Title: Jeffrey Zeldman on Open Source and the web Date: 2009-04-16 08:54 Author: Femke Tags: News, Interview, Standards + Formats, Webdesign Slug: jeffrey-zeldman-on-open-source-and-the-web Status: published Under the ambitious title '*Jeffrey Zeldman Discusses the Future of Open Source*' (filed under: 'The Internet'), the [CSS guru](http://www.zeldman.com) compares the use of Open Source Content Management Systems to what webstandards did for the web. Looking forward to hear more... and will he mention SVG? [![jeffrey]({filename}/images/uploads/jeffrey.jpg "jeffrey"){: .alignright .size-full .wp-image-2408 }](http://bigthink.com/ideas/jeff-zeldman-discusses-the-future-of-open-source) Excerpt from a longer interview, soon available here too: sorry, only available in fl\*sh