Title: DTPblender Date: 2006-06-04 13:25 Author: Femke Tags: Tools Slug: dtpblender Status: published [![blender screenshot](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/_blender.jpg "blender screenshot"){: }](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/blender.jpg) A new kid on the block? Makers of 3D-modeling software Blender announce that they have developed a "solution for fast and flexible creation of 2D graphics and layouts for web site design and print". Its interface -no surprise - resembles Blender and other proprietary animation packages such as Flash; the website mentions upfront that the package does not offer output like CMYK or Postscript. Although a first quick try is not immediately convincing (but this could be because I am not very familiar with the strand of softwares DTPblender is based on), it could be interesting to radically combine web design and page lay-out. More after further testing. More information and download here: [http://dtpblender.instinctive.de](http://dtpblender.instinctive.de/cms/Main/Home)