
Chat History with Ghost Trio (#thom_edison/$aether9;d5cb8d1d9286a95c)

Created on 2007-12-15 02:12:51.


boris: 14:14:14
hello, t'es pas là?
boris: 14:14:40
par là...
aether9: 14:40:07
boris: 14:40:20
boris: 14:40:41
suis en train d'étudier un peu le cas kasparov - DB ...
boris: 14:41:00
quelques bons commentaires de la dernière partie, celle ou l'humanité perd:
boris: 14:41:02
Now, before we get into the match, I would like to run a couple
  of minutes of scholarly discussions about parallel processing
  and how far it has come.
Garry Kasparov, the world chess champion is playing a
  computer, programmed to make 200 million chess moves a second.
  And I believe the series is one win apiece and one draw
We have the
  world champion with 2 1/2 points.  We have the IBM chess
  program, Deep Blue, with 2 1/2 points.

Welcome once again to game
  six, the final game of the Kasparov vs. Deep Blue Rematch.  I
  don't know about you, but I'm excited, we're excited, the whole
  world is excited.  And no plug-pulling will happen today, I can
  assure you.  There's no tomorrow.

This is it.  And Kasparov
  has it seems been rattled by what is going on here.  All of us
  are amazed by how Deep Blue has played.  The score is tied 1-1,
  that is in wins, and three draws.  So the winner today takes it
  all home.  And Kasparov today is Mother's Day, which I wish a
  happy Mother's Day to you all.  Happy Mother's Day.  Kasparov's
  mother Clara is here.
And about Kasparov's mother watching, there's got to
  be some pressure on Mother's Day, Yaz, knowing that her son is
  going into battle.  And in addition to that pressure, Kasparov
  has set this whole thing up as he's defending mankind.  Mankind
  against the ever-encroaching speed and complexity and problem
  solving ability of the computer.
I would like to welcome those
  over the WebTV and the Internet who are watching.  We are in
  the Equitable Building now, the auditorium.

boris: 14:41:59
> à partir d'un document .swf comme jinga en fabrique, tu as un truc (sinon snapz, mais on en arrive au même problème) pour avoir un format QT compatible?
boris: 14:42:05
> tu as trouvé des commentaires audio? sur le site d'ibm, j'ai trouvé des commentaires audio en format .iba , format apparement impossible à jouer aujourd'hui...
boris: 14:42:43
(mais je les retrouve pas aujourd'hui ces .iba de toute façon) - pour l'audio on devrait enregistrer une voix et la filrer à la HAL après.
aether9: 14:42:53
quicktime ouvre ce genre de fichiers flash, non?
aether9: 14:43:35
oui... ceci dit, pas besoin forcément de déjà créer tout ça, plutôt le mentionner dans les textes.....
boris: 14:43:46
heu - ah oui...
aether9: 14:43:59
je garderais mon temps de montage plutôt pour les vidéos aether à faire....
boris: 14:43:59
(piour qt...)
boris: 14:44:00
boris: 14:44:25
ouais en effet - garder un temps plus long pour faire ne belle vidéo d'hommage à garry et db...
boris: 14:44:49
j'ai la première de l'atelier d'acteur demain, suis pas mal pris par ça. travaillerai donc sérieusement à du montage à partir de vendredi
aether9: 14:45:05
ne pas perdre trop de temps pour l'instant, l'objectif est de publier un texte résumé et quelques images aléchantes...
aether9: 14:46:43


boris: 20:11:58
boris: 20:12:17
cant figure out who to fucking connect to irc room...
boris: 20:15:18
ah mais apparement c'est juste que je suis le seul connecté... bon je vais me doucher - à toute
boris: 20:38:01
you on irc?


aether9: 21:57:36
me voici
boris: 21:57:45
yo - 2 sec
boris: 21:59:10
boris: 21:59:18
suis dans internet café donc pas d'audio
aether9: 22:00:55
oui, donc, suis en train de lire ton texte.
boris: 22:01:17
ah oui, c'est pas ordré , je commençais - y a des bons trucs dedans
boris: 22:01:29
commençais à adapter...
boris: 22:01:35
viens de voir le myspace - nice
aether9: 22:01:58
globalement, je ferais un peu moins grandiloquent.
aether9: 22:02:09
spécialement, je n'insterais pas sur le passé
aether9: 22:02:28
plutot un texte qui décrit simplement les buts/objectifs
aether9: 22:02:39
à dubai, tout ce développement est assez récent
boris: 22:02:50
un peu moins de bouffoneries, suis d'accord...
aether9: 22:03:17
et je vois ça pas comme une entreprise, plutot du jargon art-buisness donc
aether9: 22:03:43
on peut s'inspirer de ceci (un centre similaire au japon):
aether9: 22:03:44
aether9: 22:03:57
DUDAC wishes to encourage the dialogue between technology and the arts with a core theme of "communication," thereby building an affluent society for the future. Through such dialogue, it also aims to become a network that links artists and scientists worldwide, as well as a center for information exchange.
aether9: 22:04:20
ce genre de trucs... ça rend le hoax invérifiable...
boris: 22:04:27
aether9: 22:04:50
alors que des dates et chiffres trop précis éveilleront des soupçons ;)
boris: 22:06:17
tu vois que des textes pour les projets "kasparov deepblue" et "opérateurs lumière" ou aussi des vidéos?
aether9: 22:06:38
plutot des "stills" évocateurs
boris: 22:06:46
pour kasparov deepblue je vais essayer de faire un petit montage minimaliste
boris: 22:06:58
pourquoi pas des stills en effet
aether9: 22:08:04
les bonnes images ne manquent pas, une recherche d'images google "kasparov deep blue" donne de très bons résultats
aether9: 22:08:22
aether9: 22:08:36
boris: 22:08:37
aether9: 22:10:10
vois aussi ceci:
aether9: 22:10:29
perfo de laibach dédiée à bach...
boris: 22:10:49
boris: 22:14:08
aether9: 22:16:11
ah oui, bon à savoir.. trouver un 32-node RS/6000 SP RISC system 10 ans plus tard est une gageure en effet. heureusement qu'on avait le soutien d'IBM...
aether9: 22:18:13
pour le texte de présentation DUDAC, un peu de blabla sur Dubai sera également bienvenu:
aether9: 22:18:30
quasiment adaptable tel quel
boris: 22:19:23
aether9: 22:19:25
btw, est-ce que tu vois chloé ces prochains jours?
boris: 22:19:55
oui, demain soir je suppose. je sais qu'elle et laure ont un rdv de travail jeudi pour aether
aether9: 22:20:58
j'aurais un truc à lui demander, pour wikipedia: qu'elle enregistre "n3krozoft ltd" prononcé bien clairement, à l'américaine avec accent francais, en haute qualité..
aether9: 22:21:37
sur les pages d'écrivains russes p.ex il y a fréquemment un fichier son donnant la bonne prononciation...
boris: 22:21:50
prononcé "n3krozoft limited" donc?
aether9: 22:22:00
L.T.D. je pense...
boris: 22:22:00
boris: 22:22:06
aether9: 22:22:22
ou peut-être limited ?
boris: 22:22:35
faut essayer les 2
boris: 22:25:17
serait-il bien d'enregistrer des séries de voix?
boris: 22:25:22
du même coup...
aether9: 22:25:47
boris: 22:26:49
je me demandais à haute voix si ça serait bien d'avoir quelques audio présentations ou warnings pour dudac, myspace ou n3krozoft
boris: 22:27:03
mais rien de bien folichon me vient là.
boris: 22:27:49
tu penses à ce son pour le dudac?
boris: 22:28:26
parce que Chloé revient à geneve le weekend prochain - elle pourrait prendre mic + cable - mais si y faut faire avant on peur s'arranger aussi
aether9: 22:28:43
non, du tout, c'est pour la page wikipedia de n3krozoft... rien d'urgent, juste un élément comique...
boris: 22:29:12
ok - alors laissons cela pour dans 2 semaines - c'est toi qui as le mic et un cable xlr?
boris: 22:29:49
tetris midi pas mal pour kasparov deepblue
aether9: 22:30:28
non, je n'ai pas le mic
boris: 22:31:34
il serait dans a malle?
boris: 22:31:50
aether9: 22:32:15
probablement dans les affaires, embarquées par marco et amy.. c'était un peu hectic le déménagement alors je n'ai pas eu le temps de fouiller
boris: 22:32:44
ok - je vais voir cela avec eux alors - il faudra voir pour le cable xlr aussi?
aether9: 22:33:29
oui, je pense que tout est dans une grande sacoche noire..
boris: 22:33:49
genre valise?
aether9: 22:34:29
oui, en plus mou
boris: 22:34:46
boris: 22:38:22
idées pour images de présentation de la perfo des opérateurs-lumière?
boris: 22:38:25
boris: 22:38:39
outstanding high res imagery
aether9: 22:40:29
outstanding indeed
boris: 22:55:56 - le film - on dirait vamos a l'arteplaya 2
boris: 22:56:11
suis en train de l'enregistrer...
boris: 22:57:10
boris: 22:57:28 - le film - on dirait vamos a l'arteplaya 2 - - le film - on dirait vamos a l'arteplaya 2
boris: 22:57:47
quelques bonnes sequences
aether9: 22:59:43
oui, je l'ai aussi archivé, au cas ou...
aether9: 23:03:22
as-tu eu une idée de titre pour la perfo Deep Blue?
boris: 23:03:38
let's brainstorm
aether9: 23:03:41
comment on dit échec et mat en anglais?
boris: 23:04:01
chess mate
boris: 23:04:08
aether9: 23:04:13
d'ailleurs, la partie ne s'est pas finie par échec et mat, n'est pas, kasparov a abandonné il me semble
boris: 23:04:17
check mate
boris: 23:04:47
boris: 23:05:01
apparement il a commis une connerie incompréhensible à son niveau en début de partie.
aether9: 23:05:37
est-ce qu'il y aurait un autre terme technique échiquéen approprié?
boris: 23:05:37
(pas une grosse, mais une infime connerie...) - il a continué à se battre et
boris: 23:05:46
après un moment l'infime est devenu implacablement un petit avantage pour l'ordi
boris: 23:05:53
que connerie?
boris: 23:05:56
aether9: 23:06:25
il existe un film intitulé: Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine , mais ce n'est pas terrible
aether9: 23:07:15
du genre GK MOVE:  8...Qe7
DB MOVE:  900.
GK MOVE: ...fxe6
DB MOVE:  Bg6+.
GK MOVE: ...Kd8
aether9: 23:07:28
mais un peu plus imagé si possible..
boris: 23:07:44
oui en échecs après ces codes, si un coup est mauvais on écrit:
boris: 23:07:50
8...Qe7 ?
boris: 23:07:53
si très mauvais:
boris: 23:07:54
8...Qe7 ??
boris: 23:08:10
si interessant mais pas répértorié:
boris: 23:08:14
8...Qe7 !?
boris: 23:08:20
si douteux mais à vérifier:
boris: 23:08:22
8...Qe7 ?!
boris: 23:08:30
si bon:
boris: 23:08:32
8...Qe7 !
aether9: 23:08:38
ok.. mais il faudrait vraiment trouver le mouvement clé...
boris: 23:08:39
si très très bon:
boris: 23:08:41
8...Qe7 !!
boris: 23:09:27
ensuite il faut voir le nom de l'ouverture qu'a utilisé kasparov dans cette partie, attends
boris: 23:09:49
aether9: 23:10:14
"As early as move seven, Kasparov made a clear mistake allowing a sacrifice of a knight that is known to be very strong. "
aether9: 23:10:47
Move seven:  7. N1f3 h6
boris: 23:11:02
boris: 23:11:29
    A move or a plan that is not in accordance with the principles of positional play. Antipositional is used to describe moves that are part of an incorrect plan rather than a mistake made when trying to follow a correct plan. Antipositional moves are often pawn moves, since pawns cannot move backwards to return to squares they have left. 
boris: 23:11:37
boris: 23:13:47
arry Kasparov is
  not a Caro-Kann player.  The Caro-Kann is an opening that is
  very quiet, that is to say it's a very positional-based
  opening.  Tactics usually come much later in the game and it's
  very often that in a Caro-Kann style of play, the whole game is
  a strategic, positional game.  I had hoped as you saw me, I
  tried to make a prediction that Garry is going to play his
  favorite Sicilian, c7-c5, which he didn't do.  So I don't know
  what Garry was expecting with the Caro-Kann.
boris: 23:13:59
la partie en question est une "CaroKann"
boris: 23:14:06
aether9: 23:15:03
DB MOVE: 19 c4
aether9: 23:15:10
c'est le dernier mouvement de deep blue
aether9: 23:15:24
ça ressemble étrangement à
boris: 23:15:31
could be a title
boris: 23:15:43
aether9: 23:16:08
IBM computer Deep Blue has defeated the world champion Garry Kasparov in an absolutely stunning, stunning 19 mover!
aether9: 23:16:22
And Kasparov has just simply stormed away. We should say congratulations to Deep Blue and their programmers. (Audience applause.)
aether9: 23:17:12
What Garry saw was that after this move c4, remember what we were talking about, that overloaded bishop, how it would suddenly become vulnerable. If Bxb4 -- Bxc4 Qxc4, queen mate.
boris: 23:17:20
tu trouves cela où?
aether9: 23:17:27
aether9: 23:20:25
We are anticipating Qxf5 and after a move like /KPW*xf5 there's all kinds of problems.
aether9: 23:20:42
une idée de ce que ça veut dire, ce /KPW*xf5 ?
boris: 23:20:50
And already Fritz 4 is projecting a 3.66 advantage for white in this position, which Fritz 4 is just evaluating a huge material loss for black and no way for him to prevent the flood from coming in and washing those pieces away.
boris: 23:20:50
c'est terrible
boris: 23:21:12
(fritz est LE soft d'échecs, aujourd'hui on a fritz 9...)
aether9: 23:21:29
oui, c'est pas mal... mais ça nous donne pas de titre..
boris: 23:22:34
KPW (tu vois ça ou?)
aether9: 23:22:44
dans un commentaire, mouvement 18...
aether9: 23:25:42
And also I want to say that for the defender, the defender has to look at so many threats that it's much easier when you're playing against the computer to be on the attack than you are when you're on the defense
aether9: 23:25:47
because on the defense, you have to keep Des Moines mind -- keep in mind everything that's possible. Pieces swinging over, pieces coming up and down the board.
boris: 23:25:49
    (from French) "I adjust". A player says "J'adoube" as the international signal that he intends to adjust the position of a piece on the board without being subject to the touched piece rule. 
aether9: 23:26:04
je pense que dans la perfo, kasparov est joué par un danseur...
boris: 23:26:10
qqch que DB peut pas faire... mais Kasparov oui...
boris: 23:27:14
un danseur japonais - butho
aether9: 23:28:27
plutot russe, non? ballets russes?
boris: 23:29:04
ou soudanais, ou tanzanien, de la terre de Lucy
boris: 23:29:28
mais russe pourqoi pas
boris: 23:29:53
je pensais à un type que j'ai vu jouer à berlin accompagné de cette musicienne allemande que tu aimes tant
aether9: 23:30:07
mais peut-etre qu'on ne précise pas pour l'instant..
boris: 23:30:09
il a joué dans le film de sokorov sur l'empereur japonais
boris: 23:30:19
je vais chercher
boris: 23:30:26
danseur aussi
aether9: 23:30:44
oui, mais attention pour les noms.. rien qui soit vérifiable comme faux ;)
boris: 23:31:00
KPW*xf5 - je sais pas, K c'est pour Knight - x f5 c'est qu'il mange le pion en f5
boris: 23:31:05
je sais...
boris: 23:31:19
c'est pour la réalité de la réalité
boris: 23:35:11
 Is it possible that Kasparov has played incorrect theoretically?

YASSER SEIRAWAN: Yes, he has. He blunered. What he did is he transposed moves. 
boris: 23:35:52
je crois qu'il y a une faute de transcription - le mot clé serait "blundered" - to blunder - je check
boris: 23:39:21
(a blunder is...)
boris: 23:39:21
 is a spectacularly bad decision or action, a mistake or error with detrimental consequences to the party that makes it. It is typically attributable to faulty perception: the result of not reading signs, or misinterpreting available information. Naturally many sensible decisions, which even in retrospect were carefully taken, may also prove disastrous mistakes.

The term blunder is often used to refer to military, diplomatic, political, social or business decisions. 
boris: 23:40:01
In chess, a blunder is a very bad move, often given the '?' or even '??' sign
aether9: 23:40:54
ici, un article commentant la partie d'échecs dans 2001...
boris: 23:41:04
aether9: 23:41:51
"In many recent human-machine matches, the mood has been decidedly pro-human and anti-computer. In the first encounter between the human world champion (Kasparov) and the computer world champion (Deep Thought, Deep Blue's predecessor) in 1989, there was definite hostility toward the computer. When Kasparov pulled out the victory, the audience breathed an audible sigh of relief. In gratitude for "saving human pride," onlookers gave Kasparov a standing ovation."
aether9: 23:44:33
The game in the screenplay is a real one played by two undistinguished players in Hamburg in 1913. Kubrick, a former Washington Square Park chess hustler and aficionado, selected a clever checkmate but was careful not to employ one too complex for viewers to grasp. He picked a position from a fairly obscure game -- one obscure enough not to appear in the 600,000-game database of Deep Blue. I eventually located the game after being directed to an article written by Grandmaster Larry Evans on January 12, 1990 (HAL's birthday).
boris: 23:45:13
aether9: 23:45:48
visiblement, cette performance de n3krozoft n'est pas uniquement basée sur la finale kasparov-deep blue..
aether9: 23:46:53
mais se réfère à tout cela: la partie de 1913 à Hambourg, celle du film, celle de1989, puis celles de 1995 et 1996
aether9: 23:47:19
Kasparov 9000
boris: 23:47:28
oui - c'est ou la référence à 1913?
aether9: 23:47:31
comme titre ?
boris: 23:47:49
Kasparov 9000
aether9: 23:48:27
toujours ce meme article:
boris: 23:49:22
GARRY 9000
boris: 23:49:25
boris: 23:49:40
KASPAROV 9000 - pas mal du tout
aether9: 23:50:33
oui, ça n'a pas vraiment de sens mais ça me parait pas mal... le 9000 vient de HAL 9000 of course
aether9: 23:50:53
plus vendable que KPW*xf5 en tous cas
boris: 23:50:54
boris: 23:51:35
boris: 23:51:38
At the age of 17, he was offered a job as an apprentice photographer for Look magazine.

During this time, Stanley was playing in chess tournaments at the Marshall and Manhattan Chess Clubs. He as also playing in the parks such as Washington Square in Greenwich and elsewhere for money as a chess hustler. He knew when to get a park chess table in the shade during the day and a table under the lights at night. He played chess for 12 hours a day, playing chess for quarters. He was friends with Grandmaster Larry Evans. Kubrick made about $20 a week hustling chess.

It was at the Marshall Chess Club that Kubrick met Alton Cook, a film critic for the New York Telegram and Sun. This got Kubrick interested in making movies and finding the right contacts. 
boris: 23:52:50
In 1956, he wrote the screenplay for The Killing (also called Bed of Fear), based on a novel (Clean Break) by Lionel White. This was his first movie with chess in it.
aether9: 23:53:34
ah, je me souviens pas de ça..
boris: 23:53:50
In 1962, he directed Lolita (1962). It was based on the 1955 book, Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977), a chess player. 
boris: 23:54:14
In 1930, he wrote Zashchita Luzhina (Luzhin's Defense), which later became a movie. It was about a chess grandmaster who later commits suicide.
boris: 23:54:38
Charlotte plays a game of chess with Humbert, but is a lousy player and loses her Queen. Lolita strolls in the living room in her nightgown as Humbert and Charlotte play chess. Charlotte says, "You're going to take my Queen!" He replies, "That is my intention." Lolita says "Good night" (not good knight) and kisses her mother and Humbert. Humbert then takes Charlotte's Queen in the next move and says, "It had to happen sometime."
boris: 23:54:59
bcp de trucs là...
aether9: 23:55:37
oui, mais je crois qu'on a assez d'éléments pour un résumé, n'en rajoutons pas..
boris: 23:55:40
boris: 23:55:46
is a great web adress...
boris: 23:55:58
je dois aller, le café ferme.
aether9: 23:56:16
ok. quand finalise-t-on le truc?
boris: 23:57:16
et blackbox dbx
boris: 23:57:20
ensuite il y a les ope. lumière
boris: 23:57:20
kasparov 9000 je vais préparer quelques trucs d'ici demain soir (images et textes pour perfo)
aether9: 23:57:45
oui, je vais encore préparer des trucs pour ça.
aether9: 23:57:50
alors demain soir, 20h
aether9: 23:57:51
boris: 23:58:03
(supreme connexion pronlems here.)
aether9: 23:58:34
i see
boris: 23:58:50
ok demain soir 20h?
aether9: 23:58:59
boris: 23:59:10
aether9: 23:59:41


boris: 20:06:21
aether9: 20:06:52
boris: 20:07:20
j'ai eu bcp de travail et de crasses aujourd'hui et j'ai pas pu travailler pour kasarov 9000 sauf dans la tete. 
aether9: 20:07:36
ok. what happened?
aether9: 20:07:40
boris: 20:09:52
crasses avec laure et je vis pas "chez moi" depuis quelques jours... je dois tout le temps me déplacer pour avoir de l'internet... boulot dur à gérer dans ces conditions pour ces trucs de pubs et l'atelier d'acteurs.
boris: 20:10:05
en plus je dois chercher un boulot alimentaire...
boris: 20:10:12
heureusement chloé est là...
boris: 20:11:05
bref là ce soir j'ai plus l'influx pour faire une longue session.
boris: 20:11:25
mais pour kasparov, en 2 mots:.
aether9: 20:12:36
boris: 20:13:34
j'imagine qu'à droite il y a la partie jouée rapidement avec la musique de tetris et à la fin, l'image de ces écrans avec garry se tenant la tete dans les mains. et sur la gauche de ce film, le texte sur une sorte de ballet multimédia
boris: 20:14:11
(quelques infos "techniques" mais surtout un texte sur l'événement)
boris: 20:14:31
pas contre j'ai pas pensé à comment integrer l'histoire
boris: 20:14:37
HAL surtout
aether9: 20:15:07
ok.. en fait j'imaginai un texte assez peu détaillé, disant en gros "le spectacle traite de..." sans entrer dans des détails scèniques...
aether9: 20:15:29
donc nos recherches actuelles sont amplement suffisantes
aether9: 20:15:42
je peux rassembler tout ceci en un petit texte de presse
aether9: 20:15:56
je t'enverrai demain je pense, pour que tu puisses voir avant envoi
aether9: 20:16:11
pour le truc des lumière, je ne suis pas ultra inspiré pour le moment...
aether9: 20:16:35
par contre je viens de faire un petit montage avec mes vidéos de webcam dont je suis assez satisfait
aether9: 20:16:53
ça pourrait assez crédiblement etre un fragment d'une grande installation video realtime
aether9: 20:17:00
avec pour titre: NULL+VOID
boris: 20:17:02
ok - je recevrai cela alors et t'enverrai le résultat à integrerau dudac
boris: 20:17:38
(dossier gary je veux dire  - en français son nick c'est "l'ogre de Baku")
boris: 20:18:02
mais suis pas sur qu'il y ait un nick du genre en anglais
aether9: 20:18:05
authentic? :)
aether9: 20:18:24
the butcher from baku ...
boris: 20:20:57
"l'ogre de bakou" sur google...
boris: 20:23:36
en anglais il semble pas avoir de surnom
boris: 20:29:07
je vais te laisser. me réjouis du dudac. à demain.
aether9: 20:29:59
oui, a+ et tout de bon
boris: 20:31:18


aether9: 10:14:58
aether9: 10:15:04
boris: 10:20:08
 hello - 3 minutes..
boris: 10:43:54
boris: 10:43:59
suis là
boris: 10:44:46
donc tu veux envoyer l'annonce aujourd'hui?
aether9: 10:44:54
aether9: 10:45:22
je suis en train de rédiger encore une page sur l'exposition, mentionnant quelques pièces...
boris: 10:45:25
effectivement l'esai s'est avéré concluant
boris: 10:45:33
boris: 10:46:03
Kubrik = kubrick (typo)
aether9: 10:46:27
sur l'avis d'anna, je pensais ne pas mettre finalement la vidéo de Kasparov9000, elle est un peu trop handmade...
aether9: 10:46:39
et l'image suffit probablement
aether9: 10:47:01
je corrice le kubrik
boris: 10:47:46
cette vidéo devrai être un peu travailée en effet pour conv^server l'impression d'ensemble.
aether9: 10:48:23
oui, voilà
boris: 10:51:39
je dois m'absenter 15 minutes - à toute
aether9: 11:49:53
voilà déjà le début:
aether9: 11:49:57
Dubai, November 28, 2007


N3krozoft Ltd Exhibition at DUDAC Draws 15,000 Emirati Visitors So Far


The exhibition "N3krozoft Ltd: 1904-2007", on view through 27 January 2008 at the Digital Art Centre in Dubai (DUDAC), has enjoyed extraordinary interest among Emirati art lovers since opening on 1st November.

This exhinition is the first institutional solo-exhibition of N3krozoft Ltd in the United Arab Emirates, as well as the first major survey since 1992 of the international art collective. Building upon a lineage of continuous projects reaching back to the early days of the computer age, The group has produced artworks in a variety of media, encompassing live visual performance, public art, and critique of software and its relationship to contemporary culture and politics.

This major survey provides an unprecedented opportunity to reassess their ambiguous work, which is caracterised by its obsessive subject matter and experimental approach to media and techniques. It also features a number of new works made specially for the exhibition.
boris: 11:50:31
ok je lis
aether9: 11:51:00
tout le texte est du copier-collé, évidemment
aether9: 11:52:49
auss, je suis en train de progresser sur cette page:
aether9: 11:52:50
boris: 11:55:05
overall - great
boris: 11:55:14
a little things that bug me personnaly:
boris: 11:55:26
boris: 11:55:36
(unclear for lot of peaople)
boris: 11:55:42
unprecedented opportunity 
boris: 11:56:04
(just me, a little too much ;-)
boris: 11:56:12
software critique
boris: 11:56:15
great formula
boris: 11:56:21
or category
boris: 11:56:46
but don't make changes to this, its fine
aether9: 11:57:48
lineage -> le contexte permet de comprendre.. unprecedented opportunity = it's dubai..
boris: 11:57:58
boris: 11:58:02
his last moments flicker on a transparent screen.
boris: 11:58:14
(transparent : i like transluscent
aether9: 11:58:24
oui, je viens de faire le changement
aether9: 11:58:39
recharge la page
aether9: 11:59:10
peux-tu trouver un autre titre de pièce "classique" n3krozoftienne ?
aether9: 11:59:18
cf. #3
boris: 11:59:23
boris: 12:00:04
h3x pourrait apparaitre
boris: 12:00:49
spassiba bolchoï
boris: 12:02:23
typo: In the last secion of the exhibition 
boris: 12:02:26
boris: 12:05:42
"kernel panik" could also be the name of some multimedia piece
aether9: 12:12:14
je viens d'uploader une nouvelle version
boris: 12:13:56
boris: 12:14:06
Baïkonnur je crois
boris: 12:14:14
and other rare items from the N3krozoft Archive. 
boris: 12:14:24
and other original items from the N3krozoft Archive. 
aether9: 12:14:46
boris: 12:15:26
comme ça , ça donne très envie
aether9: 12:15:27
baïkonur c'est en français...
boris: 12:15:34
a oui...
aether9: 12:15:48
LA référence:
boris: 12:16:01
aether9: 12:16:34
j'évite de mentionner le kazakhstan, un certain public pourrait croire que nous faisons allusion à borat....
boris: 12:17:00
nice page indeed
boris: 12:17:43
la photo de contact us est mesmerisinge
boris: 12:17:58
boris: 12:18:04
tu as developpé qqch?
aether9: 12:18:19
partners... reste à faire..
aether9: 12:18:45
la boite de souscription à la mailing-liste fonctionne, par contre
aether9: 12:19:43
la photo de la page contact est une photo du kit de presse de dubai internet city... légèrement photoshopée
boris: 12:19:50
page blackbox:dbx
boris: 12:19:55
typo: He delves into a state of paranoia,
boris: 12:20:12
dvelves or dwelves il me semble
aether9: 12:20:21
non, delve est juste
aether9: 12:20:29
= plonge
boris: 12:20:46
ah oui
aether9: 12:20:48
par contre je l'utilise aussi sur la page current01..
aether9: 12:20:57
une variante serait bienvenue
boris: 12:21:43
he plunges
aether9: 12:23:00
mm, j'aime moins ;)
boris: 12:23:27
he sinks
aether9: 12:23:35
he drifts ?
aether9: 12:23:56
qu'en dis-tu?
boris: 12:23:57
he indulges himself
boris: 12:24:08
he drifts - c'est bon aussi
aether9: 12:24:13
boris: 12:24:43
j'ai vu répétition de unprecedented quelquepart aussi
aether9: 12:25:32
est-ce vraiment un problème? ;)
boris: 12:25:35
peut-être je me trompe, je retrouve pas
aether9: 12:26:12
bon, je crois que le site est ok.. reste à finir le texte du mailin
aether9: 12:26:15
aether9: 12:26:58
que faut-il y mentionner? novi sad of course.. supported by sitemapping...
boris: 12:38:02
tu veux ajouter cela comment? 
boris: 12:38:11
"related: aether9 etc"
boris: 12:38:12
boris: 12:38:36
après le texte que tu m'as envoyé, inviter à visiter le site
boris: 12:38:43
puis "related"
boris: 12:39:12
les sites: et
aether9: 12:40:32
je pense annoncer les perfors Blackbox et Kasparov, puis Aether9 (ou n3krozoft participe), ansi qu'une présentation de travaux n3krozoft que je vais faire à genève le 13 déc.
boris: 12:43:08
ok - c'est dans quel cadre cette présentation?
aether9: 12:43:49
boris: 12:43:58
aether9: 12:44:23
je ferai en sorte que ça sonne assez corporate...
boris: 12:45:19
je vais bientôt devoir partir travailler et il me reste des trucs à faire sur mon ordi pendant la demi-heure suivante. donc je suis là mais pas très actif.
aether9: 12:47:25
ok, je pense que tout est bon...
boris: 12:48:13
concernant la mailing list, comme d'hab j'aimerais y ajouter des nouveaux contacts - possible dans l'immédiat?
aether9: 12:50:55
oui, envoie-moi
aether9: 12:51:35
j'ai un gros dossier de nouveaux contacts que je passe à l'extracteur avant chaque envoi...
boris: 12:53:24
donc pas besoin de les envoyer formatées spécialement?
boris: 12:53:35
ces adresses'
aether9: 12:53:45
non, le programme extracteur s'en charge...
aether9: 12:54:31
je peux te l'envoyer si jamais, très pratique et le site a disparu du web...
boris: 12:55:18
boris: 13:00:17
je travaille pour un gros galleriste ici - je l'aide à migrer sa boite mail d'entourage vers et... j'ai ces 10 000 contacts...
boris: 13:00:25
mais il faut que je voie un peu cela avant...
aether9: 13:03:38
10'000 ... il a du trafiquer avec d'autres galleries pour en avoir autant ;)
boris: 13:03:49
il est très organisé...
boris: 13:04:20
ya meme une catégorie presse suisse...
aether9: 13:04:31
boris: 13:05:17,,,
boris: 13:05:32
pas très touffue...
aether9: 13:05:34
c'est tout ?!
boris: 13:05:41
boris: 13:05:42
boris: 13:25:17
ciao j'y vais, bon travail -  à tout bientot !
aether9: 13:25:54
oui, a+
aether9: 13:27:08
ah, est-ce que j'attends encore des adresses de ta part, ou est-ce que j'envoie?


boris: 22:03:11
boris: 22:03:19
aether9: 22:04:11
boris: 22:04:24
commencons une conférence
aether9: 22:05:55
welcome all
boris: 22:06:51
Nylon: 22:07:01
hello all...from NYC
fe2cruz: 22:07:09
laure.dit: 22:07:18
laure.dit: 22:08:16
is paula coming too ?
boris: 22:08:20
nice weather here in Dubai!
boris: 22:08:52
so next saturday sounds quite exciting!!!
boris: 22:09:05
boris: 22:09:08
laure.dit: 22:09:09
its so rainy in brussels, i envy u boris
fe2cruz: 22:10:04
paula's not online so far
Nylon: 22:10:12
My co-pilot isn't here yet. Dubai seems dreamlike.The agenda of topic is? who does what? when is a run through?
fe2cruz: 22:10:27
don't see cym either
Nylon: 22:10:31
Be right downstairs....
boris: 22:10:32
aether, can you ad nathalie fougeras?
laure.dit: 22:10:41
so we are not going to rehearse now, just get things all set. when would be the general rehearsal ?
ana-lisa: 22:10:46
who is taking part to the performance
ana-lisa: 22:10:48
laure.dit: 22:11:19
brussels, la , geneva, colombia for frames
laure.dit: 22:11:24
nyc for sound
boris: 22:11:24
i understand we need 6 performers ideally - is that number korrekt?
boris: 22:11:43
6 performers + sound
ana-lisa: 22:11:47
brussels coud have at least 2 frames
laure.dit: 22:11:50
ideally yes
fe2cruz: 22:11:55
i'm workin on my frames now. if i can't get it i'll do it with a friend who's got a mac
laure.dit: 22:12:30
brussels can take care of room place frame, and adjust and take care of the text
laure.dit: 22:12:55
sorry for my english
boris: 22:13:03
2 text frames + 4 image frames
aether9: 22:13:15
i'm ready to do any of the frames as needed
aether9: 22:13:25
and one great news:
laure.dit: 22:13:30
nath alie are you available on saturday ?
aether9: 22:13:36
i just designed an interactive text box
boris: 22:13:44
here in brussels, i propose that one unit take care of one of the text frame - the other unit can take care of 1 image frame
ana-lisa: 22:13:51
what does it mean, manuel?
boris: 22:14:10
boris: 22:14:11
public feedback apparatus
boris: 22:14:17
hit at the hierarchy of mass communication
boris: 22:14:19
aether9: 22:14:21
yes, it's at
ana-lisa: 22:14:24
no, the unit who takes care of the text manage the 2 frames of text
Nylon: 22:14:37
could the text me handewriten where we'd see a moving hand or is it set for a character generator?
aether9: 22:14:46
the colors, font, etc.. can still be subject to modification
fe2cruz: 22:14:50
i don't see nath alie online yet. what's the live element gonna be like in dubai?
Nylon: 22:15:08
ah...OK ...character generated then
laure.dit: 22:15:20
ok boris
laure.dit: 22:15:36
ok chloé
boris: 22:16:07
dubai is a hoax
ana-lisa: 22:16:22
ok for a character generated text
Nylon: 22:16:45
which languages/
fe2cruz: 22:16:47
i don't see the text box yet
aether9: 22:17:16
chris, it's here
aether9: 22:17:17
fe2cruz: 22:17:37
oh two differnt pages
aether9: 22:17:44
if you opened the live page before, you might need to refresh the browser's cache...
boris: 22:17:52
ok so you're working on it manu?
laure.dit: 22:18:05
its fun manu
fe2cruz: 22:18:27
aether9: 22:18:30
it's a possible way for net.audience reaction..
aether9: 22:19:02
all what is typed is stored in a text file..
fe2cruz: 22:19:12
there can be an applause now
cym: 22:19:53
great :-)
ana-lisa: 22:20:34
so could you have 2 frames like that?
ana-lisa: 22:20:54
in order to have the text directly uploaded like that?
aether9: 22:21:06
you mean for the english/french/xxx text?
ana-lisa: 22:21:24
can we change the color of the background and the size of the letters?
ana-lisa: 22:21:33
yes, thats what I mean
Nylon: 22:22:11
are we going with monochrome blk wht greys?
laure.dit: 22:22:19
ok, since F face should only be visible in the third act and in frame 5, i suggest that all the F wear a black hood sweater
aether9: 22:22:31
cloé: yes, possible.. we could also have a set of such windows where the "input box" would be in another page (only for the performers)
laure.dit: 22:22:44
yes black and white or very lightly colored
ana-lisa: 22:23:07
great manuel!
laure.dit: 22:23:15
that would be very good (chloé manu)
Nylon: 22:23:39
....a water spritzer bottle so that the child costume and windows appear wet & support the sound of rain.......
cym: 22:23:42
maybe there should be one textframe only with input from performers to announce things and one for audience to type
ana-lisa: 22:23:46
I wish it is either very colored (a colection of monochromes), or black and white
boris: 22:23:55
so then we need one person in charge of the text (we don't need 2 persons)
laure.dit: 22:23:58
window, pallet, and door should always be kind of back to camera
ana-lisa: 22:24:15
the "slightly colored" seemes too difficult to  manage.
laure.dit: 22:24:26
no its effects
ana-lisa: 22:24:29
each "slightly colored will be different...
laure.dit: 22:24:43
on the patch
laure.dit: 22:24:50
but maybe youre right
ana-lisa: 22:24:54
difficult to say without a try
ana-lisa: 22:25:07
maybe we can choose on the rehearsal day
laure.dit: 22:25:08
black and wight would be smarter
laure.dit: 22:25:13
ana-lisa: 22:25:26
can we agree on a rehearsal day?
ana-lisa: 22:25:43
I'd like thursady afternoon...
aether9: 22:25:48
i'm available all week except thursday / Jeudi evening
aether9: 22:25:58
from 5 on.
boris: 22:26:04
i propose friday afternoon or evening
laure.dit: 22:26:10
so depending on peoples interior who wants to be with the stool, the door the pallet and the window ??????
ana-lisa: 22:26:14
I have troubles with evenings...
ana-lisa: 22:27:01
except if we agree on midnight.
ana-lisa: 22:27:59
Laure, I would like to upload the text.
boris: 22:28:39
so chloé will upload the text from brussels. i would love to do the pallet!
laure.dit: 22:28:51
im very busy all week, b and c should you take care of the acting and image, and ill take care of the text ?
laure.dit: 22:29:03
sorry just read your message
laure.dit: 22:29:41
boris dont you want to be in frame 5 ?
laure.dit: 22:29:52
with the cassette ?
laure.dit: 22:31:05
rehearsal time, friday early evening ?
laure.dit: 22:31:13
brxl time
aether9: 22:31:29
ok, but we certainly need more than one rehearsal.
aether9: 22:31:50
if we could also rehearse on wednesday already, that would be not bad
aether9: 22:32:03
there are quite a lot of parameters to control...
ana-lisa: 22:32:09
I have trouble with friday evening
ana-lisa: 22:32:19
I am in Paris for job opportunities
aether9: 22:32:34
so which time, on friday?
laure.dit: 22:32:41
wednesday midnght ?
ana-lisa: 22:32:54
I like friday, but is midnight a possibility?
fe2cruz: 22:32:59
wednesday & friday my vote
ana-lisa: 22:33:07
boris, laure and I can't do it before
laure.dit: 22:33:15
good at least we agree on the day
ana-lisa: 22:33:19
bxl time...
laure.dit: 22:33:23
paula do you follow ?
laure.dit: 22:33:46
wednesday and friday midnight
fe2cruz: 22:33:48
i'll stay online and forward her the info when she pops back on
ana-lisa: 22:33:53
wdnesday, midnight. OK
laure.dit: 22:33:58
thanks chris
ana-lisa: 22:34:01
OK laure
cym: 22:34:02
wednesday would be good
ana-lisa: 22:34:20
and we rehearse one more time on saturday, early evening?
Nylon: 22:34:21
all these times & days are ok for me as they are late afternoon here
boris: 22:34:29
i'm available:
tuesday: from midnight on
wednesday: morning, afternoon and from midnight on
thursday: morning, between 5 to 8 and from midnight on
friday: all the time
saturday: all the time
ana-lisa: 22:34:35
also for cym to get ready for the real transmission?
fe2cruz: 22:34:54
do we know whose assigned to which frames?
ana-lisa: 22:35:08
no, not yet chris
cym: 22:35:19
on friday and saturday i can probably not see the rehearsal, only on wednesday
laure.dit: 22:35:32
so wednesday midnight, friday midnight, and saturday 8 pm
ana-lisa: 22:35:34
ok, this allready good
boris: 22:35:41
ana-lisa: 22:35:49
is saturday 8pm allright for everybody?
fe2cruz: 22:36:05
yes all bxl time right
boris: 22:36:10
ana-lisa: 22:36:11
Nylon: 22:36:25
OK 8PM bxl time sat
aether9: 22:36:37
ok for me, wed + fri midnight as well
cym: 22:36:38
i don't know about the place in novi sad where the performance will be, but i think that they use it for other presentations before
ana-lisa: 22:37:32
I am not sure for friday night...
fe2cruz: 22:37:41
have you tested the internet connection there cym?
cym: 22:37:49
i am not there
ana-lisa: 22:37:53
but if I am doing the text, it is not so bad
laure.dit: 22:38:05
cym: 22:38:05
i will go there on friday
Nylon: 22:38:07
23:15 | LIVE
Screening room 2
Projekciona sala.....this is the room listed
boris: 22:38:12
judy - you'll pre-record your voice, right?
Nylon: 22:38:45
no I  will do the vox live and mix the rain and music via Abelton Live
cym: 22:38:47
they have a full programm, so i think there are other screenings before us on saturday evening in the same room
fe2cruz: 22:39:17
that's cool we're almost plug&play now anyway
ana-lisa: 22:39:34
can we do a check? It is necessary to know when... maybe saturday morning?
cym: 22:39:43
check what?
ana-lisa: 22:39:52
nice that you do everything live, Judy
boris: 22:40:08
Judy: ok. i would like to fool around with beethoven's "ghost trio" later tonite - i'll post the resusts tommorow morning - i dont care if we don't use it :-)
Nylon: 22:40:12
I is fun and I have done a lot of Vox over
ana-lisa: 22:40:18
check if it works in the screening place
aether9: 22:40:20
cym, the room appears to be used from 19:15 on saturday, not earlier.
boris: 22:40:25
faint voice... grrr
fe2cruz: 22:40:42
judy do you have stuff to mix for preshow and post show?
Nylon: 22:40:52
Great....I wanted to dub it and play with it......
cym: 22:41:17
so i will check the setup before 19:00
Nylon: 22:41:34
I adore Becket and gre up with the 'vox' he refers to
ana-lisa: 22:41:38
yes, let's do it at 7pm
ana-lisa: 22:41:52
rehearsal 5 pm.
boris: 22:42:02
so far we have the following frames:
> yorba linda
> brussels
> geneva
we still need 3 frames
fe2cruz: 22:42:29
6 non txt visual?
boris: 22:43:01
we need 1 more visual: paula?
Nylon: 22:43:03
what is going on with the dust frames.....the greys....what is in those frames exactly?
boris: 22:43:20
1 of these frames will be users feedback
fe2cruz: 22:43:26
so just 4 visual total?
boris: 22:43:29
2 grays will be there
boris: 22:43:36
4 visual total + 2 text
laure.dit: 22:43:36
no boris we must have 4 active frames and thats what we have, two other are text, and the three of below are shades of grey
laure.dit: 22:43:56
and dust
boris: 22:43:57
so where's the audience feedback box?
Nylon: 22:44:05
can the greys be vid so there is subtle movement?
laure.dit: 22:44:16
we can put it in the greys
laure.dit: 22:44:29
there will be judy
fe2cruz: 22:44:30
the txt shoutbox is a test in its own webpage still
fe2cruz: 22:44:49
aether9: 22:44:56
one person could be in charge of doing "very nice" greys...
aether9: 22:45:08
dusty floors etc
laure.dit: 22:45:50
can we accredit fr2, 4, , 5, 6 ?
laure.dit: 22:46:28
fe2cruz: 22:46:36
i'll take whatever frame you want me to be
aether9: 22:46:51
i'd do the window, for instance (fr 2)
Nylon: 22:46:57
I want to be clear....I am not currently set up to be seen only heard. OK?
boris: 22:47:08
boris: 22:47:21
something was unclear - but you'll be heard only.
Nylon: 22:47:36
boris: 22:48:34
i'll gladly do frame 4 (the pallet) or 5 (the sitting dude)
fe2cruz: 22:48:38
well maybe I should get the easiest active frame just incase i have technical issues
laure.dit: 22:48:59
well chris then maybe take the window
aether9: 22:49:56
either the window, or some artistic grey shapes..
ana-lisa: 22:50:22
we need 4 performers manuel.
laure.dit: 22:50:25
are we sure paulas participating ?
ana-lisa: 22:50:29
you should do the door
boris: 22:50:41
she said she wishes too.
ana-lisa: 22:50:44
with the corridor stuff that is a little bit more complicated
aether9: 22:50:50
paula wrote me she wants to participate.
boris: 22:50:53
so we must assume paula participates.
aether9: 22:51:02
maybe she could also provide the boy ?
ana-lisa: 22:51:08
and does the door. pk
ana-lisa: 22:51:10
Nylon: 22:51:24
Chris and I found the time lag to be 6 sec. on sound last night. I have sung live through a n old space station before so I don't expect a problem once we have the flow of the action
ana-lisa: 22:51:29
of course, if she does the door she provides the boy
fe2cruz: 22:51:35
paula will be here later. i'm sure.
laure.dit: 22:51:50
 if its too complicate to get the boy or the shot of a corridor, in order to be effective, theses images could be pre-recorded
boris: 22:52:00
she akways has kids in her frames running behind klike on tarkovsky's space ship
boris: 22:52:03
ana-lisa: 22:52:08
yes,b ut still...
ana-lisa: 22:52:50
fe2cruz: 22:52:55
is it ok if i get horses to run behind me?
ana-lisa: 22:53:05
paula:  frame 6
ana-lisa: 22:53:10
boris frame 5
ana-lisa: 22:53:17
chris frame 2
boris: 22:53:18
camels please
ana-lisa: 22:53:21
me frame 1 and 3
ana-lisa: 22:53:35
laure frame 4?
laure.dit: 22:53:42
ana-lisa: 22:53:46
manuel ok: frame 4
laure.dit: 22:53:57
i thought i was filming boris
laure.dit: 22:53:59
ana-lisa: 22:54:00
Laure, you do the frame 5 with boris
ana-lisa: 22:54:09
boris: 22:54:12
laure and me: frame 5.
laure.dit: 22:55:24
do u people agree with the black hood, in order to make clearer the hide of the face ?
aether9: 22:55:46
ok so... should i do frame 4? could also do frame 5 if boris wants the pallett..
aether9: 22:56:01
black hood: that's exactly what i was thinking
fe2cruz: 22:56:02
as opposed to a vail or hankerchief?
laure.dit: 22:56:12
boris ? do you want to change ?
ana-lisa: 22:56:14
chloe: frame 1 & 3
chris: frame 2
Manuel: frame 4
Boris: frame 5
Paula (+ kid) : frame6

frame 7 - 8 : gray (who's taking care opf this?)
frame 9: spectator reaction
laure.dit: 22:56:25
good lisa
aether9: 22:57:08
any more ideas regarding the "look" of the caracter , clothing...
aether9: 22:57:10
fe2cruz: 22:57:17
we could just prerecord some greys right, and let them run autopilot?
boris: 22:57:20
well i have a pallet at home, so why not, sure!
laure.dit: 22:57:32
yes chris
ana-lisa: 22:57:38
the character is weraing a long black coat
laure.dit: 22:57:53
boris youre in FRAME 5
fe2cruz: 22:58:00
should windowboy2 wear anything in particular?
laure.dit: 22:58:27
window boy is F, and wears a black hood
ana-lisa: 22:58:48
the same
laure.dit: 22:58:52
 F is one  person, demultplicated in 4 spaces
laure.dit: 22:59:10
of one same room
aether9: 22:59:12
yes, obviously the caracter should look as similar as possible
fe2cruz: 22:59:51
black hood, lets all have as many coats during the rehersal available to try to match.
aether9: 23:00:19
while reading the text, i had an image in mind of a photo of Georges Demenÿ, assistant to Marey (inventor of "chronophotography")
laure.dit: 23:00:35
yeah... but lets concentrate on the hood
aether9: 23:00:46
where he's wearing an all black costume to record movements
aether9: 23:00:59
there is a very bad version of that picture here:
laure.dit: 23:01:03
aether9: 23:01:07
laure.dit: 23:01:30
nice, very nice
aether9: 23:01:47
will try to find the original photo and send it to you
fe2cruz: 23:02:01
like a beekeeper in a catsuit
boris: 23:03:29
so all black with black hood?
fe2cruz: 23:03:35
oh yeah besides the clothes what mandetory props are needed?
laure.dit: 23:03:36
laure.dit: 23:03:52
mandetory props, whats that ?
aether9: 23:04:11
for your frame, chris: none ;)
laure.dit: 23:04:24
mandetory props, whats that ?
boris: 23:04:26
props = accessoires
Nylon: 23:04:27
Costume wet windows wet..spray with water.....act 3 need a spay bottle
fe2cruz: 23:04:30
cassette, stool
fe2cruz: 23:04:40
fe2cruz: 23:05:05
just anything else we should bring to the rehesal to be prepared
Nylon: 23:05:51
thing to controal the light so it has no origin
Nylon: 23:06:03
boris: 23:06:26
diffuse light, ok.
laure.dit: 23:06:48
these are more or less details that we will have to adjust on wednesday
boris: 23:06:49
no shadows?
fe2cruz: 23:06:58
but bright even light all over so its easy right?
laure.dit: 23:07:02
if possible no
aether9: 23:07:43
bright light, but you need to soften it so there are no sharp shadows..
fe2cruz: 23:08:13
we can adjust the contrast levels if we have issue though right?
aether9: 23:08:28
actually it's great if chris makes the window part, since he will have an early california afternoon, while novi sad is in deep night and fog..
fe2cruz: 23:08:58
might be cloudy or rainy dark afternoon here though
boris: 23:09:02
question: a "hood" - it covers the face (leaving holes for eyes and mouth) or not?
fe2cruz: 23:09:31
yeah are we talkin hoodie or mask?
Nylon: 23:09:59
at one last moment the face is seen in act 3 it should be a domino style hood
laure.dit: 23:10:09
judy im not so sure about "ghost given"  for the title? should we keep ghost trio in regard to the music, or ghost quattro for the 4 acting frames, or ghost nano, for all the frames ? what do you all think ?
Nylon: 23:10:25
fine....just fooling around
Nylon: 23:10:44
I don't love nanao
boris: 23:10:47
domino style - waza?
boris: 23:11:04
ghost unforgiven
Nylon: 23:11:05
venice....carnival stylee
boris: 23:11:13
boris: 23:11:14
fe2cruz: 23:11:47
ghost in dutch is spook!
Nylon: 23:11:58
laure.dit: 23:12:01
the face should not be completely hidden, it should stay in the shadow of the hood
laure.dit: 23:12:10
whats ghost in serbian ?
boris: 23:13:27
Judy - what style do you mean? -->
ana-lisa: 23:13:32
I suggest a hat that is making a shadow on the face
fe2cruz: 23:13:44
duh, duša, prikaza
fe2cruz: 23:13:51
ana-lisa: 23:13:58
no mask. it is beckett, minimalist.
cym: 23:14:09
duh is good, it fits in three frames :-)
ana-lisa: 23:14:41
duh trio
ana-lisa: 23:14:46
boris: 23:14:53
naaa sounds bad in latin
fe2cruz: 23:15:05
duy rio yo
aether9: 23:15:07
i suggest a basic streetware hood, as we will never manage to have a similar hat...
fe2cruz: 23:15:12
duh trio yo
fe2cruz: 23:15:23
ghost trio is fine with me
laure.dit: 23:15:25
yes i agree with aether
cym: 23:15:33
ghost trio is better
fe2cruz: 23:15:49
wutang hoodie it is!
ana-lisa: 23:15:50
a agree with aether and chris
fe2cruz: 23:17:26
aether9: 23:17:49
beyond the hood, we could try to stick to thight black clothing
fe2cruz: 23:18:43
i think i can manage all black pants and shirt that fit fairly tight but nothing skin tight
boris: 23:19:19
ana-lisa: 23:19:27
I like the wu tang style
Nylon: 23:19:38
nothing like ballet.......
ana-lisa: 23:19:39
sweater with hood
ana-lisa: 23:19:43
black pant
ana-lisa: 23:19:55
easy to find
laure.dit: 23:20:06
doesent matter if its not too tight, i mean its symbolic, everybody dressed in black with a hood, everybody the same
ana-lisa: 23:20:16
hides the difference of body between different performers
fe2cruz: 23:20:38
but you guys still want color in each active frame or can we go greyscale?
ana-lisa: 23:20:52
we will try on wednesday
fe2cruz: 23:21:06
b/w would make it easier to match
laure.dit: 23:21:13
yeah, do we need to fix anything more until then ?
ana-lisa: 23:21:25
how it looks like all grey and how it is with one blue-red-green frame (frames 2-4-6)
fe2cruz: 23:21:37
i think we got it all, better let it go before we start debating on what shoes to wear
Nylon: 23:21:47
another issue is letting people know we are doing this.....I will post Node1 (UK) and Myspace for reposts and use a friends emailing list.......what else

Mailing list & inclusionary invitation (I will write one in English to my mailing list of people unfamiliar with viewing events on line) to expand the on-line audience. Could we use VOIP numbers or IM to walk potential audience members through getting their computers configured….help being available up to one hour before broadcast? If not this time…maybe next time or provided by the gallery
ana-lisa: 23:21:56
lets see each other on wedneday-
ana-lisa: 23:22:17
dressed with appropèriate clothes, maybe several choices
ana-lisa: 23:22:33
framing appropriate space
fe2cruz: 23:23:06
cool yeah judy could youforward that nice invitation earlier to manuel to give to the big mailing list?
Nylon: 23:23:20
fe2cruz: 23:23:27
like a nice warm letter rather than an annoying annoucement
boris: 23:23:49
boris: 23:23:50
Nylon: 23:23:52
with charm
aether9: 23:24:17
boris: that's irma vep
boris: 23:24:26
yes a really sweet announcment¨
boris: 23:24:43
irma vep - vampire - related to fantomas somewhat
fe2cruz: 23:24:56
should we scratch in fin like in assayas irma vep
aether9: 23:25:16
yeah. .definitively material for a future aether show...
ana-lisa: 23:25:25
see you on wednesday guys
fe2cruz: 23:25:38
ok thanks everyone see you wed
Nylon: 23:25:40
final///details or wed?
Nylon: 23:25:47
boris: 23:25:52
for the announcment: let's not do it at the last moment!
Nylon: 23:26:03
right away champ
fe2cruz: 23:26:05
wed midnight bxl
cym: 23:26:07
ok see you wednesday
cym: 23:26:15
midnight? okay
Nylon: 23:26:19
aether9: 23:26:31
boris: 23:26:42
everybody collects his emails and we make a big powerfull adressboog database and send it
boris: 23:26:57
on wednesday nite!
boris: 23:27:00
see you then.
cym: 23:27:07
fe2cruz: 23:27:12
ok cu
boris: 23:27:31
bye all!
Nylon: 23:27:32
OK.....bye....will check for Boris's dub when I get up
laure.dit: 23:27:47
boris: 23:28:19


aether9: 00:12:00
time to start rehearsal, isn't it?
aether9: 00:12:14
hello everybody
fe2cruz: 00:12:40
Nylon: 00:12:42
we're set
aether9: 00:13:18
as you can see, page is under reconstruction
aether9: 00:13:33
allows now to jump directly to performance window
fe2cruz: 00:14:16
oh my, that looks sharp!
aether9: 00:14:29
for the people (laure? chloé) who want to type the text in the upper text fields, there is a page at that allows to input the text
paula vélez: 00:14:32
aether9: 00:15:02
the small textbox for the audience isnt fully finished yet, need still to implement a refresh routine..
aether9: 00:15:34
sound is working..
boris: 00:15:58
yo - we need 15 mintues before transmitting in brussels.
boris: 00:16:12
what's the sound link again?
aether9: 00:16:53
here the flash player is working well
aether9: 00:17:20
but if necessary, the link is
paula vélez: 00:18:05
yes, i can hear sound too
paula vélez: 00:18:14
it works the organ
paula vélez: 00:18:19
nathalie: 00:18:36
mm i try to hear directly and only in the html interface
nathalie: 00:18:41
but it doesn't work
nathalie: 00:18:45
i mean the sound
nathalie: 00:18:53
maybe the delay
nathalie: 00:19:04
i just push the button play
fe2cruz: 00:19:06
try refreshing your browser
nathalie: 00:19:32
ok i try
nathalie: 00:19:33
fe2cruz: 00:19:57
if you had it open earlier before judy transmitted then you'll need to refresh it sometimes to get the flash object to grab it properlly
nathalie: 00:20:28
nathalie: 00:20:42
yes i think i opened before
nathalie: 00:22:00
ok i'm listening now 
fe2cruz: 00:22:17
boris: 00:22:57
ok here we don't have the right setting at all for the moment - we will have the right setting
boris: 00:23:04
by friday
fe2cruz: 00:23:25
yeah i hear the sound too
paula vélez: 00:23:34
i hear you
fe2cruz: 00:23:37
i'm no where near what i need either
paula vélez: 00:23:56
paula vélez: 00:23:58
fe2cruz: 00:24:17
max & my webcam are no go. so i'll have to use vdub again
paula vélez: 00:24:51
i'm trying to send images to6th frame
laure.dit: 00:24:59
we are soon ready
paula vélez: 00:25:01
but not working very good
boris: 00:25:25
aether9: 00:25:29
i think the most important thing for this first run is to get a sense of the timing, the coordination of actions
paula vélez: 00:25:46
i'm actully not ready to do exacly the script... only i'm getting familiar with, so sorry for that.
aether9: 00:25:48
visual perfection, props and acting will be the second step
boris: 00:25:57
i forgot how to switch off sound on this grrr skype...
aether9: 00:26:00
who is giving us directions?
nathalie: 00:26:01
paula vélez: 00:26:09
sound dont work anymore
laure.dit: 00:26:14
what about the problem with the MB transmission ?
laure.dit: 00:26:18
chloe should
fe2cruz: 00:26:27
skype = tools options sounds uncheck enable
boris: 00:26:33
boris: 00:26:48
fe2cruz: 00:26:51
audio settings i mean, then uncheck enable
boris: 00:26:53
nathalie: 00:26:57
not sound 
fe2cruz: 00:27:15
yeah i think giss might be getting overloaded again
laure.dit: 00:27:57
fe2cruz: 00:28:20
oh no there it is agian
fe2cruz: 00:28:36
yeah sound stream is abck
fe2cruz: 00:29:36
yeah sound is good, judy do you know what bitrate you guys are streaming at?
nathalie: 00:29:54
ok i have again too
fe2cruz: 00:30:14
cool 56k. you guys could even go lower maybe
fe2cruz: 00:30:34
its just piano and vocal anyway
paula vélez: 00:30:54
i can not arrive to send images... trying harder...
fe2cruz: 00:30:59
i don't think its a problem here but maybe less bandwith less cutouts on the giss server
nathalie: 00:31:16
i don't hear the piano now
nathalie: 00:31:19
just voices
nathalie: 00:31:24
2 voices
paula vélez: 00:32:03
are you eeating a barbapapa?
nathalie: 00:32:22
pouf .. cut now
fe2cruz: 00:32:37
i think they stopped to adjust some things
paula vélez: 00:32:49
he told us he was going to cut it, maybe he test something first
nathalie: 00:32:50
Nylon: 00:33:19
now broadcasting at 32kbps mono
Nylon: 00:33:38
you might need to refresh your links
nathalie: 00:33:46
paula: i have the same problem now video is in loop but my patch is break
aether9: 00:34:06
when i did tests, 40kbps mono was a good compromise
fe2cruz: 00:35:02
oh yeah, even the music still sounds good at 32
fe2cruz: 00:35:37
hopefully even with everyone listening we won't get any cut outs
fe2cruz: 00:36:27
i'm behind i need to get my files ready
paula vélez: 00:37:57
c'est bien les images en png?
paula vélez: 00:38:16
or i have to send it in jpg?
aether9: 00:38:32
jpg everybody
ana-lisa: 00:38:35
I'd like to make a try with frame2=red ; frame4=blue; frame 6 = green; (frame 5= back and white)
paula vélez: 00:38:37
i don know why it doesn work
boris: 00:38:41
chris is it working for u ?
nathalie: 00:38:43
i m restarting the patch
ana-lisa: 00:39:05
when everybody is ready
paula vélez: 00:39:07
whre is the color setting window?
fe2cruz: 00:39:54
ok since i'm usoing vdub does that mean i need to make my images a red monochrome?
aether9: 00:40:18
chris, is your camera working with some webcam2ftp soft?
aether9: 00:40:30
would be great if you could transmit live images
paula vélez: 00:40:33
who is in frame 2 ?
fe2cruz: 00:40:41
i can go semi live
paula vélez: 00:40:41
fe2cruz: 00:40:48
yeah thats me in 2
paula vélez: 00:40:59
you are also in loop
fe2cruz: 00:41:08
yeah its stuck
paula vélez: 00:41:09
your patch is broke too
paula vélez: 00:41:10
fe2cruz: 00:41:20
yeah my patch is not working
nathalie: 00:41:26
ok i'm sending other video about grey
fe2cruz: 00:41:38
its webcam vs jitter
nathalie: 00:41:39
in frame 7
fe2cruz: 00:41:45
they are not getting along
aether9: 00:43:02
boris, aren't you a bit harsh on the contrast?
ana-lisa: 00:43:05
Manuel, to me the interactive box (frame9) is ugly and destrys the Beckett symetric.
aether9: 00:43:28
yeah, i quite agree..
ana-lisa: 00:43:44
even though it's cool.
ana-lisa: 00:44:16
one solution could be to put it in black and white, on the frame 3 position.
nathalie: 00:44:28
aether9: 00:44:38
aether9: 00:44:57
the upper right?
ana-lisa: 00:44:59
but even then, the space for text insertion will break the symetric...
nathalie: 00:45:19
a question about this chat: why kind of interaction we have or there are between this chat and us?
nathalie: 00:45:38
i mean maybe we can ask to the audience something?
ana-lisa: 00:45:39
Nathalie, your images are slighlty colored. wouldn't it be nice to try a real grey?
nathalie: 00:45:46
i spoke with paula before about that
ana-lisa: 00:45:57
sorry, I missed this part
nathalie: 00:46:20
i know but aether9:manuel said we 'll see friday for the esthetics of images..
boris: 00:46:22
at 1.30 guys i have to go to bed (longs days for me), so it will be nice that at the latest at 1 we try something like a rythmic rehearsal
aether9: 00:46:32
nathalie, the chat was there so the virtual audience can express their amazement.. ;)
laure.dit: 00:46:57
and their tomatoes as...
laure.dit: 00:46:59
aether9: 00:47:06
yes, let's rehearse. or at least, read through the text alltogether
paula vélez: 00:47:25
star with the vois
nathalie: 00:47:26
paula vélez: 00:47:27
laure.dit: 00:47:27
let's try this yes
paula vélez: 00:47:30
fe2cruz: 00:47:37
yeah judy's got the right idea
ana-lisa: 00:47:38
Manuel, is it possible for the text of frame 1 and 3 to disapear from the upper part of frame? (opposite to now)
laure.dit: 00:47:46
Judy: in 5 minutes at least
paula vélez: 00:47:55
i'm agree, but i can not find the way to send images...dont know what is happening
aether9: 00:48:25
text: just insert blank lines
aether9: 00:52:42
ACT 2...
nathalie: 00:53:18
i forgot to record a rain for the end...
paula vélez: 00:53:23
the server list window do not correspond avec the upload window, i have the last version
fe2cruz: 00:53:45
118v4 ?
paula vélez: 00:54:06
yes, i have it you send it already , the rain
paula vélez: 00:54:18
no 119
paula vélez: 00:54:29
it has to be 118?
nathalie: 00:54:59
ok thanks paula
fe2cruz: 00:55:03
no sorry that is right the server list is wrong?
paula vélez: 00:55:56
yes, it sais geneve, et tout ça
aether9: 00:56:22
where are we in the text?
paula vélez: 00:56:26
when i try to selsect a server it is not the good one
fe2cruz: 00:56:57
which are you box 6 right? and you want which server?
aether9: 00:57:06
2.10, ok
paula vélez: 00:57:46
with the boy, that is normall¡y the difficult one?
paula vélez: 00:58:02
that we have to syncronise the boy getting out?
aether9: 00:58:28
if we follow the timing, everything would be quite faster, isn't it? (5 sec, 2 sec delays)
paula vélez: 00:58:41
it will be a boy all the time in my window or i have to go ...oups sound is offff
fe2cruz: 00:58:54
yeah sound is cutting out a bit
laure.dit: 00:59:00
(boris writing from here) i'm sorry totally lost.
aether9: 00:59:16
act II, 13
aether9: 00:59:28
"F goes to the window"
aether9: 00:59:40
"pushes window open"
ana-lisa: 00:59:49
no Paula, the boy is only in act III
paula vélez: 01:00:09
paula vélez: 01:00:11
so, sorry
ana-lisa: 01:00:17
and on a special moment
ana-lisa: 01:00:27
check the excell table
aether9: 01:00:33
sound breakdown _ missed the pallet... im trying now
paula vélez: 01:00:49
ana-lisa, maybe i'm looking a wrong page. the link is this one?:
paula vélez: 01:01:22
sound is again working
paula vélez: 01:03:27
this is it?
boris: 01:05:03
anyway paula and chris dont work .can we start again new york, geneva and brussels ?
paula vélez: 01:05:16
paula vélez: 01:05:43
i can not fix this sorry... but it sounds great, the voice and everyting
paula vélez: 01:05:45
aether9: 01:05:48
let's continue, anyway the actions will repeat
paula vélez: 01:05:54
it wil be fine
aether9: 01:05:56
we start act III - ok?
paula vélez: 01:06:01
ana-lisa: 01:06:01
Paula and chris, could you upload a black and white image with no figure and no movement? just in order to know how window and door looks like...
paula vélez: 01:06:03
boris: 01:06:08
act iii ok
laure.dit: 01:06:10
ok act III
laure.dit: 01:06:20
ok act I
paula vélez: 01:06:28
i can not send any images
paula vélez: 01:06:41
do you see something?
paula vélez: 01:07:09
i see a black image in y window
nathalie: 01:07:46
no i seeing you in loop;)
paula vélez: 01:08:05
tu me vois?
nathalie: 01:08:08
fe2cruz: 01:08:11
ok i got the ftp working live manuel can you change the interface to take
paula vélez: 01:08:15
alors je ne vois rien du tout
fe2cruz: 01:08:24
what size jpeg do you want?
fe2cruz: 01:08:57
160 120 all i got
nathalie: 01:09:07
tu dois pas être sur la bonne interfaced paula
paula vélez: 01:12:09
sorry for the image,
paula vélez: 01:12:31
it is block ans ugly with color
aether9: 01:13:24
now boris would sit on the chair again..
aether9: 01:13:40
act II, 25-33
aether9: 01:16:21
Now, view of Corridor...
aether9: 01:17:17
boris: close-up of cassette
aether9: 01:17:31
act III, scene 12
Nylon: 01:19:55
I guess there is no small boy at this time. Right? For act3
ana-lisa: 01:20:30
WHAt time is it in colombia?
ana-lisa: 01:20:35
ana-lisa: 01:20:59
close up of manuel's face in the miror
ana-lisa: 01:21:13
<CLOSE close up
ana-lisa: 01:21:58
bravo paula!
nathalie: 01:22:17
yep so great
ana-lisa: 01:22:37
PLEASE, let's try the three TV color for frame 2-4-6
fe2cruz: 01:22:56
sorry will get them uploaded in a sec
paula vélez: 01:24:09
it is 19h30
nathalie: 01:24:11
what is the name of the paula boy?
nathalie: 01:24:29
ana-lisa: 01:24:40
let's try also an uniform ending for all active frames.
paula vélez: 01:24:46
paula vélez: 01:25:05
my son mame is pedro
nathalie: 01:25:12
paula vélez: 01:25:17
so this is an improvise coat
paula vélez: 01:25:29
to big for the moment and a hat if you wnat
paula vélez: 01:25:32
nathalie: 01:25:51
i find this big coat is interesting..
paula vélez: 01:26:15
Nylon: 01:26:27
OK we have to kill sound broadcast now
paula vélez: 01:26:39
sound doesnto worl anymore
Nylon: 01:26:50
when is the next rehearsal?
aether9: 01:27:14
next rehearsal was scheduled for friday
paula vélez: 01:27:17
i wil work with an idenpendent camera of cours and not the web one in may computer
paula vélez: 01:27:35
at what time fiday?
nathalie: 01:27:42
the same
paula vélez: 01:27:50
i am free tomorrow too
Nylon: 01:28:02
OK....its a date
paula vélez: 01:28:10
i would like to do exacly the script
aether9: 01:28:24
wouldnt it be possible to do it earlier, on friday?
Nylon: 01:28:38
Fri 6 PM NYC time. we will slightly improve by then...our set up
paula vélez: 01:28:40
a rehersal and arrange space properly too
nathalie: 01:28:41
paula do you have - or someone else - video of the rain?
fe2cruz: 01:28:43
yeah sorry for the dead frame
aether9: 01:28:50
because we will need quite a certain amount of time
fe2cruz: 01:28:51
i'll have it all ready friday
boris: 01:29:09
we could do it earlier on friday!
Nylon: 01:29:11
having a person prompting on Skype was very good/helpful
paula vélez: 01:29:16
rain? by a window
boris: 01:29:18
yes indeed
Nylon: 01:29:29
it is easy to get lost in the action
fe2cruz: 01:29:33
is everyone available before midnight cest
ana-lisa: 01:29:41
I won't take part to the rehearsal friday.
nathalie: 01:29:43
ok so send me
nathalie: 01:29:48
the rain 
nathalie: 01:30:02
or the video of the rain
nathalie: 01:30:03
ana-lisa: 01:30:20
but it doesn't really matter. the text is working. just that I can't manage both frames alone
ana-lisa: 01:31:03
one frame is enough
paula vélez: 01:31:46
you need a rain video or sound? there is a great sound judy send i think
paula vélez: 01:31:51
was jud
aether9: 01:32:18
the rain seen from window will be needed for the upper frame
nathalie: 01:32:21
rain video
aether9: 01:32:36
chris, do you think you will manage to get a working camera?
aether9: 01:33:18
i guess DV-cams should work with jitter?
aether9: 01:33:53
and paula, did you resolve the problem and what was it?
paula vélez: 01:33:54
ok, i will look in my video archives... i think i have in a lake.... will look if i have rain in a glass window
paula vélez: 01:34:02
i dont
nathalie: 01:34:03
friday i can be free 2pm until 6pm or midnight
ana-lisa: 01:34:10
paula vélez: 01:34:20
i dont know, i restart a lot of times max
nathalie: 01:34:30
or maybe someone can send me a rain here in brussel?
paula vélez: 01:34:34
and in this moment is blocked
fe2cruz: 01:35:39
yeah sorry where on the ftp would i load a single jpg for frame 2?
paula vélez: 01:35:43
the server list doesnt afect?
nathalie: 01:35:45
yep but sorry who is ana-lisa?
fe2cruz: 01:35:58
i'm getting all confused on the ftp folders
paula vélez: 01:36:00
i have to select there 6th frame
nathalie: 01:36:28
ana-lisa is chloé?
aether9: 01:36:42
chris, frame 2 is :
fe2cruz: 01:36:50
oh web !
aether9: 01:37:18
that's the path for the upload
aether9: 01:37:34
sent file servers.txt to members of this chat
nathalie: 01:37:47
tx manu
ana-lisa: 01:37:49
yes, chloé is ana-lisa
aether9: 01:37:56
sorry just wanted to paste the file name...
nathalie: 01:37:58
ok tx chloé
aether9: 01:38:03
stupid skype...
paula vélez: 01:38:08
ana-lisa: 01:38:11
nathalie: 01:38:41
so what time friday for the rehearsal?
fe2cruz: 01:38:50
can you change the viewer interface to only load a single jpg from my fwink? /web/2/0x.jpg
aether9: 01:39:04
i'd be availble from 2pm on friday
aether9: 01:39:10
chris: yes, no problem
nathalie: 01:39:19
ok 2pm
laure.dit: 01:39:20
good night guys
aether9: 01:39:30
but will you be able to set the colors to black+ white?
nathalie: 01:39:48
hi hi red or nothing 
fe2cruz: 01:39:48
i'll figure the colers, i thought they wanted to try red?
ana-lisa: 01:40:06
paula, could you colour your frame with blue and manuel with green
ana-lisa: 01:40:32
the images should be tinted with this colour
paula vélez: 01:41:01
i 'll do it with plasure but i dont know how
nathalie: 01:41:15
i checked my colours in order to change and have this grey
laure.dit: 01:41:33
for next rehearsal we should all know whats the script coordination much better, goodnight
ana-lisa: 01:41:34
boris just told me that this patch is not made to change the colour, sorry guys
nathalie: 01:41:51
what do you think chloe? 
fe2cruz: 01:42:03
night laure.
nathalie: 01:42:14
yes bye laure
paula vélez: 01:42:25
buenas noches laure
aether9: 01:42:26
chris you can try now, just updated the HtmL of your frame
boris: 01:42:29
i think so too that color-tinted frames would be good! manu, would it be easy to implement colorisation to the patch?
paula vélez: 01:43:02
yes it will be good
aether9: 01:43:07
yes, would be easy, will do it til friday
ana-lisa: 01:43:19
nice, thank you
nathalie: 01:43:26
fe2cruz: 01:43:44
yeah i can send b/w for sure with fwink
nathalie: 01:43:57
so i go to see if my tea is grey-reen or grey-blue ..(lapsang souchong)
nathalie: 01:44:01
good night all
fe2cruz: 01:44:03
then manuel could tint it. if not i could figure out a cheat to colirze the images
nathalie: 01:44:04
paula vélez: 01:44:04
so, i will be trying alone or with people around, things to prepare rehersal
fe2cruz: 01:44:08
night nthalie
aether9: 01:44:14
can you send some image live now, just to see?
ana-lisa: 01:44:39
you could also put a filter on your camera...
fe2cruz: 01:44:40
k just a sec
paula vélez: 01:44:51
just want to be sure of script page...
paula vélez: 01:45:01
paula vélez: 01:45:14
ana-lisa: 01:45:58
the table is not correct. frame 4 an 6 should be green and blue
aether9: 01:47:27
chris, is it possible to see THE window?
fe2cruz: 01:48:13
the window
paula vélez: 01:48:20
sorry, i dont have a blue paper
fe2cruz: 01:48:48
is it showing now?
fe2cruz: 01:49:01
is it red?
fe2cruz: 01:49:14
would you prefer i send it just b/w?
aether9: 01:49:16
yeah, but with a strange line of dots, and tinted in red
fe2cruz: 01:49:40
yeah i cheated and put subtitles that put a red transperancy
fe2cruz: 01:49:52
let me try another clear transperancy
aether9: 01:49:54
smart ;)
paula vélez: 01:50:20
how you put subtitles?
fe2cruz: 01:50:36
its fwink
aether9: 01:50:41
some windows becam software
aether9: 01:50:45
aether9: 01:51:12
is there a mode where it generates some more jpgs on the server?
aether9: 01:51:25
that way we could avoid the frame going black while it reloads
fe2cruz: 01:51:34
no, fwink is the only one that works and it can only do one jpg at a time
aether9: 01:52:03
ok. will maybe find some html workarountd
fe2cruz: 01:52:10
if you want 10 jpegs i have to use vdub and it won't be live it'll be prerecorded
aether9: 01:52:33
no, liveness is much more important
aether9: 01:52:46
what about using spaces instead of dots?
fe2cruz: 01:53:35
ok i changed the transperancy to a solid red jpeg no more subtitles
aether9: 01:53:38
now it looks very nice
fe2cruz: 01:54:14
thats fwink it ain't bad
aether9: 01:54:55
yeah. did we finally agree about a rehearsal time for friday?
paula vélez: 01:54:59
how you put it in red?
fe2cruz: 01:55:18
oh no, nobody confirmed. & i think they left already
aether9: 01:55:30
looks like laure and boris left us, so we can fix that tomorrow by email.
boris: 01:55:31
no we're here
fe2cruz: 01:55:32
lets post something on the mailing list
fe2cruz: 01:55:39
either 6 or midnight
fe2cruz: 01:55:43
bxl time
aether9: 01:55:58
i'm much in favour of 6 in this case
fe2cruz: 01:56:00
i think judy only knows about midnight
boris: 01:56:01
well i'm here - let's say 6 then
paula vélez: 01:56:25
someone ask if it could be possible to do ir earlier than midnigh
aether9: 01:56:28
i think judy's part worked quite well already, which isnt the case for us...
fe2cruz: 01:56:30
yeah everyone will see the mailing post in the morning anyway so 6pm bxl is cool
paula vélez: 01:56:38
for me, there is no problem....hihi
boris: 01:56:46
yes, judy's part is great allready!
paula vélez: 01:56:49
it is almost 8pm
fe2cruz: 01:56:53
yeah even if she shows up late her thing is ready so she's fine
paula vélez: 01:57:19
paula vélez: 01:57:34
yes sound is workiing well
paula vélez: 01:57:46
i like a lot the first part description
boris: 01:57:47
chris, will you have the right setup on friday already?
fe2cruz: 01:57:53
hey paula the red is an imposed transperancy on fwink the webcam to ftp software
aether9: 01:58:07
So, we agree on 6. rehearsal for the video synchronisation.
paula vélez: 01:58:10
ajhhha ok,
paula vélez: 01:58:16
i understand
fe2cruz: 01:58:25
yeah i'll be ready sorry i had all my clothes but the transmission didn't go so smooth
boris: 01:58:41
chris, will you use a mac with the max-patch or the other method?
aether9: 01:58:54
goodnight to all, and dont forget to send to Cym the info she needs to represent our group.
paula vélez: 01:59:05
boris: 01:59:08
i will do this now
fe2cruz: 01:59:15
no mac, my friends are busy with a lot of stuff this weekend so i'll have to use fwink
paula vélez: 01:59:17
of course, ,i almost forget
fe2cruz: 01:59:27
but manuel says it'll work. night manuel
boris: 01:59:47
fwink works with a web cam not a camera, right?
boris: 01:59:52
night manu
fe2cruz: 02:00:07
i don't have a camera right now that will feed into my laptop
paula vélez: 02:00:07
tonigth it is a online concert
paula vélez: 02:00:17
i organise concerts ones a month
aether9: 02:00:18
i guess fwink works with any camera-like object connected to the PC
fe2cruz: 02:00:22
vdub will do all that but it won't be live
paula vélez: 02:00:28
and it will be in an hour
paula vélez: 02:00:29
boris: 02:00:38
chris, will you use a webcam or a digital camera?
paula vélez: 02:00:45
in a cinema
paula vélez: 02:00:57
if you want to hear
aether9: 02:01:02
the beauty and the challenge of the whole thing is to interact live, so i advocate the use of fwink, 100%
fe2cruz: 02:01:06
paula, whats the stream address?
aether9: 02:01:32
and that's my final goodnight ;)
fe2cruz: 02:01:45
one of these day's i'll have max with a camera that'll work with the patch though. thanks manuel, night
boris: 02:01:49
paula vélez: 02:01:51
i dont know if is really good this time, but if you want to hear a rock-folk unplugged colombian thing
paula vélez: 02:01:56
see the link
paula vélez: 02:02:23
good night manu
fe2cruz: 02:02:47
i don't see the link paula
paula vélez: 02:03:11
paula vélez: 02:03:16
boris: 02:03:18
will check this paula!
boris: 02:04:18
chris, i was asking in order to know how the whole thing could potentially look (webcam and/or digitalcam)
paula vélez: 02:04:24
there have been playing good groups , i wish tonigth will be good. the transmision and everything
paula vélez: 02:04:37
paula vélez: 02:04:53
so, bye  guys . i have to do dinner...then concert
fe2cruz: 02:05:20
cool open your skype so we can chat with you at 9 too
fe2cruz: 02:05:28
fe2cruz: 02:05:42
i for sure will have the images and props ready for friday
fe2cruz: 02:05:59
i got a big coat that should match the ones you all have
paula vélez: 02:06:00
paula vélez: 02:06:00
i recomend you to download the AEROMOSTRA session, it was good i think, that concert
fe2cruz: 02:06:13
night paula
boris: 02:07:05
yes good night paula!
fe2cruz: 02:08:52
was there anything else you guys needed for me to do specifically for my frame 2?
boris: 02:10:08
nothing special for me.
boris: 02:10:26
i will now concentrate on writing to Cym. see you later.
fe2cruz: 02:10:50
ok i can just copy the whole skype chat and email to her if you like
ana-lisa: 02:10:52
SEE YOU GUYS. good night. good start!
fe2cruz: 02:11:02
night chloe, thanks
fe2cruz: 02:12:37
k night boris see you friday too


boris: 17:53:30
aether9: 17:53:42
Nylon: 17:54:03
hi here
aether9: 17:54:17
i'm finishing to add the colorizer function to the patch, should be done in 5 min
fe2cruz: 18:02:07
sorry i'm here too
fe2cruz: 18:02:44
r we doing a real runthrough soon or later?
boris: 18:05:41
fe2cruz: 18:06:19
with just us or we wait?
boris: 18:09:30
judy, manu, you, me and we shôuld wait paula... 
fe2cruz: 18:10:10
does paula know its this early?
boris: 18:10:54
well we agreed on the chat the other night, didn't we?
boris: 18:11:00
and she was there.
Nylon: 18:11:06
I have a file that I could transfer via skype of 11 jpeg textures of aluminum painted surfaces that are violent ,lunar you want to have a look? Possibly the flat grays we have were too insignificent looking. dunno....
fe2cruz: 18:11:36
yeah transmit if it doesn't work email em
fe2cruz: 18:11:48
skype's been kinda goofy on files lately
Nylon: 18:12:11
Couldn't reach Jonathan just now so....I thought we were doing the rehearsal at the same time...6PM today NY time
fe2cruz: 18:12:23
paula will be here soon then
Nylon: 18:12:57
sent file Alumimun6.jpg to members of this chat
Nylon: 18:14:03
failed...will email
fe2cruz: 18:14:20
no biggie
fe2cruz: 18:17:46
hey guys is my window angle acceptable? i don't have a small window that will fit the width of my webcam
boris: 18:22:15
chris, can you go to the window to see how it looks with you there...
Nylon: 18:22:22
Now there are 2 emails exceeding the limit of size.....awaiting approval....but at least they are there...all 11 jpgs
boris: 18:22:24
it is super over-exposed...
fe2cruz: 18:23:03
i'll fix that
fe2cruz: 18:23:17
suns moving so need to adjust the flag
boris: 18:24:17
you got a kid with you...
Nylon: 18:24:21
I will try to set up alone...but I cannot manage the broadcast alone......and since Jonathan and I are close to the mark already....I would rather try to help on the visuals for this rehursal. I am hoping that there is another one later..????
fe2cruz: 18:25:41
yeah babysitting this week. no worries judy. you can just type the commans if your stream dont go
Nylon: 18:25:55
boris: 18:26:12
ok judy - me i'll be online till late, wen it's 6pm in nyc. it is important though to rehearse with voice, question of understanding the rythm.
Nylon: 18:28:40
Yes, esp the pacing between you and us. We need a strong visual cue, perhaps a hand gesture so that I do not lose what you are in the script. I cannot cue you. OR...we need a 3rd party teleprompter person, like the script girl on a film to ride the script  closely on Skype
fe2cruz: 18:29:45
yeah maybe you guys can test some emergency signals right now. boris can you be on camera now by yourself?
boris: 18:31:04
manu, there's a new patch?
aether9: 18:32:48
the new patch (120) is in
aether9: 18:33:09
allows to tint the image in green, blue or red...
boris: 18:36:30
Nylon: 18:36:40
I rather like the color! Please someone, grab the jpegs I sent off the email server. The violence of texture might add something if inserted randomly. ....or not...who know until we look
boris: 18:37:10
manu - is my server working ? seems i can't upload.
boris: 18:37:54
it's me - sorry, 1 moment
fe2cruz: 18:38:28
wow yeah color tints are really nice
fe2cruz: 18:38:35
boris: 18:47:10
here's the situation in bxl: we contracted a starving lebanese actor to do the part - we are ready, with no rush, we can wait.- we do not have the right clothing but tommorow we will have it. we do not have the right setting either but we will have it tommorow as well.
laure.dit: 18:48:41
fe2cruz: 18:48:46
aether9: 18:50:40
here in geneva we're ready to start. my camera girl will have to leave before 9pm, so better if we dont wait too long
aether9: 18:53:58
christian, is it possible to adjust brightness/contrast of your image (bit more dark, and more contrast)?
boris: 18:54:30
could we call paula in colombia? who has her number?
boris: 18:54:33
aether9: 18:55:11
paula's mobile is +573122974014
aether9: 18:55:23
will send her a message
boris: 18:55:27
boris: 18:56:24
judy, did you recorded you voice (v) last time by chance? if yes you could upload this file so our actor gets to know it.
Nylon: 18:57:30
I am looking.....I think it was archived if I can find it
fe2cruz: 18:57:34
um as soon as i get in the picture it gets better its just really bright outside
fe2cruz: 18:57:55
brb gotta swtich machiens i'll be ready to do a runthrough in 5 min
Nylon: 18:58:26
Otherwise....I did reach Jonathan in a meeting and he will be here as we understood at 11:30 Brussels time
Nylon: 18:59:35
chris suggested that I might just use Skype with sound now to do live vox
boris: 19:03:25
we could try skype indeed
fe2cruz: 19:03:41
judy can you try talking into this chat
fe2cruz: 19:03:59
i'm ready now i got my coat
Nylon: 19:04:38
I found the nicecast sound archive and it is in 7 mp3s because we turned off and on. Never thought we'd need more than a record of what went down to edit later
Nylon: 19:04:57
Skype would be comference call
boris: 19:05:09
ok. exactly. let's try this.
fe2cruz: 19:05:53
it works lets do this
boris: 19:05:56
problem: we'll hear the others no?? we'll see..
boris: 19:06:01
exaclly ahahahha¨
fe2cruz: 19:06:14
shut off your mics everyone else
fe2cruz: 19:06:25
not you judy no
boris: 19:06:56
aether9: 19:07:04
fe2cruz: 19:07:46
i think i got it can you guys still here me bleed in
fe2cruz: 19:08:00
fe2cruz: 19:08:30
ok boris, manuel, you guys ready to do this?
aether9: 19:09:01
fe2cruz: 19:09:18
i'm ready
aether9: 19:09:41
i hear with interruptions.
fe2cruz: 19:10:30
any better i'll cuagh now
fe2cruz: 19:10:41
did you stil here me?
boris: 19:10:54
i wasn't invited!
fe2cruz: 19:11:10
maybe lets open another chat with just us?
boris: 19:11:48
boris: 19:11:52
we are - perfect here
boris: 19:11:58
boris: 19:12:03
no feedback for you?
fe2cruz: 19:12:18
no cool so we are ok then judy are you ok there?
boris: 19:12:24
that's right!
boris: 19:12:28
i hear you
aether9: 19:12:29
no feeback from paula, phone nr seems not working
boris: 19:13:43
let's say we start rehearsal 1 in 5 minutes.
boris: 19:13:45
fe2cruz: 19:13:47
judy? maybe i can't har now
aether9: 19:13:48
fe2cruz: 19:13:58
judy are you speaking still?
aether9: 19:14:07
btw, i have an audio file of judy's reading yesterday
aether9: 19:14:35
i could stream it through the mp3 server
Nylon: 19:14:40
maybe, a hand gesture, like showing both palms to signal the begining of a new that the actor marks where we are
boris: 19:14:52
manu: no, let's do it live as it seems it's working.
fe2cruz: 19:15:04
can you que it up to the last one. i lost judy on skype
paula vélez: 19:15:18
hi, i'm here. sorry for being so late
aether9: 19:15:27
i'm also out of the skype phonecall
boris: 19:15:32
oh!!! welcome paula! 
fe2cruz: 19:15:56
hi paula
boris: 19:16:02
paula, we where about to rehearse in 4 minutes.
paula vélez: 19:16:19
it was my cell phone but i didnt receve anything
Nylon: 19:16:55
someone else host...start t new skype confer. call....OK
paula vélez: 19:17:00
so, i will run to put everything in place
boris: 19:17:05
can you be ready soon? if not, let's rehearse now the part until paula's part that comes later in the play.
aether9: 19:18:34
paula, there is a new patch to download, that will allow you to have your image colored (in blue)
aether9: 19:18:38
patch 120 at
paula vélez: 19:19:56
paula vélez: 19:20:00
paula vélez: 19:20:34
it saids archive maybe damage?
paula vélez: 19:20:42
the zip one
paula vélez: 19:20:44
paula vélez: 19:21:06
i take the other
boris: 19:24:21
we all look the same... grrrrr
fe2cruz: 19:25:06
 the hood is pretty cool. its like ghettoether
fe2cruz: 19:25:40
sorry my niece really wants to get in on this
fe2cruz: 19:26:16
i'm gonna darken my red it looks too pink
aether9: 19:26:42
oops sorry
fe2cruz: 19:27:14
no worries my jpg refreshes every 5 seconds so it caught it
aether9: 19:27:39
mybe we should slightly change the beckett text to include your niece..
fe2cruz: 19:28:31
shes only here today. i'm solo tomorrow
fe2cruz: 19:29:24
which red do you like better?
aether9: 19:29:36
btw, i just discarded the txt input frame, but you will need to completely reload the browser to see the change
aether9: 19:29:50
red: right now it's very pale
aether9: 19:32:11
red: now it looks better to me
fe2cruz: 19:32:16
i think this red is the best i can get
aether9: 19:32:57
ok, so keep it like this
aether9: 19:33:11
paula, are you ok?
fe2cruz: 19:33:23
ok all set here then
boris: 19:34:02
fe2cruz: 19:34:38
judy are you just gonna type to us then?
boris: 19:35:03
interface looks nice...
Nylon: 19:35:07
unless we try the vox on skype with a new call
fe2cruz: 19:35:24
ok try it
boris: 19:35:41
can skype manage 4 connections at the time?
fe2cruz: 19:35:45
i love these sounds
boris: 19:35:45
we'll see
boris: 19:36:17
paula:turn mic of: >skype prefs > audio > input> (put it on "line in"
laure.dit: 19:36:40
do we need someone on skype who says in which scene we are, i can do if its  needed, guys ?
fe2cruz: 19:36:40
theres the mic mute @ the bottom of the main skype window
aether9: 19:37:19
laure,, please, yes do
fe2cruz: 19:37:29
yup can hear you this works
aether9: 19:37:58
geneva is receiving
boris: 19:38:14
sound ok in bxl!
laure.dit: 19:38:16
ok i will say just say the numbers like
laure.dit: 19:38:17
laure.dit: 19:38:19
laure.dit: 19:38:20
laure.dit: 19:38:35
in one min
boris: 19:38:47
level good here
laure.dit: 19:39:09
in 30 sec
laure.dit: 19:39:28
act I sc 0 every body in position
laure.dit: 19:42:59
sc1 late
laure.dit: 19:43:14
laure.dit: 19:43:41
laure.dit: 19:43:52
laure.dit: 19:44:18
c 1
laure.dit: 19:44:20
laure.dit: 19:44:25
laure.dit: 19:44:56
paula you re supposed
laure.dit: 19:44:58
tobe at
laure.dit: 19:45:05
the door noxw chris
laure.dit: 19:45:10
laure.dit: 19:46:14
now pallet
laure.dit: 19:47:55
fr5 comes back
laure.dit: 19:48:02
end act 2
laure.dit: 19:52:01
now hes looking chris
laure.dit: 19:52:05
paula vélez: 19:52:33
paula vélez: 19:52:40
i dont anytingh prepared
paula vélez: 19:52:47
i couldn do it
paula vélez: 19:53:03
so i have to do some rehersals with pedro and with another person
fe2cruz: 19:53:15
i lost it i'm confused
aether9: 19:53:42
sthg like actIII.18 ?
laure.dit: 19:53:47
you dont appear i act 3 you should show rain soon
fe2cruz: 19:53:50
judy are you still talking
paula vélez: 19:54:02
i dont anytingh prepared
i couldn do it
laure.dit: 19:54:04
judy does not talk in act 3
paula vélez: 19:54:09
i dont anytingh prepared
i couldn do it
paula vélez: 19:54:19
my connection fall down a second too
paula vélez: 19:54:33
i couldn do it well
paula vélez: 19:54:40
so i have to do some rehersals with pedro and with another person
laure.dit: 19:54:41
manu now - pallet
Nylon: 19:55:03
It is tough. I think we need to think of Laure as the director. Follow exactly. It would also work of the relervent square of action got brighter while it was in play
paula vélez: 19:55:14
i'm not in conference anymore, because my connection failed
paula vélez: 19:55:19
call me,
boris: 19:55:26
(there's no voice anymore...)
paula vélez: 19:55:33
or are you out of call conference now
paula vélez: 19:55:39
laure.dit: 19:55:50
judy does not talk in act 3
paula vélez: 19:55:56
it was terrible for me,
paula vélez: 19:56:10
the space is not very appropiated
fe2cruz: 19:56:11
yeah i was a bit off
paula vélez: 19:56:21
i must have the window
laure.dit: 19:56:31
now he will hear steps by the door
laure.dit: 19:56:44
paula must show the  kid
laure.dit: 19:57:14
paula can u do tha =
laure.dit: 19:57:54
he raises head sudenly in 5
laure.dit: 19:58:58
turn to black !
boris: 19:59:55
(black and colors, right)
boris: 20:00:09
pure colors, RGB
fe2cruz: 20:00:16
oh so leave my red
boris: 20:00:27
or balck`? rgb would be fine for me.
boris: 20:00:48
(rgb = Red Green Blue
fe2cruz: 20:01:05
solid colors yeah looks good
fe2cruz: 20:01:26
will there be fin in the text?
boris: 20:01:52
no, i guess black, colors and greys is clear...
aether9: 20:02:33
so, conclusion: act III still needs to be rehearsed intensively
fe2cruz: 20:02:53
yeah sorry about that
aether9: 20:03:47
no problem, but we have to resolve several visual questions
boris: 20:04:19
and act 2 as well.
Nylon: 20:04:34
paula....thinks also that we we rehearsing later. with the child and music etc..  midnight Euro time? and is looking better. seriously.....director needs to cue......saying " child on camera'  figure to window///etc
aether9: 20:04:56
yeah, we started be lost in the end of act 2.
laure.dit: 20:05:14
im soory
fe2cruz: 20:05:32
like: ACTII scene3 chris to window
aether9: 20:05:48
please dont be sorry ;) it's just not as easy as it seems...
Nylon: 20:05:51
once the vox is out and the music is dub & gets too out of control w/o cues
fe2cruz: 20:06:04
did it really look good judy?
laure.dit: 20:06:11
 i had an unfinnished text in hand, was mxed up
fe2cruz: 20:06:53
it was hard to pay attention. i havent refreshed by browser
Nylon: 20:07:08
it did.....I may have to change the rap about gray now.....say something like "gray in the eye of the beholder" 'cause it is no longer grey
aether9: 20:07:32
did all of you manage to print out a copy of the text? it's quite necessary to have it on paper, make notes, colorize the important actions....
fe2cruz: 20:07:46
so manuel what should we adjust? is my window ok?
fe2cruz: 20:08:01
i wrote mine down
boris: 20:08:06
important: in act3: when things will hapen in frames 2, 4 and 6, in frame 5 we will see just the hand F pointing in the relevant direction (and holding the cassete recorder).
aether9: 20:08:52
i think it could be good if the window was a bit more far away from the camera... but i guess it's not possible at this location?
boris: 20:09:02
for act 1 and act 2, the rythm of the voice was right i believe. just at the end of act 2 we got mixed up...
Nylon: 20:09:09
we are taking on alot.....directing this sort of production is a whole new thing....we can't worry about sorry....we just all surrender to the director and take it at her time ...delays and all
boris: 20:09:19
yes, actually we don't see at all that it is a window and this is not good.
boris: 20:09:38
(we know it cause we know it's supposed to be). 
aether9: 20:09:45
i had the impression a main thing to avoid is to have the caracter showing up in many frames at the same time
Nylon: 20:09:47
I am facing a clock so i can hold on the the 5sec direction even with delays
Nylon: 20:10:01
fe2cruz: 20:10:12
fe2cruz: 20:10:22
i'll try my smaller bathroom window
boris: 20:10:28
manu: you speaking of act3 where 2 peopel appear (according to the script)?
Nylon: 20:10:36
thats why I was wondering if one can darken and light up the squares as relevent
aether9: 20:11:08
i speak for example about end of act 2, scene 33
aether9: 20:11:33
where F should leave cassette on chair and disappear from frame 5
boris: 20:11:54
boris: 20:12:22
we where mixed up - in my notes he should get out of the frame...
Nylon: 20:12:48
it say on the orig scrip...cut to...
boris: 20:14:16
wich original script?
fe2cruz: 20:14:55
will we be able to do another runthrough @ midnight?
fe2cruz: 20:15:10
or is this it?
Nylon: 20:15:49
I am hoping for a midnight rehearsal
aether9: 20:15:54
yeah, sure
fe2cruz: 20:16:21
paula, can you run through again later?
boris: 20:16:22
Judy: what means "say something like "gray in the eye of the beholder" 'cause it is no longer grey"?
Remote Control Monkey: 20:16:40
Greetings!  just joining you all, jetlagged and now in LA - can give fresh feedback, LET me know if you need another addition, too!  though I'm late in
Nylon: 20:16:59
the frames now have color.....the text say grey  alll grey
boris: 20:17:13
cool LA - welcome!
fe2cruz: 20:17:58
the dr is in?
boris: 20:18:03
Remote Control Monkey: 20:18:17
Yep, but do you need another act-or?
fe2cruz: 20:18:34
hi, where did you arrive from? berlin?
fe2cruz: 20:18:42
um i think were ok on actors
Remote Control Monkey: 20:19:14
Yes, Berlin - great - then I will watch!!
Nylon: 20:19:55
What about dimming .....fade to black on the squares not in play so that we never have an actor at the stool and the window at the same time
boris: 20:19:55
so when do we plan another rehearsal? in 10 minutes?
fe2cruz: 20:20:18
cool i gotta move my camera and computer to the new window and make lunch so when is the next runthrough now or do we need to wait till midnight?
boris: 20:20:33
yes, we cannot have 2 actors at the same time. i agree
aether9: 20:20:54
are we all ready do make another runtrhough now?
boris: 20:20:58
i'd like to make a runthrough now
boris: 20:21:05
we're ready here
aether9: 20:21:16
aren't there any more questions about the script?
fe2cruz: 20:21:20
paula, judy? can you guys go again? i gotta do it now this little one needs to eat soon
Nylon: 20:21:33
this would untangle the action if it is possible. and keep people from scurrying out of frame against a six second delay
boris: 20:21:47
fe2cruz: 20:21:56
um as long i can see the direction in skype i'll be ok
fe2cruz: 20:22:27
yeah she got jealous anmd relaly wanted to be in the show
Nylon: 20:22:29
paula is gone i think.......and i would like to brainstorm until we figure out how to simplify the stage direction
fe2cruz: 20:23:04
oh so boris, manuel judy, laure, is this enough for one more run through?
fe2cruz: 20:23:34
we can pretend there is something in the colombian frame
boris: 20:23:39
aether9: 20:23:48
yes, we can do, trying to concentrate all mainly on the actions of central caracter
fe2cruz: 20:24:07
ok go ahead and start the window frame will shift a bit. we gotta go cause this kid is hungry
Nylon: 20:24:10 know....scurry like a cat when a bit of ou is still seen in square 5 and the head at the window is already in square 2
laure.dit: 20:24:29
the good thing to try is that for act 2, judy wait for my signal to say her words, to try to coordiante action and words
laure.dit: 20:24:37
what do u think ?
boris: 20:24:46
laure.dit: 20:24:53
i will try, im getting organised for that
boris: 20:24:56
reheasal in 1 minute?
fe2cruz: 20:25:03
yeah we must all follow laure's directions on skype
Nylon: 20:25:09
ok....i will wait for a cue to start act 2
Remote Control Monkey: 20:25:11
I'm viewing the mainframe - should I hear audio as well?
laure.dit: 20:25:19
im not totay ready but yes if its necessary
Nylon: 20:25:25
sorry I must call again
laure.dit: 20:25:26
boris: 20:25:39
we will go slow for act 2 and 3, ok? not rush but do it all.
laure.dit: 20:26:54
every ody in position
Remote Control Monkey: 20:26:55
cool!  i can hear you!!!
boris: 20:27:39
we hear you in bxl ok
laure.dit: 20:27:40
paula whre r u ?
aether9: 20:28:42
i'm ready
fe2cruz: 20:29:27
should i use a differnt curtain or you guys like that?
laure.dit: 20:29:46
no curtain if possible
boris: 20:30:12
ok, this looks like a winow now.
laure.dit: 20:30:17
and you not show a kid chris, do u have rain to upload for act 3
fe2cruz: 20:31:08
no she can't reach this window she's palying with soap in another room
fe2cruz: 20:31:31
um rain? yeah i gotta still figure that out
laure.dit: 20:31:57
we will see for tomorrowdont bother now
boris: 20:32:06
the lebanese actor is ready and hungry
boris: 20:32:27
and excited
aether9: 20:32:39
ok, so what do we wait for?
aether9: 20:32:59
laure, are you giving the cue?
laure.dit: 20:33:04
lets go
laure.dit: 20:33:10
aether9: 20:34:41
(( middle frame shld be empty now, F appearing only at #31))
laure.dit: 20:35:37
no he stays there
boris: 20:36:01
ok manu
laure.dit: 20:36:35
soon sc2
laure.dit: 20:36:37
boris: 20:37:28
aether9: 20:37:36
fe2cruz: 20:37:38
boris: 20:37:41
i am SORRY - we must agree if we listen
boris: 20:37:46
to Judy
boris: 20:37:53
or the Director's instruction, Laure
laure.dit: 20:37:57
ending act1 should take a while with the zoom and unzoom
laure.dit: 20:38:09
judy for act 2 wait for my signal
fe2cruz: 20:38:42
oh yeah that zoom
fe2cruz: 20:39:01
maybe start again just befter the zoom?
aether9: 20:39:01
mybe, for the rehearsal, judy reads also some of the "didascalies" (text instructions)?
laure.dit: 20:39:19
for act1 i will stop talking scenes
fe2cruz: 20:39:39
good idea for rehersals
boris: 20:40:00
i propose we start again at "look again". and manu we agree, F will appear at l.31
laure.dit: 20:40:15
act 1 we foolow judys voice
laure.dit: 20:40:29
act 2 judy follow my directions to talk
fe2cruz: 20:40:34
laure.dit: 20:40:51
look again f goes in fr 5
aether9: 20:41:10
i think he shouldnt "go" but rather appear...
laure.dit: 20:41:28
you re wright
aether9: 20:41:41
so you start-stop your patch
laure.dit: 20:41:48
we do
paula vélez: 20:42:07
i'm back again. yes, fe2cruz i will be there later.
paula vélez: 20:42:11
since now
laure.dit: 20:42:42
we are ready judy for your look again paula, observe you will try next rehearsal
laure.dit: 20:43:03
laure.dit: 20:43:37
ok we re zooming
boris: 20:44:25
judy taljk
fe2cruz: 20:44:36
i lost my connection
laure.dit: 20:44:51
act 2
fe2cruz: 20:44:54
judy can you call me again?
laure.dit: 20:45:07
fr 5 hears something to the door
laure.dit: 20:45:15
judy ?
boris: 20:45:33
he will now things he hears her
boris: 20:45:36
fe2cruz: 20:45:46
can you guys hear judy?
laure.dit: 20:45:51
laure.dit: 20:45:58
do u ?
fe2cruz: 20:46:06
i hear her, jufy i think they lost you
paula vélez: 20:46:14
i finish reading
aether9: 20:46:29
boris: 20:46:29
laure.dit: 20:46:33
yes we hear u
laure.dit: 20:46:58
lets start at look again we follow your voice judy for act 1
paula vélez: 20:47:03
sorry mi actor was taking a shower and they where starving thats why
fe2cruz: 20:47:04
wierd im gone now
boris: 20:47:30
laure.dit: 20:47:34
you have to go chris ?
boris: 20:47:56
sound ok here.
paula vélez: 20:47:57
i can hear
fe2cruz: 20:48:06
no i'm good, she's enjoying herself right now
Remote Control Monkey: 20:48:09
sound good
boris: 20:48:31
no - not act 2 - please let's start at "look again" 
boris: 20:48:37
paula vélez: 20:48:46
ok , i'm super ready with script, but lets go with scene two
laure.dit: 20:49:20
boris: 20:49:51
paula vélez: 20:49:59
paula vélez: 20:50:04
lets restart
laure.dit: 20:50:21
act 2 wait for my indications
paula vélez: 20:50:28
laure.dit: 20:50:36
lets start at act 2
boris: 20:51:20
sto  -we have different interpretations of the scenario - i thing it's no use now rehearsing - we need to understand ourselves.
boris: 20:51:32
boris: 20:51:36
at beg of ACT2
aether9: 20:51:59
the acting just before seemed correct..
laure.dit: 20:52:24
f is hear ing something the he goes to fr 6 and that should take time
boris: 20:52:28
for me, the v must wait a moment between l.3 and l.5
paula vélez: 20:52:30
act II i start wiht space. then sc2 cate 7 12 listens with rigth ear
fe2cruz: 20:52:59
sorry another router disconnecet
fe2cruz: 20:53:25
where are we now?
paula vélez: 20:53:39
i sugest somethin
boris: 20:53:42
right, i know it's really difficult for the moment.
paula vélez: 20:53:46
for this rehersal
laure.dit: 20:54:03
act 2 is made of actions and they take time thats why judy has to wait for my directions to describe the actions taking place
paula vélez: 20:54:10
judy, maybe you can read directly from scrip every action all of us must do
laure.dit: 20:54:23
no paula
paula vélez: 20:54:59
paula vélez: 20:55:05
why not
paula vélez: 20:55:27
it is just to fix, see the script, do a good intermpretation
paula vélez: 20:55:42
only to do a general direction rehersal
paula vélez: 20:56:15
that is the script i'm reading it is the good one, isnt it?
paula vélez: 20:56:26
this one too
paula vélez: 20:56:26
aether9: 20:56:56
there were no changes in the scripts, so all are ok
paula vélez: 20:57:04
paula vélez: 20:57:04
paula vélez: 20:57:14
i was only wondering
laure.dit: 20:57:17
for act 2, judy you words must be in interaction with whats happening in the frames, ca u do tha t?
laure.dit: 20:57:42
laure.dit: 20:57:58
its true
boris: 20:58:22
i don't believe we can manage this now like this on skype. i propose that i rewrite the script in a more readable manner : with a timeline including the voice and action in each frame. 
boris: 20:58:45
for tommorow in any case i'll do this.
fe2cruz: 20:58:48
is judy's voice still on?
laure.dit: 20:59:33
boris: 21:00:06
fe2cruz: 21:00:18
judy can u call me again? skype is not nice to me today
boris: 21:00:22
so let's star again at "look again" and fine tune step by step?
boris: 21:00:35
paula vélez: 21:00:35
paula vélez: 21:01:35
cruz have a cold
laure.dit: 21:01:40
ok so for act2 judy you wait for the frames to be ready in action to say your words , yes ?
fe2cruz: 21:01:42
it says i'm muted?
paula vélez: 21:01:44
stop marijuana cris
paula vélez: 21:01:47
fe2cruz: 21:01:50
fe2cruz: 21:02:03
still hear me?
paula vélez: 21:02:11
not anymore
fe2cruz: 21:02:33
ok good must've just been on connection
Nylon: 21:02:48
I will hang up and try again  4 everyone
fe2cruz: 21:03:05
is boris in there?
fe2cruz: 21:03:14
boris can u hear?
laure.dit: 21:03:20
boris: 21:03:24
paula vélez: 21:03:30
do i must film the door from where i'm doing it? or in front
Nylon: 21:03:40
ok here goes
boris: 21:04:23
paula:we dont really understand this is a door. could you film it more door-like?
paula vélez: 21:04:25
natahlie doestn seem to work
Nylon: 21:04:28
Skype is not being Ok.....what now?
aether9: 21:04:55
hmm, judy, do you have a version of that max installed?
fe2cruz: 21:05:00
drag & drop boris and laure into the call window from here
Nylon: 21:05:12
Jonatahn is not with me to co-pilot  4 two and a half hours
laure.dit: 21:05:17
yes ihear
fe2cruz: 21:06:06
just need boris now
paula vélez: 21:06:23
i hear
laure.dit: 21:06:37
boris: 21:06:43
fe2cruz: 21:06:50
woohoo lets do this
fe2cruz: 21:07:07
everyone ready?
paula vélez: 21:07:12
paula vélez: 21:07:28
just letme put my acamera from another point of viuw
paula vélez: 21:07:29
fe2cruz: 21:07:36
fe2cruz: 21:10:17
manuel your f is showing
paula vélez: 21:14:14
so, this is the angle i thik works beter for the moment
paula vélez: 21:14:20
boris: 21:14:33
laure.dit: 21:14:38
boris: 21:14:46
boris: 21:15:43
kid is awsome
boris: 21:15:49
in this deep blue
laure.dit: 21:15:56
paula can you put yor camera in order to face back to it ?
boris: 21:16:04
paula vélez: 21:16:20
is my girl 13 year old
fe2cruz: 21:16:28
kid looks like he's in a godard movie
paula vélez: 21:16:31
then it wll be pedro he is little
laure.dit: 21:16:49
lets start
laure.dit: 21:16:55
from the beginning ?
paula vélez: 21:16:57
face back
paula vélez: 21:17:11
so like direckly face to the door you mean?
laure.dit: 21:17:22
to the camera but dont change just remember that your face should not be too visible
laure.dit: 21:17:36
paula vélez: 21:18:40
yes, the second acto is the back of F listen throu the door with right ear
boris: 21:18:40
so Judy please
laure.dit: 21:18:48
are u okay to start from the begiinning everyone ?
paula vélez: 21:18:53
paula vélez: 21:18:54
boris: 21:19:02
tell v according to what happens in the frames as far as possible
paula vélez: 21:19:02
i dont have all script ready
paula vélez: 21:19:10
but lets star form the begining
paula vélez: 21:19:42
the white paper is because there are stikers
paula vélez: 21:20:01
i put away all affiches
paula vélez: 21:20:04
laure.dit: 21:21:04
boris is talking of at2
laure.dit: 21:21:08
laure.dit: 21:21:33
and in act1 wait for the figure to appear to say it
paula vélez: 21:22:02
fe2cruz: 21:22:08
boris: 21:22:12
aether9: 21:22:22
fe2cruz: 21:22:46
laure tell us what to do
laure.dit: 21:23:01
paula vélez: 21:23:12
paula vélez: 21:23:24
you said act 2 already?
laure.dit: 21:23:28
act 1 everyspace in position
laure.dit: 21:23:48
judy tallk until-> look again
laure.dit: 21:24:09
wait we dont have voice judy call us please
aether9: 21:24:58
judy, try if its possible to *drag" them in the conference
boris: 21:25:11
boris: 21:25:18
boris: 21:25:59
we wait for one call.
laure.dit: 21:26:23
ok we hve u boris and laure
paula vélez: 21:27:04
go i'm ready with act 1, 2 , 3...
laure.dit: 21:27:19
lets go
laure.dit: 21:27:27
ready ?
paula vélez: 21:27:30
laure.dit: 21:29:36
we lost sound
laure.dit: 21:29:43
fe2cruz: 21:29:44
oh no
fe2cruz: 21:29:59
i think its too much for skype we need to try something else
laure.dit: 21:30:10
let continue judy
laure.dit: 21:30:43
ou hear someone ?
laure.dit: 21:31:28
we hear u well
Nylon: 21:32:04
This is too much....I can come back in 2 hours with full equipment.....til then can someone else read  the vox while you get the enterences down pat//////with fewer people straining skype?
paula vélez: 21:32:16
i hear you
aether9: 21:32:40
geneva is hearing
boris: 21:32:46
judy - i hear through laure.
boris: 21:32:57
paula vélez: 21:33:04
paula vélez: 21:33:06
laure.dit: 21:33:32
act 1 starting
laure.dit: 21:36:40
zoom in fr 5
laure.dit: 21:37:16
wait until start of act 2
laure.dit: 21:37:32
judy your direction you start act2
laure.dit: 21:37:45
laure.dit: 21:38:16
paula get ready to the door
laure.dit: 21:38:45
chris to window
laure.dit: 21:39:14
laure.dit: 21:39:45
pallet  and mirror
laure.dit: 21:40:03
manu ?
aether9: 21:40:16
whithout voice?
boris: 21:40:27
boris: 21:40:31
laure.dit: 21:41:05
laure.dit: 21:41:13
laure.dit: 21:41:37
no paula its fr 5
laure.dit: 21:41:40
laure.dit: 21:41:44
u come after
laure.dit: 21:41:47
paula vélez: 21:41:57
ah ok
paula vélez: 21:42:03
shes out
paula vélez: 21:42:49
now, act 6?
paula vélez: 21:43:08
 F listens door
paula vélez: 21:43:11
aether9: 21:43:14
here is one of the messy moments...
laure.dit: 21:43:19
boris: 21:43:23
fe2cruz: 21:44:10
whats the best way to clear this section up? i think boris is right we need a rewrite
fe2cruz: 21:44:27
maybe do another runthrough at mdinight after a rewrite?
boris: 21:44:29
now is the door ok - next F will come bacj to frame5
laure.dit: 21:45:00
end act 2
laure.dit: 21:45:22
act 3 zoom on 5
fe2cruz: 21:46:07
i think they wanna finish this runthrough
laure.dit: 21:46:18
paula show corridor
aether9: 21:47:11
cassette on stool?
laure.dit: 21:47:17
indow opens and closses
laure.dit: 21:47:24
laure.dit: 21:48:08
cassette in hhand i direction of action( we changed that)
laure.dit: 21:48:23
now to window
laure.dit: 21:48:31
widow open and closes
paula vélez: 21:48:33
now we are suppost to be at sc6 act 32?
laure.dit: 21:48:55
now to pallet
laure.dit: 21:49:19
manu action
paula vélez: 21:49:26
act III scene 3?
aether9: 21:49:49
i just did the pallet thing, but as i moved the camera myself i couldnt see what i was filming...
laure.dit: 21:50:10
i know now f is back in 5
laure.dit: 21:50:34
we re zoominf and finnishing
laure.dit: 21:51:35
ok fade out
fe2cruz: 21:53:56
ok brb
Nylon: 21:56:24
One thing in our favor is that no one knows this play exactly....and long as it seems smooth they can follow. The door when it opens as if f is opening it should be opened (so we see only the light) from the far side so that we see no body. Only when the boy is on camera and in the play....should we see a body in that frame....right?
paula vélez: 21:56:41
i'm not hearing anymore since a lot of a moment
paula vélez: 21:56:50
paula vélez: 21:56:54
paula vélez: 21:56:59
paula vélez: 21:57:09
i couldnt get it at the end
paula vélez: 21:57:23
but, it work beter this time
paula vélez: 21:57:38
i have to organise space better to have the corridor
paula vélez: 21:57:48
like in original space script
fe2cruz: 21:58:15
i was able to follow this time it looked good, not that confusing
paula vélez: 21:58:21
so continue to speak a little, i star missing your voice
fe2cruz: 21:59:56
so what now guys? maybe we can break for a couple hours and try again with judy & music at midnight bxl?
paula vélez: 22:00:16
yeah i think is a good idea
aether9: 22:00:18
yeah, that would be not bad i think
paula vélez: 22:00:19
i agree
fe2cruz: 22:00:37
bxl, genveve do you concur?
aether9: 22:00:38
let's take a well-deserved break
paula vélez: 22:00:39
i will arrange space
fe2cruz: 22:00:56
yeah, i'm starving
paula vélez: 22:00:58
and see how i'm going to get along with light
laure.dit: 22:01:00
fe2cruz: 22:01:14
any last thoughts before we brake?
paula vélez: 22:01:20
because the corridor is very easy for me to do by nigth
paula vélez: 22:01:26
not by day
paula vélez: 22:01:51
it is no minimalistic as i like for this ocasion
boris: 22:01:57
ok as well.
aether9: 22:02:01
one thing, the email announcement...
paula vélez: 22:02:28
i have also need to read aether mails of today
aether9: 22:03:05
ok.. so do we let each of us send it to friends, etc, independently?
paula vélez: 22:03:10
i think the mail announcement you send before was not bbad
paula vélez: 22:03:25
paula vélez: 22:03:31
its true
paula vélez: 22:03:35
off course
paula vélez: 22:03:55
shit, it is "dommage"... but you are right
paula vélez: 22:04:02
must be careful about it
fe2cruz: 22:04:36
ok cool, bye judy
paula vélez: 22:04:38
ok by judy
paula vélez: 22:04:41
thanks cool
fe2cruz: 22:04:55
c u all in a bit
paula vélez: 22:05:02
paula vélez: 22:05:12
boris: 22:05:20
cu later
laure.dit: 22:05:26
boris: 22:05:50
in 2 little hours
boris: 22:06:19
for me it's ok i'll do the announcment myself to my contacts eventually.
paula vélez: 22:07:01
send it to me... to see, please boris
paula vélez: 22:07:17
maybe i'll use it too
Nylon: 22:08:21
right....we can get better at announcing as we go. I will just send out mine as I think who would be interested. Do add to it or anything.....a personal annoucement is the best kind; everyone hates mass mailings
paula vélez: 22:10:05
nathalie: 23:51:56
hello )))))
aether9: 23:52:25
nathalie: 23:52:35
est ce qu'il y a un autre rehearsal maintenant?
nathalie: 23:52:46
car j'ai filmé de la neige vidéo 
nathalie: 23:52:50
j'aimerai essayer
aether9: 23:52:56
oui, on refait une répet
nathalie: 23:53:02
mais j'ai pas de pluie en vidéo
nathalie: 23:53:05
nathalie: 23:53:05
aether9: 23:53:07
le temps que tt le monde se reconnecte
nathalie: 23:53:12
nathalie: 23:53:53
tu connais un site où on peut trouver de la pluie en vidéo ;)
nathalie: 23:53:55
paula vélez: 23:54:09
nathalie: 23:54:10
à copier - télécharger
nathalie: 23:54:14
hi paula
laure.dit: 23:54:28
  crois que paula a des fichier pluies
laure.dit: 23:54:33
nathalie: 23:54:37
ok super
laure.dit: 23:54:41
salut nathalie
nathalie: 23:54:56
paula : tu peux me les mettre sur ftp d'aether?
nathalie: 23:55:03
salut laure
nathalie: 23:56:02
il pleuvait toute la semaine dernière et la pas une goutte ;)
nathalie: 23:56:07
sur bruxelles
nathalie: 23:56:28
bon j'ouvre mon patch
nathalie: 23:56:44
c'était bien le rehearsal à 6pm?
paula vélez: 23:56:48
hey i just want to ask you your advice. do i left this in the deep corridor or i left nude wall?
paula vélez: 23:57:08
i will show you now in main window
laure.dit: 23:57:16
i look
nathalie: 23:57:52
ok i'm opening that
laure.dit: 23:58:45
you know paula its maybe easier that with the corridor and the kid images you just prefilm them and upload when needed, so you dont have to get messed up with the camera. what do u think ?


laure.dit: 00:00:00
this corridor is nice though
nathalie: 00:00:17
o now we have 3 greys windows 
laure.dit: 00:00:46
but the door i dont understand is it a sliding door
Nylon: 00:01:22
nathalie: 00:01:30
hi judy
paula vélez: 00:02:15
yeah is a sliding door, thatrs the problem
paula vélez: 00:02:19
with my corridor
paula vélez: 00:02:31
but it is imposible to do it perfect
nathalie: 00:02:43
so i put only in the frame number 7
nathalie: 00:02:56
and it's wors too in the 9?
aether9: 00:03:35
yes, nat, 7 and 9 are the same
nathalie: 00:03:48
nathalie: 00:03:50
paula vélez: 00:03:59
i wiill shhow you how it looks when my dauther open its
nathalie: 00:04:03
so i put in the 8 now
paula vélez: 00:04:23
and you can also tell me if is better to find a masculine adult biguer then the by
paula vélez: 00:04:25
nathalie: 00:04:54
now i want adjust colour
nathalie: 00:05:04
7, 8, 9
laure.dit: 00:05:54
anyway paula i like the door from before and this one with the corridor. These are details in comparison with getting the actions from the play right and all together
laure.dit: 00:08:33
chris said we would come ?
nathalie: 00:12:28
there is a short delay between frame 7 and 9 
nathalie: 00:12:52
for the same video i mean
nathalie: 00:13:40
it's nice this stage-screen
paula vélez: 00:14:24
so. you know? i think i can do the corridor fade out but i will show you when i open the door there is sometong not very good i think i prefere when is not open.
paula vélez: 00:15:32
did you like better the other poin of view?
fe2cruz: 00:16:08
hi, i'm late, when do we runthrough
paula vélez: 00:16:14
because it correspond better this one if ypo see the script space table
laure.dit: 00:16:28
paula also can u find a dark sweater with a hood ? i like it like that with the real corridor, it rocks
nathalie: 00:16:29
hi chris
laure.dit: 00:16:36
hi chris
paula vélez: 00:16:45
when manu goes supposli to the door
paula vélez: 00:16:53
he came
fe2cruz: 00:17:06
hey there, good to have everyone this run
nathalie: 00:17:12
paula: i exchange my sweater with a hood for a video with rain?
paula vélez: 00:17:19
from these wall. to the door diagonal
paula vélez: 00:19:08
nathalie, i will try to find some rair for you later and i'm sure also that i have two videos in mouvement with the same texture bouesse that judy send
laure.dit: 00:19:09
chris can u open that window ?
nathalie: 00:19:19
nathalie: 00:19:32
but how do you want send me this or these videos?
paula vélez: 00:19:35
thiis is a bathroom window?
nathalie: 00:19:46
i f you can put in the aether ftp is better
fe2cruz: 00:19:47
yeah the smallest one in the house
paula vélez: 00:19:50
you send ut?
paula vélez: 00:19:55
or aserver
fe2cruz: 00:19:57
is it too bright still?
nathalie: 00:20:19
by you send it ok 
nathalie: 00:20:31
so i'll chec in y mail
paula vélez: 00:20:34
if you can put window more contrast red it will be good i think
nathalie: 00:21:01
but tomorrow paula i have a worshop at 2pm unitl 9pm
paula vélez: 00:21:04
but i'll send it later of cours.
nathalie: 00:21:16
so tomorrow morning it's better 
nathalie: 00:21:27
paula vélez: 00:21:58
so, i can handel i think with last door and corridor then before
laure.dit: 00:23:29
u cant open that window chris, right ?
fe2cruz: 00:23:47
its open half way
fe2cruz: 00:23:53
its slides left to right
fe2cruz: 00:24:03
ill stand there and open & close it
laure.dit: 00:24:03
really ?
paula vélez: 00:24:14
see, pedro dance
laure.dit: 00:24:21
oh it slides... ok
nathalie: 00:24:36
ok i go read the begining of this chat
aether9: 00:24:37
ready. do we have sound?
nathalie: 00:24:43
yes pedro move well
nathalie: 00:25:19
he like move
Nylon: 00:25:49
Hello We are broadcasting here now
Nylon: 00:26:10
You might need to reload your browser to pick up the stream
paula vélez: 00:26:18
he is dancing philippe katherine
fe2cruz: 00:27:14
can we just have a 9 cells of pedro dancing instead?
paula vélez: 00:27:45
fe2cruz: 00:28:19
judy i don't hear anything? anyone else
aether9: 00:28:35
the stream works but with sound level at zero
aether9: 00:28:42
you are streaming silence
Nylon: 00:28:50
sending some beethoven now
nathalie: 00:29:20
ok each colour is a filter in each frame..
fe2cruz: 00:31:28
ok got sound
laure.dit: 00:31:34
i dont hear neither
nathalie: 00:31:48
euh i don't hear too
fe2cruz: 00:31:52
it takes a couple reboots
aether9: 00:32:00
now it works, reload the stream
fe2cruz: 00:32:00
5 for me
laure.dit: 00:32:06
now sound ok
nathalie: 00:32:38
ok 5/5
aether9: 00:35:19
do we wait for something or do we start general rehearsal?
boris: 00:35:30
ok 2 minutes
laure.dit: 00:35:59
yes lets start boris and i are not with our actor but we will manage
aether9: 00:36:09
the beethoven sample isnt a perfect loop...
paula vélez: 00:36:31
Nylon: 00:36:36
it's not a loop at all
nathalie: 00:36:42
hi hi
fe2cruz: 00:37:04
westart then?
Nylon: 00:38:28
waiting for start cue...
paula vélez: 00:38:33
boris: 00:38:35
so who'll send the cues?
boris: 00:38:47
laure can't - sh'ell act in absence of our actor
fe2cruz: 00:39:05
fe2cruz: 00:39:11
can you direct this one?
aether9: 00:39:18
or maybe judy?
Nylon: 00:39:24
OK.....then I start alone?
boris: 00:39:29
yes, judy
nathalie: 00:39:35
just 1min i go to the toilets now ..
Nylon: 00:39:43
cue start now
paula vélez: 00:39:45
so i will do the firs door , then the corridor, all live, to see if its works
fe2cruz: 00:40:21
how do i trurn up her voice in the interface?
nathalie: 00:40:30
Nylon: 00:42:55
seated figure cue
boris: 00:43:53
Nylon: 00:46:24
child out window on
boris: 00:47:10
chris - are you there?
boris: 00:47:32
fe2cruz: 00:47:42
sorry technical snafu
nathalie: 00:47:44
and the frame green is manu?
paula vélez: 00:48:02
non, manu is in the middle
paula vélez: 00:48:14
and green is someone else
paula vélez: 00:48:34
but red one christian dah to do the mirror?
boris: 00:50:02
boris: 00:50:19
we need to rehearse this from l.24
fe2cruz: 00:50:30
i can't hear its too soft
paula vélez: 00:50:33
boris: 00:50:51
there's something not clear for me after l.24 (act2)
Nylon: 00:50:54
turn up your volume
boris: 00:51:13
v says "Now to door"
nathalie: 00:51:31
maybe we can put other sentence in the frame 3: like Act 1 or differents words?
paula vélez: 00:51:33
and at that moment i go
aether9: 00:51:42
the thing is that volume should be loud enough for internet users who listen through the flash player..
nathalie: 00:52:03
keywords in the frame 3 : seat, door, open...
boris: 00:52:41
l.33 (act2) is a part for paula. 
fe2cruz: 00:52:48
i have everything full blast but its still too soft, even for headphones
paula vélez: 00:52:50
arret de te fouiller le nez manu
aether9: 00:53:13
paula: in the middle frame is laure, i'm in the green ;)
paula vélez: 00:53:19
i hear it well,
paula vélez: 00:53:24
paula vélez: 00:53:38
o laure, what are you doing with your nose
boris: 00:53:39
we keep l.25 to l.32, all right?
aether9: 00:53:43
i hear it well but only because VLC goes up to 300%
nathalie: 00:53:43
manu en hors champ oui :)
paula vélez: 00:53:45
paula vélez: 00:53:57
let me see the 1.25
fe2cruz: 00:54:00
u can do that in vlc?
laure.dit: 00:54:04
aether9: 00:54:19
but it should be loud enough at 100%
aether9: 00:54:55
just before it was good
fe2cruz: 00:55:01
thats ok we don't mind the background, as long as we can hear you
laure.dit: 00:55:08
nath iagree with your proposal
boris: 00:55:32
this means after l.24 ("Now to door") it's same as the end of act 1 (zoom and unzoom on F in frame5) before F leaves towards the door (Paula ) and comes back in frame 5 (end of act 2)
fe2cruz: 00:55:38
i heard horns earlier too on skype its not a problem
nathalie: 00:55:40
yes because in the descriptive scene we have these words
paula vélez: 00:55:44
so we are going to restart now with scene 1, 2
boris: 00:55:48
can we start again at act2 l.19?
fe2cruz: 00:55:50
there's no way we can get it perfectly silent anyway
paula vélez: 00:55:51
boris: 00:56:09
Let's do act 2 all over again yes
fe2cruz: 00:56:11
i like this level fine
paula vélez: 00:56:18
ok act 2 then
laure.dit: 00:56:26
nath do u want to try that ?
Nylon: 00:56:29
that should be much louder now
aether9: 00:56:37
II:19: pallet?
fe2cruz: 00:56:38
act 2 is cool
boris: 00:56:39
all over again, act 2 from line 1
paula vélez: 00:56:42
nathalie: 00:56:51
sorry you want i try what laure?
aether9: 00:57:26
please keep the sound as it is now and let's go ahead
paula vélez: 00:57:34
act 2. 1-1
boris: 00:57:36
yes - let's start act2 line1.
paula vélez: 00:57:39
lets go
fe2cruz: 00:57:47
judy go ahead
fe2cruz: 00:57:51
act 2
nathalie: 00:58:00
words in the scen, we have :: door, window, mirror, (grabat in english?), "s" seat near the door
boris: 00:58:56
paula - not yet!
paula vélez: 00:59:05
boris: 00:59:10
nathalie: 00:59:19
you mean integrate each word in the frame 3 laure? during the performance?
nathalie: 00:59:26
paula vélez: 00:59:31
jene pas mis le boton upload
nathalie: 00:59:46
so what is the typo and size of this letter here ?
paula vélez: 00:59:49
pleas can we restart
paula vélez: 00:59:52
act 2?
paula vélez: 00:59:57
aether9: 01:00:20
paula, lets continue, this will repeat anyway
paula vélez: 01:00:27
aether9: 01:00:40
boris: 01:00:59
chris and paula - are you ready?
paula vélez: 01:01:11
paula vélez: 01:01:12
boris: 01:01:23
no we wait for chris's answer.
paula vélez: 01:01:30
i' sending F to the door now
paula vélez: 01:01:41
ok waitong for laure signal
fe2cruz: 01:01:51
sorry i'm at the window but the cell isn't changing
paula vélez: 01:02:21
paula vélez: 01:02:38
now laure... will go up in a moment
paula vélez: 01:03:13
and i send mi actor
paula vélez: 01:03:18
boris: 01:03:25
paula vélez: 01:03:30
boris: 01:04:52
  computer crash - now ok
boris: 01:05:07
boris: 01:05:18
Nylon: 01:06:04
aether9: 01:06:05
paula: not so fast. chris: a bit faster please :)
paula vélez: 01:06:14
paula vélez: 01:06:24
slowler then
Nylon: 01:09:06
act 3
aether9: 01:09:19
((paula, here is a trick; act II scene 24 lucy sais "to the door", but you have the let frame 5 perform until scene 33 before you appear))
boris: 01:10:00
well we need to decide if we get rid of l.25 to l.33
boris: 01:10:06
what do you think?
paula vélez: 01:10:09
wait, again
paula vélez: 01:10:17
let me understand
paula vélez: 01:10:43
in act II when laure looks the dorr and stand up, we enter in scene
aether9: 01:10:45
we could make it very short, but it seems logical that F passes through this frame
paula vélez: 01:10:52
to hear throu the door
paula vélez: 01:11:09
then F go hors cadre
paula vélez: 01:11:26
a quel moment judy dis les choses?
aether9: 01:11:31
yes, in the beginning, act 2, scene 8 to 12.
aether9: 01:11:54
and again in the end of the act, scene 33
paula vélez: 01:12:11
paula vélez: 01:12:15
two times
paula vélez: 01:12:38
but the second time i enter when judy talks?
paula vélez: 01:12:54
she said To the dooor
paula vélez: 01:13:06
both times.
aether9: 01:13:28
no. the second time, you let the caracter enter and go out of frame 5.
paula vélez: 01:13:53
aether9: 01:14:00
when judy says "He will now again think he hears her", then you can start scene 33
paula vélez: 01:14:23
ok judy
paula vélez: 01:14:37
when he leaves the frame i appeard
paula vélez: 01:14:44
in my frame with F
paula vélez: 01:15:04
and you star talking again isnt it?
paula vélez: 01:15:32
ok, lets do it. yes, ready
paula vélez: 01:15:37
we are ready
paula vélez: 01:15:54
boris: 01:15:57
paula vélez: 01:16:00
paula vélez: 01:16:09
of cours
boris: 01:16:19
can do act 2 again?
paula vélez: 01:16:24
paula vélez: 01:16:25
boris: 01:16:37
Judy it's when you want
boris: 01:16:41
you start
fe2cruz: 01:16:43
yes my stream works
boris: 01:16:45
laure.dit: 01:16:46
im sorry guys but in 30 minutes i will have to go to sleep, im so tired...
laure.dit: 01:16:51
aether9: 01:17:02
so no breaks now, we do it until end
boris: 01:17:07
aether9: 01:17:59
boris: 01:18:21
yes, slower like this is great
paula vélez: 01:19:35
i have to do something rapid to don not have repetition of action
fe2cruz: 01:19:37
is something up with my cell/?
fe2cruz: 01:19:44
i swaer i'm stransmitting now
boris: 01:19:45
boris: 01:19:51
boris: 01:20:03
boris: 01:20:21
let's go to the pallet for the moment
fe2cruz: 01:21:10
ok at least its open now
paula vélez: 01:22:29
i undesstood the door, i made amistake sorry
paula vélez: 01:22:36
it was later and i enter
boris: 01:22:41
paula vélez: 01:22:45
sorry but i undesrtood
paula vélez: 01:23:23
is good
paula vélez: 01:23:54
from pallet, mirror, casette
paula vélez: 01:23:56
paula vélez: 01:24:00
then door
boris: 01:25:56
so now let's discuss act 3
fe2cruz: 01:25:57
i close window now>
aether9: 01:27:01
window finished? i start scene 19
aether9: 01:28:55
finished pallet scene
boris: 01:29:22
now it's central frame again
boris: 01:30:09
now it's the boy shaking head and corridor
boris: 01:31:22
now boy should get back or out...
boris: 01:31:29
so that central frame can come up again
fe2cruz: 01:32:31
thers some crazy cool transistions on this one
boris: 01:33:11
turn to dark slowly
boris: 01:33:31
boris: 01:33:37
colored frames
fe2cruz: 01:33:39
boris: 01:33:40
paula vélez: 01:33:58
well. i think we must do it only with men adult, then the boy at the end
boris: 01:34:11
paula, yes that would be the best.
paula vélez: 01:34:19
laure was there only for teh rehersal or she will be the actress?
paula vélez: 01:34:43
so waht doyo think about the change to the corridor?
paula vélez: 01:34:49
the door is strange
paula vélez: 01:35:02
i must put it opent
laure.dit: 01:35:03
hey guys ineed to go to sleep, so if you want one more rehearsal its now soon or tomorrow. what do you think ?
aether9: 01:35:13
paula, i didnt see the corridor the first time, act 3 scene 9.
aether9: 01:35:35
it starts to be late here too, so i'm for tomorrow
boris: 01:35:44
starts to look great! 
boris: 01:35:50
manu you made video loops?
aether9: 01:36:01
yeh, recorded a few
boris: 01:36:05
but we need to fine-tune... details
laure.dit: 01:36:08
u clever
aether9: 01:36:17
chris, you seem to have some serious issues?
fe2cruz: 01:36:17
ok time tomorrow then?
paula vélez: 01:36:18
yes, like repetitions
Nylon: 01:36:19
My doing the window opening & closing with the rain was easy as I am not speaking and to have all sound from here = eq was good
fe2cruz: 01:36:27
its usb
aether9: 01:36:32
it wasnt possible to follow the action of opening the window
paula vélez: 01:36:35
frames that take a little to load
fe2cruz: 01:37:00
if i keep my actions slow and keep my eye on the software it should be fine
Nylon: 01:37:04
we saw no action....we only heard, no?
nathalie: 01:37:15
manu i don't have access to the frame 3 int the patch 119?
paula vélez: 01:37:25
so, beacuse you must go t sleep
nathalie: 01:37:28
i want to integrate words in this frame..
paula vélez: 01:37:40
at what time we are going to meet tomorrow?
boris: 01:37:46
yes please let's set rehearsal times
nathalie: 01:38:08
aether9: 01:38:14
nathalie, frame 1 and 3 is not video, it's a text input field. you can input text from
aether9: 01:38:46
chloe wants to do it,  but she told it's difficult to manage both...
nathalie: 01:38:55
same if i want change words during performance .?ok
nathalie: 01:39:14
yes laure asked me
aether9: 01:39:23
yeah, but you should discuss it probably wiht chloe or laure
nathalie: 01:39:24
like you want or chloe can
aether9: 01:39:37
nathalie: 01:39:53
but tomorrow i can have rehearsal only before 1pm
nathalie: 01:40:00
or 9pm
aether9: 01:40:04
what's the earliest for you, chris and paula?
boris: 01:40:05
i propose to rehearse at 4pm tommorow
Nylon: 01:40:10
we are free to rehearse anytime in NYC......but 3PM for you is (am us and 6 AM PST
boris: 01:40:30
wich is... way too early in the states...
boris: 01:40:54
so rehearsal at 6pm?
fe2cruz: 01:41:05
6pm was ok just like today
boris: 01:41:08
in europe - noon in nyc and earlyx morning for chris?
paula vélez: 01:41:14
6  in NY?
paula vélez: 01:41:27
6 in europe
paula vélez: 01:41:28
paula vélez: 01:41:31
so 12 here
boris: 01:41:33
for you it is noon also?
boris: 01:41:35
Nylon: 01:41:36
no.....6PM NYC
fe2cruz: 01:41:37
9am here
nathalie: 01:41:47
so tell laure and chloé if they can send me a mail about these words to add during performance...? tx
fe2cruz: 01:41:52
thats enough time right?
boris: 01:41:52
no 6pm europ - noon nyc
paula vélez: 01:41:56
6pm ny
paula vélez: 01:42:01
Nylon: 01:42:01
3 PM CA and Columbia. no?
boris: 01:42:05
yes, enough time
nathalie: 01:42:16
i can't i'll check my mail to know about words..
paula vélez: 01:42:26
so, what time is it in ny now?
paula vélez: 01:42:49
Nylon: 01:42:51
7:42 PM
laure.dit: 01:43:06
for the words chloe should take care but maybe u can share the work
nathalie: 01:43:41
tell me  or if chloe can tell me yes
laure.dit: 01:44:12
good night-day-evening every body
nathalie: 01:44:24
yes send me a mail tomorrow
fe2cruz: 01:44:33
ok so 6pm bxl dress rehersal, night everyone
aether9: 01:44:34
so, what's the final agreement for time? 6 PM in brussels?
nathalie: 01:44:43
i'll with you in the evening 9pm
Nylon: 01:45:24
and a final time is? 6 PM Burssels
nathalie: 01:45:24
so the performance 'll start to 11pm?
aether9: 01:45:40
that's 9 am in california, noon in colombia and NY.
nathalie: 01:45:59
Nylon: 01:46:02
Noon in NYC
paula vélez: 01:46:03
two rehersals then
fe2cruz: 01:46:20
plenty of time to get it right yeah night all
Nylon: 01:46:30
then 5pm NYC time for performance correct?
boris: 01:46:48
5:15 pm mpre exactly
boris: 01:46:51
aether9: 01:46:56
exactly, and 2 pm california time
Nylon: 01:46:56
close enough
boris: 01:47:14
i guess the rehearsal will last until the performance...
aether9: 01:47:25
i'm afraid it will...
nathalie: 01:48:01
paula: if laure and chloé want yet rain i'll check my mail tomorrow
nathalie: 01:48:18
ok i must go to work on other thing now
nathalie: 01:48:30
so good night all
nathalie: 01:48:36
thanks for this rehearsal
aether9: 01:48:38
boris, do you remember at which time cym will make the setup?
boris: 01:48:57
nathalie, chloé comes back in bxl tommorow at 15:00. i will tell her to call you (or call her at 0472616201)
boris: 01:49:34
nathalie: 01:49:38
ok she have my number phone i think because i called up her already
nathalie: 01:49:41
nathalie: 01:49:45
bye bye
paula vélez: 01:49:46
i will look for some rain for you
boris: 01:49:48
at 5pm cym will be ready for reharsal she wrote
boris: 01:50:06
i will go to bed now as well.
aether9: 01:50:07
ok, so i will be in skype at that time
boris: 01:50:21
me too at 5 i'll be on skype.
aether9: 01:50:32
goodnight to all, and prepare all what's left to prepare
boris: 01:50:48
good nite -day-evening all, love, b.
paula vélez: 01:50:56
aether9: 01:50:58
make sure network, patches, camera and everything else will wokr
paula vélez: 01:51:03
bye, good sleep
paula vélez: 01:51:07
i'm going to party
paula vélez: 01:51:11
a little bit
paula vélez: 01:51:15
paula vélez: 01:51:23
cause i have to wake up early
paula vélez: 01:51:36
boris: 01:51:44
ps: i am not going to write a big general timeline for tomorow - will just ad more confusion - but for next time we need to prepare a nice clear scripted-timeline
boris: 01:52:31
oh and paula, if you can get a man, a real one, then the kid will be more powerfull at the end!
boris: 01:52:38
paula vélez: 01:53:35
yes, i will find a man tonigth  (muscle)
boris: 01:53:39
i'll write a word to cym now 
boris: 01:53:42
paula vélez: 01:54:00
it will be better
paula vélez: 01:54:20
paula vélez: 01:54:42
fe2cruz: 01:54:45
friday night lets  all find us some mans
paula vélez: 01:55:02
yes ....macho macho man
paula vélez: 01:55:44
paula vélez: 01:56:06
good nit.... will find rain first
paula vélez: 01:56:13
and dust...
fe2cruz: 01:56:19
night good luck
paula vélez: 01:57:11
thaks for pedro, it was late for you and i put him to dance.... he was happy to do it
fe2cruz: 01:57:38
my niece liked watching him dance toio
paula vélez: 01:57:53
paula vélez: 01:58:07
internet connection!
paula vélez: 01:58:44
(~)  (~)  (~)  (~)  (~)  (~)   (~)
paula vélez: 01:58:50
good nith
paula vélez: 01:58:56
buenas noches, gracias
paula vélez: 01:59:18
ciao bellas et bambinos
fe2cruz: 01:59:21
cool, sweet dreams to colombia