Title: Palais Chalet Maastricht Date: 2009-05-18 20:47 Author: Harrisson Category: News Tags: Music Slug: palais-chalet-maastricht Status: published Our camarades are back. This time in The Netherlands. [![taupeweb](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/taupeweb.png "taupeweb"){.alignleft .size-full .wp-image-2642 width="500" height="716"}](http://www.pneu.org/spip.php?rubrique8) 29 mai 2009 Palais Chalet Live: [Pierre Normal](http://www.myspace.com/pierrenormalpneu) [Bruno CĹ“urvert](http://amis.minimal.be/coeurvert/) Dj's [Hugo Sanchez](http://www.myspace.com/ugosanchez) and the Palais Chalet Crew B32 artspice, Bourgognestraat 32, 6221 bz Maastricht And don't miss [Atka](http://pneu.org/spip.php?article48) 's superheroes in a collective exhibition from may 8 to 31 C'est notre muse a tous.