Title: November 7: PubliActie Date: 2007-10-10 10:07 Author: Femke Tags: News, Print Party Slug: 7-november-publiactie Status: published [PubliActie](http://www.ooooo.be/publiactie/) @ [Boekenbeurs Antwerpen](http://www.boekenbeurs.be/) ![publiactie\_thumbnail.jpg]({filename}/images/uploads/publiactie_thumbnail.jpg){: .float}Inspired by the legacy of [Cornelius Kiliaan,](http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornelius_Kiliaan) inventor of the first Dutch dictionary, Marthe van Dessel and Wendy van Wynsberghe look for neologisms and definitions in search of a word. Using Free Software and Free Licenses, the result will be an open source lexicon taking into account our daily feelings, experiences and encounters for and with digital technologies.