Title: In preparation: Research meeting Co-position Date: 2012-01-02 12:30 Author: Femke Tags: News, future, LGRU, Tools Slug: in-preparation-research-meeting-co-position Status: published ![](http://dev4.restruct-web.nl/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Plan.jpg "Plan"){: .alignnone .size-full .wp-image-263 } Over at the [Libre Graphics Research Unit](http://www.lgru.net) we are preparing a second 'Research Meeting' that will take place in Brussels from 22 to 25 February 2012. Developers, designers and theoreticians from all over Europe will gather to imagine future Libre Graphics tools together. The theme for this particular edition is *Co-position*, and we'll speculate about software for arranging texts and graphical elements. How can we re-imagine lay-out from scratch? What tools do we need to support decentralized collaboration? How can we bring together canvas editing, dynamic lay-outs, web-to-print and Print On Demand in more interesting ways? What kind of messages do we propagate and how does this change the tools we need? These and many more questions will be addressed in four intense days of presentations, discussions, development sessions and prototyping. If you are interested in contributing, please write us at donatella @ constantvzw.org. Participation is free but places are limited.