Title: Rien a envier! Date: 2009-02-19 17:47 Author: Harrisson Tags: News, Libre Fonts, Not-Courier sans, Presentations, Printing + Publishing, Scribus, Type Slug: rien-a-envier Status: published ![p1080836]({filename}/images/uploads/p1080836.jpg "p1080836"){: .alignleft .size-full .wp-image-1909 } Enfin! FLOSS+Art Book is Launched! Damn it looks good! ![p1080853]({filename}/images/uploads/p1080853.jpg "p1080853"){: .alignleft .size-full .wp-image-1909 } ![p1080861]({filename}/images/uploads/p1080861.jpg "p1080861"){: .alignleft .size-full .wp-image-1909 } Print is nice, typographic grid kicks, and "n'a rien a envier" to proprietary software book production. The 26 libertinage fonts work very well combined with NotCourier. Fidget letterines enhance. Dynamic layout, good rythm from start to end. Not boring visually for a text book. We're very very proud! Small step for printing, big step for open design!