Title: Libertinage Date: 2008-11-02 23:03 Author: ludi Tags: Fiche, Libertinage, News, Type, Works, Fontforge, Libre Fonts, Type Slug: libertinage Status: published The Libertinage font set we developed for FLOSS+Art book is available on the [Open Font Library](http://openfontlibrary.org/media/files/OSP/322) for several days. We built Libertinage by copying and pasting parts of Linux Libertine glyphs or simply by all-turning glyphs. There are 27 variations, one for each latin letter in the alphabet + the 'Full' version, containing all modifications. Un petit goût nonante. [![]({filename}/images/uploads/osp_-_libertinage1.png "osp_-_libertinage1"){: .alignleft .size-medium .wp-image-1313 }]({filename}/images/uploads/osp_-_libertinage1.png)