 9?
laure.dit: 22:46:25
but if not yes u do
fe2cruz: 22:46:32
1&3 jasminte girls?
laure.dit: 22:46:33
maybe someone can help
laure.dit: 22:46:37
laure.dit: 22:47:12
well actually y can put some jasmine people
boris: 22:47:19
ok sound is bad for the moment...
laure.dit: 22:47:21
not necessarly girls
fe2cruz: 22:47:26
almost there, jasmine website is connecting
ideacritik: 22:47:29
i have to turn off sound voices are really sounding horrible here....
laure.dit: 22:47:40
ideacritik: 22:47:42
sorry im very unlcear for 1 and 3
ideacritik: 22:47:50
i think they could stay black for act 2
laure.dit: 22:48:04
doesnt matter will fix it after
ana-lisa: 22:48:04
frme3 is the aether jamins girl, no?
laure.dit: 22:48:13
ana-lisa: 22:48:43
fe2cruz, dont upload in frame 3 and wait for laure s advice
laure.dit: 22:48:58
oh yes sorry
laure.dit: 22:49:01
ideacritik: 22:49:02
im lost now...
ideacritik: 22:49:14
what is frame 4 and 9??
ana-lisa: 22:49:14
also, please work on the picture you upload: contrast a little, light color effect maybe. not too naked
laure.dit: 22:49:17
for act 2
fe2cruz: 22:49:23
yikes sorry
laure.dit: 22:49:27
the girl does not appear yet
ana-lisa: 22:49:35
laure: tell o each frame what it is supposed to do
fe2cruz: 22:49:54
yeah laure you'll need to be more specific
laure.dit: 22:50:23
i have to adapt with last script so be indulgent please
laure.dit: 22:50:31
chris take care of fr 1
ana-lisa: 22:50:39
because paula, for exemple, doesn't know in which frame she does what.
paula vélez: 22:51:02
first of all, I nust do a set up and it will be an audience, so in this moment we have skype and irc... I need to know also what are you imagin I must do... because I have ideas also that are maybe too, interpretation about what was say....
I'm lost in the supermarket
laure.dit: 22:51:03
sorry guys ive got confused
paula vélez: 22:51:19
it is good to make this rehersal, but i have also things to set in here... lets talk about it later...

but for this rehersal i need to have thing in clear to see what i must do...
ana-lisa: 22:51:30
we are of course in a rehearsal, but you have to tell to people what they do and work on it for tomorrow, otherwise it es very uncomfrotable for performers, darling
paula vélez: 22:52:04
very sorry about that... but maybe you have being talking before, and i was travelling, so, maybe you imagine i know  everything
ideacritik: 22:52:17
bonalors - pause
ideacritik: 22:52:30
what is the role of paula and waht frame does she upload in if any?
laure.dit: 22:52:32
ana-lisa: 22:52:42
we are stil in act 1: start
laure.dit: 22:52:47
1 paula upload whatever u want since its not fixed
paula vélez: 22:52:54
and ideas... my place is not very clear and is very important to do it
laure.dit: 22:52:55
3 girls appears
ana-lisa: 22:52:56
sorry, act3
ideacritik: 22:52:56
(in which frame?)
paula vélez: 22:53:01
I 'llbe alive
laure.dit: 22:53:27
fr 4 musicians
ana-lisa: 22:53:28
now act 4: ather girls in frame 1 and 6: cris go ahead
laure.dit: 22:53:32
5 the chat
boris: 22:53:35
excuse us, we arent^ready to follow really ... it's hectic and we are sort of setting the scene here.
laure.dit: 22:53:44
6 chris u put jasmine
laure.dit: 22:53:51
ana-lisa: 22:54:14
chris, you'll have to contrast you jasmine chicks
paula vélez: 22:54:19
ok laure, but in wich frame?
laure.dit: 22:54:27
1 paula
paula vélez: 22:54:30
who am i suppose to be?
ana-lisa: 22:54:34
so that it looks more homogenous in the whole
paula vélez: 22:54:59
a grand mother or a motherfucker...jsut joking... but i must to not getting nuts
ideacritik: 22:55:05
guys - jump in hte irc chat please im uploading
ana-lisa: 22:55:24
we agreed that paula would specifically take care of the setting, you have no role asigned Paula, we spoe about it the other day
ana-lisa: 22:55:34
so you wont get nuts.
ana-lisa: 22:55:53
take care of the chat, and you will upload it when laure says so
ana-lisa: 22:56:09
and in the frame that she thinks is the best
ideacritik: 22:56:16
im uploaing chat but no one is saying anythin.....
ideacritik: 22:56:38
why did wolf__ leave teh chat room?
paula vélez: 22:56:40
so, you like the way it is?
paula vélez: 22:56:51
i'have try it in 9th frame
paula vélez: 22:57:02
so, it must be in wich one
laure.dit: 22:57:10
after then we supposed that fr1 should be assigned to whatever was happening in tenderpixel
paula vélez: 22:57:18
paula vélez: 22:57:19
ana-lisa: 22:57:19
no paula, not frame 9.
paula vélez: 22:57:22
paula vélez: 22:57:24
then 1
paula vélez: 22:57:24
ana-lisa: 22:57:36
you will be in frame 4 when laure tells you to. NOT BEFORE, please
paula vélez: 22:57:41
and i will upload thext
ana-lisa: 22:57:49
ana-lisa: 22:58:13
guys, aesthetically, it is a catastrophy
paula vélez: 22:58:22
all that wil be writed in irc chat from the script, wolf and audience taht want to participate freely
ana-lisa: 22:58:26
to much info, to many frames.
laure.dit: 22:58:31
whats the story about fr4 and paula ?
ideacritik: 22:58:39
le chat tu le veux en noir et blanc?
paula vélez: 22:58:45
so, MANU
ana-lisa: 22:58:59
act 5: chat in frame 4... unless you changed it
paula vélez: 22:59:01
i was using the new toy screengrab
paula vélez: 22:59:07
and i can not control it,
laure.dit: 22:59:10
for me the chat like this make it unreadable, nearly
ideacritik: 22:59:12
i should change it to frame 4?
paula vélez: 22:59:26
i need to place it in a specific zone of my laptop screen
ana-lisa: 22:59:29
when there are no black frames, it becomes unbearable. do you see?
ideacritik: 22:59:31
i can read it superb on the beamer here - anyone else cant read it???
paula vélez: 22:59:42
to not have this ugly FINDER image
ideacritik: 22:59:43
so i can put white text on black background maybe?
laure.dit: 22:59:47
isnt the fr 4 always the wolf, donc the musicians ?
ana-lisa: 22:59:57
also, when there is colored info in too many frames, it becomes ununderstandable
ideacritik: 23:00:07
donc noir et blanc
paula vélez: 23:00:16
paula vélez: 23:00:20
audrey, laure...
ana-lisa: 23:00:24
cris, make variations of girls, it is boring when it stays the same for hours.
ideacritik: 23:00:32
oui paula?
paula vélez: 23:00:44
it will be me putting audrey text and irc ...or not
ana-lisa: 23:00:47
and please: contrast and color. thanx
ana-lisa: 23:00:54
fe2cruz: 23:00:59
i'm kinda stuck the frames aren't changing
paula vélez: 23:01:05
like this...: look at the first frame
fe2cruz: 23:01:23
i'm restarting max
ana-lisa: 23:01:23
boris: what are those images?
ana-lisa: 23:01:34
ok chris
ideacritik: 23:01:41
(paula: i think i am uploading the chat -- is that right everyone or?)
ana-lisa: 23:01:41
ideacritik: 23:01:44
(in frame 5)
ana-lisa: 23:02:14
sorry audrey, but your little darling is on 2 chats...
boris: 23:02:26
we have problem with max again... but there's progress here
ideacritik: 23:03:15
(sound is back)
ideacritik: 23:04:05
(if anyone else can add to irc chat would be good)
ideacritik: 23:04:12
(great sound!)
laure.dit: 23:04:17
that sound goos
ideacritik: 23:04:26
(nice combo sound really)
ana-lisa: 23:04:52
great chris
Pascale Barret: 23:05:04
I need to restart
manu: 23:05:23
((paula: when you select SCREENGRAB, in the lower right part of the screen, you have "Position" --> here you can change the values and move around the selection of screen))
ana-lisa: 23:05:26
but please, dont upload in frame 3: it is devoted to our aether jasmine girl (me for instance)
ana-lisa: 23:05:31
fe2cruz: 23:05:36
you'll have to tell me what you see internet is too slow here so i can't watch and view at the same time
ana-lisa: 23:05:53
we see a green young man in frame 6
fe2cruz: 23:05:57
i mean transmit and view the interface i can only stream out for now
laure.dit: 23:06:14
for me it sounds impossible to make a linear rehearsal right now. lets just make some try of what looks good.
paula vélez: 23:06:27
i have try manu......lets see again
laure.dit: 23:06:35
and ill prepare a written continuity after then
paula vélez: 23:07:12
fe2cruz: 23:07:29
its ok laure. maybe in the next 10 minutes we can all just say what and where to do to make something that looks good
laure.dit: 23:07:51
maybe there should be only the cecil girl
fe2cruz: 23:08:23
i know i send a blue girlyboy and green naked boy to cell 3 & 6 did that work?
laure.dit: 23:08:37
 i think so
ideacritik: 23:08:52
(shall we continue chat or?)
laure.dit: 23:09:07
in fr 5 u mean ?
ideacritik: 23:09:12
laure.dit: 23:09:44
paula is it u on fr 1 ?
laure.dit: 23:10:17
so cecil show us what u hide...
ana-lisa: 23:10:32
frame 4: please change the image. it looks like benetton ad
paula vélez: 23:10:35
i'm in 1
paula vélez: 23:10:36
laure.dit: 23:10:45
its good
ana-lisa: 23:11:19
I will upload black in frame 4
manu: 23:11:27
audrey, for the chat window, i suggest chosing a smaller screen segment, and changing the color of your chat client
laure.dit: 23:11:30
boris: 23:11:38
thank you - i said we have image problem again so please...
ideacritik: 23:11:44
ok for smaller - what color?
laure.dit: 23:11:48
i agree with manu
fe2cruz: 23:11:55
is the performance still 10:30PM tomorrow in London? so that would be this time tomorrow?
ideacritik: 23:11:56
manu - this is the smallest
ana-lisa: 23:12:12
red of course!
ideacritik: 23:12:20
ana-lisa: 23:12:21
for the chat color...
laure.dit: 23:12:23
or we keep fr 5 as a chat motif and give some text to read in big only in fr 1
ideacritik: 23:12:38
ill be adjusting now since everything has gone to helll ... :)
manu: 23:12:53
remember audrey, after you change size, you need slightly to change the position
laure.dit: 23:13:21
to be more realistic fr 1 laguage should get more and more trash
manu: 23:13:22
whhow ;)
ideacritik: 23:13:35
attend un peu la
Nylon: 23:13:37
the language in square one is meaningless
laure.dit: 23:13:45
chloe make some try with close up
laure.dit: 23:13:48
fe2cruz: 23:14:18
hey guys i gotta run, so what time is everything tomorrow?
ideacritik: 23:14:38
as early as possible for a reahearsal?
ideacritik: 23:14:42
we need it....
fe2cruz: 23:15:02
the show is 24 hours from now right?
fe2cruz: 23:15:09
wekk 24:15
ana-lisa: 23:15:11
laure: manuel is my camera operator, not me
ana-lisa: 23:15:33
he is not uploeading all the time
manu: 23:15:37
comment by me and chloe: it's not a good thing that there is so much chat all the time. and there need to be black frames, too much information overload becomes boring
ana-lisa: 23:15:57
manu: 23:16:11
btw, chris' frames again dont' change since 10 minutes
Nylon: 23:16:26
No No we canot have this sort of text in square one......shall I write all of them and send them to Paula as jpgs....or put the on the server
ana-lisa: 23:16:43
laure, you really need to be prepared for tomorow. so that you tell people to "mute" their frame...
laure.dit: 23:16:46
yes judy
Nylon: 23:16:58
fe2cruz: 23:17:01
yeah its my internet i think i'll have to get another connection for tomrrow
laure.dit: 23:17:03
i agree
ideacritik: 23:17:04
but what is this text in frame 1?
fe2cruz: 23:17:33
so before i loose more internet i'll say bye and hopefully see you all as early as i can tomrrow
ideacritik: 23:17:42
and paula should not have to upload still frames... one of us can do that...
Nylon: 23:17:45
BYE chris
ana-lisa: 23:17:48
the musician will be dressed as a wolf, right?
laure.dit: 23:17:54
ana-lisa: 23:17:55
bye chris
boris: 23:17:56
paula vélez: 23:18:09
ye crhis
Nylon: 23:18:33
what time tpmorrow...early
ideacritik: 23:19:20
i can be on quite early - what time does performance start brussels time?
paula vélez: 23:20:57
Audrey, pleas,everybody+
paula vélez: 23:21:11
i know some are tired
paula vélez: 23:21:23
but we must left things clear...
ideacritik: 23:21:32
yes  - im still here...
paula vélez: 23:21:43
paula vélez: 23:21:59
how are we going to do then
Nylon: 23:22:21
PAULA.....I will go make some jpgs with the English written more clearly and put the up on the archive
paula vélez: 23:22:41
ideacritik: 23:22:42
but uploading stills can be done by one of us... non?
Nylon: 23:22:45 a clearle marked folder
laure.dit: 23:22:51
yes and we will then see then who uploads them
paula vélez: 23:22:53
dont do jpgs
paula vélez: 23:23:04
i prefer you to send me the test live
Nylon: 23:23:13
what then because the language needs to be fixed
boris: 23:23:18
we still have large image promlems , they won't uplaod, sorry
paula vélez: 23:23:21
i will copy and paste it
laure.dit: 23:23:21
ideacritik: 23:23:29
(ive stopped uploading)
Pascale Barret: 23:23:33
error 54 manu .... ????
paula vélez: 23:23:36
like i was doing with wolf text
ideacritik: 23:23:55
but paula we see the menu bar and that is really no good
paula vélez: 23:23:58
see, i arrive to do thing in live
ideacritik: 23:24:02
(the silver thing)
laure.dit: 23:24:10
either u do nothing outthere and just make sure that everything work as chloe sais
paula vélez: 23:24:22
if i can do not anything then... what am I doing in london?
paula vélez: 23:24:33
i mean...
ideacritik: 23:24:45
isnt setting everything up and interfacing with crowd for them to chate with cecil
ideacritik: 23:24:47
ideacritik: 23:24:49
paula vélez: 23:24:58
i dont understand... i can not be a caracter, not play images in live, no text live... so?
laure.dit: 23:25:09
either theres soemthing happening in tenderpixel that is worth visually to be uploaded, but i guess were too  much in a hurry for that
laure.dit: 23:25:21
so what do u want ?
ideacritik: 23:25:24
isnt it the idea that paula interfaces with crowd to make them chat with cecil?
laure.dit: 23:26:05
im ok with anything filmed out there
laure.dit: 23:26:15
but u just have to make sure
paula vélez: 23:26:42
in tender pixel will not be a interesting we have just already talk... because there will be a table, a projection and the sound
laure.dit: 23:26:45
anyway there will be much more black everywhere
paula vélez: 23:27:06
I can make people participate with chat...
laure.dit: 23:27:33
just put a camera in there an film youself or participants chatting
paula vélez: 23:27:34
let me explain better.... The idea is to make a frame part of the public...
ideacritik: 23:27:39
what time is performance in london tomorrow??????
paula vélez: 23:27:57
people will interact directly...participate in this movie, they know already the script
manu: 23:27:57
10:30 london time, right?
Nylon: 23:28:04
We are always to take advantage of each others strengths.....If this was in Paris and I were there...I know I cannot HANDLE the language well enough. You are doing "on site quality control" which is CRUCIAL
laure.dit: 23:28:15
but r u sure youll manage to organise this setting
ana-lisa: 23:28:24
it is very nice like this, with 3 black frames
ideacritik: 23:29:24
(testing red background)
paula vélez: 23:29:27
Judy, yes, i will love if you send some text
paula vélez: 23:29:35
and i will past it live
paula vélez: 23:29:38
you know.
paula vélez: 23:29:57
i prefere it than using jpgs already made
Nylon: 23:30:15
Thank you really....we can work very closely and you send me any ideas on what you would think is good to say
paula vélez: 23:30:30
i can use sometimes peoples texts, judy texts, wolf, audrey, c3cil
Nylon: 23:31:08
Would you like a word doc. sent to your email?
ideacritik: 23:31:16
but paula - are you serious to want to upload and interface with crowd and get everything ready? seems alot....
laure.dit: 23:31:24
i dont see the point of paula sending the text but i do see the point of having images of people in tenderpixel
paula vélez: 23:31:28
you have send , Judy, in a mail some text i found very good
paula vélez: 23:31:48
to use it, like in between things
paula vélez: 23:32:09
i like the non linear possibility of this happening
paula vélez: 23:32:12
i love the music
paula vélez: 23:32:17
it is great
Nylon: 23:32:33
yes...and I will send more....quotes about each point in the LRRH you have done, only with correct spelling and wording
ana-lisa: 23:33:22
I will have to go. before, lets make a small resume
paula vélez: 23:33:29
and we must work a little bit free... using the script, but not like it is a  straigh jacket
ideacritik: 23:33:32
yeah... feels like such a mess.
ana-lisa: 23:34:04
as we see the interface now, it is great.
ideacritik: 23:34:09
perhaps we need to make a revised script?
ana-lisa: 23:34:15
conclusion: always keep black FRAMES
ideacritik: 23:34:21
i agree
laure.dit: 23:34:26
everybody should prepare its own part as best as he can and ill try to have the better vue densemble ican
Nylon: 23:34:32
However there is a logic and order tot he story that must be kept or we lose the audience
ideacritik: 23:34:39
i think in act 2 : 1 n 3 should b black
ana-lisa: 23:34:48
WE ARE AN ORCHESTRA, each performer has to listen to others and keep silent some times
laure.dit: 23:34:50
ana-lisa: 23:35:04
Laure, you are incharge of being chef d'orchestre.
ideacritik: 23:35:17
big task! :)
laure.dit: 23:35:18
yes but when its his turn he has to be the best
ana-lisa: 23:35:21
for tomorrow, your partition should be ok. is it possible for you
ana-lisa: 23:35:23
Nylon: 23:35:24
I found the image I have up now to go with the eaten text
ana-lisa: 23:35:30
yes, it is very very hard
Nylon: 23:35:40
it is carved of wood
Nylon: 23:35:47
ideacritik: 23:35:51
so everyone remember the localisation text
Nylon: 23:36:04
ana-lisa: 23:36:08
nice image judy
paula vélez: 23:36:46
laure, i think is important to say...act 1 or 2,,, but could be good something more in forest
ana-lisa: 23:36:47
(i quit IRC)
laure.dit: 23:36:54
in last LRRH the there was too much looping in fr3 can u avoid that ?
paula vélez: 23:36:56
rencontre wolf LRRH
ideacritik: 23:37:00
k i will too
paula vélez: 23:37:03
in grandmother hose
ideacritik: 23:37:12
(again its 10h30 london time perfo tomorow??)
ana-lisa: 23:37:25
Laure: name the person you are speaking to, please
laure.dit: 23:37:36
yeah ill say the acts
laure.dit: 23:37:38
laure.dit: 23:37:49
fr3 but u r working with manu
manu: 23:38:02
laure, would you prefer that i would give the cues?
manu: 23:38:47
and... WHAT is this computer imagery in 2nd frame??
ideacritik: 23:38:57
frame 5 or 2?
ana-lisa: 23:39:03
yes laure, tomorow manuel will upload continuously.
ideacritik: 23:39:08
im putting noise in 5 to obliterate chat
ana-lisa: 23:39:13
today he was also doing other things
paula vélez: 23:39:26
are we going to talk again tomorroy morning?
ideacritik: 23:39:35
yes -- hwat time?
ana-lisa: 23:39:36
but if it is too much for you to give the cues, manu can do it
ana-lisa: 23:39:40
paula vélez: 23:39:43
i will go to the gallery at 10h30, around
ideacritik: 23:39:52
i think we should meet at least 20h30
ideacritik: 23:40:06
paula - doesn't it start then?
ideacritik: 23:40:13
(fuck je suis confuse la)
boris: 23:40:15
here in brussels we have A LOT of work ahead.
ideacritik: 23:40:28
bordel - pour l'heure on pourrait me repondre ou bien?
ana-lisa: 23:40:32
I have to go to take the last bus
manu: 23:40:36
i dont' like too much when we are displaying random/chosen images... it looks too much like everybody would simply display his/her preferred images found somewhere in the computer..
manu: 23:40:47
it breaks the performance flow IMO.
ana-lisa: 23:40:51
can somebody post clear info on the list?
ana-lisa: 23:41:06
I agree manu
ana-lisa: 23:41:33
audrey? would you please post the meeting for tomorow and any other important info? mailing list.
manu: 23:41:39
paula, can you confirm performance time?
ideacritik: 23:41:45
ja if i knew!!!!!
ideacritik: 23:41:48
the time
ideacritik: 23:41:49
ana-lisa: 23:41:54
hard time
ideacritik: 23:42:16
ideacritik: 23:42:22
je vais fumer une smoke....
ideacritik: 23:42:28
a tout de suite....
Nylon: 23:42:37
We must also have a "stand by" text jpg as we did before in case it runs late.....Manu, do you still have that one?
laure.dit: 23:42:39
manu i proposed to make the cue because last time chloe was doing it and thats why the LRRH was looped so much. and i think ure necessary to a lot of other things but if u really want to...
manu: 23:43:34
well, if you want to do the cues, great. i just had the feeling you were a bit confused, and i don't know how much you can concentrate on it..
paula vélez: 23:44:23
performance tIME IS 10h30 pm to 11h00
ana-lisa: 23:44:25
I go for the bus. see yo tomorow. mauvaise generale: bonne premiere
paula vélez: 23:44:26
ana-lisa: 23:44:32
it is gonna be great.
ana-lisa: 23:44:37
bye guys
paula vélez: 23:44:39
I will be at the gallery to set up around 10pm
laure.dit: 23:44:49
i am confused because half of the people were not reaqdy to make a rehearsal- but its true im also a bit confused by my own i should make it clear by tomorrow
paula vélez: 23:44:55
there is a small space and other films passing
paula vélez: 23:45:20
the screen is smaller than i thought it will be
laure.dit: 23:45:48
so what did we agreed for fr 1 ?
paula vélez: 23:45:49
and police came today to ask the gallery to do less noise.
paula vélez: 23:46:18
so for the sound i think it will not be projecfed to the outside like it was planned
paula vélez: 23:46:57
but, inside the gallery. maybe with a speaker pointed to the street
paula vélez: 23:47:40
and i will be seated in the inside of the gallery,
Nylon: 23:47:41
if it is a single voice singing it will be heard outside even without being set to outside speakers
boris: 23:47:57
ok i am here to participate to the chat...
Nylon: 23:48:16
Just do not use much low end tone
paula vélez: 23:48:17
the space makes things a littel difficult but i would like for that reason black frames at the beginin
Nylon: 23:48:33
dappler effect..
laure.dit: 23:48:45
boris the sound is taking a grwat importance with u guys/ u really need a partition qui tient la route
paula vélez: 23:48:59
but also a title that says like... DOnt be shy little wolf, come inside and talk to me..
boris: 23:50:17
yes. we are talking about this now and we are going to have a more minimalist partition.
laure.dit: 23:50:25
Nylon: 23:50:30
Boris....if I can help....I can get Johnathan to upload any softs you may need that would be easy to use. Do you use nicecast?
Nylon: 23:51:32
Pauls....for is 'come" not comme
laure.dit: 23:51:47
boris look with your friends at last performance archive and see what could stick well with, cause unfortunetly we dont have time for big experiments
Nylon: 23:51:50 there?
Nylon: 23:52:23
come not comme
manu: 23:53:53
ok, it's wrap up time.. geneva team will be online tomorrow at 21:00 central european time
manu: 23:53:59
Nylon: 23:54:19
goodnight all.....sigh....
boris: 23:55:10
good night geneva
ideacritik: 23:56:04
im back... time decided for tomorow?
ideacritik: 23:56:09
rehearsal and perfo?
Nylon: 23:57:21
Audrey....I am not sure either but I will watch the email. I think it is 8PM  geneva time
laure.dit: 23:57:41
central european time is london or geneva ?
boris: 23:57:46
geneva team will be online tomorrow at 21:00 central european time
Nylon: 23:57:53
performance is confirmed as 10:30 to 11 PM London Time
ideacritik: 23:58:15
ok - but paula said she woud be ther at 10 to set  up
ideacritik: 23:58:20
does that mean she does not rehearse?
boris: 23:58:29
so it's 11:30 - 12:00 CET, right?
ideacritik: 23:58:42
for perfo yes
laure.dit: 23:58:44
i didnt get what was decided with paula
ideacritik: 23:58:59
she said she would be in space at 10 london time
ideacritik: 23:59:03
so 11 CET
ideacritik: 23:59:11
perfo at 11:30 CET
ideacritik: 23:59:22
oh - paula tu es la?
Nylon: 23:59:30
i am going to type out more phrases in better English grammer and send them and she wants to cut and paste live
ideacritik: 23:59:37
tu peux te rendre plus tot pour la repetition?


paula vélez: 00:00:25
hey, i was talking to sunshine before she goes to sleep
laure.dit: 00:00:49
i will prepare the most minimal cuing and then will see what we can add i guess, if its visually bearable within the text and the chat
paula vélez: 00:00:53
so, tomorrow we will be at the gallery from 10h30 the morning
ideacritik: 00:00:56
tu peux etre la pour 21h london time to set-up puis ensuite on fait une repet?
ideacritik: 00:01:01
ah am!!!!
ideacritik: 00:01:04
paula vélez: 00:01:25
and we can test the projector and everything util 13h45
laure.dit: 00:01:37
ideacritik: 00:01:49
Nylon: 00:02:12
The show runs 5:30 to 6 PM NYC time.....I will be online and available from 2:30PM NYC time  OK?
paula vélez: 00:02:16
then maybe i can work on it with some of you by intnernet
ideacritik: 00:02:32
great judy
paula vélez: 00:02:40
AND THE PERFORMANCE will be like this:
ideacritik: 00:02:44
geneva will be there from 15 NYC time
paula vélez: 00:03:00
paula vélez: 00:03:13
at 22h
paula vélez: 00:03:15
paula vélez: 00:03:41
a film projection will end
Nylon: 00:03:48
Audrey and I ....Montreal and NYC are on the same time    right now 6:03
paula vélez: 00:03:59
then we have only 30 minutes to set up
ideacritik: 00:04:02
paula vélez: 00:04:04
and start
paula vélez: 00:04:07
boris: 00:04:16
paula vélez: 00:04:32
I think we need to have ready for that moment... 30 minutes
paula vélez: 00:04:55
black frames.  Countdown... even projected at the gallery
paula vélez: 00:06:28
Little Red Ridding Hood
paula vélez: 00:06:34
paula vélez: 00:07:56
in each window upload : soon transmission from montreal... live form from new york...
paula vélez: 00:08:23
and put this in each frame the place
paula vélez: 00:08:32
to make it understanable
ideacritik: 00:08:33
that could be a jpeg/// or something printed on the wall behind us liek last tiem?
paula vélez: 00:09:03
well... i like live things
ideacritik: 00:09:23
yeah... me too...
paula vélez: 00:09:23
even writing in a paper... or a typing machine....
paula vélez: 00:09:37
or in the fridge
ideacritik: 00:09:53
ill send a mail to the group about this and the times now
paula vélez: 00:09:55
letters with objects
Nylon: 00:10:12
AGAIN.....we also need a "stand by-running a few minutes late" sign in case it is off schedule
paula vélez: 00:10:13
also i have a comment about the interface
ideacritik: 00:10:38
ok i can prepare this judy...
paula vélez: 00:10:44
there where the play botom is placed
paula vélez: 00:10:59
is not clear ... completely
ideacritik: 00:11:24
th play botom?
paula vélez: 00:11:28
it could be just be writed... in little: SOUND
ideacritik: 00:11:34
paula vélez: 00:11:38
the play button
ideacritik: 00:11:40
ideacritik: 00:11:59
perhaps... we could ask manu if he feels liek adding it
paula vélez: 00:14:04
yes, is a sugestion, because some people not very used to computers that see the performacnes, didnt realize that there were sound
paula vélez: 00:19:46
paula vélez: 00:19:56
are you stlii there?
boris: 00:20:25
good night, i go to sleep
paula vélez: 00:20:27
every thing is cool? in wiki page is this:         On location: Paula.... operator?¿?¿ interaction with the audience: Paula (sending questions from IRC to audience)
ideacritik: 00:20:50
i think its agreed you just invite them to chat with cecil
ideacritik: 00:21:02
otherwise its uncomfortalbe like boris said in email....
paula vélez: 00:21:07
do i send questins to the audience also... i don t see how it could be....
ideacritik: 00:21:28
non non - just ask them if they want to chat with cecil - on irc - (on your computer)
paula vélez: 00:22:30
i think the best thing for me to do is to be apropiated of the frame 1 from the begining... i will start with black frame... then i will copy paste the words that people will be given to me
paula vélez: 00:22:45
THere is Jessica, the other girl in the gallery
paula vélez: 00:22:54
jessica could be a assistant
ideacritik: 00:22:58
waht do you mean? i dont think asking words is good
ideacritik: 00:23:06
i think jsut inviting them to chat online...
ideacritik: 00:23:15
or else it becomes liek a tv talk show type thing.....
ideacritik: 00:23:20
dont u think?
paula vélez: 00:23:34
yes, ok
boris: 00:23:45
1 good news: we solved all our image uplaod problem, so we can concentrate on more important things... ouf!
paula vélez: 00:23:55
they will do it not in the irc
paula vélez: 00:23:59
ideacritik: 00:24:00
yes in irc
ideacritik: 00:24:05
or else i cant upload it
paula vélez: 00:24:08
ideacritik: 00:24:15
they have to be on the freenode #aether9
ideacritik: 00:24:26
and i upload this to frame 5
paula vélez: 00:24:28
i was thinking that in frame 1 they will be talking also
ideacritik: 00:24:32
paula vélez: 00:24:41
since wolf is private with c3cil
ideacritik: 00:25:03
its not private -- your crowd will b eon that channel too
paula vélez: 00:25:27
and frame 1 could be to iprovase, to  repeat irc text. that judy and all will send...
ideacritik: 00:26:09
well im not sure about this text - i mean other people fromus should upload it - you should do 'live from tenderpixel' stuff...
paula vélez: 00:26:32
about what text?
paula vélez: 00:26:55
well im not sure about this text
ideacritik: 00:26:57
the text judy will send -
paula vélez: 00:27:00
paula vélez: 00:27:07
ideacritik: 00:27:16
it should be up to chris and i to upload - since we are not busy with live upload liek the rest...
paula vélez: 00:27:39
well , i planned to do like a opperator editor text ....
paula vélez: 00:27:46
paula vélez: 00:28:25
using texts from people (that maye will not be very funny, maybe there not be anyone to do it)
paula vélez: 00:28:47
so there will be WOLF, Judy, You, and Cecil... and me also.
ideacritik: 00:28:54
what do yo umean tex from peopel... in the crowd?
ideacritik: 00:29:02
in irc?
paula vélez: 00:29:16
so i can be in the 1 frame putting some mixed phrases taked from the irc chat
paula vélez: 00:29:33
like a sort or repetition in other order, or in the same order
paula vélez: 00:29:51
like a emphasis about some of the best phrases
ideacritik: 00:29:53
but doing that + live upload is alot...
ideacritik: 00:30:12
i mean its important to interface iwth crowd - to explain to them how to talk to cecil...e tc
ideacritik: 00:30:14
ideacritik: 00:30:26
well also improv is good if you hav etime of course! :)
paula vélez: 00:30:35
yes, see, i think that maybe it will not be people in the crowd continusly sending phrases in the irc
ideacritik: 00:30:41
the text you improvised during mapping was very good
paula vélez: 00:30:47
so, WOLF, Judy, You, and Cecil... and me also.
ideacritik: 00:31:01
perhaps not - but then wolf, and others will fill in blanks....
ideacritik: 00:31:03
in irc...
paula vélez: 00:31:36
yes, they will , it is that what i mean...
paula vélez: 00:31:55
they wil be there and also the participant audience
Nylon: 00:32:19
It wasn't improvised as I remember....boris took it pretty much from the storybook
ideacritik: 00:33:04
judy: ? remember 'i am rich" i thought that was paula... or not paula...?
Nylon: 00:33:21
plump morsel etc is in the classic tale; it was charmingly quaint in this context
paula vélez: 00:33:28
it was live, toke it from the script and also i put some improvised phrases
paula vélez: 00:33:32
of course
paula vélez: 00:33:50
it was live any way and it went very good in some dead moments
Nylon: 00:34:11
I see....that stresses that we need both....not 100% improvised or classical
paula vélez: 00:34:16
text is very important... "Metalenguaje"
paula vélez: 00:34:49
i 'm rich was meee
paula vélez: 00:34:51
paula vélez: 00:34:59
because i saw the mobey
paula vélez: 00:35:03
money in the image
paula vélez: 00:35:09
so i put that text
paula vélez: 00:36:24
i like to do thinks live... otherwise it is like pushing a button
ideacritik: 00:36:36
i gotta go guys
ideacritik: 00:36:37
till tomorrow
ideacritik: 00:36:41
paula vélez: 00:36:41
movie... not mobey
paula vélez: 00:36:46
paula vélez: 00:36:47
i mean
paula vélez: 00:37:01
paula vélez: 00:37:05
paula vélez: 00:37:08
paula vélez: 00:37:31
bye.... and i wish we could do a little rehersal
Nylon: 00:37:32
Bye....sleep will work tomorrow
paula vélez: 00:37:34
paula vélez: 00:37:43
or 12h
paula vélez: 00:37:49
or 13h
ideacritik: 00:37:50
paula vélez: 00:38:29
just to ...pour les malentendus, ou mauvaise interpretation du text....
paula vélez: 00:38:44
il faut qu'on soit d'accord au moins...
paula vélez: 00:38:45
fe2cruz: 22:09:45
have we started yet?
laure.dit: 22:09:59
hey chris no we didnt
laure.dit: 22:10:18
can u find some pct of hunter or do u want to play it ?
fe2cruz: 22:10:51
i believe i can transmit a hunter like last time i should have better internet transmission today
fe2cruz: 22:11:17
just tell me what to put in what cell and when and maybe even something like chris get ready to put henter in cell one
laure.dit: 22:11:59
ok i can already tell u that it will be in act 9
laure.dit: 22:12:11
so get prepared in act 8
fe2cruz: 22:12:43
is there another script we should follow? or will you just tell us waht to do?
Pascale Barret: 22:15:37
brussels, we need 10 mn