# Ether2html Skeleton to design a webpage (for screen or print) collectively and synchronously using Etherpad, a collaborative text editor. It uses the [Showdown library](https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown) to convert markdown to html and the [paged.js library](https://www.pagedmedia.org/paged-js/) to layout the pages. ERG (Brussels) and Piet Zwart Media Design Master (Rotterdam) are the first places where is have been used by participants of workshops starting from late 2019. *Working document in the browser* ![](http://osp.kitchen/api/http://osp.kitchen/api/osp.tools.ether2html/45f025c0b37efd149d4dfdb9ce0af2d01ff5ff81/blob-data/book-screengrab.png) # How to use it 1. Create an etherpad somewhere for the CSS (e.g. ). 2. Create an etherpad somewhere for the content (e.g. ). 3. Click on the link [ether2html.html](http://osp.kitchen/tools/ether2html/tree/master/ether2html.html#project-detail-files) then download the file by right-click "Download raw" and choose "Save link as". 4. Edit that `ether2html.html` file by replacing the URL under the comment `` by the export URL of the pad CSS you created in step 1, copy the link location of the plain text export of the pad - see below the screen capture. 5. Edit that `ether2html.html` file by replacing the URL under the comment `` by the export URL of the pad for the content you created in step 2, copy the link location of the plain text export of the pad - see below the screen capture. 6. Open the file `ether2html.html` in your web browser (Firefox or Chrome). 7. Edit your pad with content (markdown or html) and your pad with CSS styles. 8. Reload the file `ether2html.html` opened in your web browser. 9. Use the print function of your browser and choose "Save as file". Here is your pdf ready to print! *Copy the link location of your pad* ![](http://osp.kitchen/api/osp.tools.ether2html/b72c830156ff61069478b0052f9d77b52affa539/blob-data/pad-menu-screengrab.png) # Licence © OSP under the GNU-GPL3 # Use cases ## Whole erg catalogue Workshop at [erg](http://erg.be), Brussels with Master students in graphic design and visual communication. ![](http://osp.kitchen/api/osp.tools.ether2html/6c2e5f9adcc753b233298fb872c313ccea71d065/blob-data/erg_20200129_190516.jpg) ![](http://osp.kitchen/api/osp.tools.ether2html/8429dcadf98a4e9d043fc6ef4b79a958e9d633e9/blob-data/erg_20200129_190741.jpg) ## Workshop at Piet Zwart Institute Workshop at PZI with Master 1 students of the [Xpub](https://www.pzwart.nl/experimental-publishing/) department. ![](http://osp.kitchen/api/osp.tools.ether2html/836b1815669163e5f1f6443f0f924fd131aa8186/blob-data/pzi_20200128_111221.resized.jpg) ![](http://osp.kitchen/api/osp.tools.ether2html/332bf351637b4209cf88bb9422a6edb435c0b5a7/blob-data/pzi_20200128_175836.resized.jpg) ![](http://osp.kitchen/api/osp.tools.ether2html/0cc802640dc8b3cc093d920f4372f937edaab908/blob-data/pzi_20200128_183557.resized.jpg)