Title: Print, flip, and turn Date: 2008-06-29 15:11 Author: Ivan Tags: Live, Works, Print Party, Python, Recipe, Scribus Slug: print-flip-and-turn Status: published At the Polish print party, we tried a possible automation of the [nineteen steps](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/?p=90). We gave out numbered tickets at the entrance, and at the end there was a numbered copy of the booklet for everyone. The booklets were all different via Python and Scribus. The imposition and printing was very simple Perl. If you just want to print a number of copies of the same booklet, grab the modified versions of the [scripts](http://pzwart2.wdka.hro.nl/~ilopez/print_flip_turn.tar.gz), and skip step 1. The `$people` variable is the number of copies to be printed, and the `$pubName` variable is the name of your pdf file, minus .pdf extension ;) So and then: 1. Create a .sla file by following 1 to 7 of the nineteen steps. For the importing to pdf, use [layout.py]({filename}/images/uploads/layout.py), or better yet write your own script for making all the pdf documents different :) 2. Steps 9-13 are now handled by the [printprintprint.pl]({filename}/images/uploads/printprintprint.pl) script. This is imposition and the printing of even pages. 3. When the printing is done, take the warm stack of paper and \`flip and turn' it so that your printer knows that it's upside down. 4. Finally, the printing of the odd pages is handled by [flip\_and\_turn.pl]({filename}/images/uploads/flip_and_turn.pl) `~% perl flip_and_turn.pl` What [this](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/image/?level=picture&id=765) looks like.