Title: LGM analogic planning Date: 2009-04-30 14:45 Author: Pierre Tags: News, Drawing, LGM, Paper, Planning Slug: lgm-analogic-planning Status: published The preparation of [LGP 2009 Montreal](http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2009) is on his way (OSP is very excited!) and the LGM website offers [this fine view](http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2009/program.php) of the planning exercice for the talks. Beautiful way of showing the still open program. \[caption id="attachment\_2513" align="alignnone" width="440" caption="Paper made"\]![Paper made]({filename}/images/uploads/program_draft1.jpg "Program draft LGM 2009"){: .size-full .wp-image-2513 }