Title: Accessibility Date: 2008-12-01 16:35 Author: Femke Tags: News, accessibility, Standards + Formats Slug: accessibility Status: published (a postcard from Vienna) *Wishing you (OpenOffice, Ubuntu, Free Software Foundation, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Debian, Scribus, Creative Commons, One Laptop per Child, Open Clip Art, DejaVu project, Open Font Library or* any *other F/LOSS or Open Content project) were here, at the [European Ministerial e-Inclusion Conference](http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/e-inclusion/2008/index_en.htm) ...* \[caption id="attachment\_1552" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Sir Tim Berners Lee addresses the audience in a videomessage"\][![Sir Tim Berners Lee addressing the audience in a videomessage]({filename}/images/uploads/tim.jpg "Sir Tim Berners Lee"){: .size-medium .wp-image-1552 }]({filename}/images/uploads/tim.jpg)\[/caption\]